Mueller DNC Witch Hunt: Time to Produce Evidence or Close it Down

Mueller DNC Witch Hunt: Time to Produce Evidence or Close it Down

Have any of you NaziCons ever said that about any of the umpteen Clinton investigations?
Everyday this disgrace goes on it smears the President of the United States and the American electoral process.

If Tump would stop lying so much it would make the process go a lot faster...

At the moment there is two criminal investigations on going... Trump has told you he is not the target... Why are ye worried?
Try not to be such a coy douchebag. Pretending innocence is any protection from a witch-hunt is Stalinist propaganda.

You are the one protecting COMRADE Trump. COMMIE!!
Trump is entitled to his Constitutional rights, just like anyone else, and this Mewler investigation is a witch hunt.

Well, if Crooked Donnie would explain why his key people were meeting with the Russians we wouldn’t need a “witch hunt”
Spare us the horseshit Dim talking points.
Why doesn’t Crooked Donnie just come out and testify under oath and we can end this thing?
Why don't you stick your dick in a meat grinder?
Apparantly Rightwinger can't think of a reason for not putting his dick in a meat grinder.
If Crooked Donnie is innocent, he has nothing to worry about

If the RWs thought he was innocent, they wouldd be demanding this investigation continue to the end.

If trump were innocent, he would too.
Yeah, because everyone loves to be investigated and spend tens of thousands of dollars on lawyers

Is it possible to get any dumber than you?
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News

Here's your reality check! And I'm quite sure that there are more to come.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has either indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 19 people and three companies so far — with most of those being announced just in the past few weeks.

That group is composed of four former Trump advisers, 13 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Five of these people have already pleaded guilty — the latest being former Trump campaign staffer Rick Gates.

All of Robert Mueller’s indictments and plea deals in the Russia investigation so far

Interesting you left out the part that reads: "None of the charges against Americans or Trump advisers so far have directly alleged that they worked with Russia to interfere with the campaign." Must have been accidental. Although considering libs have been making up trash, every 10 minutes, for the last year. Pretty sure you wouldn't be the go to guy for a reality check.

Funny. Mike Flynn had contact with Putin in Russia at a celebration for RT news. He even sat at the same table as Putin. That doesn't happen by accident.

Monofort had years worth of political contacts in the Ukraine and in Russia and laundered money for Oligarchs.

Don Jr, and Jared Kushner along WITH Monofort met with Russians IN Trump Tower back in 2016.

And Trump has done business with Russians for years.

These connections all intersect and it smells to high heaven.
Why doesn’t Crooked Donnie just come out and testify under oath and we can end this thing?
If he’s not the target of the so called “investigation” why testify? Testify to what? Why doesn’t Mueller release what he’s got to the people?
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
The Muller Investigation will be done the very minute that Special Counsel Mueller decides that it is done.

And not one minute before.

The Investigation will be given as much time as it needs.
How long can you investigate nothing?
We do not KNOW that it is "nothing", and we will NOT know, until the Investigation concludes and releases its findings.
This judge knows.
Judge in Manafort case says Mueller's aim is to hurt Trump - CNNPolitics
When the judge has reviewed the materials obtained by the Mueller investigation then he may be able to make an informed judgement.

Until then, the judge is merely speculating... he does not "know".
The judge has seen the evidence. Made comments after review.
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
The Muller Investigation will be done the very minute that Special Counsel Mueller decides that it is done.

And not one minute before.

The Investigation will be given as much time as it needs.
How long can you investigate nothing?
We do not KNOW that it is "nothing", and we will NOT know, until the Investigation concludes and releases its findings.
We already know.
No, you don't.

You are not in possession of the materials nor proceedings of the Investigation currently operating under Special Counsel Mueller.

And until you have those, you don't know diddly-squat.
We know the district court judge looked at evidence in Manafort case and called bullshit.
Why doesn’t Crooked Donnie just come out and testify under oath and we can end this thing?
Why don't you stick your dick in a meat grinder?
Apparantly Rightwinger can't think of a reason for not putting his dick in a meat grinder.
If Crooked Donnie is innocent, he has nothing to worry about
According to Mueller he is innocent. Not the focus of investigation why testify, especially when the investigation has proven it has ulterior motives?
Why doesn’t Crooked Donnie just come out and testify under oath and we can end this thing?
Why don't you stick your dick in a meat grinder?
Apparantly Rightwinger can't think of a reason for not putting his dick in a meat grinder.
If Crooked Donnie is innocent, he has nothing to worry about

If the RWs thought he was innocent, they wouldd be demanding this investigation continue to the end.

If trump were innocent, he would too.

They are afraid
They are very afraid
:cuckoo::laughing0301: Afraid of what?
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
The Muller Investigation will be done the very minute that Special Counsel Mueller decides that it is done.

And not one minute before.

The Investigation will be given as much time as it needs.
How long can you investigate nothing?


View attachment 191880
So where is evidence that Trump called Putin and said “let’s work together?” None. Because it never happened.
the so called witch hunt is uncovering withes who plead guilty.

Rudy isnt helping Daddy Warlock's cause either.

Delusional anti-Donald folks, get on the Trump Train or purchase all the Preparation H your local CVS has in stock. It is only going to get worse as the Hamburger Hill Mueller Witch Hunt gets more exposure.
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So where is evidence that Trump called Putin and said “let’s work together?” None. Because it never happened.

The whole vast Russian conspiracy circus isn't about evidence comrade, it's simply that the MIC, their NSA/CIA/FBI and assorted neocon buddies (the so called deep state) require a credible enemy to justify the $1 trillion war budget and Orwellian spy powers. A bunch of jihadis in the desert just don't cut it and the since evil commies worked so well as an enemy the last time....

Why doesn’t Crooked Donnie just come out and testify under oath and we can end this thing?
Why don't you stick your dick in a meat grinder?
Apparantly Rightwinger can't think of a reason for not putting his dick in a meat grinder.
If Crooked Donnie is innocent, he has nothing to worry about

If the RWs thought he was innocent, they wouldd be demanding this investigation continue to the end.

If trump were innocent, he would too.
...and still a nothing burger
That nothing burger is a shit sandwich for Crooked Donnie

He either has to admit to being corrupt or totally unaware of what goes on
So where is evidence that Trump called Putin and said “let’s work together?” None. Because it never happened.

The whole vast Russian conspiracy circus isn't about evidence comrade, it's simply that the MIC, their NSA/CIA/FBI and assorted neocon buddies (the so called deep state) require a credible enemy to justify the $1 trillion war budget and Orwellian spy powers. A bunch of jihadis in the desert just don't cut it and the since evil commies worked so well as an enemy the last time....


You Goofy
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
These things take time. For example the Benghazi investigation started in 2012 and didn't end until 2016. Be patient.

The investigation needs to touch all the bases

Hillary testified three times. Crooked Donnie has yet to give his version
There's evidence go look it up trump is a disgrace to life he lied 3,000 times in 466 days.
Welcome to my IGNORE list.

Is this you 200th account? You should get a prize for that.

This is my only account
There's evidence go look it up trump is a disgrace to life he lied 3,000 times in 466 days.
Welcome to my IGNORE list.

Is this you 200th account? You should get a prize for that.

I see being ignorant is your best quality nice comeback haha.This account is my only one anyways go look up Donald Trumps lies and get back to me.
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