Mueller hires ANOTHER Trump Hating prosecutor

After the food stamp rolls swelled for years under the Obama administration, fresh figures show a dramatic reduction in states that recently have moved to restore work requirements.

States were allowed to waive those rules for able-bodied adults thanks to the 2009 economic stimulus. As the rules loosened and the economy sputtered out of the recession, food stamp enrollment soared to record levels – peaking at nearly 48 million nationwide in 2013.

But while that number has dipped gradually in recent years, some states have moved aggressively to push recipients who can work back into the job market and, in due time, off the program.

Alabama began 2017 by requiring able-bodied adults without children in 13 counties to either find a job or participate in work training as a condition for continuing to receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.

According to, the number of those recipients declined from 5,538 to 831 between Jan. 1 and the beginning of May – an 85 percent drop.

Similar changes were implemented in select counties in Georgia and by the end of the first three months, the number of adults receiving benefits in three participating counties dropped 58 percent, according to the Georgia Public Policy Foundation.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution recently reported that in 21 additional counties that restored the work requirement, there was a 62 percent drop in SNAP participants.

“Work requirements have been enormously successful at reducing the number of people on food stamps. And while they made sense in the early part of the recession when unemployment was higher, that is no longer the case,” said Robert Doar, a fellow in poverty studies at the American Enterprise Institute.
A key component of the 1996 welfare reform bill, the work requirement applies to able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) between the ages of 18 to 49.

However, as part of his 2009 economic stimulus, then-President Barack Obama allowed states to waive SNAP work requirements, which resulted in the number of ABAWDs on food stamps more than doubling from 1.9 million in 2008 to 3.9 million in 2010, according to a 2012 Congressional Research Service study.

The number continued to rise but has since slipped to roughly 4.2 million. According to the USDA, most states still offer full or partial waivers.

Advocates for waivers argue that the flexibility is needed to help people get back on their feet in the wake of the economic crisis. And a call in the Trump administration’s budget to resurrect the work mandate and scale back SNAP’s budget has drawn fire from anti-hunger advocates.

“Parents will work just as hard at unforgiving jobs and see less food on the table for their families. Children will become sicker without the proper nutrition, ending up in hospitals or on the rolls of what social services remain. Some children will die,” Mariana Chilton, a professor of public health at Drexel University, predicted in a column for The Hill.

SNAP reform, however, could be bolstered by the developments at the state level.

“Welfare was never intended to be a one-way handout, but a program based on the idea of reciprocity,” said Robert Rector, a fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation. “Those who receive benefits from the government should be required to work or participate in work-training as a condition.”

Doar and Rector cite reforms made by Republican Gov. Paul LePage of Maine.

In October 2014, LePage announced that able-bodied adults would have to find work, spend 20 hours per week in a work program, or perform community service for six hours a week.

Food stamp participation declined 14.5 percent from 235,771 in January 2014 to 201,557 in January 2015, according to the state.

An analysis of a group of 7,000 Mainers who left SNAP in 2014 found their total earnings increased from $3.85 million in the third quarter 2014 to $8.24 million in the last quarter of 2015.

Kansas saw a 75 percent decline after implementing work requirements in 2013. In addition, nearly 60 percent of former beneficiaries found employment within 12 months and their incomes rose by an average of 127 percent per year, according to the Foundation for Government Accountability.

The Maine model taken nationwide could save taxpayers over $8.4 billion per year, according to Rector.

That is the goal of Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, who have introduced a bill to require able-bodied adults without children to participate in “work activation” initiatives as a condition of their benefits. It also imposes time limits on SNAP participation.

“We should be incentivizing work, not providing a disincentive to find a job, which is a good thing both for the taxpayer as well as for the beneficiary,” Jordan said.

After the food stamp rolls swelled for years under the Obama administration, fresh figures show a dramatic reduction in states that recently have moved to restore work requirements.

States were allowed to waive those rules for able-bodied adults thanks to the 2009 economic stimulus. As the rules loosened and the economy sputtered out of the recession, food stamp enrollment soared to record levels – peaking at nearly 48 million nationwide in 2013.

But while that number has dipped gradually in recent years, some states have moved aggressively to push recipients who can work back into the job market and, in due time, off the program.

Alabama began 2017 by requiring able-bodied adults without children in 13 counties to either find a job or participate in work training as a condition for continuing to receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.

According to, the number of those recipients declined from 5,538 to 831 between Jan. 1 and the beginning of May – an 85 percent drop.

Similar changes were implemented in select counties in Georgia and by the end of the first three months, the number of adults receiving benefits in three participating counties dropped 58 percent, according to the Georgia Public Policy Foundation.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution recently reported that in 21 additional counties that restored the work requirement, there was a 62 percent drop in SNAP participants.

“Work requirements have been enormously successful at reducing the number of people on food stamps. And while they made sense in the early part of the recession when unemployment was higher, that is no longer the case,” said Robert Doar, a fellow in poverty studies at the American Enterprise Institute.
A key component of the 1996 welfare reform bill, the work requirement applies to able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) between the ages of 18 to 49.

However, as part of his 2009 economic stimulus, then-President Barack Obama allowed states to waive SNAP work requirements, which resulted in the number of ABAWDs on food stamps more than doubling from 1.9 million in 2008 to 3.9 million in 2010, according to a 2012 Congressional Research Service study.

The number continued to rise but has since slipped to roughly 4.2 million. According to the USDA, most states still offer full or partial waivers.

Advocates for waivers argue that the flexibility is needed to help people get back on their feet in the wake of the economic crisis. And a call in the Trump administration’s budget to resurrect the work mandate and scale back SNAP’s budget has drawn fire from anti-hunger advocates.

“Parents will work just as hard at unforgiving jobs and see less food on the table for their families. Children will become sicker without the proper nutrition, ending up in hospitals or on the rolls of what social services remain. Some children will die,” Mariana Chilton, a professor of public health at Drexel University, predicted in a column for The Hill.

SNAP reform, however, could be bolstered by the developments at the state level.

“Welfare was never intended to be a one-way handout, but a program based on the idea of reciprocity,” said Robert Rector, a fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation. “Those who receive benefits from the government should be required to work or participate in work-training as a condition.”

Doar and Rector cite reforms made by Republican Gov. Paul LePage of Maine.

In October 2014, LePage announced that able-bodied adults would have to find work, spend 20 hours per week in a work program, or perform community service for six hours a week.

Food stamp participation declined 14.5 percent from 235,771 in January 2014 to 201,557 in January 2015, according to the state.

An analysis of a group of 7,000 Mainers who left SNAP in 2014 found their total earnings increased from $3.85 million in the third quarter 2014 to $8.24 million in the last quarter of 2015.

Kansas saw a 75 percent decline after implementing work requirements in 2013. In addition, nearly 60 percent of former beneficiaries found employment within 12 months and their incomes rose by an average of 127 percent per year, according to the Foundation for Government Accountability.

The Maine model taken nationwide could save taxpayers over $8.4 billion per year, according to Rector.

That is the goal of Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, who have introduced a bill to require able-bodied adults without children to participate in “work activation” initiatives as a condition of their benefits. It also imposes time limits on SNAP participation.

“We should be incentivizing work, not providing a disincentive to find a job, which is a good thing both for the taxpayer as well as for the beneficiary,” Jordan said.
And its not even WORK its school,training,volunteering etc. ALL really help you move FORWARD in life.

He's hired attorneys who specialize in several related areas, including one who is fluent in Russian. That info isn't available on the sites trumpkins frequent so they would have no way of knowing that.

I would think all you trumpkins would be very happy that the cheeto will, you know, have his day in court, so he can be cleared.


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He's hiring only attorneys who hate Trump., That much is obvious.

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That is only obvious to brainwashed Trump sycophants like yourself. All pf these people are highly skilled attorney with sterling credentials.

They're Trump haters and Hillary shills.

So you say. They are not Trump haters. Take your garbage and go to HELL where Trump and his supporters belong.
still pretending you dont know the difference between emails account and a server.

There's no signifigant difference. If anything, Condi and Powell using private emails on a public server would be worse, as anyone could hack into them when they figure out whose account was running through there.

Of course, we'll never know, because Powell scrubbed his internet account when he left office, and people asked to see them, he couldn't produce them.

Hillary probably wanted to cover up her order to whack Seth Rich for ratting her out. What else explains both the need for a private server AND for BleachBit; its a textbook "consciousness of guilt" move on her part
:rofl: :rolleyes:

Her server went in to the FBI's hands long before seth was killed or even hired by the DNC...
I know! Seriously who the fuck would want someone who wants a TRULY neutral investigation if there is one at all....just horrible!
You're calling it a "witch hunt" as if there was no evidence to launch an investigation. Trump has no halo over his head.
No halo right there I am sure but sure ain't no evidence about ANY ties to Russia doing anything in the election. Even democrat congressman have said that.
There's plenty of evidence plus all non DEPLORABLES know this investigation is still in its infancy stage.
It took two years to take down Nixon. Be patient. Trump's going down.
He's lived his life skirting the law and doing devious things. And you think he was going to stop because he's president?
Hey you want to illegally depose a rightfully elected president and piss off MILLIONS of gun owners you go right ahead :)
I know! Seriously who the fuck would want someone who wants a TRULY neutral investigation if there is one at all....just horrible!
You're calling it a "witch hunt" as if there was no evidence to launch an investigation. Trump has no halo over his head.
No halo right there I am sure but sure ain't no evidence about ANY ties to Russia doing anything in the election. Even democrat congressman have said that.
There's plenty of evidence plus all non DEPLORABLES know this investigation is still in its infancy stage.
It took two years to take down Nixon. Be patient. Trump's going down.
He's lived his life skirting the law and doing devious things. And you think he was going to stop because he's president?

So where's the evidence, douche bag?
I know! Seriously who the fuck would want someone who wants a TRULY neutral investigation if there is one at all....just horrible!
You're calling it a "witch hunt" as if there was no evidence to launch an investigation. Trump has no halo over his head.
No halo right there I am sure but sure ain't no evidence about ANY ties to Russia doing anything in the election. Even democrat congressman have said that.
There's plenty of evidence plus all non DEPLORABLES know this investigation is still in its infancy stage.
It took two years to take down Nixon. Be patient. Trump's going down.
He's lived his life skirting the law and doing devious things. And you think he was going to stop because he's president?
Hey you want to illegally depose a rightfully elected president and piss off MILLIONS of gun owners you go right ahead :)
It will never happen. The fantasy of impeaching Trump is the only thing that gives most of these pathetic snowflakes are reason for living.
I know! Seriously who the fuck would want someone who wants a TRULY neutral investigation if there is one at all....just horrible!
You're calling it a "witch hunt" as if there was no evidence to launch an investigation. Trump has no halo over his head.
No halo right there I am sure but sure ain't no evidence about ANY ties to Russia doing anything in the election. Even democrat congressman have said that.
There's plenty of evidence plus all non DEPLORABLES know this investigation is still in its infancy stage.
It took two years to take down Nixon. Be patient. Trump's going down.
He's lived his life skirting the law and doing devious things. And you think he was going to stop because he's president?

So where's the evidence, douche bag?
Example# 342 of proving you've been living in a cave the past two years.
I've caught you so many times knowing nothing of DT's history.
I know! Seriously who the fuck would want someone who wants a TRULY neutral investigation if there is one at all....just horrible!
You're calling it a "witch hunt" as if there was no evidence to launch an investigation. Trump has no halo over his head.
No halo right there I am sure but sure ain't no evidence about ANY ties to Russia doing anything in the election. Even democrat congressman have said that.
There's plenty of evidence plus all non DEPLORABLES know this investigation is still in its infancy stage.
It took two years to take down Nixon. Be patient. Trump's going down.
He's lived his life skirting the law and doing devious things. And you think he was going to stop because he's president?
Hey you want to illegally depose a rightfully elected president and piss off MILLIONS of gun owners you go right ahead :)
Illegally? Nope. There's enough dirt on Trump right now to LEGALLY get rid of his traitorous ass with his violation of the emolument clause of the Constitution and him ADMITTING he obstructed justice in the Russian investigation.
I know! Seriously who the fuck would want someone who wants a TRULY neutral investigation if there is one at all....just horrible!
You're calling it a "witch hunt" as if there was no evidence to launch an investigation. Trump has no halo over his head.
No halo right there I am sure but sure ain't no evidence about ANY ties to Russia doing anything in the election. Even democrat congressman have said that.
There's plenty of evidence plus all non DEPLORABLES know this investigation is still in its infancy stage.
It took two years to take down Nixon. Be patient. Trump's going down.
He's lived his life skirting the law and doing devious things. And you think he was going to stop because he's president?
Hey you want to illegally depose a rightfully elected president and piss off MILLIONS of gun owners you go right ahead :)
How cute... some angry DEPLORABLES with guns as opposed to the full weight of the army navy and marines. Cmon pussies show us your penis extenders.
A few pages back RWer asked why Trump was making policy concessions to Putin....

1. Link please

2. You mean like Barry telling Medvedev to tell Putin he will be more flexible after his te-election...?

Bwuhahaha...snowflakes are such hypocritical delusional sore losers....
No halo right there I am sure but sure ain't no evidence about ANY ties to Russia doing anything in the election. Even democrat congressman have said that.
If there was no evidence, there would be no investigation. But when you get a number of the Presidents Cabinet or transition team saying one thing, then a week later saying the exact opposite, it raises red flags.

Congress: Senator Sessions, did you meet with any Russian members of their government?
Sessions: No.
A week later...

Sessions: Oh, I forgot, I did!

Congress: Mr. Flynn, are you getting paid from a foreign government?
Mike Flynn: No.
A week later...

Mike Flynn: Oh, that's right, I lobby for Turkey in my spare time.

WH press: Sean, did the President fire James Comey because of the Russian investigation?
Sean Spicer: No. He fired him on the recommendation of the Deputy Attorney General.
A week later...

Trump on national TV: When I fired Comey, I was thinking about the Russian investigation.
Something is definitely up when people keep changing their story.
Hey you want to illegally depose a rightfully elected president and piss off MILLIONS of gun owners you go right ahead :)
I don't give a shit about what gun owners think. Fuck the NRA! Fuck the 2nd amendment! Gun owners can take all their big mouth firepower rectally, for all I care. They ain't gonna do shit.

Viva la 25th amendment!
If there was no evidence, there would be no investigation.

That's like trying to say, "If negroes weren't black there would be no racism'.

Way to blame the people you're unfairly persecuting, snowflake.
Hillary probably wanted to cover up her order to whack Seth Rich for ratting her out. What else explains both the need for a private server AND for BleachBit; its a textbook "consciousness of guilt" move on her part

Gee, I don't know, I think that when you have someone spending 70 million dollars investigating your husband's sex life, you probably want to practice some internet security.

So is Seth Rich the new Vince Foster? I thought that was Chris Stevens, who Hillary deviously manipulated into going into a dangerous city.

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