Mueller Gets His 1st Conviction...30 Days For Dutch 'Scooter Libby'

You're such a small thinker, my 5 year old grandson's thinking is much broader than are narrow hyper-partisan thinking.
Here, read this article. Maybe, it'll take you out of you're permanent residency in "Conjecture Land".
That 'Revelation' About Mueller’s Thinking
No, I really don't expect you to go to the link and get a clue. You've been on the "Conjecture Train", every since you started no-life 24/7 posting here.

You should let your 5yo write your posts for you - they would be more intelligent.

I went to the link, and nothing on there provides any evidence of non-existent illegal collusion. Nothing on there provides evidence that a crime was ever perpetrated warranting the Witch Hunt. Nothing on there provides any evidence connecting the 'Scooter Libby' indictments to any form of illegal collusion or any crime involving Trump. Oh, it's a well written fluff piece trying to give credibility to Mueller's failed attempt to affect a political hit on the President, but it, like Mueller, fails to provide any evidence to support any of the false accusations made to date....which even Democrats and the Liberal media have abandoned.

Thanks for the link, though.

I knew the link I supplied would go way over your head, you ain't the smartest poster hereby one big long shot.
The concept is, the media (like yourself), can only guess what Mueller is actually doing. The Mueller team only lets the cat out of the bag, when they do something regarding the courts.Just about everything he and his team as done has caught the media and the general p[public by surprise.
So in conclusion, your conjecture and narrow ideological driven posts regarding what and what not Mueller is up to or has accomplished, are you just performing auto-fellatio to entertain yourself and your fellow easily manipulated Trumpsters.
As Donald Trump would say,,,,"ENJOY"!
Thank you for confirming what I said.

The link seeks to justify the Mueller investigation by repeating the same thing snowflakes on this board do - "you just wait and see'.

Mueller has 'rushed in front of the microphones' to let the world know he had made 'Scooter Libby' indictments, which of course is an old prosecuter trick of trying to intimidate those involved and those he s going after. If Mueller had anything he would not have hesitated to make it known. Instead he has provided nothing, and that includes to the Congressional Intel Committee who has requested he provide them with documents and justification for the need for his continuing witch hunt. To date he has refused to provide them with anything...because he has nothing.

There never was any illegal Russian collusion between Trump and Russia.
There has never been any evidence to support the claim.
Democrats like Feinstein have come out and admitted there is nothing to it.
And every indictment made to date, to nclude this conviction, has had nothing to do with the non-existent Russian Collusion narrative.

And once again you prove you have nothing except for the same mantra, 'Wait and see' well as your disturbing plunge into your perverted sexual psyche at the end, which you really should have kept to yourself.
On top of that, The Douche Bag and his DNC Scum have leaked every little petty thing they could find whether it was true or untrue. I'd actually support Mueller if he even looked at Fusion GPS along with this, and COIE Lawfirm, or FISA abuse, but it's clear that this is just an attempt to Obstruct The President, and try to keep them busy and harassed with nonsense, and try to keep this in the headlines for the midterms. It's Fucking Nazi Germany like if you ask me.
Its disgusting that the Government has spent nearly a $70 Million Dollars on 6 Investigations, plus a Special Prosecutor, and all have concluded that there was No Collusion. Mueller alone has spent $12 Million and all he has done was try to entrap people in contradictions and accuse them of the most petty thing the FBI can throw at you "Lying To The FBI"

We knew Clinton Lied, EVERYBODY did, and they wouldn't even throw that charge at her. The whole thing that Mueller is doing is an Embarrassment to The Legal Profession and will forever be a dark mark on his and The Democrat Party's reputations.
Mueller is continuing to do Russia's bidding, just as he did when he hid their crimes and helped them acquire Uranium One, by helping them continue to divide this country. Evidence shows the Russians got poor emotional snowflakes to organize and march for them during the election and that liberal groups like the Black Fist / Antifa / BLM took Russian cash to spread racial division and violence. Those eventually ended....Mueller keeps going.
On top of that, The Douche Bag and his DNC Scum have leaked every little petty thing they could find whether it was true or untrue. I'd actually support Mueller if he even looked at Fusion GPS along with this, and COIE Lawfirm, or FISA abuse, but it's clear that this is just an attempt to Obstruct The President, and try to keep them busy and harassed with nonsense, and try to keep this in the headlines for the midterms. It's Fucking Nazi Germany like if you ask me.

Mueller and his defenders have argued that he was given carte blanch to go wherever the evidence took him and bring all criminals to justice. If he remained true to that actual charge he would have investigated, indicted, and charged Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Obama, Abedin, Mills, Lynch, etc... by now.
The fact that the Obama appointed judge, Amy Berman, did not throw out this ridiculous effort by Swamp Rat Mueller to persecute and prosecute in an unconstitutional manner proves she is also a Swamp Rat.
Dutch Lawyer Receives 30-Day Jail Sentence For Lying To Mueller

Dutch Lawyer Receives 30-Day Jail Sentence For Lying To Mueller

"Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan was fined $20,000 and sentenced to 30 days in jail on Tuesday for lying to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators and the FBI.

He pleaded guilty to the charges on Feb. 20.

No evidence of Illegal non-existent collusion.
No evidence a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.
No evidence of a crime committed by Trump.
Another 'Scooter Libby indictment and conviction...this time an 'International Scooter Libby'.

Of course Mueller and snowflakes will call this a 'victory'.


This was the THIRD Mueller conviction. The first sentencing. And Mueller is looking into so many things you can't claim there was no crime. Stone colluded with the Russian GRU and Papadapoulos was sent to get the dirt on Hillary by Sessions. It's all starting to gel.
It's my belief due to how The Uranium One Deal went down, that Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, Eric Holder, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, John McCain and their associates were all Owned by Russia.
On top of that, The Douche Bag and his DNC Scum have leaked every little petty thing they could find whether it was true or untrue. I'd actually support Mueller if he even looked at Fusion GPS along with this, and COIE Lawfirm, or FISA abuse, but it's clear that this is just an attempt to Obstruct The President, and try to keep them busy and harassed with nonsense, and try to keep this in the headlines for the midterms. It's Fucking Nazi Germany like if you ask me.

Mueller and his defenders have argued that he was given carte blanch to go wherever the evidence took him and bring all criminals to justice. If he remained true to that actual charge he would have investigated, indicted, and charged Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Obama, Abedin, Mills, Lynch, etc... by now.
If he cared about Law, Justice, and getting to the Truth, he would look at all of that and more. He'd look in to The DNC Server, He'd look at Fusion GPS and Steele, He'd look at The DNC and COIE Lawfirm and how they laundered money through Steele to The KGB to pay for Russian Propaganda, and he'd look in to how That Propaganda found it's way in to our FISA COURT.
Comey sent Martha Stewart to Jail for buying her own stock in her own company and called it insider trading.

Meanwhile Clinton gets a real insider stock tip and invest just $1.000 and nets $100,000 in profits.


Clinton helps to improve Uranium One and gets $145 Million from Russia.
Mueller and Coney don’t care.


This isn't even a Scooter Libby conviction. This is a Martha Stewart conviction, a conviction without any crime at all.

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