Mueller early draft on firing of Comey.............

Trump is under investigation.
No he isn't....his campaign is but not Trump himself. Plus it's all horse shit any way. There was no collusion. Get use to it...

Trump is under investigation.

They will try everything to bring him down but when all of that blows up in their face the people will want an answer as to why so much time and money was spent on a witch hunt. The dems will get the blame and they will pay at the polls.

Trump is under investigation.
if you're going to quote me do it in full, don't pull out selective sentences. You didn't quote the remainder of my post

You're a windbag. I only quote the heart of the issue. I included a link if anybody wants to read the rest of your shit.

Poor thing, just can't grasp a post more than one sentence long. LMAO

The problem is, comey is the one who personally briefed Trump on the classified version of the Dossier and Russian investigation in early January, before he was even sworn in.... so that meeting alone could have also been a catalyst involved with his unexplained desire in ending the FBI investigation....and Trump had been briefed even during the primary on the FBI Russian investigation....

If, could....that is what you got?
Serious question....if you became President would YOU have wanted Comey to stay on?
The guys judgement is questionable at best.
I would certainly have let him go.
I would not have had a choice to fire him....1...they have a 10 year term and are suppose to be A-political....

and 2, I would KNOW that firing the person who is heading up a criminal investigation in to my Campaign a no no.

Huh?...the President can fire any appointed position besides SCOTUS.
So he should have been forced to accept that his head of FBI was of at minimum having questionable judgement?
You gotta remember Care....the Democrats were out for this guys blood. They were screaming collusion, they were screaming election rigging...they went on and on about this man...but TRUMP fires him....wait a minute...maybe he is a good guy all of a sudden?? Trump should have kept him on???
Do you not see the total flip flop of this?
comey had poor judgement in his announcement of no charges being filed against Hillary because he should have simply stated that....not gone in to his diatribe, that was was him making the announcement of reopening the clinton investigation just 10 days before the election....they both more than likely broke the Hatch act.

but president Trump did not find these reasons to rid himself of Comey, in fact he cheered Comey on and did so on his campaign trail saying the announcement redeemed Comey...the very thing that comey allegedly broke the law by doing it.

So, I find it disingenuous for "this" to be the reason resident Trump wanted him fired.

thus, I had to ask myself, what was the true reason, which has to be a legit reason, a "for cause" reason for Pres Trump to remove him from his 10 year term....

AND the one "cause" according to President Trump, was to remove Comey from office because of the Russian Investigation and Trump team investigation.... He, president Trump SAID was to get this Russian investigation off his back.

Which is obstruction of Justice, it is against the law to interfere with any investigation....and this is what President Trump believed he was doing by firing Comey.

So it is a bit more complicated than simply having the power to fire and hire.....that is not always the case.

Enemy of my enemy thing....
Like I say, Comey in the least shows poor judgement pretty consistently. So how did he get the job in the first place....makes one wonder.
But anyway....if someone using poor judgement benefited you, you might say "awesome"....but then the guy asks you for a job? would pass.
Same thing, even though Comey did something that definitely bode well for Trump...that doesn't mean he wants the same guy working for him.
But again, all in all...nothing was ever going to come of this.
LOL, and Comey subsequently told Trump 3 times he was NOT a target of any investigation. You crap doesn't hold water child.


you clearly don't grasp what comey told him vs what comey did NOT tell him.

either you don't get it, or you're lying... take your pick.

THEN mr trump obstructed justice which changed everything! :eusa_clap:

Wow, do you have some magic source or decoder ring or something to know what Comey didn't tell Trump? I know what Comey testified to and Senators Fienstien and Grassley confirmed that Trump is not a target. Comey also testified that Trump didn't tell him to stop any investigation in his verbiage, Trump is not responsible for Coemy's perceptions. So your obstruction fantasy is nothing but smoke.

here's some info that might help....they said Trump was not a ''target'' of the investigation AT THAT TIME...

This does not mean he was not a ''subject'' in the investigation, and targets and subjects and witnesses involved in an investigation, often changes.

Targets, Subjects, And Witnesses In Federal Investigations

Video Transcript:
If you are involved in a federal investigation, one of the things that will be of incredible importance to you is your status in the investigation. There are three statuses, let me talk about each of them.

The first status you have to worry about is being a target. A target is the person to the prosecutor is gunning for, that's the target of investigation. It's the person who the prosecutor believes has committed a crime and their trying to figure out what the crime was and how to build a case against them.

A witness, on the other hand, is somebody who has really got very little exposure. The prosecutor believes that the person hasn't done it wrong, they simply have information, they were there, they saw something, they have documents that relate to something. They're not caught up in it.

The last status is in-between the two, you’re a subject. And so if you're subject in an investigation what that means is that you're not a target, so they're not gunning for you, but the prosecutor thinks that there is good reason to believe you may have done something wrong. You may have committed a crime or been a part of a criminal activity or part of a conspiracy.

If you find out that you're involved in an investigation, a federal law enforcement investigation, one thing you can and should do is have your lawyer reach out to the prosecutor and find out from the prosecutor what your status is. The prosecutor will often tell you and that can give you a little bit of peace of mind.

One problem with that, though is that your status in the investigation can change. When the prosecutor learns more information you can move from a witness to a subject or a subject to a witness and so investigations tend to be fluid. And it's important to keep in mind the comfort you get from anyone status could shift as the investigation moves forward.
Targets, Subjects, And Witnesses In Federal Investigations :: Federal Criminal Attorney KaiserDillon PLLC

Last edited:
LOL, and Comey subsequently told Trump 3 times he was NOT a target of any investigation. You crap doesn't hold water child.


you clearly don't grasp what comey told him vs what comey did NOT tell him.

either you don't get it, or you're lying... take your pick.

THEN mr trump obstructed justice which changed everything! :eusa_clap:

Wow, do you have some magic source or decoder ring or something to know what Comey didn't tell Trump? I know what Comey testified to and Senators Fienstien and Grassley confirmed that Trump is not a target. Comey also testified that Trump didn't tell him to stop any investigation in his verbiage, Trump is not responsible for Coemy's perceptions. So your obstruction fantasy is nothing but smoke.

here's some info that might help....they said Trump was not a ''target'' of the investigation AT THAT TIME...

This does not mean he was not a ''subject'' in the investigation, and targets and subjects and witnesses involved in an investigation, often changes.

Targets, Subjects, And Witnesses In Federal Investigations

Video Transcript:
If you are involved in a federal investigation, one of the things that will be of incredible importance to you is your status in the investigation. There are three statuses, let me talk about each of them.

The first status you have to worry about is being a target. A target is the person to the prosecutor is gunning for, that's the target of investigation. It's the person who the prosecutor believes has committed a crime and their trying to figure out what the crime was and how to build a case against them.

A witness, on the other hand, is somebody who has really got very little exposure. The prosecutor believes that the person hasn't done it wrong, they simply have information, they were there, they saw something, they have documents that relate to something. They're not caught up in it.

The last status is in-between the two, you’re a subject. And so if you're subject in an investigation what that means is that you're not a target, so they're not gunning for you, but the prosecutor thinks that there is good reason to believe you may have done something wrong. You may have committed a crime or been a part of a criminal activity or part of a conspiracy.

If you find out that you're involved in an investigation, a federal law enforcement investigation, one thing you can and should do is have your lawyer reach out to the prosecutor and find out from the prosecutor what your status is. The prosecutor will often tell you and that can give you a little bit of peace of mind.

One problem with that, though is that your status in the investigation can change. When the prosecutor learns more information you can move from a witness to a subject or a subject to a witness and so investigations tend to be fluid. And it's important to keep in mind the comfort you get from anyone status could shift as the investigation moves forward.
Targets, Subjects, And Witnesses In Federal Investigations :: Federal Criminal Attorney KaiserDillon PLLC

Great deflection, now would you care to address what I said? Can we just discuss known facts and not your regressive assumptions and fantasy scenarios?

no, mr comey did not do ANY of those things, liar....

The hell he didn't. He admitted it. He didn't want to get caught leaking, so he gave private information to a friend to his dirty work for him. He did what he was told, right or wrong because he expected to be rewarded when the Clinton's took over again. You are the liar Valerie.

:laugh: what private information? and uh the election was over at that point, liar.

this FBI legal mechanism to expose the truth was not "dirty work" unless you are a traitor too?
......... nada. Nothing burger based on early word from CNN.
Several key points...
1) Witnesses stated Trump wanted to fire Comey on day one, only hesitated for political reasons. That is big. It was not as if he suddenly wanted to fire Comey based on the investigation, but stated to advisors he wanted to get rid of him basically as soon as he took office.
2) No sign that he went beyond his constitutional rights in the firing.
3) He was openly criticizing Comey to his inner circle during the campaign, even though he benefited from Comey's actions right before election day, he questioned the timing.

So...move along nothing to see here, based on early reports on the draft letter.
You seriously think the truth and facts will stop the snowflakes from continuing to push their false conspiracy theories?

Dream on...
Just about everyone here has you on Ignore.

This thread is about what Comey Actually did, not some conjectures and unsupported allegations by Butt Hurt Leftists.

Buh bye
Trump is under investigation.
No he isn't....his campaign is but not Trump himself. Plus it's all horse shit any way. There was no collusion. Get use to it...

Trump’s Business of Corruption

news accounts have confirmed that Mueller has indeed begun to examine Trump’s real-estate deals and other business dealings, including some that have no obvious link to Russia.
Wrong. This thread is about what Trump wrote in the draft letter.
Wrong. This thread is about what Trump wrote in the draft letter.

It wasn't a draft letter. It was the original letter to fire Comey, but a white house attorney stopped Trump from issuing it. Hence the second letter delivered whiled Comey was out of town on FBI business.
“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

As said by an anonymous source to NYT.
White House doesn't dispute Trump called Comey a 'nut job' to Russians

What if he did? Is that against some law? Does that somehow prove he fired him unconstitutionally?
If he fired Comey to stop the collusion investigation, as he told the Russians, then duh, yes





LOL, and Comey subsequently told Trump 3 times he was NOT a target of any investigation. You crap doesn't hold water child.


you clearly don't grasp what comey told him vs what comey did NOT tell him.

either you don't get it, or you're lying... take your pick.

THEN mr trump obstructed justice which changed everything! :eusa_clap:

Wow, do you have some magic source or decoder ring or something to know what Comey didn't tell Trump? I know what Comey testified to and Senators Fienstien and Grassley confirmed that Trump is not a target. Comey also testified that Trump didn't tell him to stop any investigation in his verbiage, Trump is not responsible for Coemy's perceptions. So your obstruction fantasy is nothing but smoke.

here's some info that might help....they said Trump was not a ''target'' of the investigation AT THAT TIME...

This does not mean he was not a ''subject'' in the investigation, and targets and subjects and witnesses involved in an investigation, often changes.

Targets, Subjects, And Witnesses In Federal Investigations

Video Transcript:
If you are involved in a federal investigation, one of the things that will be of incredible importance to you is your status in the investigation. There are three statuses, let me talk about each of them.

The first status you have to worry about is being a target. A target is the person to the prosecutor is gunning for, that's the target of investigation. It's the person who the prosecutor believes has committed a crime and their trying to figure out what the crime was and how to build a case against them.

A witness, on the other hand, is somebody who has really got very little exposure. The prosecutor believes that the person hasn't done it wrong, they simply have information, they were there, they saw something, they have documents that relate to something. They're not caught up in it.

The last status is in-between the two, you’re a subject. And so if you're subject in an investigation what that means is that you're not a target, so they're not gunning for you, but the prosecutor thinks that there is good reason to believe you may have done something wrong. You may have committed a crime or been a part of a criminal activity or part of a conspiracy.

If you find out that you're involved in an investigation, a federal law enforcement investigation, one thing you can and should do is have your lawyer reach out to the prosecutor and find out from the prosecutor what your status is. The prosecutor will often tell you and that can give you a little bit of peace of mind.

One problem with that, though is that your status in the investigation can change. When the prosecutor learns more information you can move from a witness to a subject or a subject to a witness and so investigations tend to be fluid. And it's important to keep in mind the comfort you get from anyone status could shift as the investigation moves forward.
Targets, Subjects, And Witnesses In Federal Investigations :: Federal Criminal Attorney KaiserDillon PLLC

Great deflection, now would you care to address what I said? Can we just discuss known facts and not your regressive assumptions and fantasy scenarios?

my last paragraph posted in bold addresses a part of it....

And President Trump confessed to firing Comey due to how he was handling the Russian/Trump Campaign team investigation, (by not letting Flynn off the hook as the president requested from Comey can be presumed) Whether Trump was at that time the actual ''target'' of the investigation at the time of firing Comey matters naught!

And ALONG with the president's other half dozen or so times of trying to get the Russian investigations ended in the House, Senate and FBI, and wild goose chases his tweets on the subject get the gorilla off his back.

It's a pattern that shows attempted obstruction in several official investigations and in the least indicates he has something to hide.
LOL, and Comey subsequently told Trump 3 times he was NOT a target of any investigation. You crap doesn't hold water child.


you clearly don't grasp what comey told him vs what comey did NOT tell him.

either you don't get it, or you're lying... take your pick.

THEN mr trump obstructed justice which changed everything! :eusa_clap:

Wow, do you have some magic source or decoder ring or something to know what Comey didn't tell Trump? I know what Comey testified to and Senators Fienstien and Grassley confirmed that Trump is not a target. Comey also testified that Trump didn't tell him to stop any investigation in his verbiage, Trump is not responsible for Coemy's perceptions. So your obstruction fantasy is nothing but smoke.

here's some info that might help....they said Trump was not a ''target'' of the investigation AT THAT TIME...

This does not mean he was not a ''subject'' in the investigation, and targets and subjects and witnesses involved in an investigation, often changes.

Targets, Subjects, And Witnesses In Federal Investigations

Video Transcript:
If you are involved in a federal investigation, one of the things that will be of incredible importance to you is your status in the investigation. There are three statuses, let me talk about each of them.

The first status you have to worry about is being a target. A target is the person to the prosecutor is gunning for, that's the target of investigation. It's the person who the prosecutor believes has committed a crime and their trying to figure out what the crime was and how to build a case against them.

A witness, on the other hand, is somebody who has really got very little exposure. The prosecutor believes that the person hasn't done it wrong, they simply have information, they were there, they saw something, they have documents that relate to something. They're not caught up in it.

The last status is in-between the two, you’re a subject. And so if you're subject in an investigation what that means is that you're not a target, so they're not gunning for you, but the prosecutor thinks that there is good reason to believe you may have done something wrong. You may have committed a crime or been a part of a criminal activity or part of a conspiracy.

If you find out that you're involved in an investigation, a federal law enforcement investigation, one thing you can and should do is have your lawyer reach out to the prosecutor and find out from the prosecutor what your status is. The prosecutor will often tell you and that can give you a little bit of peace of mind.

One problem with that, though is that your status in the investigation can change. When the prosecutor learns more information you can move from a witness to a subject or a subject to a witness and so investigations tend to be fluid. And it's important to keep in mind the comfort you get from anyone status could shift as the investigation moves forward.
Targets, Subjects, And Witnesses In Federal Investigations :: Federal Criminal Attorney KaiserDillon PLLC

Great deflection, now would you care to address what I said? Can we just discuss known facts and not your regressive assumptions and fantasy scenarios?

my last paragraph posted in bold addresses a part of it....

And President Trump confessed to firing Comey due to how he was handling the Russian/Trump Campaign team investigation, (by not letting Flynn off the hook as the president requested from Comey can be presumed) Whether Trump was at that time the actual ''target'' of the investigation at the time of firing Comey matters naught!

And ALONG with the president's other half dozen or so times of trying to get the Russian investigations ended in the House, Senate and FBI, and wild goose chases his tweets on the subject get the gorilla off his back.

It's a pattern that shows attempted obstruction in several official investigations and in the least indicates he has something to hide.

Confessed? To who? And once again, Trump is not responsible how some perceives what he might say, let's talk about what he said, you know, his actual words. If Comey or anyone else has questions about what he's saying, like an adult, they should ask for clarification. What they shouldn't do is go out like a 3 year old and tattle on what they think they heard. Comey is a POS and Trump should have followed his instincts, instead of listening to advisors, and fired Comey on day one. Of course you regressives would have criticized him if had done that, even though you were shouting for Comey's head. It's been more than a year now, where's the damning evidence, all I've seen so far is assumptions and speculation. Oh and let's not forget all the reports based on unnamed sources, most of which have proven to be false.

no, mr comey did not do ANY of those things, liar....

The hell he didn't. He admitted it. He didn't want to get caught leaking, so he gave private information to a friend to his dirty work for him. He did what he was told, right or wrong because he expected to be rewarded when the Clinton's took over again. You are the liar Valerie.

:laugh: what private information? and uh the election was over at that point, liar.

this FBI legal mechanism to expose the truth was not "dirty work" unless you are a traitor too?

Comey lied to Congress about an investigation that was suppose to have taken place. He even had to admit that he was a leaker, but with no balls, so he leaked to a friend, who leaked.....
If you didn't rely on CNN for your daily news, you'd know that already. He is a liar. You and Comey have a lot in common.
you clearly don't grasp what comey told him vs what comey did NOT tell him.

either you don't get it, or you're lying... take your pick.

THEN mr trump obstructed justice which changed everything! :eusa_clap:

Wow, do you have some magic source or decoder ring or something to know what Comey didn't tell Trump? I know what Comey testified to and Senators Fienstien and Grassley confirmed that Trump is not a target. Comey also testified that Trump didn't tell him to stop any investigation in his verbiage, Trump is not responsible for Coemy's perceptions. So your obstruction fantasy is nothing but smoke.

here's some info that might help....they said Trump was not a ''target'' of the investigation AT THAT TIME...

This does not mean he was not a ''subject'' in the investigation, and targets and subjects and witnesses involved in an investigation, often changes.

Targets, Subjects, And Witnesses In Federal Investigations

Video Transcript:
If you are involved in a federal investigation, one of the things that will be of incredible importance to you is your status in the investigation. There are three statuses, let me talk about each of them.

The first status you have to worry about is being a target. A target is the person to the prosecutor is gunning for, that's the target of investigation. It's the person who the prosecutor believes has committed a crime and their trying to figure out what the crime was and how to build a case against them.

A witness, on the other hand, is somebody who has really got very little exposure. The prosecutor believes that the person hasn't done it wrong, they simply have information, they were there, they saw something, they have documents that relate to something. They're not caught up in it.

The last status is in-between the two, you’re a subject. And so if you're subject in an investigation what that means is that you're not a target, so they're not gunning for you, but the prosecutor thinks that there is good reason to believe you may have done something wrong. You may have committed a crime or been a part of a criminal activity or part of a conspiracy.

If you find out that you're involved in an investigation, a federal law enforcement investigation, one thing you can and should do is have your lawyer reach out to the prosecutor and find out from the prosecutor what your status is. The prosecutor will often tell you and that can give you a little bit of peace of mind.

One problem with that, though is that your status in the investigation can change. When the prosecutor learns more information you can move from a witness to a subject or a subject to a witness and so investigations tend to be fluid. And it's important to keep in mind the comfort you get from anyone status could shift as the investigation moves forward.
Targets, Subjects, And Witnesses In Federal Investigations :: Federal Criminal Attorney KaiserDillon PLLC

Great deflection, now would you care to address what I said? Can we just discuss known facts and not your regressive assumptions and fantasy scenarios?

my last paragraph posted in bold addresses a part of it....

And President Trump confessed to firing Comey due to how he was handling the Russian/Trump Campaign team investigation, (by not letting Flynn off the hook as the president requested from Comey can be presumed) Whether Trump was at that time the actual ''target'' of the investigation at the time of firing Comey matters naught!

And ALONG with the president's other half dozen or so times of trying to get the Russian investigations ended in the House, Senate and FBI, and wild goose chases his tweets on the subject get the gorilla off his back.

It's a pattern that shows attempted obstruction in several official investigations and in the least indicates he has something to hide.

Confessed? To who? And once again, Trump is not responsible how some perceives what he might say, let's talk about what he said, you know, his actual words. If Comey or anyone else has questions about what he's saying, like an adult, they should ask for clarification. What they shouldn't do is go out like a 3 year old and tattle on what they think they heard. Comey is a POS and Trump should have followed his instincts, instead of listening to advisors, and fired Comey on day one. Of course you regressives would have criticized him if had done that, even though you were shouting for Comey's head. It's been more than a year now, where's the damning evidence, all I've seen so far is assumptions and speculation. Oh and let's not forget all the reports based on unnamed sources, most of which have proven to be false.

please, by all means continue to live in your denial bubble with your head in the sand....

Try reading some newspapers for a change, when your head comes out of the sand and up for air.... :rolleyes: there is lots and lots and lots going on with the investigation.... and Trump is definitely a ''subject'' or ''target'' now, in the investigation.

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