Mueller hires another Dem donor. Oh no freaking bias Mueller's a bad joke

Eerily similar. Fitzgerald like Mueller was one of Comey's best friends trying to take down a Republican President. Fitzgerald was even one of Comey's childrens Godfathers.
You make no sense. What would any of this matter? (Mueller is a Republican, BTW) Mueller isn't going to be the judge or the jury. He will have to be able to prove everything he presents.

So where does so-called bias even come into play?

Don't hand me this shit that Mueller is a Republican. Supposedly so is John F'n asshole McCain. All Mueller is going to do now is pull a Fitzgerald. Mueller and Fitzgerald have a lot in common and not just their devout friendships with Comey.
You got to love this
I love this headline:

"Extremely rare for grand jury not to return indictment, statistics show"

Comey set up Fitzgerald to attack the Bush administration and he leaked to the NYT an unproven allegation to force a new Special Counsel to do exactly what he did last decade. Attack a Republican Presidency.
The far right can whine and make accusations all they want, nothing is stopping the Mueller investigation.
Ultimately it'll come down to a jury and they can't let Trump voters on that jury. Trump admits he could kill someone and he wouldn't lose one supporter.

And the court of public opinion.

This is much bigger than Benghazi
I have to admit I'm sorry I should have known trump wouldn't have stooped to anything so underhanded just for a few bucks
I love when the crybabies keep sobbing real tears over Mueller..
If you watch any valid news sources you'd know the Congress has a plan protecting him from more obstruction of justice by trump .
The far right can whine and make accusations all they want, nothing is stopping the Mueller investigation.
Ultimately it'll come down to a jury and they can't let Trump voters on that jury. Trump admits he could kill someone and he wouldn't lose one supporter.

And the court of public opinion.

This is much bigger than Benghazi
This is much bigger than Watergate..
So says someone that knows, Bob Woodward..
Impaneling a new grand jury,,,,,financial ties to russia being investigated,,,, intercepted communications will bury the liar
Investigation expanding Watch trump wet his pants
The Republicans will impeach then censor him. And you'll call them rinos and the Washington establishment. You don't care if Trump commits treason
Don't speak to me of Treason after the abuses of power under Obama. You have no moral ground to stand on.
Oh bullshit. Let me give you example.

Carter was angel, Reagan lied Iran contra. Bush 1 term Iraq war, Clinton 90s rocked except for Monica, bush 2 sucked us into great recession, Obama got us out scandal free and Trump's lex Luther

They'd have to impeach him...........Do you have the votes..........and a Grand Jury doesn't mean they are going to try to indict the President of the United States................

They may have found something.............doesn't mean who the hell they found it on................

Again, you don't have the votes.

They'd have to impeach him...........Do you have the votes..........and a Grand Jury doesn't mean they are going to try to indict the President of the United States................

They may have found something.............doesn't mean who the hell they found it on................

Again, you don't have the votes.
I'm just glad we've moved on past the "you've got nothing" phase
We don't expect them to impeach. See ya in 2018.

Our goal is to make Trump a one term president. He's not having fun. Karma
Every deal with the devil has a catch. Be careful what you wish for.

The Trump's are no kennedy's

They'd have to impeach him...........Do you have the votes..........and a Grand Jury doesn't mean they are going to try to indict the President of the United States................

They may have found something.............doesn't mean who the hell they found it on................

Again, you don't have the votes.
I'm just glad we've moved on past the "you've got nothing" phase
Not at all.............Show me the me the haven't done so................

Plenty against the likes of Clinton..............but when they own the DOJ back then..........they are ABOVE THE LAW.

You still have a NOTHING BURGER.

They'd have to impeach him...........Do you have the votes..........and a Grand Jury doesn't mean they are going to try to indict the President of the United States................

They may have found something.............doesn't mean who the hell they found it on................

Again, you don't have the votes.
I'm just glad we've moved on past the "you've got nothing" phase
Not at all.............Show me the me the haven't done so................

Plenty against the likes of Clinton..............but when they own the DOJ back then..........they are ABOVE THE LAW.

You still have a NOTHING BURGER.
We have more on Trump in 6 months than you ever had on hillary or bill.

But you're right. The Republicans would never boot Trump and make pence or Ryan president. Of course they would!
Yeah, it looks like Mueller is another NWO Globalist Puppet. I fully expect some Trump associates to be lynched. That's what Mueller is being paid to do. Trump's not going along with their NWO. He's a Nationalist advocating putting Americans first. And that's a big no-go for NWO Globalists. They despise him. They're gonna do everything in their considerable power to destroy him. I think he'll survive, but some of his associates are going to be lynched. That's my feeling anyway.
The Republicans will impeach then censor him. And you'll call them rinos and the Washington establishment. You don't care if Trump commits treason
Don't speak to me of Treason after the abuses of power under Obama. You have no moral ground to stand on.
Oh bullshit. Let me give you example.

Carter was angel, Reagan lied Iran contra. Bush 1 term Iraq war, Clinton 90s rocked except for Monica, bush 2 sucked us into great recession, Obama got us out scandal free and Trump's lex Luther
Sealy The repubs would sooner cut off their right arms than admit trump is a lying putin loving scum bag
Eerily similar. Fitzgerald like Mueller was one of Comey's best friends trying to take down a Republican President. Fitzgerald was even one of Comey's childrens Godfathers.
You make no sense. What would any of this matter? (Mueller is a Republican, BTW) Mueller isn't going to be the judge or the jury. He will have to be able to prove everything he presents.

So where does so-called bias even come into play?

Don't hand me this shit that Mueller is a Republican. Supposedly so is John F'n asshole McCain. All Mueller is going to do now is pull a Fitzgerald. Mueller and Fitzgerald have a lot in common and not just their devout friendships with Comey.
Answer my question.
I have my moments.
Journalists aren’t props to be used to help the White House spread propaganda.

Facts matter and this White House needs to be held accountable every single day.
They don't want Trump to be held accountable. They don't want to know if their president is a crook.
Please list the current investigations Hillary is involved in. Then list the indictments and convictions for her.
Good luck.
Current? Of course not, she's special. Comey laid out everything she did illegally then decided she was too dumb to know it was illegal.

White Water, Benghazi, private servers, unsecured secret emails. She was just too dumb to know this was wrong. She should be our president. Because she's really smart and stuff.
whitewater was investigated countless times by non partisan sources and it came up with nothing.
13 Benghazi investigations concluded Obama and Hillary did nothing criminal. But that won't stop you lying about it.

Yeah, bi-partisan.. so far this a loyal Democrat heading up an investigation and hiring Democrat donors as henchman.

Bi-partisan my ass.
Follow the money

Like the Russian government gave Trump money or something?

You guys and girls are setting yourselves up for a big disappointment. And I'm going to laughing at your silly asses.
No, you'll be too busy scrubbing your posts and telling everyone "I didn't support Trump!"

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