Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Communism is a mental defect, Comrade.

Partisanship is a mental defect, my little partisan zealot.

pot meet kettle

I am a lot of things, partisan is not of them.

your postings say otherwise. but who cares, none of you libs ever tells the truth about anything.

I hear that a lot, and yet none of you liars have ever been able to point to a single post from me that backs it up.

It is so cute you calling me a lib, because there are a lot anti-abortion, pro-second amendment, smaller government libs!

Seems you are just one more braindead partisan that lies through their teeth.

I will give you a break since I am also a gator. but as long as your posts lean far left I will take them with a grain of salt.

Think Mullen will turn the team around? I hope so.
I will give you a break since I am also a gator. but as long as your posts lean far left I will take them with a grain of salt.

Think Mullen will turn the team around? I hope so.

Please just post one far left position that I hold, just one? Can you do that for me?

Until we get a QB, no. We have had the worst luck with QBs since Tebow left.
You really are as slow as everyone says. You think Junior's meeting with the Russians was "unwitting?"

It won't be over until after the Liar in Chief is interviewed...or forced to testify to the Grand Jury.

Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

should Comey and Lynch also be compelled to testify about ties with Russia? the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign? the secret tarmac meeting?

Lets have trump testify under oath, then lets have all the dems testify under oath. lets get all the truth out, you up for that?

Fine! The facts have been found. Putin wanted Trump as president. might ask. He now has his man in the White House And Sanction....did someone say Sanctions?

Trump is never going go implement sanctions against Putin...He is a Traitor Cheating Pig.

do you understand how stupid that is? You are saying that putin preferred someone that he could not control over Hillary who he had tons of material to use to blackmail into doing exactly what he wanted. Are you brain dead?
Since Trump has appeared on political stage Soros Media had all kinds of "bombshell news" about him. But each and every one of them had 2 main goals to achieve:
1. To compromise Trump (using fake information just because they were unable to find any true bad facts about him).
2. To build up as much hate for Russia as possible.

Only two main goals. But constantly and almost on daily basis.

careful. the truth makes little liberal heads implode. they will now all run to their safe spaces and huddle up in a blanket.

There is no truth in that headline, it is 100% a lie. John Kerry did not approve any visas.

then is Kerry suing for libel? Is Obama? is anyone?

I think that Kerry really does not care what fake news websites post about him. The only people that care are the zealots.

Fake news. This story was debunked yesterday in about 4 different threads. Do try and keep up with current events.

there is nothing that comes off of kkk boi's keyboard that isn't racist insane lies spread by people who belong on stormfront and not among normal people.

BLM and NAACP are the most racist organizations in this country today. The KKK no longer exists, and that is a good thing.

careful. the truth makes little liberal heads implode. they will now all run to their safe spaces and huddle up in a blanket.

There is no truth in that headline, it is 100% a lie. John Kerry did not approve any visas.

then is Kerry suing for libel? Is Obama? is anyone?

I think that Kerry really does not care what fake news websites post about him. The only people that care are the zealots.

but you take all the fake news about Trump as gospel. see any contradiction there?
Communism is a mental defect, Comrade.

Partisanship is a mental defect, my little partisan zealot.

pot meet kettle

I am a lot of things, partisan is not of them.

your postings say otherwise. but who cares, none of you libs ever tells the truth about anything.

I hear that a lot, and yet none of you liars have ever been able to point to a single post from me that backs it up.

It is so cute you calling me a lib, because there are a lot anti-abortion, pro-second amendment, smaller government libs!

Seems you are just one more braindead partisan that lies through their teeth.
More than anything else Gator, you're a fake. I doubt anyone believes anything you say about yourself.
You really are as slow as everyone says. You think Junior's meeting with the Russians was "unwitting?"

It won't be over until after the Liar in Chief is interviewed...or forced to testify to the Grand Jury.

Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

should Comey and Lynch also be compelled to testify about ties with Russia? the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign? the secret tarmac meeting?

Lets have trump testify under oath, then lets have all the dems testify under oath. lets get all the truth out, you up for that?

Fine! The facts have been found. Putin wanted Trump as president. might ask. He now has his man in the White House And Sanction....did someone say Sanctions?

Trump is never going go implement sanctions against Putin...He is a Traitor Cheating Pig.

do you understand how stupid that is? You are saying that putin preferred someone that he could not control over Hillary who he had tons of material to use to blackmail into doing exactly what he wanted. Are you brain dead?

Of course he wanted Donald. He had been preparing him for years. Putin has his man in the WH. The FBI found that the majority of fake news was in an effort to discredit Hillary. Putin wanted Trump as president.

How about the sanctions? When is he implementing them...or is he EVER...
Feb 17:

"It turns our the U.S. Department of Justice believes there were thirteen of them," Zakharova wrote. "Thirteen individuals interfering in the U.S. election? Thirteen individuals versus the budgets of the security agencies that are measured in billions of dollars? Versus the intelligence, counterintelligence and top-notch technologies? Isn't it absurd? Well, that's the US political reality nowadays, you know."

Russian Foreign Ministry dismisses US charges with election meddling as absurdity

The Mueller indictment was just a single example, a single cell of the russian operation. It's like taking down a single terrorist cell, and believing that was the full extent of terrorist plots against the USA.

RailRoad, what are you contributing to the discussion except for repeating what Soros Media has already said?
No facts, no evidence, just blah-blah and "bad Russians".

"There’s much talk about state interference in the electoral process but I haven’t seen a single fact to date," Lavrov said today.
Lavrov says anti-Russian issues to dominate in US until midterms

I see you claim your origins as Ukraine. No wonder you cite articles from the Russian State owned Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union aka TASS HQ'ed in Moskva. That probably also explains your apologetic bent toward the triumvirate of the Orange Clown, Putin and Mother Russia!

Do you really believe any true and faithful American is going to believe a damn thing put out by the Russian controlled propaganda rag, TASS? But to cite TASS multiple times as if it were authoritative on a US message board is fucking stupid, and presented FOR the fucking stupid and gullible!
Yes. I'm Russian from Ukraine trying to bring a ray of truth to the forum. And what are you bringing? Soros propaganda, that's it. But from what I can see on this forum is that the majority of Americans are already sick and tired of Soros fake news.

And as far as fairly tales about "bad Russians" go let's see, whom should I believe : you or my lying eyes..
Yes. I'm Russian from Ukraine trying to bring a ray of truth to the forum.
Bringing a ray of truth here by presenting a known source of Old Style Soviet propaganda as an exemplar of Truth, Justice and the American Way? Don't piss down my leg and tell me it's raining, fool! I lived through the entirety of the Cold War, and their doesn't appear to be much daylight between the USSR where Putin got his early indoctrination and Putin's Russia today!

And what do you know of the Soros meme the far, far right has been toying with for ~20 years? You aren't a stakeholder in this country so why are you so interested in flinging epitaph's in such a biased political way as if you had the vote here. For a non expatriate and non-Canadian fro the other side of the planet, you are really, really vested in the US political scene as if it were a job for you.
But from what I can see on this forum is that the majority of Americans are already sick and tired of Soros fake news.
That comment was a bridge too far, Komrade! The folks you are parroting are in the minority and are attempting to overthrow our constitutional system, but most are ignorant of their roles as useful idiots.

But why should I cover and explain those parts that you and your fellows helped create! до свидания
The charges have been dreamed up , that way they can use it to try and drag Trump into it all some how.

Spoken like a true Russian bot. You’re caught but just like the orange clown you pushed at the American public, you deny, deny and deny. Trump even tried to deny that was him on the Access Hollywood tape.

The evidence presented to the Grand Jury is irrefutable. US Intelligence managed to infiltrate/hack the troll farm and get access to all of their records, including incorporation documents and employment records.

And this is just the beginning. Now that Mueller has presented irrefutable proof of Russian interference, he has already proven that the base crime was committed.

Trump lied when he called the notion of Russian interference a “hoax”, a “witch hunt” and “fake news”. Now he’s trying to claim these indictments vindicate him. Another lie. Indictments don’t vindicate anyone. They set out charges against individuals but Rosenstein said more than once that are are other unnamed “unindicted co-conspirators” who are known to both the Special Prosecutor and the Grand Jury. So these indictments aren’t the end of the investigation, no matter what Trump said.

There is little chance these individuals will ever face trial in the US but that’s not the purpose of these charges. These charges set out in much greater detail than is normal in indictments, the nature and evidence in regards to the underlying crimes.

Now he will build on this foundation.

Tick tick tick. Time is running out for Putin’s puppet.
Feb 17:

"It turns our the U.S. Department of Justice believes there were thirteen of them," Zakharova wrote. "Thirteen individuals interfering in the U.S. election? Thirteen individuals versus the budgets of the security agencies that are measured in billions of dollars? Versus the intelligence, counterintelligence and top-notch technologies? Isn't it absurd? Well, that's the US political reality nowadays, you know."

Russian Foreign Ministry dismisses US charges with election meddling as absurdity

The Mueller indictment was just a single example, a single cell of the russian operation. It's like taking down a single terrorist cell, and believing that was the full extent of terrorist plots against the USA.

RailRoad, what are you contributing to the discussion except for repeating what Soros Media has already said?
No facts, no evidence, just blah-blah and "bad Russians".

"There’s much talk about state interference in the electoral process but I haven’t seen a single fact to date," Lavrov said today.
Lavrov says anti-Russian issues to dominate in US until midterms

I see you claim your origins as Ukraine. No wonder you cite articles from the Russian State owned Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union aka TASS HQ'ed in Moskva. That probably also explains your apologetic bent toward the triumvirate of the Orange Clown, Putin and Mother Russia!

Do you really believe any true and faithful American is going to believe a damn thing put out by the Russian controlled propaganda rag, TASS? But to cite TASS multiple times as if it were authoritative on a US message board is fucking stupid, and presented FOR the fucking stupid and gullible!
Yes. I'm Russian from Ukraine trying to bring a ray of truth to the forum. And what are you bringing? Soros propaganda, that's it. But from what I can see on this forum is that the majority of Americans are already sick and tired of Soros fake news.

And as far as fairly tales about "bad Russians" go let's see, whom should I believe : you or my lying eyes..
Yes. I'm Russian from Ukraine trying to bring a ray of truth to the forum.
Bringing a ray of truth here by presenting a known source of Old Style Soviet propaganda as an exemplar of Truth, Justice and the American Way? Don't piss down my leg and tell me it's raining, fool! I lived through the entirety of the Cold War, and their doesn't appear to be much daylight between the USSR where Putin got his early indoctrination and Putin's Russia today!

And what do you know of the Soros meme the far, far right has been toying with for ~20 years? You aren't a stakeholder in this country so why are you so interested in flinging epitaph's in such a biased political way as if you had the vote here. For a non expatriate and non-Canadian fro the other side of the planet, you are really, really vested in the US political scene as if it were a job for you.
But from what I can see on this forum is that the majority of Americans are already sick and tired of Soros fake news.
That comment was a bridge too far, Komrade! The folks you are parroting are in the minority and are attempting to overthrow our constitutional system, but most are ignorant of their roles as useful idiots.

But why should I cover and explain those parts that you and your fellows helped create! до свидания
Не дождётесь!

What made you more mad: Zakharova's comment or the source which published it? Yes, I quoted the Russian source since American Media doesn't bother to present the other side's point of view. And if you don't care it doesn't automatically mean the other Americans don't.

I'm posting her quote again and asking you to tell me where exactly she was wrong.

"It turns our the U.S. Department of Justice believes there were thirteen of them," Zakharova wrote. "Thirteen individuals interfering in the U.S. election? Thirteen individuals versus the budgets of the security agencies that are measured in billions of dollars? Versus the intelligence, counterintelligence and top-notch technologies? Isn't it absurd? Well, that's the US political reality nowadays, you know."
Russian Foreign Ministry dismisses US charges with election meddling as absurdity

Oh, I think you got mad just because she was absolutely right!

Last edited:
Partisanship is a mental defect, my little partisan zealot.

pot meet kettle

I am a lot of things, partisan is not of them.

your postings say otherwise. but who cares, none of you libs ever tells the truth about anything.

I hear that a lot, and yet none of you liars have ever been able to point to a single post from me that backs it up.

It is so cute you calling me a lib, because there are a lot anti-abortion, pro-second amendment, smaller government libs!

Seems you are just one more braindead partisan that lies through their teeth.
More than anything else Gator, you're a fake. I doubt anyone believes anything you say about yourself.

Ahhh, is my little snowflake still butthurt that I was mean to him?

careful. the truth makes little liberal heads implode. they will now all run to their safe spaces and huddle up in a blanket.

There is no truth in that headline, it is 100% a lie. John Kerry did not approve any visas.

then is Kerry suing for libel? Is Obama? is anyone?

I think that Kerry really does not care what fake news websites post about him. The only people that care are the zealots.

but you take all the fake news about Trump as gospel. see any contradiction there?

I do, which news is that? Can you give me one example?

I have stated multiple times on this forum that I do not think there was any collusion between Trump and the Russians.
The Mueller indictment was just a single example, a single cell of the russian operation. It's like taking down a single terrorist cell, and believing that was the full extent of terrorist plots against the USA.

RailRoad, what are you contributing to the discussion except for repeating what Soros Media has already said?
No facts, no evidence, just blah-blah and "bad Russians".

"There’s much talk about state interference in the electoral process but I haven’t seen a single fact to date," Lavrov said today.
Lavrov says anti-Russian issues to dominate in US until midterms

I see you claim your origins as Ukraine. No wonder you cite articles from the Russian State owned Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union aka TASS HQ'ed in Moskva. That probably also explains your apologetic bent toward the triumvirate of the Orange Clown, Putin and Mother Russia!

Do you really believe any true and faithful American is going to believe a damn thing put out by the Russian controlled propaganda rag, TASS? But to cite TASS multiple times as if it were authoritative on a US message board is fucking stupid, and presented FOR the fucking stupid and gullible!
Yes. I'm Russian from Ukraine trying to bring a ray of truth to the forum. And what are you bringing? Soros propaganda, that's it. But from what I can see on this forum is that the majority of Americans are already sick and tired of Soros fake news.

And as far as fairly tales about "bad Russians" go let's see, whom should I believe : you or my lying eyes..
Yes. I'm Russian from Ukraine trying to bring a ray of truth to the forum.
Bringing a ray of truth here by presenting a known source of Old Style Soviet propaganda as an exemplar of Truth, Justice and the American Way? Don't piss down my leg and tell me it's raining, fool! I lived through the entirety of the Cold War, and their doesn't appear to be much daylight between the USSR where Putin got his early indoctrination and Putin's Russia today!

And what do you know of the Soros meme the far, far right has been toying with for ~20 years? You aren't a stakeholder in this country so why are you so interested in flinging epitaph's in such a biased political way as if you had the vote here. For a non expatriate and non-Canadian fro the other side of the planet, you are really, really vested in the US political scene as if it were a job for you.
But from what I can see on this forum is that the majority of Americans are already sick and tired of Soros fake news.
That comment was a bridge too far, Komrade! The folks you are parroting are in the minority and are attempting to overthrow our constitutional system, but most are ignorant of their roles as useful idiots.

But why should I cover and explain those parts that you and your fellows helped create! до свидания
What made you more mad: Zakharova's comment or the source which published it? Yes, I quoted the Russian source since American Media doesn't bother to present the other side's point of view. And if you don't care it doesn't automatically mean the other Americans don't.

I'm posting her quote again and asking you to tell me where exactly she was wrong.

"It turns our the U.S. Department of Justice believes there were thirteen of them," Zakharova wrote. "Thirteen individuals interfering in the U.S. election? Thirteen individuals versus the budgets of the security agencies that are measured in billions of dollars? Versus the intelligence, counterintelligence and top-notch technologies? Isn't it absurd? Well, that's the US political reality nowadays, you know."
Russian Foreign Ministry dismisses US charges with election meddling as absurdity

Oh, I think you got mad just because she was right!

View attachment 177411
Yes, I quoted the Russian source since American Media doesn't bother to present the other side's point of view.
Hey, DUMMY! AGAIN, Russians aren't a stakeholder in our political business in this here country, Boris! We don't need Putin's Russians sticking their collective noses in our political business. Hence, the fucking indictment with charges.
Oh, I think you got mad just because she was right!
If you believe that, you're really damned stupid, or totally vacuous, or both, or just doing your job trolling. Fucking stupid rabbits!

BTW, you stumbled on a common American idiom; you figure out where. Dead give away there with someone using such precise English! We're not all Brits fool!

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