Mueller is better than I thought

I love how the left is putting all their hopes, dreams, desires, and their reputations behind this.

Realty will bitch slap them again. The only question is which bitch-slapping will be worse? The one they got last November, or this new one?
Just like Benghazi. Only this is going to cost Republicans next year and 2020. Can you say one term president? 32% approval rating. Can't get any lower considering he could shoot someone and not lose one o those 32.

I'll bet he could STILL beat Hillary! Or do you think she's gotten any more "popular" with more news coming out about how her campaign funded that fake dossier from Russian? :badgrin:
I do wonder if MI, PA and WI had to do it all over again would the idiots who voted Trump do it again? I know a lot who wouldn't and no one who's become a trump fan but didn't vote for him. So he would lose some of the people who voted for him.

And I know queers and blacks and muslims would show up now where they didn't last year. Stupid people.

And now the far lef pulls out the racism, showing they are the true racists, homophobic and xenophobic.
Trump is still president there is still zero convictions on collusion and Hilary (just like all her supporters) are still losers.

Yes that means all you far left drones as well!
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!

I make more than you, have more than you and have less debt than you. I'm winning under trump. Are you? I doubt it. See my thread "I'm a Republican now". I just got a 25K raise.

Don't try to give Trump credit for that. I was killing it last year too. Back when you guys said the economy sucked I was KILLING IT.

Chances are you are doing just as badly as you were last year. If you weren't doing so badly last year why ya so angry loser?

And this far left drone keep proving that they a loser!

Even when shown the facts of reality, the far left will always choose to deny it!
How about you guys? 1 months ago you were saying there was no connection between Team Trump and Russia. Now you are minimizing the importance of the guys you got to do your dirty work.

Why should we take you seriously when you just keep telling half lies? I'm not going to sit around and argue with your half lies. Either tell the whole truth or gtfo.

Fact is, Manafort and Papadapoulous are going to jail for 10 years for what they did for Don Trump. Of course Don and you are going to throw him under the bus. You have a long history of that.

Remember you guys threw Scott McClellan under the bus after he wrote his tell all?

Today you Republicans finally admit it's all true. But you didn't back then. So I don't take you liars seriously. I'm just ashamed you win elections every now and again.

And still no convictions on Collusion, Trump is still president! and all you far left drones are still losers!
A thread devoted to libs jerking each other off... All having wet dreams at the same time...

You libtards are going to be sorely disappointed when it ends up being Clinton and Clan Obama in cuffs soon... delusional...
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!

I make more than you, have more than you and have less debt than you. I'm winning under trump. Are you? I doubt it. See my thread "I'm a Republican now". I just got a 25K raise.

Don't try to give Trump credit for that. I was killing it last year too. Back when you guys said the economy sucked I was KILLING IT.

Chances are you are doing just as badly as you were last year. If you weren't doing so badly last year why ya so angry loser?

And this far left drone keep proving that they a loser!

Even when shown the facts of reality, the far left will always choose to deny it!
How about you guys? 1 months ago you were saying there was no connection between Team Trump and Russia. Now you are minimizing the importance of the guys you got to do your dirty work.

Why should we take you seriously when you just keep telling half lies? I'm not going to sit around and argue with your half lies. Either tell the whole truth or gtfo.

Fact is, Manafort and Papadapoulous are going to jail for 10 years for what they did for Don Trump. Of course Don and you are going to throw him under the bus. You have a long history of that.

Remember you guys threw Scott McClellan under the bus after he wrote his tell all?

Today you Republicans finally admit it's all true. But you didn't back then. So I don't take you liars seriously. I'm just ashamed you win elections every now and again.

And still no convictions on Collusion, Trump is still president! and all you far left drones are still losers!
Report: U.S. Authorities Have Evidence To Charge Six Russian Officials In DNC Hack | HuffPost

Prosecutors could bring the case to court next year.

Now do you know how the Trump team is connected to these six russian officials? Stay tuned. Drip drip drip. LOL
I knew his reputation as a relentless prosecutor and have been curious about how quiet he has been. Comey was playing his hand to the press every day while Mueller has quietly gone about his business

So the first indictments have been dropped. Manafort was expected all along and his charges were what we expected

But Gates? He continued in the Trump circle long after Manafort was fired

And who the hell is George Papadopoulos? A seemingly minor player who was quietly arrested last July and has already plead guilty. He evidently not only accepted a deal but is singing like a canary. He is also said to have worn a wire in dealing with Trump insiders

This is only the opening salvo. I can't wait to see how this plays out
When it comes to the press, Mueller is a man of few words thus the public pays attention and gives weight to what he has to say because it is news and it is of some importance. This is the way it should be. Too bad our president can't do the same.
Last edited:
And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!

I make more than you, have more than you and have less debt than you. I'm winning under trump. Are you? I doubt it. See my thread "I'm a Republican now". I just got a 25K raise.

Don't try to give Trump credit for that. I was killing it last year too. Back when you guys said the economy sucked I was KILLING IT.

Chances are you are doing just as badly as you were last year. If you weren't doing so badly last year why ya so angry loser?

And this far left drone keep proving that they a loser!

Even when shown the facts of reality, the far left will always choose to deny it!
How about you guys? 1 months ago you were saying there was no connection between Team Trump and Russia. Now you are minimizing the importance of the guys you got to do your dirty work.

Why should we take you seriously when you just keep telling half lies? I'm not going to sit around and argue with your half lies. Either tell the whole truth or gtfo.

Fact is, Manafort and Papadapoulous are going to jail for 10 years for what they did for Don Trump. Of course Don and you are going to throw him under the bus. You have a long history of that.

Remember you guys threw Scott McClellan under the bus after he wrote his tell all?

Today you Republicans finally admit it's all true. But you didn't back then. So I don't take you liars seriously. I'm just ashamed you win elections every now and again.

And still no convictions on Collusion, Trump is still president! and all you far left drones are still losers!
Report: U.S. Authorities Have Evidence To Charge Six Russian Officials In DNC Hack | HuffPost

Prosecutors could bring the case to court next year.

Now do you know how the Trump team is connected to these six russian officials? Stay tuned. Drip drip drip. LOL

See the far left goes to their far left hack sites to prove their religious dogma.

Might as well used the onion, since these two source are about the same!

Still no convictions, despite the far left religious hack sites!
I make more than you, have more than you and have less debt than you. I'm winning under trump. Are you? I doubt it. See my thread "I'm a Republican now". I just got a 25K raise.

Don't try to give Trump credit for that. I was killing it last year too. Back when you guys said the economy sucked I was KILLING IT.

Chances are you are doing just as badly as you were last year. If you weren't doing so badly last year why ya so angry loser?

And this far left drone keep proving that they a loser!

Even when shown the facts of reality, the far left will always choose to deny it!
How about you guys? 1 months ago you were saying there was no connection between Team Trump and Russia. Now you are minimizing the importance of the guys you got to do your dirty work.

Why should we take you seriously when you just keep telling half lies? I'm not going to sit around and argue with your half lies. Either tell the whole truth or gtfo.

Fact is, Manafort and Papadapoulous are going to jail for 10 years for what they did for Don Trump. Of course Don and you are going to throw him under the bus. You have a long history of that.

Remember you guys threw Scott McClellan under the bus after he wrote his tell all?

Today you Republicans finally admit it's all true. But you didn't back then. So I don't take you liars seriously. I'm just ashamed you win elections every now and again.

And still no convictions on Collusion, Trump is still president! and all you far left drones are still losers!
Report: U.S. Authorities Have Evidence To Charge Six Russian Officials In DNC Hack | HuffPost

Prosecutors could bring the case to court next year.

Now do you know how the Trump team is connected to these six russian officials? Stay tuned. Drip drip drip. LOL

See the far left goes to their far left hack sites to prove their religious dogma.

Might as well used the onion, since these two source are about the same!

Still no convictions, despite the far left religious hack sites!

They're just posting the news they got from Reuters. So now you have a problem with Reuters now too? Sorry pal but you guys post stuff from sites that are listed as far right wing loonie neocon sites. Huffingtonpost while liberal isn't spreading fake news. If they are find it please.

And when we find and expose your fake news, you have the audacity to question truthometer? They go into great detail why you are a parrot repeating lies. You guys aren't intellectually honest. It just sucks that 49% of the voters are dumb enough to vote for you.

If we could just get 80% of the poor to show up and kick your asses out of the swamp you have inhabited.
And this far left drone keep proving that they a loser!

Even when shown the facts of reality, the far left will always choose to deny it!
How about you guys? 1 months ago you were saying there was no connection between Team Trump and Russia. Now you are minimizing the importance of the guys you got to do your dirty work.

Why should we take you seriously when you just keep telling half lies? I'm not going to sit around and argue with your half lies. Either tell the whole truth or gtfo.

Fact is, Manafort and Papadapoulous are going to jail for 10 years for what they did for Don Trump. Of course Don and you are going to throw him under the bus. You have a long history of that.

Remember you guys threw Scott McClellan under the bus after he wrote his tell all?

Today you Republicans finally admit it's all true. But you didn't back then. So I don't take you liars seriously. I'm just ashamed you win elections every now and again.

And still no convictions on Collusion, Trump is still president! and all you far left drones are still losers!
Report: U.S. Authorities Have Evidence To Charge Six Russian Officials In DNC Hack | HuffPost

Prosecutors could bring the case to court next year.

Now do you know how the Trump team is connected to these six russian officials? Stay tuned. Drip drip drip. LOL

See the far left goes to their far left hack sites to prove their religious dogma.

Might as well used the onion, since these two source are about the same!

Still no convictions, despite the far left religious hack sites!

They're just posting the news they got from Reuters. So now you have a problem with Reuters now too? Sorry pal but you guys post stuff from sites that are listed as far right wing loonie neocon sites. Huffingtonpost while liberal isn't spreading fake news. If they are find it please.

And when we find and expose your fake news, you have the audacity to question truthometer? They go into great detail why you are a parrot repeating lies. You guys aren't intellectually honest. It just sucks that 49% of the voters are dumb enough to vote for you.

If we could just get 80% of the poor to show up and kick your asses out of the swamp you have inhabited.

Gee how many debunked far left religious narratives and keywords can be thrown into one post?

Hilary is a loser, you are a loser, get over it!

Trump is president accept that fact!
I make more than you, have more than you and have less debt than you. I'm winning under trump. Are you? I doubt it. See my thread "I'm a Republican now". I just got a 25K raise.

Don't try to give Trump credit for that. I was killing it last year too. Back when you guys said the economy sucked I was KILLING IT.

Chances are you are doing just as badly as you were last year. If you weren't doing so badly last year why ya so angry loser?

And this far left drone keep proving that they a loser!

Even when shown the facts of reality, the far left will always choose to deny it!
How about you guys? 1 months ago you were saying there was no connection between Team Trump and Russia. Now you are minimizing the importance of the guys you got to do your dirty work.

Why should we take you seriously when you just keep telling half lies? I'm not going to sit around and argue with your half lies. Either tell the whole truth or gtfo.

Fact is, Manafort and Papadapoulous are going to jail for 10 years for what they did for Don Trump. Of course Don and you are going to throw him under the bus. You have a long history of that.

Remember you guys threw Scott McClellan under the bus after he wrote his tell all?

Today you Republicans finally admit it's all true. But you didn't back then. So I don't take you liars seriously. I'm just ashamed you win elections every now and again.

And still no convictions on Collusion, Trump is still president! and all you far left drones are still losers!
Report: U.S. Authorities Have Evidence To Charge Six Russian Officials In DNC Hack | HuffPost

Prosecutors could bring the case to court next year.

Now do you know how the Trump team is connected to these six russian officials? Stay tuned. Drip drip drip. LOL

See the far left goes to their far left hack sites to prove their religious dogma.

Might as well used the onion, since these two source are about the same!

Still no convictions, despite the far left religious hack sites!

Not true. Papadopoulos plead guilty. So that’s the first conviction. and he’s singing like a bird. As is Flynn.

Moreover, the propaganda techniques used by the Russians are being exposed daily and it will become increasingly difficult for Putin and his minions to sew the kind of divisive garbage that was so destructive during last year’s presidential campaign. Not to mention that Russia will become a total pariah on the international scene.
How about you guys? 1 months ago you were saying there was no connection between Team Trump and Russia. Now you are minimizing the importance of the guys you got to do your dirty work.

Why should we take you seriously when you just keep telling half lies? I'm not going to sit around and argue with your half lies. Either tell the whole truth or gtfo.

Fact is, Manafort and Papadapoulous are going to jail for 10 years for what they did for Don Trump. Of course Don and you are going to throw him under the bus. You have a long history of that.

Remember you guys threw Scott McClellan under the bus after he wrote his tell all?

Today you Republicans finally admit it's all true. But you didn't back then. So I don't take you liars seriously. I'm just ashamed you win elections every now and again.

And still no convictions on Collusion, Trump is still president! and all you far left drones are still losers!
Report: U.S. Authorities Have Evidence To Charge Six Russian Officials In DNC Hack | HuffPost

Prosecutors could bring the case to court next year.

Now do you know how the Trump team is connected to these six russian officials? Stay tuned. Drip drip drip. LOL

See the far left goes to their far left hack sites to prove their religious dogma.

Might as well used the onion, since these two source are about the same!

Still no convictions, despite the far left religious hack sites!

They're just posting the news they got from Reuters. So now you have a problem with Reuters now too? Sorry pal but you guys post stuff from sites that are listed as far right wing loonie neocon sites. Huffingtonpost while liberal isn't spreading fake news. If they are find it please.

And when we find and expose your fake news, you have the audacity to question truthometer? They go into great detail why you are a parrot repeating lies. You guys aren't intellectually honest. It just sucks that 49% of the voters are dumb enough to vote for you.

If we could just get 80% of the poor to show up and kick your asses out of the swamp you have inhabited.

Gee how many debunked far left religious narratives and keywords can be thrown into one post?

Hilary is a loser, you are a loser, get over it!

Trump is president accept that fact!

I'll accept it the way you accepted Obama. Only I'll only have to deal with it 3 more years. Well 3 years and about 4 days. Then lets see what damage Trump does on his way out. Especially when he's a sore loser.
He's trying to lynch Trump. So surprise surprise, the OP is in love with him. Mueller should recuse himself. He was neck-deep in all the Obama-Clinton slime. He lacks credibility.
And this far left drone keep proving that they a loser!

Even when shown the facts of reality, the far left will always choose to deny it!
How about you guys? 1 months ago you were saying there was no connection between Team Trump and Russia. Now you are minimizing the importance of the guys you got to do your dirty work.

Why should we take you seriously when you just keep telling half lies? I'm not going to sit around and argue with your half lies. Either tell the whole truth or gtfo.

Fact is, Manafort and Papadapoulous are going to jail for 10 years for what they did for Don Trump. Of course Don and you are going to throw him under the bus. You have a long history of that.

Remember you guys threw Scott McClellan under the bus after he wrote his tell all?

Today you Republicans finally admit it's all true. But you didn't back then. So I don't take you liars seriously. I'm just ashamed you win elections every now and again.

And still no convictions on Collusion, Trump is still president! and all you far left drones are still losers!
Report: U.S. Authorities Have Evidence To Charge Six Russian Officials In DNC Hack | HuffPost

Prosecutors could bring the case to court next year.

Now do you know how the Trump team is connected to these six russian officials? Stay tuned. Drip drip drip. LOL

See the far left goes to their far left hack sites to prove their religious dogma.

Might as well used the onion, since these two source are about the same!

Still no convictions, despite the far left religious hack sites!

Not true. Papadopoulos plead guilty. So that’s the first conviction. and he’s singing like a bird. As is Flynn.

Moreover, the propaganda techniques used by the Russians are being exposed daily and it will become increasingly difficult for Putin and his minions to sew the kind of divisive garbage that was so destructive during last year’s presidential campaign. Not to mention that Russia will become a total pariah on the international scene.

He pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, that is not a conviction on collusion.

Another far left drone failed post!
And still no convictions on Collusion, Trump is still president! and all you far left drones are still losers!
Report: U.S. Authorities Have Evidence To Charge Six Russian Officials In DNC Hack | HuffPost

Prosecutors could bring the case to court next year.

Now do you know how the Trump team is connected to these six russian officials? Stay tuned. Drip drip drip. LOL

See the far left goes to their far left hack sites to prove their religious dogma.

Might as well used the onion, since these two source are about the same!

Still no convictions, despite the far left religious hack sites!

They're just posting the news they got from Reuters. So now you have a problem with Reuters now too? Sorry pal but you guys post stuff from sites that are listed as far right wing loonie neocon sites. Huffingtonpost while liberal isn't spreading fake news. If they are find it please.

And when we find and expose your fake news, you have the audacity to question truthometer? They go into great detail why you are a parrot repeating lies. You guys aren't intellectually honest. It just sucks that 49% of the voters are dumb enough to vote for you.

If we could just get 80% of the poor to show up and kick your asses out of the swamp you have inhabited.

Gee how many debunked far left religious narratives and keywords can be thrown into one post?

Hilary is a loser, you are a loser, get over it!

Trump is president accept that fact!

I'll accept it the way you accepted Obama. Only I'll only have to deal with it 3 more years. Well 3 years and about 4 days. Then lets see what damage Trump does on his way out. Especially when he's a sore loser.

I knew Obama would be worse than Bush and Carter, I was right!
Be careful what you wish for. The Monafort indictment had nothing to do with Trump. Manafort was working with the lobbyist Podesta brothers and the Podesta brothers were working with the Clintons. A logical extension of Monofort would be Podesta and then Hillary.
How about you guys? 1 months ago you were saying there was no connection between Team Trump and Russia. Now you are minimizing the importance of the guys you got to do your dirty work.

Why should we take you seriously when you just keep telling half lies? I'm not going to sit around and argue with your half lies. Either tell the whole truth or gtfo.

Fact is, Manafort and Papadapoulous are going to jail for 10 years for what they did for Don Trump. Of course Don and you are going to throw him under the bus. You have a long history of that.

Remember you guys threw Scott McClellan under the bus after he wrote his tell all?

Today you Republicans finally admit it's all true. But you didn't back then. So I don't take you liars seriously. I'm just ashamed you win elections every now and again.

And still no convictions on Collusion, Trump is still president! and all you far left drones are still losers!
Report: U.S. Authorities Have Evidence To Charge Six Russian Officials In DNC Hack | HuffPost

Prosecutors could bring the case to court next year.

Now do you know how the Trump team is connected to these six russian officials? Stay tuned. Drip drip drip. LOL

See the far left goes to their far left hack sites to prove their religious dogma.

Might as well used the onion, since these two source are about the same!

Still no convictions, despite the far left religious hack sites!

Not true. Papadopoulos plead guilty. So that’s the first conviction. and he’s singing like a bird. As is Flynn.

Moreover, the propaganda techniques used by the Russians are being exposed daily and it will become increasingly difficult for Putin and his minions to sew the kind of divisive garbage that was so destructive during last year’s presidential campaign. Not to mention that Russia will become a total pariah on the international scene.

He pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, that is not a conviction on collusion.

Another far left drone failed post!
You really are pathetic. So funny.
And still no convictions on Collusion, Trump is still president! and all you far left drones are still losers!
Report: U.S. Authorities Have Evidence To Charge Six Russian Officials In DNC Hack | HuffPost

Prosecutors could bring the case to court next year.

Now do you know how the Trump team is connected to these six russian officials? Stay tuned. Drip drip drip. LOL

See the far left goes to their far left hack sites to prove their religious dogma.

Might as well used the onion, since these two source are about the same!

Still no convictions, despite the far left religious hack sites!

Not true. Papadopoulos plead guilty. So that’s the first conviction. and he’s singing like a bird. As is Flynn.

Moreover, the propaganda techniques used by the Russians are being exposed daily and it will become increasingly difficult for Putin and his minions to sew the kind of divisive garbage that was so destructive during last year’s presidential campaign. Not to mention that Russia will become a total pariah on the international scene.

He pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, that is not a conviction on collusion.

Another far left drone failed post!
You really are pathetic. So funny.

Oh the irony impaired words of a hate filled far left drone!
Report: U.S. Authorities Have Evidence To Charge Six Russian Officials In DNC Hack | HuffPost

Prosecutors could bring the case to court next year.

Now do you know how the Trump team is connected to these six russian officials? Stay tuned. Drip drip drip. LOL

See the far left goes to their far left hack sites to prove their religious dogma.

Might as well used the onion, since these two source are about the same!

Still no convictions, despite the far left religious hack sites!

They're just posting the news they got from Reuters. So now you have a problem with Reuters now too? Sorry pal but you guys post stuff from sites that are listed as far right wing loonie neocon sites. Huffingtonpost while liberal isn't spreading fake news. If they are find it please.

And when we find and expose your fake news, you have the audacity to question truthometer? They go into great detail why you are a parrot repeating lies. You guys aren't intellectually honest. It just sucks that 49% of the voters are dumb enough to vote for you.

If we could just get 80% of the poor to show up and kick your asses out of the swamp you have inhabited.

Gee how many debunked far left religious narratives and keywords can be thrown into one post?

Hilary is a loser, you are a loser, get over it!

Trump is president accept that fact!

I'll accept it the way you accepted Obama. Only I'll only have to deal with it 3 more years. Well 3 years and about 4 days. Then lets see what damage Trump does on his way out. Especially when he's a sore loser.

I knew Obama would be worse than Bush and Carter, I was right!
Bush took over title from Carter Worst President Ever.

You used to hear Republicans say that about Jimmy Carter until about 2007. They stopped saying it because GW Bush was by far the worst.

You hate to admit it but he's a huge factor in why Trump got elected.
See the far left goes to their far left hack sites to prove their religious dogma.

Might as well used the onion, since these two source are about the same!

Still no convictions, despite the far left religious hack sites!

They're just posting the news they got from Reuters. So now you have a problem with Reuters now too? Sorry pal but you guys post stuff from sites that are listed as far right wing loonie neocon sites. Huffingtonpost while liberal isn't spreading fake news. If they are find it please.

And when we find and expose your fake news, you have the audacity to question truthometer? They go into great detail why you are a parrot repeating lies. You guys aren't intellectually honest. It just sucks that 49% of the voters are dumb enough to vote for you.

If we could just get 80% of the poor to show up and kick your asses out of the swamp you have inhabited.

Gee how many debunked far left religious narratives and keywords can be thrown into one post?

Hilary is a loser, you are a loser, get over it!

Trump is president accept that fact!

I'll accept it the way you accepted Obama. Only I'll only have to deal with it 3 more years. Well 3 years and about 4 days. Then lets see what damage Trump does on his way out. Especially when he's a sore loser.

I knew Obama would be worse than Bush and Carter, I was right!
Bush took over title from Carter Worst President Ever.

You used to hear Republicans say that about Jimmy Carter until about 2007. They stopped saying it because GW Bush was by far the worst.

You hate to admit it but he's a huge factor in why Trump got elected.

Obama is was the worst modern president ever, made bad deals and embolden our enemies. Only a far left drone can not see that fact!

But then again Russia was not an enemy until Dec 2016 for the far left !
Blowjobs are impeachable

Lying to Congress under oath is impeachable...getting a blowjob is not! Duh?

He didn't lie
He did not have sex with that woman

Even Lewinsky testified they never had sex

Try telling your wife that the blow job you got from your secretary at work doesn't count as "sex", Winger! Or better yet...try telling her divorce lawyer or the divorce court judge that! I'm sure they'll be just as amused as I am by that claim!

A woman who has given a blowjob can still be a virgin
Once you have had sex, you are no longer a virgin

So oral sex isn't sex? Duh?
Can you get pregnant?
See the far left goes to their far left hack sites to prove their religious dogma.

Might as well used the onion, since these two source are about the same!

Still no convictions, despite the far left religious hack sites!

They're just posting the news they got from Reuters. So now you have a problem with Reuters now too? Sorry pal but you guys post stuff from sites that are listed as far right wing loonie neocon sites. Huffingtonpost while liberal isn't spreading fake news. If they are find it please.

And when we find and expose your fake news, you have the audacity to question truthometer? They go into great detail why you are a parrot repeating lies. You guys aren't intellectually honest. It just sucks that 49% of the voters are dumb enough to vote for you.

If we could just get 80% of the poor to show up and kick your asses out of the swamp you have inhabited.

Gee how many debunked far left religious narratives and keywords can be thrown into one post?

Hilary is a loser, you are a loser, get over it!

Trump is president accept that fact!

I'll accept it the way you accepted Obama. Only I'll only have to deal with it 3 more years. Well 3 years and about 4 days. Then lets see what damage Trump does on his way out. Especially when he's a sore loser.

I knew Obama would be worse than Bush and Carter, I was right!
Bush took over title from Carter Worst President Ever.

You used to hear Republicans say that about Jimmy Carter until about 2007. They stopped saying it because GW Bush was by far the worst.

You hate to admit it but he's a huge factor in why Trump got elected.

Carter never got us into two disastrous invasions costing 7000 American lives

Carter never gave up the worst terrorist attack in history

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