Mueller hires ANOTHER Trump Hating prosecutor

Robert Mueller just hired an Obama-era US prosecutor for Trump-Russia investigation

LOL dude isn't even hiding his hatred for President Trump and his FAKE investigation....NO ONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together will believe a damn thing good or bad that comes from this witch much for being NEUTRAL,impossible when you hire people the President personally fired. Its time to end this witch hunt once and for all.Let congress do their own goofy investigation.

What do you have to worry about if Trump is not guilty?
Robert Mueller just hired an Obama-era US prosecutor for Trump-Russia investigation

LOL dude isn't even hiding his hatred for President Trump and his FAKE investigation....NO ONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together will believe a damn thing good or bad that comes from this witch much for being NEUTRAL,impossible when you hire people the President personally fired. Its time to end this witch hunt once and for all.Let congress do their own goofy investigation.

You must really be worried they are going to find something. No matter what their political affiliation, if there is nothing there then there is nothing there. Also the fact is that several of them donated to Republicans as well. I do not consider anyone who gave to Clinton a Democrat. It was a lesser of 2 evils.
I am absolutely concerned leftists who hate America AND Trump will come up with some fake crap to say he did..they have no time line so they can take as long as possible to concoct bullshit.
Robert Mueller just hired an Obama-era US prosecutor for Trump-Russia investigation

LOL dude isn't even hiding his hatred for President Trump and his FAKE investigation....NO ONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together will believe a damn thing good or bad that comes from this witch much for being NEUTRAL,impossible when you hire people the President personally fired. Its time to end this witch hunt once and for all.Let congress do their own goofy investigation.

What do you have to worry about if Trump is not guilty?
Exactly what WILL happen...a concocted bullshit story made up by America and President Trumps enemies. The ONLY reason you hire OBVIOUS partisan hacks as "investigators"
Absolutely no evidence of criminal wrong doing that she could be prosecuted for by any prosecutor in the USA is what was said!!

She did break some rules though, that were not criminal, just breaking protocol rules, but usually the person at the very top is not subject to most of those least in a nod and a wink way...., other than a slap of hand at most, just like a CEO position...they can do what they want and not worry about work guidelines if they do not want to... for whatever their business reason...

just like when President Trump broke protocol and declassified top secret information and gave it to the Russians during his oval office, white house meeting with them... it was a no no, but regardless of protocol, it was okay cuz he's the chief executive.
Trump likely didn't do it himself, but his campaign team might have broken some laws of the land...should they get a pass? NO, OF COURSE NOT...unless, it, whatever 'it' might be, was done unwittingly, then a PASS might be warranted.
Trump did not 'collude' with Russia on anything. It's gonna cost Taxpayers $Millions to find out what is already known. There was no 'Russian Hacking' of our Election. That's absolute sore loser Democrat Bullshite. They couldn't beat Trump at the ballot box, so they're trying to carry out a Coup d'etat by way of manufacturing numerous 'scandals.' But I truly believe most Americans recognize what the Democrats are doing. It'll likely backfire on em. I hope so anyway.
Trump likely didn't do it himself, but his campaign team might have broken some laws of the land...should they get a pass? NO, OF COURSE NOT...unless, it, whatever 'it' might be, was done unwittingly, then a PASS might be warranted...

He's not hiring all of these expert prosecutors to lead various parts of the investigation, if there was NOTHING... These experts would not leave their regular jobs for a one week job with the govt.... there is a big job ahead of all of them....! I don't think this is going to be over, anytime soon...

President Trump truly needs to stay out of this, and let them do the job they were hired to do and stop interfering with this investigation....the sooner he does stop his interference, the sooner it will be over....the less that would be said about it in the media....

President Trump has been acting like he is guilty of something with all of his obstruction and wild goose chases he's sent the media on... he's just been crazy!

He needs to stop his antics...the sooner the better!

No one 'Colluded' with Russia on 'Hacking' our Election. It is a witch hunt. Were some connected with his Campaign in communication with Russia? Probably. But that's not uncommon. It certainly isn't an 'Impeachable' offense. It's gonna cost Taxpayers several $Millions to find out what it is already known. It's just a shameful Democrat Coup d'etat attempt. Manufactured B.S.
You spout the Trump and Russian propaganda quite well! :clap: :bravo:

YOU DO NOT KNOW one way or the other on the collusion, or other crimes that may have been committed by them, as with the New Hires show, the criminal investigation is just getting off the ground....even if the Russian election interference counter intelligence part is close to being Over.

No, it is NOT NORMAL for a campaign team to have so so so many meetings and conversations with the Russians, it not normal for these bright Trump staff to lie about these meetings or Trump to lie about the connections.

Oh for crying out loud you have both Podestra brothers working with the Russians. Hell's bells Tony was paid to lobby for Russia's state bank. DURING the campaign to lift sanctions.

Now everyone keeps going on and on about collusion. If it happened how is it a crime? Clinton's campaign colluded with the Ukraine to discredit Manafort. That is a fact.

Where is the crime they can be charged with? What law is freaking broken?

Campaigns having communications with foreign Governments is nothing unusual. It's never been an issue before. It's only suddenly become an issue because Democrats can't accept the fact they ran the most corrupt Presidential Candidate in history, and lost. Donald Trump did not 'Collude' with Russia to 'Hack' our Election. It is a shameful witch hunt. And hopefully it will backfire on Democrats bigtime.

Normally it is not an issue

But meeting with a foreign government at the time that government is releasing hacked information to benefit your campaign raises suspicions
Advocating policy concessions to a government involved in influencing an election is suspicious
Denying and failing to report contacts with this type of government is suspicious

All Crooked Donnie needs to do is release information about what he was meeting with the Russians about
No criminal activity.
No crime.
No collusion.
No obstruction.
No evidence.
And Mueller is still hiring his Hate Squad....


Are they ever going to actually investigate anything, or is Mueller just putting together a team to draft the indictment and Articles of Impeachment without ever having investigated?

Why was Flynn meeting with the Russians?
Why was Sessions, Manafort, Rogers and others contacting the Russians
Why was Trump offering policy concessions at the time Russia was releasing their hacks
Why weren't the meetings reported as required?
Why was Jared Kushner having financial dealings with Russian entities under sanction?

Mueller has a lot of work to do
Trump did not 'collude' with Russia on anything. It's gonna cost Taxpayers $Millions to find out what is already known. There was no 'Russian Hacking' of our Election. That's absolute sore loser Democrat Bullshite. They couldn't beat Trump at the ballot box, so they're trying to carry out a Coup d'etat by way of manufacturing numerous 'scandals.' But I truly believe most Americans recognize what the Democrats are doing. It'll likely backfire on em. I hope so anyway.

There was and continues to be Russian hacking of our elections. Mike Pence looked at the intelligence and agreed that it was true. Last time I checked he was a Republican not a Democrat. Looney Tune Trump supporters like you are totally brainwashed.
Robert Mueller just hired an Obama-era US prosecutor for Trump-Russia investigation

LOL dude isn't even hiding his hatred for President Trump and his FAKE investigation....NO ONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together will believe a damn thing good or bad that comes from this witch much for being NEUTRAL,impossible when you hire people the President personally fired. Its time to end this witch hunt once and for all.Let congress do their own goofy investigation.
NO ONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together will believe a damn thing good or bad that comes from this witch hunt...
Yes, that is your plan. I hope there are enough people in this country left with two ACTUAL brain cells to rub together who are willing to listen to the findings of this investigation.
The partisanship is in your mind. No administration should be expecting everyone in the huge apparatus of government to be "loyal" to the President.
This attack against Mueller and his team is one of the most disgraceful to come from this administration so far. Don't ever dare call a "leftie" a fascist or an authoritarian again. That is EXACTLY what you are being.

Oh and the Clintons and their administration didn't go balls to the wall to discredit Ken Starr at every turn?


You are doing the same thing and your justification is someone else's bad behavior. Both sides are crazy and the American people will pay for it.
He's hired attorneys who specialize in several related areas, including one who is fluent in Russian. That info isn't available on the sites trumpkins frequent so they would have no way of knowing that.

I would think all you trumpkins would be very happy that the cheeto will, you know, have his day in court, so he can be cleared.


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He's hiring only attorneys who hate Trump., That much is obvious.

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That is only obvious to brainwashed Trump sycophants like yourself. All pf these people are highly skilled attorney with sterling credentials.
I know! Seriously who the fuck would want someone who wants a TRULY neutral investigation if there is one at all....just horrible!
You're calling it a "witch hunt" as if there was no evidence to launch an investigation. Trump has no halo over his head.
He's hired attorneys who specialize in several related areas, including one who is fluent in Russian. That info isn't available on the sites trumpkins frequent so they would have no way of knowing that.

I would think all you trumpkins would be very happy that the cheeto will, you know, have his day in court, so he can be cleared.


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He's hiring only attorneys who hate Trump., That much is obvious.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

That is only obvious to brainwashed Trump sycophants like yourself. All pf these people are highly skilled attorney with sterling credentials.

They're Trump haters and Hillary shills.
Robert Mueller just hired an Obama-era US prosecutor for Trump-Russia investigation

LOL dude isn't even hiding his hatred for President Trump and his FAKE investigation....NO ONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together will believe a damn thing good or bad that comes from this witch much for being NEUTRAL,impossible when you hire people the President personally fired. Its time to end this witch hunt once and for all.Let congress do their own goofy investigation.

What do you have to worry about if Trump is not guilty?
Post your address if you have nothing to hide.
Mueller isnt going to hire a trump ass kisser, so naturally all the Trump drones will whine like little girls when he doesnt.

the evidence presents itself on this thread.

deal with it ladies
I know! Seriously who the fuck would want someone who wants a TRULY neutral investigation if there is one at all....just horrible!
You're calling it a "witch hunt" as if there was no evidence to launch an investigation. Trump has no halo over his head.
No halo right there I am sure but sure ain't no evidence about ANY ties to Russia doing anything in the election. Even democrat congressman have said that.
Robert Mueller just hired an Obama-era US prosecutor for Trump-Russia investigation

LOL dude isn't even hiding his hatred for President Trump and his FAKE investigation....NO ONE with more than 2 brain cells to rub together will believe a damn thing good or bad that comes from this witch much for being NEUTRAL,impossible when you hire people the President personally fired. Its time to end this witch hunt once and for all.Let congress do their own goofy investigation.
Thanks for confirming Mueller hired a qualified prosecutor. You know Mueller's a republican don't you? Lol
I know! Seriously who the fuck would want someone who wants a TRULY neutral investigation if there is one at all....just horrible!
You're calling it a "witch hunt" as if there was no evidence to launch an investigation. Trump has no halo over his head.
No halo right there I am sure but sure ain't no evidence about ANY ties to Russia doing anything in the election. Even democrat congressman have said that.
There's plenty of evidence plus all non DEPLORABLES know this investigation is still in its infancy stage.
It took two years to take down Nixon. Be patient. Trump's going down.
He's lived his life skirting the law and doing devious things. And you think he was going to stop because he's president?

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