Mueller invest'g "suitcases & duffels" of CASH from Russia to TRUMP CAMPAIGN

I think it is safe to say that PUTIN WANTED TRUMP TO WIN!! Follow the money? Note the very last sentence. There has never been an accounting of TRUMP'S MASSIVE inauguration fund. They've refused. Hey, RACHEL (Maddow), WHERE ARE YOU?? She's been mentioning this for months.

Either way, their story suggests that one way Russia might have injected
money into the American political system for the 2016 election and beyond
was not via traceable and accountable electronic transfers, but the
old-fashioned delivery of cold, hard cash.

Flying around stacks of cash is a time-honored way to get money into
circulation in a distant place with no one in between learning
about it —
most of the time.

If Russian officials were shipping cash to the United States in 2016 for

deposit in American bank accounts, which were then the apparently legitimate
points of origination for payments to political campaigns or political action
committees, it could have been a powerful and deniable source of influence.

The Russia Investigations: On The Hunt For Duffel Bags Full Of Cash
April 7, 20187:00 AM ET

Investigations: Mueller sends the feds to meet some international arrivees; new sanctions on some powerful, wealthy Russians

A gleaming new Gulfstream 650 — or maybe it's a Sukhoi business jet — sweeps in for a landing at Teterboro Airport, the suburban New Jersey entrepôt for elite fliers on their way to nearby Manhattan. The sleek aircraft turns smartly off the runway and heads for the "executive passenger terminal," where a row of black vehicles is parked and waiting as usual. But when the hatch folds down to permit passengers to deplane and make their short drive into New York, someone is standing in the way:

That, at least, was the scene painted in an exclusive report by CNN's Kara Scannell and Shimon Prokupecz. Mueller himself might not be standing on the tarmac, but FBI investigators from his office have interdicted at least two wealthy Russians recently on their way into the United States, they report.

The special counsel's office is apparently trying to establish whether powerful Russians who owe fealty to President Vladimir Putin — the oft-referenced "oligarchs" —may have funneled cash donations to President Trump's campaign or his inauguration fund.

The Russia Sanctions Saga: Weapons Dealers, Mobsters And Suitcases Full Of Cash

On Friday, the Treasury Department targeted some of those same oligarchs for a new round of sanctions, along with a number of other Russian government officials and entities — including the state weapons exporter. And here was the description Treasury gave of the conduct of one targeted Russian, gold baron Suleiman Kerimov:

"He is alleged to have brought hundreds of millions of euros into France – transporting as much as 20 million euros at a time in suitcases, in addition to conducting more conventional funds transfers – without reporting the money to French tax authorities.

More money, more problems

That pattern of conduct, and the nature of the interdictions described by Scannell and Prokupecz, raise questions about how long this smuggling of cash might have gone on. The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts — or whether it continues to this day....
/----/ " The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts " OR maybe it went into Hillary's
View attachment 186722
Many of the donors named are in the list of payers to the Clinton Initiative... Nothing to see here... Links to the Clinton campaign are massive but some how it was redirected to Trump? How do they figure? The desperation is priceless here....
I think it is safe to say that PUTIN WANTED TRUMP TO WIN!! Follow the money? Note the very last sentence. There has never been an accounting of TRUMP'S MASSIVE inauguration fund. They've refused. Hey, RACHEL (Maddow), WHERE ARE YOU?? She's been mentioning this for months.

Either way, their story suggests that one way Russia might have injected
money into the American political system for the 2016 election and beyond
was not via traceable and accountable electronic transfers, but the
old-fashioned delivery of cold, hard cash.

Flying around stacks of cash is a time-honored way to get money into
circulation in a distant place with no one in between learning
about it —
most of the time.

If Russian officials were shipping cash to the United States in 2016 for

deposit in American bank accounts, which were then the apparently legitimate
points of origination for payments to political campaigns or political action
committees, it could have been a powerful and deniable source of influence.

The Russia Investigations: On The Hunt For Duffel Bags Full Of Cash
April 7, 20187:00 AM ET

Investigations: Mueller sends the feds to meet some international arrivees; new sanctions on some powerful, wealthy Russians

A gleaming new Gulfstream 650 — or maybe it's a Sukhoi business jet — sweeps in for a landing at Teterboro Airport, the suburban New Jersey entrepôt for elite fliers on their way to nearby Manhattan. The sleek aircraft turns smartly off the runway and heads for the "executive passenger terminal," where a row of black vehicles is parked and waiting as usual. But when the hatch folds down to permit passengers to deplane and make their short drive into New York, someone is standing in the way:

That, at least, was the scene painted in an exclusive report by CNN's Kara Scannell and Shimon Prokupecz. Mueller himself might not be standing on the tarmac, but FBI investigators from his office have interdicted at least two wealthy Russians recently on their way into the United States, they report.

The special counsel's office is apparently trying to establish whether powerful Russians who owe fealty to President Vladimir Putin — the oft-referenced "oligarchs" —may have funneled cash donations to President Trump's campaign or his inauguration fund.

The Russia Sanctions Saga: Weapons Dealers, Mobsters And Suitcases Full Of Cash

On Friday, the Treasury Department targeted some of those same oligarchs for a new round of sanctions, along with a number of other Russian government officials and entities — including the state weapons exporter. And here was the description Treasury gave of the conduct of one targeted Russian, gold baron Suleiman Kerimov:

"He is alleged to have brought hundreds of millions of euros into France – transporting as much as 20 million euros at a time in suitcases, in addition to conducting more conventional funds transfers – without reporting the money to French tax authorities.

More money, more problems

That pattern of conduct, and the nature of the interdictions described by Scannell and Prokupecz, raise questions about how long this smuggling of cash might have gone on. The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts — or whether it continues to this day....
Fake news, or is this another fake negative leak from an investigation that's supposed to be leakproof? Ha ha ha.
You sure do reek of desperation.

Conspiracy to launder money is a serious crime, comrade.
The FBI is reduced to stopping random people with no more evidence of wrongdoing than they are Russian and wealthy. The FBI needs to be disbanded. Start all over with sane people.
FBI already had guilty pleas

More to come
I think it is safe to say that PUTIN WANTED TRUMP TO WIN!! Follow the money? Note the very last sentence. There has never been an accounting of TRUMP'S MASSIVE inauguration fund. They've refused. Hey, RACHEL (Maddow), WHERE ARE YOU?? She's been mentioning this for months.

Either way, their story suggests that one way Russia might have injected
money into the American political system for the 2016 election and beyond
was not via traceable and accountable electronic transfers, but the
old-fashioned delivery of cold, hard cash.

Flying around stacks of cash is a time-honored way to get money into
circulation in a distant place with no one in between learning
about it —
most of the time.

If Russian officials were shipping cash to the United States in 2016 for

deposit in American bank accounts, which were then the apparently legitimate
points of origination for payments to political campaigns or political action
committees, it could have been a powerful and deniable source of influence.

The Russia Investigations: On The Hunt For Duffel Bags Full Of Cash
April 7, 20187:00 AM ET

Investigations: Mueller sends the feds to meet some international arrivees; new sanctions on some powerful, wealthy Russians

A gleaming new Gulfstream 650 — or maybe it's a Sukhoi business jet — sweeps in for a landing at Teterboro Airport, the suburban New Jersey entrepôt for elite fliers on their way to nearby Manhattan. The sleek aircraft turns smartly off the runway and heads for the "executive passenger terminal," where a row of black vehicles is parked and waiting as usual. But when the hatch folds down to permit passengers to deplane and make their short drive into New York, someone is standing in the way:

That, at least, was the scene painted in an exclusive report by CNN's Kara Scannell and Shimon Prokupecz. Mueller himself might not be standing on the tarmac, but FBI investigators from his office have interdicted at least two wealthy Russians recently on their way into the United States, they report.

The special counsel's office is apparently trying to establish whether powerful Russians who owe fealty to President Vladimir Putin — the oft-referenced "oligarchs" —may have funneled cash donations to President Trump's campaign or his inauguration fund.

The Russia Sanctions Saga: Weapons Dealers, Mobsters And Suitcases Full Of Cash

On Friday, the Treasury Department targeted some of those same oligarchs for a new round of sanctions, along with a number of other Russian government officials and entities — including the state weapons exporter. And here was the description Treasury gave of the conduct of one targeted Russian, gold baron Suleiman Kerimov:

"He is alleged to have brought hundreds of millions of euros into France – transporting as much as 20 million euros at a time in suitcases, in addition to conducting more conventional funds transfers – without reporting the money to French tax authorities.

More money, more problems

That pattern of conduct, and the nature of the interdictions described by Scannell and Prokupecz, raise questions about how long this smuggling of cash might have gone on. The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts — or whether it continues to this day....
/----/ " The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts " OR maybe it went into Hillary's
View attachment 186722
Many of the donors named are in the list of payers to the Clinton Initiative... Nothing to see here... Links to the Clinton campaign are massive but some how it was redirected to Trump? How do they figure? The desperation is priceless here....
Oh my, your Clinton Tourettes Syndrome certainly is flaring up. Try to stay focused: this is about barrels of undocumented cash from Russian criminals flowing into Trump's coffers.
Just wow...

Conjecture and left wing made up lies..

Right out of the Alyinsky play book for propagating propaganda. this should be right up Madcows alley along with fake news CNN.. I really love the "un-named" sources...

Yeah sure. FAKE NEWS. You got us!
Until you can actually put names and verifiable facts up, your the liars...

Nope, that's NOT how it works. Benghazi and Kenyan births proved that! Besides who is more credible? Trump, FOX, Gowdy or MUELLER? Trump didn't get shit with his BIRTH CERTIFICATE shit. Gowdy nor FOX got shit with BENGHAZI.
You are so desperate to "get trump" you don't give a damn about facts.. Your hit piece clearly uses verified donors to the Clinton initiative for your "facts" and you cant see the conflict here?

Dumb ass..
I think it is safe to say that PUTIN WANTED TRUMP TO WIN!! Follow the money? Note the very last sentence. There has never been an accounting of TRUMP'S MASSIVE inauguration fund. They've refused. Hey, RACHEL (Maddow), WHERE ARE YOU?? She's been mentioning this for months.

Either way, their story suggests that one way Russia might have injected
money into the American political system for the 2016 election and beyond
was not via traceable and accountable electronic transfers, but the
old-fashioned delivery of cold, hard cash.

Flying around stacks of cash is a time-honored way to get money into
circulation in a distant place with no one in between learning
about it —
most of the time.

If Russian officials were shipping cash to the United States in 2016 for

deposit in American bank accounts, which were then the apparently legitimate
points of origination for payments to political campaigns or political action
committees, it could have been a powerful and deniable source of influence.

The Russia Investigations: On The Hunt For Duffel Bags Full Of Cash
April 7, 20187:00 AM ET

Investigations: Mueller sends the feds to meet some international arrivees; new sanctions on some powerful, wealthy Russians

A gleaming new Gulfstream 650 — or maybe it's a Sukhoi business jet — sweeps in for a landing at Teterboro Airport, the suburban New Jersey entrepôt for elite fliers on their way to nearby Manhattan. The sleek aircraft turns smartly off the runway and heads for the "executive passenger terminal," where a row of black vehicles is parked and waiting as usual. But when the hatch folds down to permit passengers to deplane and make their short drive into New York, someone is standing in the way:

That, at least, was the scene painted in an exclusive report by CNN's Kara Scannell and Shimon Prokupecz. Mueller himself might not be standing on the tarmac, but FBI investigators from his office have interdicted at least two wealthy Russians recently on their way into the United States, they report.

The special counsel's office is apparently trying to establish whether powerful Russians who owe fealty to President Vladimir Putin — the oft-referenced "oligarchs" —may have funneled cash donations to President Trump's campaign or his inauguration fund.

The Russia Sanctions Saga: Weapons Dealers, Mobsters And Suitcases Full Of Cash

On Friday, the Treasury Department targeted some of those same oligarchs for a new round of sanctions, along with a number of other Russian government officials and entities — including the state weapons exporter. And here was the description Treasury gave of the conduct of one targeted Russian, gold baron Suleiman Kerimov:

"He is alleged to have brought hundreds of millions of euros into France – transporting as much as 20 million euros at a time in suitcases, in addition to conducting more conventional funds transfers – without reporting the money to French tax authorities.

More money, more problems

That pattern of conduct, and the nature of the interdictions described by Scannell and Prokupecz, raise questions about how long this smuggling of cash might have gone on. The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts — or whether it continues to this day....
Fake news, or is this another fake negative leak from an investigation that's supposed to be leakproof? Ha ha ha.
I think it is safe to say that PUTIN WANTED TRUMP TO WIN!! Follow the money? Note the very last sentence. There has never been an accounting of TRUMP'S MASSIVE inauguration fund. They've refused. Hey, RACHEL (Maddow), WHERE ARE YOU?? She's been mentioning this for months.

Either way, their story suggests that one way Russia might have injected
money into the American political system for the 2016 election and beyond
was not via traceable and accountable electronic transfers, but the
old-fashioned delivery of cold, hard cash.

Flying around stacks of cash is a time-honored way to get money into
circulation in a distant place with no one in between learning
about it —
most of the time.

If Russian officials were shipping cash to the United States in 2016 for

deposit in American bank accounts, which were then the apparently legitimate
points of origination for payments to political campaigns or political action
committees, it could have been a powerful and deniable source of influence.

The Russia Investigations: On The Hunt For Duffel Bags Full Of Cash
April 7, 20187:00 AM ET

Investigations: Mueller sends the feds to meet some international arrivees; new sanctions on some powerful, wealthy Russians

A gleaming new Gulfstream 650 — or maybe it's a Sukhoi business jet — sweeps in for a landing at Teterboro Airport, the suburban New Jersey entrepôt for elite fliers on their way to nearby Manhattan. The sleek aircraft turns smartly off the runway and heads for the "executive passenger terminal," where a row of black vehicles is parked and waiting as usual. But when the hatch folds down to permit passengers to deplane and make their short drive into New York, someone is standing in the way:

That, at least, was the scene painted in an exclusive report by CNN's Kara Scannell and Shimon Prokupecz. Mueller himself might not be standing on the tarmac, but FBI investigators from his office have interdicted at least two wealthy Russians recently on their way into the United States, they report.

The special counsel's office is apparently trying to establish whether powerful Russians who owe fealty to President Vladimir Putin — the oft-referenced "oligarchs" —may have funneled cash donations to President Trump's campaign or his inauguration fund.

The Russia Sanctions Saga: Weapons Dealers, Mobsters And Suitcases Full Of Cash

On Friday, the Treasury Department targeted some of those same oligarchs for a new round of sanctions, along with a number of other Russian government officials and entities — including the state weapons exporter. And here was the description Treasury gave of the conduct of one targeted Russian, gold baron Suleiman Kerimov:

"He is alleged to have brought hundreds of millions of euros into France – transporting as much as 20 million euros at a time in suitcases, in addition to conducting more conventional funds transfers – without reporting the money to French tax authorities.

More money, more problems

That pattern of conduct, and the nature of the interdictions described by Scannell and Prokupecz, raise questions about how long this smuggling of cash might have gone on. The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts — or whether it continues to this day....
/----/ " The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts " OR maybe it went into Hillary's
View attachment 186722

Russians helped HILLARY?
I think it is safe to say that PUTIN WANTED TRUMP TO WIN!! Follow the money? Note the very last sentence. There has never been an accounting of TRUMP'S MASSIVE inauguration fund. They've refused. Hey, RACHEL (Maddow), WHERE ARE YOU?? She's been mentioning this for months.

Either way, their story suggests that one way Russia might have injected
money into the American political system for the 2016 election and beyond
was not via traceable and accountable electronic transfers, but the
old-fashioned delivery of cold, hard cash.

Flying around stacks of cash is a time-honored way to get money into
circulation in a distant place with no one in between learning
about it —
most of the time.

If Russian officials were shipping cash to the United States in 2016 for

deposit in American bank accounts, which were then the apparently legitimate
points of origination for payments to political campaigns or political action
committees, it could have been a powerful and deniable source of influence.

The Russia Investigations: On The Hunt For Duffel Bags Full Of Cash
April 7, 20187:00 AM ET

Investigations: Mueller sends the feds to meet some international arrivees; new sanctions on some powerful, wealthy Russians

A gleaming new Gulfstream 650 — or maybe it's a Sukhoi business jet — sweeps in for a landing at Teterboro Airport, the suburban New Jersey entrepôt for elite fliers on their way to nearby Manhattan. The sleek aircraft turns smartly off the runway and heads for the "executive passenger terminal," where a row of black vehicles is parked and waiting as usual. But when the hatch folds down to permit passengers to deplane and make their short drive into New York, someone is standing in the way:

That, at least, was the scene painted in an exclusive report by CNN's Kara Scannell and Shimon Prokupecz. Mueller himself might not be standing on the tarmac, but FBI investigators from his office have interdicted at least two wealthy Russians recently on their way into the United States, they report.

The special counsel's office is apparently trying to establish whether powerful Russians who owe fealty to President Vladimir Putin — the oft-referenced "oligarchs" —may have funneled cash donations to President Trump's campaign or his inauguration fund.

The Russia Sanctions Saga: Weapons Dealers, Mobsters And Suitcases Full Of Cash

On Friday, the Treasury Department targeted some of those same oligarchs for a new round of sanctions, along with a number of other Russian government officials and entities — including the state weapons exporter. And here was the description Treasury gave of the conduct of one targeted Russian, gold baron Suleiman Kerimov:

"He is alleged to have brought hundreds of millions of euros into France – transporting as much as 20 million euros at a time in suitcases, in addition to conducting more conventional funds transfers – without reporting the money to French tax authorities.

More money, more problems

That pattern of conduct, and the nature of the interdictions described by Scannell and Prokupecz, raise questions about how long this smuggling of cash might have gone on. The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts — or whether it continues to this day....
/----/ " The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts " OR maybe it went into Hillary's
View attachment 186722
Many of the donors named are in the list of payers to the Clinton Initiative... Nothing to see here... Links to the Clinton campaign are massive but some how it was redirected to Trump? How do they figure? The desperation is priceless here....
Oh my, your Clinton Tourettes Syndrome certainly is flaring up. Try to stay focused: this is about barrels of undocumented cash from Russian criminals flowing into Trump's coffers.
/----/ even someone with Tourettes Syndrome has more common sense than you do. Let me repeat: The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts.
grasping straws.png

Just wow...

Conjecture and left wing made up lies..

Right out of the Alyinsky play book for propagating propaganda. this should be right up Madcows alley along with fake news CNN.. I really love the "un-named" sources...
Another book you may have heard of but sure as hell didn`t read. If you did you would at least know how to spell Alinsky. You`re busted billy bob.
Yep! And besides WTF does that have to do with this thread? They're FLAILING!! (Even idiots can understand planes full of CASH)
. Its fun to watch you all blubber and sob..
Sorry idiot...prance and dance and posture all you like, clearly it is you throwing the embarrassing little hissy fit, clinging to your little Clinton's all there in black and white, numbskull...
The FBI is reduced to stopping random people with no more evidence of wrongdoing than they are Russian and wealthy.
As if you could possibly know what the FBI does or doesn't know. You are delusional.
They know a lot more than they're telling. You think they'll ever cough up those OG files regarding FISA warrants and memos?
I think it is safe to say that PUTIN WANTED TRUMP TO WIN!! Follow the money? Note the very last sentence. There has never been an accounting of TRUMP'S MASSIVE inauguration fund. They've refused. Hey, RACHEL (Maddow), WHERE ARE YOU?? She's been mentioning this for months.

Either way, their story suggests that one way Russia might have injected
money into the American political system for the 2016 election and beyond
was not via traceable and accountable electronic transfers, but the
old-fashioned delivery of cold, hard cash.

Flying around stacks of cash is a time-honored way to get money into
circulation in a distant place with no one in between learning
about it —
most of the time.

If Russian officials were shipping cash to the United States in 2016 for

deposit in American bank accounts, which were then the apparently legitimate
points of origination for payments to political campaigns or political action
committees, it could have been a powerful and deniable source of influence.

The Russia Investigations: On The Hunt For Duffel Bags Full Of Cash
April 7, 20187:00 AM ET

Investigations: Mueller sends the feds to meet some international arrivees; new sanctions on some powerful, wealthy Russians

A gleaming new Gulfstream 650 — or maybe it's a Sukhoi business jet — sweeps in for a landing at Teterboro Airport, the suburban New Jersey entrepôt for elite fliers on their way to nearby Manhattan. The sleek aircraft turns smartly off the runway and heads for the "executive passenger terminal," where a row of black vehicles is parked and waiting as usual. But when the hatch folds down to permit passengers to deplane and make their short drive into New York, someone is standing in the way:

That, at least, was the scene painted in an exclusive report by CNN's Kara Scannell and Shimon Prokupecz. Mueller himself might not be standing on the tarmac, but FBI investigators from his office have interdicted at least two wealthy Russians recently on their way into the United States, they report.

The special counsel's office is apparently trying to establish whether powerful Russians who owe fealty to President Vladimir Putin — the oft-referenced "oligarchs" —may have funneled cash donations to President Trump's campaign or his inauguration fund.

The Russia Sanctions Saga: Weapons Dealers, Mobsters And Suitcases Full Of Cash

On Friday, the Treasury Department targeted some of those same oligarchs for a new round of sanctions, along with a number of other Russian government officials and entities — including the state weapons exporter. And here was the description Treasury gave of the conduct of one targeted Russian, gold baron Suleiman Kerimov:

"He is alleged to have brought hundreds of millions of euros into France – transporting as much as 20 million euros at a time in suitcases, in addition to conducting more conventional funds transfers – without reporting the money to French tax authorities.

More money, more problems

That pattern of conduct, and the nature of the interdictions described by Scannell and Prokupecz, raise questions about how long this smuggling of cash might have gone on. The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts — or whether it continues to this day....
Fake news, or is this another fake negative leak from an investigation that's supposed to be leakproof? Ha ha ha.
I think it is safe to say that PUTIN WANTED TRUMP TO WIN!! Follow the money? Note the very last sentence. There has never been an accounting of TRUMP'S MASSIVE inauguration fund. They've refused. Hey, RACHEL (Maddow), WHERE ARE YOU?? She's been mentioning this for months.

Either way, their story suggests that one way Russia might have injected
money into the American political system for the 2016 election and beyond
was not via traceable and accountable electronic transfers, but the
old-fashioned delivery of cold, hard cash.

Flying around stacks of cash is a time-honored way to get money into
circulation in a distant place with no one in between learning
about it —
most of the time.

If Russian officials were shipping cash to the United States in 2016 for

deposit in American bank accounts, which were then the apparently legitimate
points of origination for payments to political campaigns or political action
committees, it could have been a powerful and deniable source of influence.

The Russia Investigations: On The Hunt For Duffel Bags Full Of Cash
April 7, 20187:00 AM ET

Investigations: Mueller sends the feds to meet some international arrivees; new sanctions on some powerful, wealthy Russians

A gleaming new Gulfstream 650 — or maybe it's a Sukhoi business jet — sweeps in for a landing at Teterboro Airport, the suburban New Jersey entrepôt for elite fliers on their way to nearby Manhattan. The sleek aircraft turns smartly off the runway and heads for the "executive passenger terminal," where a row of black vehicles is parked and waiting as usual. But when the hatch folds down to permit passengers to deplane and make their short drive into New York, someone is standing in the way:

That, at least, was the scene painted in an exclusive report by CNN's Kara Scannell and Shimon Prokupecz. Mueller himself might not be standing on the tarmac, but FBI investigators from his office have interdicted at least two wealthy Russians recently on their way into the United States, they report.

The special counsel's office is apparently trying to establish whether powerful Russians who owe fealty to President Vladimir Putin — the oft-referenced "oligarchs" —may have funneled cash donations to President Trump's campaign or his inauguration fund.

The Russia Sanctions Saga: Weapons Dealers, Mobsters And Suitcases Full Of Cash

On Friday, the Treasury Department targeted some of those same oligarchs for a new round of sanctions, along with a number of other Russian government officials and entities — including the state weapons exporter. And here was the description Treasury gave of the conduct of one targeted Russian, gold baron Suleiman Kerimov:

"He is alleged to have brought hundreds of millions of euros into France – transporting as much as 20 million euros at a time in suitcases, in addition to conducting more conventional funds transfers – without reporting the money to French tax authorities.

More money, more problems

That pattern of conduct, and the nature of the interdictions described by Scannell and Prokupecz, raise questions about how long this smuggling of cash might have gone on. The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts — or whether it continues to this day....
/----/ " The CNN story suggests investigators want to know whether it might have gone into Trump's inauguration accounts " OR maybe it went into Hillary's
View attachment 186722

Russians helped HILLARY?
Did you hear Rosensteins remarks the day those Russians were indicted? Russians held two protests on the same day in NYC, one that was pro Hillary / anti Trump, one that pro Trump. Significantly more of you Libtards attended the Russian sponsored anti Trump protest. Russians sought to create mayhem and division in the US and the useful idiots in Left have given them exactly what they aimed for.
You think they'll ever cough up those OG files regarding FISA warrants and memos
Since you are certain they are juicy and contain info on crimes, I think we can all safely conclude the opposite is true and that you are clinging to a nothing burger.

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