Mueller DNC Witch Hunt: Time to Produce Evidence or Close it Down

The press asked the people they knew would give them the answer they wanted
Ah yes... whenever the facts don't immediately align with your politics and superstitions, then they are no longer facts. You have rigged the game for yourself quite nicely, there. No sir, no way you could ever be wrong, even when you yank something right out of your ass (like you just did, there).

What "facts?" You haven't posted a single fact yet.
Why should I admit what isn't true?
You don't think Trump has behaved poorly, regarding the Russian issues? I don't think you actually believe that. Nope, sorry, not buying it, dude. You're doing a bit. enjoy doing it by yourself.
Not at all. Can you describe this "poor behavior?" Is denying it "poor behavior?"

Once again, your post was totally fact free.
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Why should I admit what isn't true?
You don't think Trump has behaved poorly, regarding the Russian issues? I don't think you actually believe that. Nope, sorry, not buying it, dude. You're doing a bit. enjoy doing it by yourself.
Not at all. Can you describe this "poor behavior?" Is denying it "poor behavior?"

Once again, your post was totally fact free.

heres a fact for ya moronboi -- Benghazi and Watergate both lasted 2 years So you might as well stfu and stop whining --


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The longer the Hamburger Hill Mueller Witch Hunt goes on, the more we learn about The Swamp and the corruption of Mueller, Crooked Hillary, Slimeball Comey, Rat face Rosenstine, Homosexual, Hussaine Obama, etc. Keep it going! :p
Why should I admit what isn't true?
You don't think Trump has behaved poorly, regarding the Russian issues? I don't think you actually believe that. Nope, sorry, not buying it, dude. You're doing a bit. enjoy doing it by yourself.
Not at all. Can you describe this "poor behavior?" Is denying it "poor behavior?"

Once again, your post was totally fact free.

heres a fact for ya moronboi -- Benghazi and Watergate both lasted 2 years So you might as well stfu and stop whining --


Benghazi was not a criminal prosecution, and Watergate had evidence of an actual crime.

I'll attack this witch hunt until the day I die. Get used to it, douchebag.
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
These things take time. For example the Benghazi investigation started in 2012 and didn't end until 2016. Be patient.

The investigation needs to touch all the bases

Hillary testified three times. Crooked Donnie has yet to give his version
Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Then Muellers report should clear Trump of any suspicion
You should welcome it
Why should I admit what isn't true?
You don't think Trump has behaved poorly, regarding the Russian issues? I don't think you actually believe that. Nope, sorry, not buying it, dude. You're doing a bit. enjoy doing it by yourself.
Not at all. Can you describe this "poor behavior?" Is denying it "poor behavior?"

Once again, your post was totally fact free.

heres a fact for ya moronboi -- Benghazi and Watergate both lasted 2 years So you might as well stfu and stop whining --


Benghazi was not a criminal prosecution, and Watergate had evidence of an actual crime.

I'll attack this witch hunt until the day I die. Get used to it, douchebag.
Free Donald Trump
Free Donald Trump
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News

We'll get the evidence in due time.
ie - we'll find something sooner or later, bitches.

and likely pretty soon now that russia has called his bluff and we now enter the discovery phase of all this. since the russian firm will appear in our courts now, mueller has to turn over all he knows. including what he's spent this week crying I CAN'T SAY when asked for proof of evidence.
What fiasco?
Well, they investigated his inner circle. As you recall, the former National Security Adviser (he's important, right?) pleaded guilty and earlier had to resign and register as a foreign agent.

Yep, you heard that right.

Then I think his former campaign head also turned out to be a foreign agent. Again...crazy!

Now his personal lawyer and right hand man is being raided and will likely face a criminal trial?

Yes, I would call that quite a fiasco....but not for Mueller...
That inner circle is turning out to be full of illegal activity
As that circle collapses.....who is left?
These things take time. For example the Benghazi investigation started in 2012 and didn't end until 2016. Be patient.

The investigation needs to touch all the bases

Hillary testified three times. Crooked Donnie has yet to give his version
Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Then Muellers report should clear Trump of any suspicion
You should welcome it
i'll welcome when all this petty tit for tat politics of courts and investigations is over on both sides. it's gone on far too long and got us too dead set against each other.
Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Like, what kind of evidence? What type of evidence would lead you to believe that Trump not only knew about their interference, but condoned it, and even encouraged it?

Pretty simple question, right?

Give it up! Evidence is facts. You have none, and very likely will never have any.
Nixon wanted it to end too The ones in danger of being charged don't get to say when investigation is over
Trump has the stink of guilt all over him. He has brought this huge fiasco on himself with his bizarre behavior.
Horseshit. He hasn't done squat to deserve this. It's all a big conspircy engineered by Hillary, Obama and their traitorous minions. The more Mewler pursues this farce, the more evidence of deep state collusion appears.
Mueller is a Republican
The Justice Department is Republican
Both the House and Senate are Republican

What does Hillary have to do with it
What does Hillary have to do with it

she gotta new tat.....


The investigation needs to touch all the bases

Hillary testified three times. Crooked Donnie has yet to give his version
Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Then Muellers report should clear Trump of any suspicion
You should welcome it
i'll welcome when all this petty tit for tat politics of courts and investigations is over on both sides. it's gone on far too long and got us too dead set against each other.
You simply interpret things to fit your own special version of reality.
That is simply not so. Congresspeople literally called for an appointment of special counsel -- and got it, ion a republican Congress -- due to trump's firing of Comney.

That is a simple fact. Listen to yourself! grow up, man!

That is, very clearly and specifically, an example of trump bringing this on himself with his own behavior.
There would be no Mueller investigation without Trump firing Comey
If there is nothing to hide, he has to stop LYING and co-operate, and it would all be over in a couple of weeks.
Hey, Cohen is known to routinely record his phone conversations. I wonder if Mueller has got his hands on the tapes?
Watergate took years to investigate, and it was seized tapes that eventually sealed the deal.
And it's gone a LOT further than 'Russian Collusion'.
Trump's cozying up to the NRA, and they're subject to an investigation into their handling of Russian money....
No crime? Not that you're aware of, Buster.

Really? Let’s go back in time and remember the Valerie Plame affair shall we? Richard Armitage told Bob Novak that Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA. Novak looked up Wilson in Who’s Who, and his wife was listed. Not that she worked at the CIA. But that she was the wife of a former Ambassador. OK, so far so whatever since Plame was already burned as a covered agent, but whatever.

The scandal breaks, Armitage goes out and tells his boss that he outed Plame. A special Prosecutor is named to find out who did this heinous thing. Armitage admits it, the investigation should have lasted what, a day, two at the most? I mean, they KNEW who had outed Plame before the prosecutor was named.

So a year later they prosecute Libby because he says he didn’t name Plame, and a reporter says he did. So he’s prosecuted for lying to investigators. But the whole thing was about the article that Novak wrote, and it should have taken what, ten minutes to write up the report? It was Armitage, he admitted it.

So tell me again how if you just cooperate and answer the questions it will be all over. I like that one. I like it a hell of a lot.

There are ample examples of this kind of process crime crap in investigations. That is one of the major reasons I won’t tell a cop how to find the bathroom. Fitzpatrick knew from the beginning who had leaked it. He knew the answer to the question he had been charged to find.

It’s all bullshit. It is a witch hunt, and the proper forum for a witch hunt is not the Justice Department, it is Congress, where political gamesmanship and innuendo are daily occurrences.
Oswald acted alone, Hitler didn’t escape to South America and UFO’s don’t exist. There is no deep conspiracy about 2016 election.
Nice try

But there were improprieties and Russian involvement in the 2016 election

Trumps personal involvement has yet to be disclosed

Yes, there were Russians involved in the 2016 elections. So far, there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with it. When, or if, some evidence arises that shows Trump involvement, then we can reevaluate our stance.
Then Muellers report should clear Trump of any suspicion
You should welcome it
i'll welcome when all this petty tit for tat politics of courts and investigations is over on both sides. it's gone on far too long and got us too dead set against each other.
You simply interpret things to fit your own special version of reality.
That is simply not so. Congresspeople literally called for an appointment of special counsel -- and got it, ion a republican Congress -- due to trump's firing of Comney.

That is a simple fact. Listen to yourself! grow up, man!

That is, very clearly and specifically, an example of trump bringing this on himself with his own behavior.
There would be no Mueller investigation without Trump firing Comey


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