Mueller is better than I thought

Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

I would wait a little while and build up more evidence. Then, after the mid-term elections when the democrats take the house, both Trump and Pence can be impeached and the democratic house majority leader would become president. Hopefully it wouldn't be Pelosi.
Trump hates it that all the evidence is trickling out slowly. He wants it all dumped on a Friday so it can all be forgotten by Monday.
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

I would wait a little while and build up more evidence. Then, after the mid-term elections when the democrats take the house, both Trump and Pence can be impeached and the democratic house majority leader would become president. Hopefully it wouldn't be Pelosi.
Trump hates it that all the evidence is trickling out slowly. He wants it all dumped on a Friday so it can all be forgotten by Monday.

It's trickling out slower than his urine.
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

I would wait a little while and build up more evidence. Then, after the mid-term elections when the democrats take the house, both Trump and Pence can be impeached and the democratic house majority leader would become president. Hopefully it wouldn't be Pelosi.
Trump hates it that all the evidence is trickling out slowly. He wants it all dumped on a Friday so it can all be forgotten by Monday.

It's trickling out slower than his urine.
He'd rather it cum out all at once like Trump did on Melania's dress the day he first met her. Any doubt he won her over with his power and money or does anyone think he charmed her and made her fall in love with him?

Melania is the poster child for why Harvey Weinstein went after so many young hot women. Occasionally you find a gold digger who won't throw up after sex. She must have great gag reflexes.
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

I would wait a little while and build up more evidence. Then, after the mid-term elections when the democrats take the house, both Trump and Pence can be impeached and the democratic house majority leader would become president. Hopefully it wouldn't be Pelosi.
Trump hates it that all the evidence is trickling out slowly. He wants it all dumped on a Friday so it can all be forgotten by Monday.

It's trickling out slower than his urine.
He'd rather it cum out all at once like Trump did on Melania's dress the day he first met her. Any doubt he won her over with his power and money or does anyone think he charmed her and made her fall in love with him?

Melania is the poster child for why Harvey Weinstein went after so many young hot women. Occasionally you find a gold digger who won't throw up after sex. She must have great gag reflexes.

Wow, that's lame.

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It boggles my mind that you on the left can't see what the Clinton's did with pay for play at the State Department and foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation! They're so obviously dirty with this whole scam that it's embarrassing listening to all of you claim that she's been "investigated" and nothing was found!

How do you pay for a political machine that you want to keep intact and running as you build up for a run for the Presidency while you're the sitting Secretary of State? It's put people who are working on your campaign onto the payroll at your foundation...paying part of their salary with money coming what's supposedly a non profit that foreign governments and individuals contribute to the Clinton Foundation in order to curry favor with the woman who was the presumptive next President of the United States! Those foreign "contributors" provide a big chunk of the money you need to pay your political machine and nobody is the wiser because you've kept it all off the public record by conducting your State Department business through secret private servers you've hidden at your house!
It boggles my mind that you on the left can't see what the Clinton's did with pay for play at the State Department and foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation! They're so obviously dirty with this whole scam that it's embarrassing listening to all of you claim that she's been "investigated" and nothing was found!

How do you pay for a political machine that you want to keep intact and running as you build up for a run for the Presidency while you're the sitting Secretary of State? It's put people who are working on your campaign onto the payroll at your foundation...paying part of their salary with money coming what's supposedly a non profit that foreign governments and individuals contribute to the Clinton Foundation in order to curry favor with the woman who was the presumptive next President of the United States! Those foreign "contributors" provide a big chunk of the money you need to pay your political machine and nobody is the wiser because you've kept it all off the public record by conducting your State Department business through secret private servers you've hidden at your house!
Hey other side of the coin
I knew his reputation as a relentless prosecutor and have been curious about how quiet he has been. Comey was playing his hand to the press every day while Mueller has quietly gone about his business

So the first indictments have been dropped. Manafort was expected all along and his charges were what we expected

But Gates? He continued in the Trump circle long after Manafort was fired

And who the hell is George Papadopoulos? A seemingly minor player who was quietly arrested last July and has already plead guilty. He evidently not only accepted a deal but is singing like a canary. He is also said to have worn a wire in dealing with Trump insiders

This is only the opening salvo. I can't wait to see how this plays out

A flop..

Nothing burger

Mueller is an old hand, and knows well how to deal with presidential over-reach. He has an impeccable record, and is held in high regard by all the old players.
And he has hand-picked an A Team who are all very good at this shit.
The Orange Clown (and his remarkably stupid sons) are sitting ducks.

Muller's record is tainted due to his involvement with Uranium deal

He has no credibility left

Me thinks you have the tail wagging the dog

Republicans have ignited yet another unfounded Clinton conspiracy in anticipation of Mueller releasing his first indictments. The smoke screen won't work

Unfounded? I'm sorry, Winger but Hillary Clinton and the DNC PAID RUSSIANS to put out a fake dossier on Donald Trump shortly before the election and then the Obama Administration used that fake dossier to get permission to wire tap the Trump campaign! That isn't a "smoke screen"! That's one more sleazy Clinton move and one more abuse of power by Barack Obama.

The Dossier isn’t “fake”. Most of it has been verified by the FBI. The Clinton campaign didn’t pay Russians. The Dossier was put together by a former British MI5 agent not by Russians.

The Trump Campsign wasn’t wire tapped. Only Manaforte was wire tapped and that was in relation to the matters which resulted in the charges that were just filed - nothing to do with the campaign.

Norman, your abject ignorance on what is going on is appalling. Right wing and stupid is no way to go through life. No wonder you voted for Trump.

LOL you seem to dodge having no substance. Manafort was tapped sure. But at Trump tower?? In Trump's property and also home where he lived on couple floors up!? He was wiretapped! To paraphrase.. And that bogus dossier has been so fantasized going on two years with no facts. Just some mindless made up story ruining journalism.
And it's led to indictments. Not like the Benghazi or email witch hunts

So you overlook the fact Crooked H was secretary of state not handling her classified information. But if a Trump cabinet member did the same. You cronies would be all unhinged. I gotcha. But yeah, those circus indictments are not about Trump by the way. So let's talk about Benghazi since you mentioned it.
Trump already had a Benghazi in niger and then insulted the widow remember?
Trump might be in trouble. Mueller is now adding Rachel Maddow to his team to look into his tax returns.
Unfounded? I'm sorry, Winger but Hillary Clinton and the DNC PAID RUSSIANS to put out a fake dossier on Donald Trump shortly before the election and then the Obama Administration used that fake dossier to get permission to wire tap the Trump campaign! That isn't a "smoke screen"! That's one more sleazy Clinton move and one more abuse of power by Barack Obama.

The Dossier isn’t “fake”. Most of it has been verified by the FBI. The Clinton campaign didn’t pay Russians. The Dossier was put together by a former British MI5 agent not by Russians.

The Trump Campsign wasn’t wire tapped. Only Manaforte was wire tapped and that was in relation to the matters which resulted in the charges that were just filed - nothing to do with the campaign.

Norman, your abject ignorance on what is going on is appalling. Right wing and stupid is no way to go through life. No wonder you voted for Trump.

LOL you seem to dodge having no substance. Manafort was tapped sure. But at Trump tower?? In Trump's property and also home where he lived on couple floors up!? He was wiretapped! To paraphrase.. And that bogus dossier has been so fantasized going on two years with no facts. Just some mindless made up story ruining journalism.
And it's led to indictments. Not like the Benghazi or email witch hunts

So you overlook the fact Crooked H was secretary of state not handling her classified information. But if a Trump cabinet member did the same. You cronies would be all unhinged. I gotcha. But yeah, those circus indictments are not about Trump by the way. So let's talk about Benghazi since you mentioned it.
Trump already had a Benghazi in niger and then insulted the widow remember?

Why did Obama have troops in Niger, though?
Yes, soon. It’s been 25 years of investigations against the Clintons. 17 investigations in total, one special prosecutor, $100 million dollars Republicans have spent investigating their rumours and lies and not one indictment.

Soon. When pigs fly.

Why continue to lie?

In addition to the Impeachment of President Clinton for felony perjury.

These are the results and convictions of the various investigations into President Clinton.


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony - Whitewater real-estate investor

John Haley - felony 1998 on fraud

Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy

Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery

Eugene Fitzhugh - Whitewater - bribery

Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign Finance:

Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate:

William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him signed statement admitting to his deception

Post Administration
Sandy Bergergate

Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly class documents from the National Archive and destroying them.
I knew his reputation as a relentless prosecutor and have been curious about how quiet he has been. Comey was playing his hand to the press every day while Mueller has quietly gone about his business

So the first indictments have been dropped. Manafort was expected all along and his charges were what we expected

But Gates? He continued in the Trump circle long after Manafort was fired

And who the hell is George Papadopoulos? A seemingly minor player who was quietly arrested last July and has already plead guilty. He evidently not only accepted a deal but is singing like a canary. He is also said to have worn a wire in dealing with Trump insiders

This is only the opening salvo. I can't wait to see how this plays out

A flop..

Nothing burger

Looks like a Shit Sandwich
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!

I stopped taking you seriously after I read something about a fake dossier. See you in 2018 and 2020 douchbag. Why don't you go tell your fake news to someone who's stupid enough to buy it.

Yes, Don Jr. and Paul Manafort or whatever the fuck his name is flat out lied about having connections with Russia. Manafort even laughed at the suggestion. So you can see why we aren't buying it. We know why you are buying it. Trump could shoot someone and not lose your support. He knows it. I know it. you just don't idiot.

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