Mueller is better than I thought

As for who "bit" on working with the Russians? Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually DID work with the Russians on the fake dossier! Saying the Democrats didn' an outright lie!

They didn't work WITH RUSSIA. There is no law against hiring foreign nationals.

So you admit that the Clinton campaign hired "foreign nationals" (who just happened to be Russians!) to put out a fake dossier on Trump shortly before the election? The very same campaign who then accused Trump of doing what they themselves HAD done?
Nope. Republicans did but after Trump got the nomination that company went to the Clintons. Perfectly legal. Sorry. Stop trying to compare legal with illegal.

So let me see if understand how this works in "Sealybobo Land"! One of Trumps Republican opponents was going to collude with Russians to smear him with a fake dossier but when that opponent dropped out of the race Hillary Clinton then colluded with Russians to smear him but it's not really collusion because a Republican started it? Is THAT what makes it "legal", Sealy? (eye roll)
Trump is still president there is still zero convictions on collusion and Hilary (just like all her supporters) are still losers.

Yes that means all you far left drones as well!
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!
Trumps so dumb. Or such a liar. He said Hillary rigging the primaries against Bernie was illegal. No it wasn't illegal
As for who "bit" on working with the Russians? Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually DID work with the Russians on the fake dossier! Saying the Democrats didn' an outright lie!

They didn't work WITH RUSSIA. There is no law against hiring foreign nationals.

So you admit that the Clinton campaign hired "foreign nationals" (who just happened to be Russians!) to put out a fake dossier on Trump shortly before the election? The very same campaign who then accused Trump of doing what they themselves HAD done?
Nope. Republicans did but after Trump got the nomination that company went to the Clintons. Perfectly legal. Sorry. Stop trying to compare legal with illegal.

So let me see if understand how this works in "Sealybobo Land"! One of Trumps Republican opponents was going to collude with Russians to smear him with a fake dossier but when that opponent dropped out of the race Hillary Clinton then colluded with Russians to smear him but it's not really collusion because a Republican started it? Is THAT what makes it "legal", Sealy? (eye roll)

Nobody “colluded with Russians” to put together that dossier. Not the Republicans and not the Clinton campaign. The material in the Dossier was put together by a retired British MI5 agent.
I knew his reputation as a relentless prosecutor and have been curious about how quiet he has been. Comey was playing his hand to the press every day while Mueller has quietly gone about his business

So the first indictments have been dropped. Manafort was expected all along and his charges were what we expected

But Gates? He continued in the Trump circle long after Manafort was fired

And who the hell is George Papadopoulos? A seemingly minor player who was quietly arrested last July and has already plead guilty. He evidently not only accepted a deal but is singing like a canary. He is also said to have worn a wire in dealing with Trump insiders

This is only the opening salvo. I can't wait to see how this plays out
It is going just as I predicted. They can't find real evidence so they indict people on charges unrelated and then threaten them into making all kinds of accusations. Who wouldn't when the weight of the government is upon you? Yeah someone like Trump or Manafort will have some skeleton in their closet and I am sure if the people pay Muellar enough money he will find it. I just hope to be fair that once they are down dragging the country down over Trump they turn their sights on Hillary and Obama, seems fair but the establishment will never let that happen.

You support of the establishment is well noted.
Trump is still president there is still zero convictions on collusion and Hilary (just like all her supporters) are still losers.

Yes that means all you far left drones as well!
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!
Trumps so dumb. Or such a liar. He said Hillary rigging the primaries against Bernie was illegal. No it wasn't illegal
He obviously meant unethical but that is a little bit redundant when talking about Hillary.
Trump is still president there is still zero convictions on collusion and Hilary (just like all her supporters) are still losers.

Yes that means all you far left drones as well!
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!
Trumps so dumb. Or such a liar. He said Hillary rigging the primaries against Bernie was illegal. No it wasn't illegal
He obviously meant unethical but that is a little bit redundant when talking about Hillary.
It's not obvious but you are
I love how the left is putting all their hopes, dreams, desires, and their reputations behind this.

Realty will bitch slap them again. The only question is which bitch-slapping will be worse? The one they got last November, or this new one?
Just like Benghazi. Only this is going to cost Republicans next year and 2020. Can you say one term president? 32% approval rating. Can't get any lower considering he could shoot someone and not lose one o those 32.

Not at all like BenGhazi. We did not get bitch-slapped in any way over that. Hillary lost an election in large part because of that. But you dupes are going to see your fantasy come crashing down AGAIN. The only question is which one will be funnier for us?

Russia will cost Trump the election. He's untrustworthy. No president has had lower approval numbers.

Oh yea, you don't believe those numbers. Well we will see in 2020. I can't wait too.

You keep talking about polls like a broken record. You people never ever learn do you?
You'll love polls if trumps numbers go up don't lie

Not at all true. You have never seen me care about polls, ones that support my side in some way, ever since the last election. As always, you haven't a clue.
I knew his reputation as a relentless prosecutor and have been curious about how quiet he has been. Comey was playing his hand to the press every day while Mueller has quietly gone about his business

So the first indictments have been dropped. Manafort was expected all along and his charges were what we expected

But Gates? He continued in the Trump circle long after Manafort was fired

And who the hell is George Papadopoulos? A seemingly minor player who was quietly arrested last July and has already plead guilty. He evidently not only accepted a deal but is singing like a canary. He is also said to have worn a wire in dealing with Trump insiders

This is only the opening salvo. I can't wait to see how this plays out
It is going just as I predicted. They can't find real evidence so they indict people on charges unrelated and then threaten them into making all kinds of accusations. Who wouldn't when the weight of the government is upon you? Yeah someone like Trump or Manafort will have some skeleton in their closet and I am sure if the people pay Muellar enough money he will find it. I just hope to be fair that once they are down dragging the country down over Trump they turn their sights on Hillary and Obama, seems fair but the establishment will never let that happen.

You support of the establishment is well noted.

That's the way these things work

Crime bosses are very careful to prevent any evidence from pointing directly to them. Underlings make all the contacts. Building a case involves getting those underlings to flip
Even Al Capone went to prison on tax charges
As for who "bit" on working with the Russians? Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually DID work with the Russians on the fake dossier! Saying the Democrats didn' an outright lie!

They didn't work WITH RUSSIA. There is no law against hiring foreign nationals.

So you admit that the Clinton campaign hired "foreign nationals" (who just happened to be Russians!) to put out a fake dossier on Trump shortly before the election? The very same campaign who then accused Trump of doing what they themselves HAD done?
Nope. Republicans did but after Trump got the nomination that company went to the Clintons. Perfectly legal. Sorry. Stop trying to compare legal with illegal.

So let me see if understand how this works in "Sealybobo Land"! One of Trumps Republican opponents was going to collude with Russians to smear him with a fake dossier but when that opponent dropped out of the race Hillary Clinton then colluded with Russians to smear him but it's not really collusion because a Republican started it? Is THAT what makes it "legal", Sealy? (eye roll)

Nobody “colluded with Russians” to put together that dossier. Not the Republicans and not the Clinton campaign. The material in the Dossier was put together by a retired British MI5 agent.

And he was working for who, Dragonlady? First one of Trump's opponents...then Hillary Clinton and the DNC? If you can accuse Trump of "collusion" for talking with foreigners attempting to get Clinton and the DNC's emails...then what do you call what Clinton and the DNC are guilty of actually DOING? They invented a fake dossier on Trump and then used Russians to put it out there. They essentially did their level best to mislead the American public...something that they did with the Benghazi scandal...and the email scandal...and their attempt to use Bernie Sanders religion (or supposed lack of religion!) against him with fake rumors! Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her minions at the DNC are about as sleazy as they come. When it was revealed HOW cost her the election! Not any "collusion" on Donald Trump's part but simply the truth being exposed by Wikileaks.
Trump is still president there is still zero convictions on collusion and Hilary (just like all her supporters) are still losers.

Yes that means all you far left drones as well!
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!
Trumps so dumb. Or such a liar. He said Hillary rigging the primaries against Bernie was illegal. No it wasn't illegal
He obviously meant unethical but that is a little bit redundant when talking about Hillary.

“Unethical” describes Trump. He profits by going bankrupt and then brags about how much money he walked away with. 7 bankruptcies and counting. 3000 law suits. Ethical people don’t get sued. Respectable business executives avoid going to court because law suits cost a lot of money and a lot of time. Honest business people can use that time to make more money than they will ever win in court.

Then there’s the Trump University fraud and the $25 million Trump paid to make that go away. His Foundation was been fined for making illegal campaign contributions, and has been caught using Foundation funds to settle business law suits. The State of New York issued a “cease and desist” order on their illegal fund raising activities.

All of his American golf resorts are losing money except the “pay for play” courses on the east coast where he spends his weekends. Memberships are up at Mar-a-lago, Bedminster and the club just outside Washington where he spends his time, elsewhere business is down, way down.

Trump is billing taxpayers millions of dollars for rooms, meals and golf cart rentals for his Secret Service details at his resorts. When Melania stayed in New York, the SS rented an apartment in Trump Tower. Donald Trump is profiting from his Presidency in ways that are highly unethical, including using his trip the Texas after Hurricane Harvey to sell new lines of hats at his website.

The Trump Corporation skimmed over $3 million from funds raised for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

Name one thing that Hillary Clinton has done that has landed her in court?
I knew his reputation as a relentless prosecutor and have been curious about how quiet he has been. Comey was playing his hand to the press every day while Mueller has quietly gone about his business

So the first indictments have been dropped. Manafort was expected all along and his charges were what we expected

But Gates? He continued in the Trump circle long after Manafort was fired

And who the hell is George Papadopoulos? A seemingly minor player who was quietly arrested last July and has already plead guilty. He evidently not only accepted a deal but is singing like a canary. He is also said to have worn a wire in dealing with Trump insiders

This is only the opening salvo. I can't wait to see how this plays out
It is going just as I predicted. They can't find real evidence so they indict people on charges unrelated and then threaten them into making all kinds of accusations. Who wouldn't when the weight of the government is upon you? Yeah someone like Trump or Manafort will have some skeleton in their closet and I am sure if the people pay Muellar enough money he will find it. I just hope to be fair that once they are down dragging the country down over Trump they turn their sights on Hillary and Obama, seems fair but the establishment will never let that happen.

You support of the establishment is well noted.

That's the way these things work

Crime bosses are very careful to prevent any evidence from pointing directly to them. Underlings make all the contacts. Building a case involves getting those underlings to flip
Even Al Capone went to prison on tax charges
Right. And it was obvious before he got caught on the taxes that he was shady. Same with Trump.
Trump is still president there is still zero convictions on collusion and Hilary (just like all her supporters) are still losers.

Yes that means all you far left drones as well!
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!
Trumps so dumb. Or such a liar. He said Hillary rigging the primaries against Bernie was illegal. No it wasn't illegal
He obviously meant unethical but that is a little bit redundant when talking about Hillary.

“Unethical” describes Trump. He profits by going bankrupt and then brags about how much money he walked away with. 7 bankruptcies and counting. 3000 law suits. Ethical people don’t get sued. Respectable business executives avoid going to court because law suits cost a lot of money and a lot of time. Honest business people can use that time to make more money than they will ever win in court.

Then there’s the Trump University fraud and the $25 million Trump paid to make that go away. His Foundation was been fined for making illegal campaign contributions, and has been caught using Foundation funds to settle business law suits. The State of New York issued a “cease and desist” order on their illegal fund raising activities.

All of his American golf resorts are losing money except the “pay for play” courses on the east coast where he spends his weekends. Memberships are up at Mar-a-lago, Bedminster and the club just outside Washington where he spends his time, elsewhere business is down, way down.

Trump is billing taxpayers millions of dollars for rooms, meals and golf cart rentals for his Secret Service details at his resorts. When Melania stayed in New York, the SS rented an apartment in Trump Tower. Donald Trump is profiting from his Presidency in ways that are highly unethical, including using his trip the Texas after Hurricane Harvey to sell new lines of hats at his website.

The Trump Corporation skimmed over $3 million from funds raised for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

Name one thing that Hillary Clinton has done that has landed her in court?
imagine if the obamas cost the tax payers this much or if Obama golfed this much or went on sooo many vacations like Trump does.

Oh yea Trump's vacations are working vacations. Yea and Obama didn't work on his trips to Hawaii.
Trump is still president there is still zero convictions on collusion and Hilary (just like all her supporters) are still losers.

Yes that means all you far left drones as well!
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!
i dont give a f about hillary. Democrats need new blood
As for who "bit" on working with the Russians? Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually DID work with the Russians on the fake dossier! Saying the Democrats didn' an outright lie!

You are right

“People say, Hillary, is there a difference between your team paying this opposition research and Donald Trump’s people working with the Russians to influence the election?” host Trevor Noah asked.

“Of course there is,” Clinton responded.

“And I think most serious people understand that. It was research that started by a Republican donor during the primary, and then when Trump got the nomination for the Republican Party, the people doing it came to my campaign lawyer and said, ‘would you like us to continue it?’”

That lawyer, Marc Elias, took the research from Fusion GPS, which had originally been paid for by the Free Beacon.

“He said yes,” Clinton told Noah.

“He’s an experienced lawyer, he knows what the law is, he knows what opposition research is.”

Trump has decried the dossier, compiled by a former British spy, as “fake news.”

The FBI has confirmed some parts of the dossier and Special counsel Robert Mueller is looking into other details as part of an investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Clinton, however, was sure to remind Noah that her camp didn’t release the information from the dossier before Nov. 8.

“From my perspective, it didn’t come out before the election, as we all know, and what also didn’t come out, which I think is an even bigger problem... is that the American people didn’t even know that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign because of connections with Russia starting in the summer of 2016,” she said.

“I know that voters should have had that information. That’s something that may have influenced some people. And it’s part of what happens in a campaign, where you get information that may or may not be useful and you try to make sure anything you put out into the public arena is accurate. So this thing didn’t come out until after the election, and it’s still being evaluated, but the fact of the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia should have come out.”

Hillary Clinton defends funding Steele dossier on Trump, Russia

So Hillary thinks that the American public should have known that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign? Should they also have known that investigation was based on a fake dossier that Democrats paid for through a law firm to hide the money source and that the Obama Justice Department used to obtain wire taps on the Trump campaign?
i dont think it mattered. hillary didnt turn out the vote. same way gore lost. She just needed to win the gimmies like mi pa and wi. Gore just needed his home state TN and he blew it.

2000 was a bad time to hand power over to the GOP. Same with now. With the Supreme Court picks and all. I think the GOP stole both 2000 and 2016 to be honest.
As for who "bit" on working with the Russians? Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually DID work with the Russians on the fake dossier! Saying the Democrats didn' an outright lie!

You are right

“People say, Hillary, is there a difference between your team paying this opposition research and Donald Trump’s people working with the Russians to influence the election?” host Trevor Noah asked.

“Of course there is,” Clinton responded.

“And I think most serious people understand that. It was research that started by a Republican donor during the primary, and then when Trump got the nomination for the Republican Party, the people doing it came to my campaign lawyer and said, ‘would you like us to continue it?’”

That lawyer, Marc Elias, took the research from Fusion GPS, which had originally been paid for by the Free Beacon.

“He said yes,” Clinton told Noah.

“He’s an experienced lawyer, he knows what the law is, he knows what opposition research is.”

Trump has decried the dossier, compiled by a former British spy, as “fake news.”

The FBI has confirmed some parts of the dossier and Special counsel Robert Mueller is looking into other details as part of an investigation into possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Clinton, however, was sure to remind Noah that her camp didn’t release the information from the dossier before Nov. 8.

“From my perspective, it didn’t come out before the election, as we all know, and what also didn’t come out, which I think is an even bigger problem... is that the American people didn’t even know that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign because of connections with Russia starting in the summer of 2016,” she said.

“I know that voters should have had that information. That’s something that may have influenced some people. And it’s part of what happens in a campaign, where you get information that may or may not be useful and you try to make sure anything you put out into the public arena is accurate. So this thing didn’t come out until after the election, and it’s still being evaluated, but the fact of the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia should have come out.”

Hillary Clinton defends funding Steele dossier on Trump, Russia

So Hillary thinks that the American public should have known that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign? Should they also have known that investigation was based on a fake dossier that Democrats paid for through a law firm to hide the money source and that the Obama Justice Department used to obtain wire taps on the Trump campaign?
i dont think it mattered. hillary didnt turn out the vote. same way gore lost. She just needed to win the gimmies like mi pa and wi. Gore just needed his home state TN and he blew it.

2000 was a bad time to hand power over to the GOP. Same with now. With the Supreme Court picks and all. I think the GOP stole both 2000 and 2016 to be honest.[/QUOTE]
That's exactly what loser say. At least you a honest about your delusions. Care to tell us how the elections were stolen?
You can't turn orange hair gray.

And no matter what Hilary will not be president no matter what the far left does now!

And you are still a loser!
Trumps so dumb. Or such a liar. He said Hillary rigging the primaries against Bernie was illegal. No it wasn't illegal
He obviously meant unethical but that is a little bit redundant when talking about Hillary.

“Unethical” describes Trump. He profits by going bankrupt and then brags about how much money he walked away with. 7 bankruptcies and counting. 3000 law suits. Ethical people don’t get sued. Respectable business executives avoid going to court because law suits cost a lot of money and a lot of time. Honest business people can use that time to make more money than they will ever win in court.

Then there’s the Trump University fraud and the $25 million Trump paid to make that go away. His Foundation was been fined for making illegal campaign contributions, and has been caught using Foundation funds to settle business law suits. The State of New York issued a “cease and desist” order on their illegal fund raising activities.

All of his American golf resorts are losing money except the “pay for play” courses on the east coast where he spends his weekends. Memberships are up at Mar-a-lago, Bedminster and the club just outside Washington where he spends his time, elsewhere business is down, way down.

Trump is billing taxpayers millions of dollars for rooms, meals and golf cart rentals for his Secret Service details at his resorts. When Melania stayed in New York, the SS rented an apartment in Trump Tower. Donald Trump is profiting from his Presidency in ways that are highly unethical, including using his trip the Texas after Hurricane Harvey to sell new lines of hats at his website.

The Trump Corporation skimmed over $3 million from funds raised for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

Name one thing that Hillary Clinton has done that has landed her in court?
imagine if the obamas cost the tax payers this much or if Obama golfed this much or went on sooo many vacations like Trump does.

Oh yea Trump's vacations are working vacations. Yea and Obama didn't work on his trips to Hawaii.
I sincerely question Trumps work ethic

It doesn't show in his knowledge or preparation
Here is what I no about Mueller, he is a decorated Vietnam vet, FBI Director who served two presidents with out scandal. so will wait till he concludes his investigation then see what the facts are.

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