Mueller hires another Dem donor. Oh no freaking bias Mueller's a bad joke

View attachment 141772
Are any of them gonna check to see if Clinton foundation or DNC wrote a 10 million dollar check to a book publisher or any third party as laison to paying off Comey through his 10 million dollar book deal?
Maybe this is why Mueller is being suggested to obey the law & recuse himself.

If they only did that kind of thorough investigation of the backdoor payoffs of the Obama's 4.4 million persian rugs or multi millions in those 2 book deals, then we can see an even standard not a witch hunt.
Trump : 3 criminal investigations in6 months
Obama : none in 8 years
Hillary: zero
Wait what? The Clinton cartel none? You can't be serious.
Please list the current investigations Hillary is involved in. Then list the indictments and convictions for her.
Good luck.
Only the government would bring in 16 fucking lawyers to find nothing. But they will pat themselves on the back for getting paid. That's the democrat way.
To " find nothing."
A bit presumptuous don't you think..
When you find more of the nothing you's been a year. How many lawyers do you think you need to find the nothing you're looking for?
Does the short bus pick you up each morning?
Joachim Castro who has seen the evidence " Theres going to be People going to prison."
So enjoy your time before the hammer come down.
Oh my. A member of the Castro family said so. We don't live in Cuba. You may have not noticed.
Another conspiracy of the Trumpies is the Seth Rich " murder." Now that it's been debunked a number of times and we've just found out Fox and Trump colluded on this... it shows the Trumpies with more egg on their faces.
Only the government would bring in 16 fucking lawyers to find nothing. But they will pat themselves on the back for getting paid. That's the democrat way.
To " find nothing."
A bit presumptuous don't you think..
When you find more of the nothing you's been a year. How many lawyers do you think you need to find the nothing you're looking for?
Does the short bus pick you up each morning?
Joachim Castro who has seen the evidence " Theres going to be People going to prison."
So enjoy your time before the hammer come down.
Oh my. A member of the Castro family said so. We don't live in Cuba. You may have not noticed.
Hey dopey... he's on the intelligence committee and he's a member of congress.
It never fails to amaze how little you Trumpies know.
View attachment 141772
Are any of them gonna check to see if Clinton foundation or DNC wrote a 10 million dollar check to a book publisher or any third party as laison to paying off Comey through his 10 million dollar book deal?
Maybe this is why Mueller is being suggested to obey the law & recuse himself.

If they only did that kind of thorough investigation of the backdoor payoffs of the Obama's 4.4 million persian rugs or multi millions in those 2 book deals, then we can see an even standard not a witch hunt.
Trump : 3 criminal investigations in6 months
Obama : none in 8 years
Hillary: zero
Wait what? The Clinton cartel none? You can't be serious.
Please list the current investigations Hillary is involved in. Then list the indictments and convictions for her.
Good luck.
Current? Of course not, she's special. Comey laid out everything she did illegally then decided she was too dumb to know it was illegal.

White Water, Benghazi, private servers, unsecured secret emails. She was just too dumb to know this was wrong. She should be our president. Because she's really smart and stuff.
Greg Andres? The same ambulance-chaser who was a partner at Davis Polk & Wardwell, who also represented Goldman-Sachs in an advisory capacity.

How many Goldman-Sachs bigwigs did Trump hire? 4? 5?

How is that swamp draining going?

Only the government would bring in 16 fucking lawyers to find nothing. But they will pat themselves on the back for getting paid. That's the democrat way.

Are you a wizard or something? :biggrin:
I have my moments.
Journalists aren’t props to be used to help the White House spread propaganda.

Facts matter and this White House needs to be held accountable every single day.
You took the last eight years off. What's the urgency now?
Only the government would bring in 16 fucking lawyers to find nothing. But they will pat themselves on the back for getting paid. That's the democrat way.
To " find nothing."
A bit presumptuous don't you think..
When you find more of the nothing you's been a year. How many lawyers do you think you need to find the nothing you're looking for?
Does the short bus pick you up each morning?
Joachim Castro who has seen the evidence " Theres going to be People going to prison."
So enjoy your time before the hammer come down.
Oh my. A member of the Castro family said so. We don't live in Cuba. You may have not noticed.
Hey dopey... he's on the intelligence committee and he's a member of congress.
It never fails to amaze how little you Trumpies know.
You say that like there is some kind of litmus test he had to pass to get that position. I'm not impressed.
View attachment 141772
Are any of them gonna check to see if Clinton foundation or DNC wrote a 10 million dollar check to a book publisher or any third party as laison to paying off Comey through his 10 million dollar book deal?
Maybe this is why Mueller is being suggested to obey the law & recuse himself.

If they only did that kind of thorough investigation of the backdoor payoffs of the Obama's 4.4 million persian rugs or multi millions in those 2 book deals, then we can see an even standard not a witch hunt.
Trump : 3 criminal investigations in6 months
Obama : none in 8 years
Hillary: zero
Because you can't "rob" Trump like you did Seth Rich, this is the Deep State's new method of removing an outsider, especially one not part of the Foreign Council like I warned in the beginning.
Maybe you need to watch that
Eddie Murphy movie
"The Distinguished Gentleman"
to get a clue as to how the swamp works.
Only the government would bring in 16 fucking lawyers to find nothing. But they will pat themselves on the back for getting paid. That's the democrat way.

Are you a wizard or something? :biggrin:
I have my moments.
Journalists aren’t props to be used to help the White House spread propaganda.

Facts matter and this White House needs to be held accountable every single day.
They don't want Trump to be held accountable. They don't want to know if their president is a crook.
View attachment 141772
Are any of them gonna check to see if Clinton foundation or DNC wrote a 10 million dollar check to a book publisher or any third party as laison to paying off Comey through his 10 million dollar book deal?
Maybe this is why Mueller is being suggested to obey the law & recuse himself.

If they only did that kind of thorough investigation of the backdoor payoffs of the Obama's 4.4 million persian rugs or multi millions in those 2 book deals, then we can see an even standard not a witch hunt.
Trump : 3 criminal investigations in6 months
Obama : none in 8 years
Hillary: zero
Wait what? The Clinton cartel none? You can't be serious.
Please list the current investigations Hillary is involved in. Then list the indictments and convictions for her.
Good luck.
Current? Of course not, she's special. Comey laid out everything she did illegally then decided she was too dumb to know it was illegal.

White Water, Benghazi, private servers, unsecured secret emails. She was just too dumb to know this was wrong. She should be our president. Because she's really smart and stuff.
whitewater was investigated countless times by non partisan sources and it came up with nothing.
13 Benghazi investigations concluded Obama and Hillary did nothing criminal. But that won't stop you lying about it.
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When the Trump Cultists start screaming about the political affiliation of the investigators, they are just channeling their dear leaders fear of the prosecutor's specialties.
View attachment 141772
Are any of them gonna check to see if Clinton foundation or DNC wrote a 10 million dollar check to a book publisher or any third party as laison to paying off Comey through his 10 million dollar book deal?
Maybe this is why Mueller is being suggested to obey the law & recuse himself.

If they only did that kind of thorough investigation of the backdoor payoffs of the Obama's 4.4 million persian rugs or multi millions in those 2 book deals, then we can see an even standard not a witch hunt.
Trump : 3 criminal investigations in6 months
Obama : none in 8 years
Hillary: zero
Because you can't "rob" Trump like you did Seth Rich, this is the Deep State's new method of removing an outsider, especially one not part of the Foreign Council like I warned in the beginning.
Maybe you need to watch that
Eddie Murphy movie
"The Distinguished Gentleman"
to get a clue as to how the swamp works.
The Seth Rich family says you're full of shit and to leave them alone.
But now that we know Trump and Fox partnered up on this lie... you dopes look like shit.
To " find nothing."
A bit presumptuous don't you think..
When you find more of the nothing you's been a year. How many lawyers do you think you need to find the nothing you're looking for?
Does the short bus pick you up each morning?
Joachim Castro who has seen the evidence " Theres going to be People going to prison."
So enjoy your time before the hammer come down.
Oh my. A member of the Castro family said so. We don't live in Cuba. You may have not noticed.
Hey dopey... he's on the intelligence committee and he's a member of congress.
It never fails to amaze how little you Trumpies know.
You say that like there is some kind of litmus test he had to pass to get that position. I'm not impressed.
You make no sense, you never do. Your responses don't even have anything to do what was said.
You didn't know Castro was in Congress. You didn't know he's on the intelligence committee. You thought he was a member of FidelCastro's family.
Ha haha
Greg Andres started on Tuesday, becoming the 16th lawyer on the team, said Josh Stueve, a spokesman for the special counsel.

Most recently a white-collar criminal defense lawyer with New York law firm Davis Polk & Wardwell, Andres, 50, served at the Justice Department from 2010 to 2012. He was deputy assistant attorney general in the criminal division, where he oversaw the fraud unit and managed the program that targeted illegal foreign bribery.

Trumpies interpret this as he's not qualified. Lol
Only the government would bring in 16 fucking lawyers to find nothing. But they will pat themselves on the back for getting paid. That's the democrat way.
To " find nothing."
A bit presumptuous don't you think..
When you find more of the nothing you's been a year. How many lawyers do you think you need to find the nothing you're looking for?
Mueller would NOT hire all of those investigator prosecutors if there were NOTHING....even if he doubled them up working as teams there would still be at least 8 avenues of possible wrong doings that they are concentrating on....

The FBI team is doing the legwork, but these guys and gals will be the ones deciding if any crimes were committed and if so, how they will approach their prosecutions if they have any and what other things the FBI should focus their investigating on...

I don't think Mueller is haphazardly hiring a bunch of people for nothing and wasting tax dollars....he came in, studied up on the investigation and determined the manpower he would need.
Another conspiracy of the Trumpies is the Seth Rich " murder." Now that it's been debunked a number of times and we've just found out Fox and Trump colluded on this... it shows the Trumpies with more egg on their faces.
I used the word " Rob" like Seth Rich as in using an event as an image of what they can't do. Do you understand the use of analogies? And nobody knows why Seth was murdered or who did it, so your conclusions have no merit because you dismiss one aspect of a report. That is called an
ad hominem response, taking one aspect to smokescreen the full picture and selectively ignore what you can't answer.

And your claim Clintons have never been investigated is like your party claim no illegals voted. You have selective amnesia.
What about rape charges, email scandal was partially pretend investigated, Benghazi,
Whitewater that began with an investigation into the real estate investments of Bill and Hillary Clinton, even Chelsea hired a private investigator to investigate her own parents that counts too-probably worse.
Fact is you don't know what is being investigated, because only Dems leak about Trump, not their queen bee.
Mueller will not complete this investigation until he's sure Trump is squeaky clean.
Meaning it's going to be a long long investigation.
Another conspiracy of the Trumpies is the Seth Rich " murder." Now that it's been debunked a number of times and we've just found out Fox and Trump colluded on this... it shows the Trumpies with more egg on their faces.
I used the word " Rob" like Seth Rich as in using an event as an image of what they can't do. Do you understand the use of analogies? And nobody knows why Seth was murdered or who did it, so your conclusions have no merit because you dismiss one aspect of a report. That is called an
ad hominem response, taking one aspect to smokescreen the full picture and selectively ignore what you can't answer.

And your claim Clintons have never been investigated is like your party claim no illegals voted. You have selective amnesia.
What about rape charges, email scandal was partially pretend investigated, Benghazi,
Whitewater that began with an investigation into the real estate investments of Bill and Hillary Clinton, even Chelsea hired a private investigator to investigate her own parents that counts too-probably worse.
Fact is you don't know what is being investigated, because only Dems leak about Trump, not their queen bee.
I said Hillary is not currently under investigation.
And the fact you keep bringing up two of the most investigated events in history....Benghazi and Whitewater ... both exonerated Hillary ... shows you just may be a wingnut/ deplorable.

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