Mueller is better than I thought

Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Mueller (R), appointed by a Republican Justice department (Deputy Atty Gen. Rosenstein (R)) to investigate a Republican administration, and you think the problem is that there aren't enough republicans involved?

I think the "problem" is leaks from a Grand Jury. It's against the law. Someone from the group that Mueller has assembled has done exactly that and should be held criminally liable. What political party one belongs to has nothing to do with it.
Hillary "sucking" is why she lost, Sealy! It had zero to do with Russian influence on the election. It was about her long history of corruption and lies. Wikileaks simply provided examples of exactly the kind of person she is.
Putin believes he elected Trump.
And US intelligence concurs.

Do you even read the nonsense you post, Dud? The person who believes Putin thinks he elected Trump was canned from the Russian government because he supported the person that Putin ran against back when Putin became the President of Russia! He's an outsider with an axe to grind against Putin!

"The well-known Russian political strategist and former Soviet dissident was dismissed from his post, however, after supporting Medvedev in the 2012 election, which Putin won."
Looks like Mueller is going back into hiding and letting the impact of his first indictments set in

Comey couldn't keep quiet for more than a day
That's true, Oldy. but don't be surprised if Mueller doesn't rope Hellary in, he's casting a pretty wide web...

If Mueller's band of merry men subject Hillary Clinton to the same level of scrutiny as they are now subjecting Donald Trump, Mousterian...I have no doubt at all that they will find far more impropriety on her part than they will ever find on Trump's! Trump is a novice at politics for pay...the Clinton's wrote the book!
Coney already looked into Hillary. She was clean. Trumps dirty on all levels yet you voted for change ala reality con man

The reason Comey has so little credibility, Sealy is that after looking into Clinton he did nothing with what he found. His excuses for why she shouldn't have been charged for what she did with her emails were amazing to listen to. He actually said that the Secretary of State of the United States of America wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law! Are you kidding me? Here's a fucking news flash...IF SHE'S NOT SOPHISTICATED ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND THE REGULATIONS REGARDING EMAIL USE AND THE PROTECTION OF TOP SECRET MATERIALS...THEN SHE'S NOT SOPHISTICATED ENOUGH TO SIT IN THE OVAL OFFICE!!!!

<sob> But....but....What about Hillary!
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Mueller (R), appointed by a Republican Justice department (Deputy Atty Gen. Rosenstein (R)) to investigate a Republican administration, and you think the problem is that there aren't enough republicans involved?

When the investigative team is composed in Clinton donors, yes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's true, Oldy. but don't be surprised if Mueller doesn't rope Hellary in, he's casting a pretty wide web...

If Mueller's band of merry men subject Hillary Clinton to the same level of scrutiny as they are now subjecting Donald Trump, Mousterian...I have no doubt at all that they will find far more impropriety on her part than they will ever find on Trump's! Trump is a novice at politics for pay...the Clinton's wrote the book!
Coney already looked into Hillary. She was clean. Trumps dirty on all levels yet you voted for change ala reality con man

The reason Comey has so little credibility, Sealy is that after looking into Clinton he did nothing with what he found. His excuses for why she shouldn't have been charged for what she did with her emails were amazing to listen to. He actually said that the Secretary of State of the United States of America wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law! Are you kidding me? Here's a fucking news flash...IF SHE'S NOT SOPHISTICATED ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND THE REGULATIONS REGARDING EMAIL USE AND THE PROTECTION OF TOP SECRET MATERIALS...THEN SHE'S NOT SOPHISTICATED ENOUGH TO SIT IN THE OVAL OFFICE!!!!

<sob> But....but....What about Hillary!

What about her? She lost. If she runs again...she'll lose again. Why? Because she's a corrupt, sleazy, power hungry woman married to a corrupt, sleazy man. Unlike Slick Willie however, Hillary has all the personal charisma of a good case of herpes!
That's true, Oldy. but don't be surprised if Mueller doesn't rope Hellary in, he's casting a pretty wide web...

If Mueller's band of merry men subject Hillary Clinton to the same level of scrutiny as they are now subjecting Donald Trump, Mousterian...I have no doubt at all that they will find far more impropriety on her part than they will ever find on Trump's! Trump is a novice at politics for pay...the Clinton's wrote the book!
Coney already looked into Hillary. She was clean. Trumps dirty on all levels yet you voted for change ala reality con man

The reason Comey has so little credibility, Sealy is that after looking into Clinton he did nothing with what he found. His excuses for why she shouldn't have been charged for what she did with her emails were amazing to listen to. He actually said that the Secretary of State of the United States of America wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law! Are you kidding me? Here's a fucking news flash...IF SHE'S NOT SOPHISTICATED ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND THE REGULATIONS REGARDING EMAIL USE AND THE PROTECTION OF TOP SECRET MATERIALS...THEN SHE'S NOT SOPHISTICATED ENOUGH TO SIT IN THE OVAL OFFICE!!!!

<sob> But....but....What about Hillary!

What about her? She lost. If she runs again...she'll lose again. Why? Because she's a corrupt, sleazy, power hungry woman married to a corrupt, sleazy man. Unlike Slick Willie however, Hillary has all the personal charisma of a good case of herpes!

What about her?
She lost

Why are Republicans still hunting her?
I knew his reputation as a relentless prosecutor and have been curious about how quiet he has been. Comey was playing his hand to the press every day while Mueller has quietly gone about his business

So the first indictments have been dropped. Manafort was expected all along and his charges were what we expected

But Gates? He continued in the Trump circle long after Manafort was fired

And who the hell is George Papadopoulos? A seemingly minor player who was quietly arrested last July and has already plead guilty. He evidently not only accepted a deal but is singing like a canary. He is also said to have worn a wire in dealing with Trump insiders

This is only the opening salvo. I can't wait to see how this plays out
They has grilled all those that Pres.Trump appointed, but they also already known about these indicted, but did not grilled them.
They should of had grilled them before Pres.Trump hands over the position to them. But the only thing that I heard about them, were the sounds of crickets.

Mueller is slowly getting to the bottom of Crooked Donnies dealings with Russia

Who will survive?

Crooked Donnie will probably deny everything and have and underling take the fall

Pardons to follow
That's true, Oldy. but don't be surprised if Mueller doesn't rope Hellary in, he's casting a pretty wide web...

If Mueller's band of merry men subject Hillary Clinton to the same level of scrutiny as they are now subjecting Donald Trump, Mousterian...I have no doubt at all that they will find far more impropriety on her part than they will ever find on Trump's! Trump is a novice at politics for pay...the Clinton's wrote the book!
Coney already looked into Hillary. She was clean. Trumps dirty on all levels yet you voted for change ala reality con man

The reason Comey has so little credibility, Sealy is that after looking into Clinton he did nothing with what he found. His excuses for why she shouldn't have been charged for what she did with her emails were amazing to listen to. He actually said that the Secretary of State of the United States of America wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law! Are you kidding me? Here's a fucking news flash...IF SHE'S NOT SOPHISTICATED ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND THE REGULATIONS REGARDING EMAIL USE AND THE PROTECTION OF TOP SECRET MATERIALS...THEN SHE'S NOT SOPHISTICATED ENOUGH TO SIT IN THE OVAL OFFICE!!!!

<sob> But....but....What about Hillary!

What about her? She lost. If she runs again...she'll lose again. Why? Because she's a corrupt, sleazy, power hungry woman married to a corrupt, sleazy man. Unlike Slick Willie however, Hillary has all the personal charisma of a good case of herpes!

While I agree that Clinton lost and she’s not running again, she is less corrupt or sleazy than the guy currently sitting in the White House. Trump is very definition of sleazy and dishonest as 3000 law suits, 7 bankruptcies and numerous charges, fines and court orders can attest. So comments that Clinton wasn’t elected because of corruption or sleaze are jokes because the guy you did elect is much, much worse in that regard.

Anyone who runs for President is, by definition, power hungry. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be running.

Clinton has always been highly respected and touted for her preparedness and hard work, and has enjoyed high approval ratings for the job she’s done both as Senator and Secretary of State. But as soon as she announced she was running for President, her approval rating dropped 15%.

Your post belies the very very strong thread of misogyny which runs deep in US politics. Any strong, capable woman in politics is vilified in ways no man ever was. Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Maxine Waters - all the capable women in Washington are treated as outliers, shouted down and marginalized. Americans have strongly resisted women seeking power for no reason other than they are women.

Trump is popular BECAUSE of his open misogyny. Because he has no women in real positions of power, just those tokens in fringe jobs. The US is one of of the few first world countries where women don’t have equal rights under the Constitution, don’t have mandated maternity leave or job protection when pregnant.

If you claim to have voted for Trump because Hillary Clinton is corrupt and sleazy, you’re a hypocrite.
Looks like Mueller is going back into hiding and letting the impact of his first indictments set in

Comey couldn't keep quiet for more than a day

"Comey couldn't keep quiet for more than a day

He doesn't have to. That's the luxury Trump afforded him when Comey was fired.
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Mueller (R), appointed by a Republican Justice department (Deputy Atty Gen. Rosenstein (R)) to investigate a Republican administration, and you think the problem is that there aren't enough republicans involved?

I think the "problem" is leaks from a Grand Jury. It's against the law. Someone from the group that Mueller has assembled has done exactly that and should be held criminally liable. What political party one belongs to has nothing to do with it.
Then why the crack about so called "Hillary minions"? Would you be upset about leaks if the information was damaging to Hillary?
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Mueller (R), appointed by a Republican Justice department (Deputy Atty Gen. Rosenstein (R)) to investigate a Republican administration, and you think the problem is that there aren't enough republicans involved?

I think the "problem" is leaks from a Grand Jury. It's against the law. Someone from the group that Mueller has assembled has done exactly that and should be held criminally liable. What political party one belongs to has nothing to do with it.
Then why the crack about so called "Hillary minions"? Would you be upset about leaks if the information was damaging to Hillary?

As I've already stated...what political party one belongs to has nothing to do with the illegality of leaking Grand Jury proceedings. It's wrong no matter who does it. Grand Juries are secret. For good reason! Leaking information about what's taking place in them is a crime and should be punished to the full extent of the law.
"Special counsel Robert Mueller now has sufficient evidence to bring charges against President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn and his son, NBC News announced today, citing multiple sources familiar with Mueller’s investigation. The investigation is part of the ongoing federal probe into Russia’s involvement with the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

Michael Flynn is being investigated for potential charges of money laundering and lying to federal officials about his foreign connections.

Additionally, investigators have been digging into allegations that Flynn may have been involved in efforts to facilitate the extradition of Muslim cleric Fethullah Gülen, a vocal opponent of Turkish President Recep Erdoğan, from the US back to Turkey. Erdogan has blamed Gülen for an attempted coup in 2016.

Also part of Mueller’s line of inquiry is the $530,000 Flynn received for consulting work on behalf of Turkey in the fall of 2016. As NBC News explained, he failed to register as a foreign lobbyist at the time, disclosing his work with a Dutch consulting firm only in March, well after he was fired from the White House.

Flynn’s son, also named Michael, worked on President Trump’s campaign and briefly on the administration’s transition team. He could be charged along with his father or separately."

Report: Mueller has enough evidence to charge Michael Flynn
Feb. 14, 2017

"Fired by one American commander-in-chief for insubordination, Michael Flynn has now delivered his resignation to another.

The White House said Tuesday that President Donald Trump asked for the resignation of his national security adviser, a hard-charging, feather-ruffling retired lieutenant general who just three weeks into the new administration had put himself in the center of a controversy. Flynn resigned late Monday.

At issue was Flynn's contact with Moscow's ambassador to Washington. Flynn and the Russian appear to have discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia late last year, raising questions about whether he was freelancing on foreign policy while President Barack Obama was still in office and whether he misled Trump officials about the calls."

Flynn, fired once by a president, now removed by Trump
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“In 2014, Michael Flynn abruptly announced that he was retiring from the Army ahead of schedule. It was the polite way of saying that he was canned for doing a miserable job at the DIA. From there, Flynn embarked on a career as an unregistered foreign agent, traveling the world to complain about the Obama administration and picking up paychecks despite warnings from the Defense Department.

“None of this kept the Trump campaign from latching onto Flynn. Trump proudly pointed to Michael Flynn as his top military adviser and considered him for vice president.”

Obama fired Michael Flynn. Trump made him national security adviser.

Vice President Mike Pence contends he was never made aware that former national security adviser Michael Flynn was under federal investigation during the presidential transition, in contrast to a New York Times report that said Pence, who led the transition, knew Flynn had worked as a paid lobbyist for Turkey. :eusa_liar:

Justice Department warned White House that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, officials say
Did I miss something, Valerie? Didn't Trump fire Flynn for doing what he's now being charged for doing as soon as he found out about it? Why do you on the left think this is something to "get" Trump with? Quite frankly...I don't see it.

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