Mueller is better than I thought

Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable

Lying to Congress under oath is impeachable...getting a blowjob is not! Duh?

He didn't lie
He did not have sex with that woman

Even Lewinsky testified they never had sex

Try telling your wife that the blow job you got from your secretary at work doesn't count as "sex", Winger! Or better yet...try telling her divorce lawyer or the divorce court judge that! I'm sure they'll be just as amused as I am by that claim!

A woman who has given a blowjob can still be a virgin
Once you have had sex, you are no longer a virgin
As for who "bit" on working with the Russians? Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually DID work with the Russians on the fake dossier! Saying the Democrats didn' an outright lie!

They didn't work WITH RUSSIA. There is no law against hiring foreign nationals.

So you admit that the Clinton campaign hired "foreign nationals" (who just happened to be Russians!) to put out a fake dossier on Trump shortly before the election? The very same campaign who then accused Trump of doing what they themselves HAD done?

It doesn't matter that they did. The law is specifically about foreign governments, not individuals.
Trump is still president there is still zero convictions on collusion and Hilary (just like all her supporters) are still losers.

Yes that means all you far left drones as well!
Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable

Lying to Congress under oath is impeachable...getting a blowjob is not! Duh?

He didn't lie
He did not have sex with that woman

Even Lewinsky testified they never had sex

Try telling your wife that the blow job you got from your secretary at work doesn't count as "sex", Winger! Or better yet...try telling her divorce lawyer or the divorce court judge that! I'm sure they'll be just as amused as I am by that claim!

A woman who has given a blowjob can still be a virgin
Once you have had sex, you are no longer a virgin

So oral sex isn't sex? Duh?
As for who "bit" on working with the Russians? Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually DID work with the Russians on the fake dossier! Saying the Democrats didn' an outright lie!

You are right

“People say, Hillary, is there a difference between your team paying this opposition research and Donald Trump’s people working with the Russians to influence the election?” host Trevor Noah asked.

“Of course there is,” Clinton responded.

“And I think most serious people understand that. It was research that started by a Republican donor during the primary, and then when Trump got the nomination for the Republican Party, the people doing it came to my campaign lawyer and said, ‘would you like us to continue it?’”

That lawyer, Marc Elias, took the research from Fusion GPS, which had originally been paid for by the Free Beacon.

“He said yes,” Clinton told Noah.

“He’s an experienced lawyer, he knows what the law is, he knows what opposition research is.”

Trump has decried the dossier, compiled by a former British spy, as “fake news.”

The FBI has confirmed some parts of the dossier and Special counsel Robert Mueller is looking into other details as part of an investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Clinton, however, was sure to remind Noah that her camp didn’t release the information from the dossier before Nov. 8.

“From my perspective, it didn’t come out before the election, as we all know, and what also didn’t come out, which I think is an even bigger problem... is that the American people didn’t even know that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign because of connections with Russia starting in the summer of 2016,” she said.

“I know that voters should have had that information. That’s something that may have influenced some people. And it’s part of what happens in a campaign, where you get information that may or may not be useful and you try to make sure anything you put out into the public arena is accurate. So this thing didn’t come out until after the election, and it’s still being evaluated, but the fact of the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia should have come out.”

Hillary Clinton defends funding Steele dossier on Trump, Russia
As for who "bit" on working with the Russians? Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually DID work with the Russians on the fake dossier! Saying the Democrats didn' an outright lie!

You are right

“People say, Hillary, is there a difference between your team paying this opposition research and Donald Trump’s people working with the Russians to influence the election?” host Trevor Noah asked.

“Of course there is,” Clinton responded.

“And I think most serious people understand that. It was research that started by a Republican donor during the primary, and then when Trump got the nomination for the Republican Party, the people doing it came to my campaign lawyer and said, ‘would you like us to continue it?’”

That lawyer, Marc Elias, took the research from Fusion GPS, which had originally been paid for by the Free Beacon.

“He said yes,” Clinton told Noah.

“He’s an experienced lawyer, he knows what the law is, he knows what opposition research is.”

Trump has decried the dossier, compiled by a former British spy, as “fake news.”

The FBI has confirmed some parts of the dossier and Special counsel Robert Mueller is looking into other details as part of an investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Clinton, however, was sure to remind Noah that her camp didn’t release the information from the dossier before Nov. 8.

“From my perspective, it didn’t come out before the election, as we all know, and what also didn’t come out, which I think is an even bigger problem... is that the American people didn’t even know that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign because of connections with Russia starting in the summer of 2016,” she said.

“I know that voters should have had that information. That’s something that may have influenced some people. And it’s part of what happens in a campaign, where you get information that may or may not be useful and you try to make sure anything you put out into the public arena is accurate. So this thing didn’t come out until after the election, and it’s still being evaluated, but the fact of the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia should have come out.”

Hillary Clinton defends funding Steele dossier on Trump, Russia

So Hillary thinks that the American public should have known that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign? Should they also have known that investigation was based on a fake dossier that Democrats paid for through a law firm to hide the money source and that the Obama Justice Department used to obtain wire taps on the Trump campaign?
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable

Lying to Congress under oath is impeachable...getting a blowjob is not! Duh?

He didn't lie
He did not have sex with that woman

Even Lewinsky testified they never had sex

Try telling your wife that the blow job you got from your secretary at work doesn't count as "sex", Winger! Or better yet...try telling her divorce lawyer or the divorce court judge that! I'm sure they'll be just as amused as I am by that claim!
Try telling your wife your pick up move with women is to walk up and grab their pussies. Oh yea I forgot that's how he met her too.
As for who "bit" on working with the Russians? Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually DID work with the Russians on the fake dossier! Saying the Democrats didn' an outright lie!

They didn't work WITH RUSSIA. There is no law against hiring foreign nationals.

So you admit that the Clinton campaign hired "foreign nationals" (who just happened to be Russians!) to put out a fake dossier on Trump shortly before the election? The very same campaign who then accused Trump of doing what they themselves HAD done?
Nope. Republicans did but after Trump got the nomination that company went to the Clintons. Perfectly legal. Sorry. Stop trying to compare legal with illegal.
I love how the left is putting all their hopes, dreams, desires, and their reputations behind this.

Realty will bitch slap them again. The only question is which bitch-slapping will be worse? The one they got last November, or this new one?
Just like Benghazi. Only this is going to cost Republicans next year and 2020. Can you say one term president? 32% approval rating. Can't get any lower considering he could shoot someone and not lose one o those 32.
Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable

Lying to Congress under oath is impeachable...getting a blowjob is not! Duh?

He didn't lie
He did not have sex with that woman

Even Lewinsky testified they never had sex

'Trump is at 33 per cent [approval rating] in Gallup. You can’t go any lower. He’s f*****,' says former campaign aide

Donald Trump is 'turning on Jared Kushner'

Donald Trump 'turning on Jared Kushner' as Russia probe intensifies

Donald Trump is reportedly turning on White House adviser Jared Kushner as the prospect of his impeachment becomes a real possibility

President is reported to be blaming his son-in-law for certain decisions that led to Robert Mueller being appointed to investigate claims of Russian collusion in the 2016 election campaign.

Specifically, he questioned his role in the firings of Michael Flynn and James Comey

Former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg told the publication Mr Kushner was the "worst political adviser in the White House in modern history", claiming: "I’m only saying publicly what everyone says behind the scenes at Fox News, in conservative media, and the Senate and Congress."

"The walls are closing in," one senior Republican close to the White House told the New York Post. "Everyone is freaking out."

The indictments included charges against Mr Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and former adviser George Papadopoulos.

Mr Nunberg said: "Here’s what Manafort’s indictment tells me: Mueller is going to go over every financial dealing of Jared Kushner and the Trump Organization.

Donald Trump is 'turning on Jared Kushner'
Trump is starting to panic

It is not pretty

If he can't blame Hillary or the media......Kushner is a logical choice

Same with Oldstyle
Trump is still president there is still zero convictions on collusion and Hilary (just like all her supporters) are still losers.

Yes that means all you far left drones as well!
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!

I make more than you, have more than you and have less debt than you. I'm winning under trump. Are you? I doubt it. See my thread "I'm a Republican now". I just got a 25K raise.

Don't try to give Trump credit for that. I was killing it last year too. Back when you guys said the economy sucked I was KILLING IT.

Chances are you are doing just as badly as you were last year. If you weren't doing so badly last year why ya so angry loser?
I love how the left is putting all their hopes, dreams, desires, and their reputations behind this.

Realty will bitch slap them again. The only question is which bitch-slapping will be worse? The one they got last November, or this new one?
Just like Benghazi. Only this is going to cost Republicans next year and 2020. Can you say one term president? 32% approval rating. Can't get any lower considering he could shoot someone and not lose one o those 32.

I'll bet he could STILL beat Hillary! Or do you think she's gotten any more "popular" with more news coming out about how her campaign funded that fake dossier from Russian? :badgrin:
Trump is still president there is still zero convictions on collusion and Hilary (just like all her supporters) are still losers.

Yes that means all you far left drones as well!
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!

I make more than you, have more than you and have less debt than you. I'm winning under trump. Are you? I doubt it. See my thread "I'm a Republican now". I just got a 25K raise.

Don't try to give Trump credit for that. I was killing it last year too. Back when you guys said the economy sucked I was KILLING IT.

Chances are you are doing just as badly as you were last year. If you weren't doing so badly last year why ya so angry loser?

I'm sure you're getting paid the big bucks to be surfing the internet in the middle of a Thursday afternoon, Sealy! KILLING IT? (eye roll)
Trump is still president there is still zero convictions on collusion and Hilary (just like all her supporters) are still losers.

Yes that means all you far left drones as well!
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!

I make more than you, have more than you and have less debt than you. I'm winning under trump. Are you? I doubt it. See my thread "I'm a Republican now". I just got a 25K raise.

Don't try to give Trump credit for that. I was killing it last year too. Back when you guys said the economy sucked I was KILLING IT.

Chances are you are doing just as badly as you were last year. If you weren't doing so badly last year why ya so angry loser?

And this far left drone keep proving that they a loser!

Even when shown the facts of reality, the far left will always choose to deny it!
I love how the left is putting all their hopes, dreams, desires, and their reputations behind this.

Realty will bitch slap them again. The only question is which bitch-slapping will be worse? The one they got last November, or this new one?
Just like Benghazi. Only this is going to cost Republicans next year and 2020. Can you say one term president? 32% approval rating. Can't get any lower considering he could shoot someone and not lose one o those 32.

Not at all like BenGhazi. We did not get bitch-slapped in any way over that. Hillary lost an election in large part because of that. But you dupes are going to see your fantasy come crashing down AGAIN. The only question is which one will be funnier for us?
I love how the left is putting all their hopes, dreams, desires, and their reputations behind this.

Realty will bitch slap them again. The only question is which bitch-slapping will be worse? The one they got last November, or this new one?
Just like Benghazi. Only this is going to cost Republicans next year and 2020. Can you say one term president? 32% approval rating. Can't get any lower considering he could shoot someone and not lose one o those 32.

I'll bet he could STILL beat Hillary! Or do you think she's gotten any more "popular" with more news coming out about how her campaign funded that fake dossier from Russian? :badgrin:
I do wonder if MI, PA and WI had to do it all over again would the idiots who voted Trump do it again? I know a lot who wouldn't and no one who's become a trump fan but didn't vote for him. So he would lose some of the people who voted for him.

And I know queers and blacks and muslims would show up now where they didn't last year. Stupid people.
I love how the left is putting all their hopes, dreams, desires, and their reputations behind this.

Realty will bitch slap them again. The only question is which bitch-slapping will be worse? The one they got last November, or this new one?
Just like Benghazi. Only this is going to cost Republicans next year and 2020. Can you say one term president? 32% approval rating. Can't get any lower considering he could shoot someone and not lose one o those 32.

Not at all like BenGhazi. We did not get bitch-slapped in any way over that. Hillary lost an election in large part because of that. But you dupes are going to see your fantasy come crashing down AGAIN. The only question is which one will be funnier for us?

Russia will cost Trump the election. He's untrustworthy. No president has had lower approval numbers.

Oh yea, you don't believe those numbers. Well we will see in 2020. I can't wait too.
Trump is still president there is still zero convictions on collusion and Hilary (just like all her supporters) are still losers.

Yes that means all you far left drones as well!
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!

I make more than you, have more than you and have less debt than you. I'm winning under trump. Are you? I doubt it. See my thread "I'm a Republican now". I just got a 25K raise.

Don't try to give Trump credit for that. I was killing it last year too. Back when you guys said the economy sucked I was KILLING IT.

Chances are you are doing just as badly as you were last year. If you weren't doing so badly last year why ya so angry loser?

And this far left drone keep proving that they a loser!

Even when shown the facts of reality, the far left will always choose to deny it!
How about you guys? 1 months ago you were saying there was no connection between Team Trump and Russia. Now you are minimizing the importance of the guys you got to do your dirty work.

Why should we take you seriously when you just keep telling half lies? I'm not going to sit around and argue with your half lies. Either tell the whole truth or gtfo.

Fact is, Manafort and Papadapoulous are going to jail for 10 years for what they did for Don Trump. Of course Don and you are going to throw him under the bus. You have a long history of that.

Remember you guys threw Scott McClellan under the bus after he wrote his tell all?

Today you Republicans finally admit it's all true. But you didn't back then. So I don't take you liars seriously. I'm just ashamed you win elections every now and again.

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