Mueller is better than I thought

Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable
Fact is guys right underneath Trump are guilty of colluding with the Russian government. That's illegal. Question is can we pin it on Trump? I don't know. Meuller has uncovered a lot so far. Lets see where this goes. Lets see who else flips. This is why Trump nervously fired Comey after asking him "am i under investigation" over and over and over again.

If we can't we will use it against the Republicans as we try to drain the swamp in 2018 and 2020.


If this is Trumps organizational chart then how is anyone going to say Trump didn't know what was going on?
I knew his reputation as a relentless prosecutor and have been curious about how quiet he has been. Comey was playing his hand to the press every day while Mueller has quietly gone about his business

So the first indictments have been dropped. Manafort was expected all along and his charges were what we expected

But Gates? He continued in the Trump circle long after Manafort was fired

And who the hell is George Papadopoulos? A seemingly minor player who was quietly arrested last July and has already plead guilty. He evidently not only accepted a deal but is singing like a canary. He is also said to have worn a wire in dealing with Trump insiders

This is only the opening salvo. I can't wait to see how this plays out

Indeed, to make something out of nothing is an insurmountable task. Considering that, he is remarkable.

That "Nothing Burger" you guys keep bringing up is turning into a Shit Sandwich
Analysis | Timeline: Donald Trump Jr.’s contradictory statements about the Russia meeting

Watch Paul Manafort Repeatedly Deny Connections with Russia

Watch Paul Manafort Repeatedly Deny Connections with Russia

I knew his reputation as a relentless prosecutor and have been curious about how quiet he has been. Comey was playing his hand to the press every day while Mueller has quietly gone about his business

So the first indictments have been dropped. Manafort was expected all along and his charges were what we expected

But Gates? He continued in the Trump circle long after Manafort was fired

And who the hell is George Papadopoulos? A seemingly minor player who was quietly arrested last July and has already plead guilty. He evidently not only accepted a deal but is singing like a canary. He is also said to have worn a wire in dealing with Trump insiders

This is only the opening salvo. I can't wait to see how this plays out

Of course you'll support him taking the Podesta's down, right?
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable

Lying to Congress under oath is impeachable...getting a blowjob is not! Duh?
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!

I stopped taking you seriously after I read something about a fake dossier. See you in 2018 and 2020 douchbag. Why don't you go tell your fake news to someone who's stupid enough to buy it.

Yes, Don Jr. and Paul Manafort or whatever the fuck his name is flat out lied about having connections with Russia. Manafort even laughed at the suggestion. So you can see why we aren't buying it. We know why you are buying it. Trump could shoot someone and not lose your support. He knows it. I know it. you just don't idiot.

So now you're denying that there was a fake dossier that the Clinton campaign paid some Russians to put out? That actually IS collusion! Knowing some people from Russia isn't!

I'll be here in 2018 and 2020...I hope you liberals have something real to run on next time instead of bullshit like a mythical "war on women", Sealy! You'll need it if the economy keeps growing! Did you notice that the Fed is getting ready to do the third interest rate increase this year? That's because the economy IS getting stronger! As Bill Clinton's handlers told him all those years ago..."It's the economy, stupid!". That hasn't changed.
Last edited:
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable
Fact is guys right underneath Trump are guilty of colluding with the Russian government. That's illegal. Question is can we pin it on Trump? I don't know. Meuller has uncovered a lot so far. Lets see where this goes. Lets see who else flips. This is why Trump nervously fired Comey after asking him "am i under investigation" over and over and over again.

If we can't we will use it against the Republicans as we try to drain the swamp in 2018 and 2020.


If this is Trumps organizational chart then how is anyone going to say Trump didn't know what was going on?

You amuse me, Sealy...
You actually seem to think that having someone who works for a President taking money is the same thing as the President taking money! It's not...especially when 90% of the elected officials in Washington are getting money from foreign sources and the other 10% would like to but they don't have enough influence yet to peddle for cash!
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!

I stopped taking you seriously after I read something about a fake dossier. See you in 2018 and 2020 douchbag. Why don't you go tell your fake news to someone who's stupid enough to buy it.

Yes, Don Jr. and Paul Manafort or whatever the fuck his name is flat out lied about having connections with Russia. Manafort even laughed at the suggestion. So you can see why we aren't buying it. We know why you are buying it. Trump could shoot someone and not lose your support. He knows it. I know it. you just don't idiot.

So now you're denying that there was a fake dossier that the Clinton campaign paid some Russians to put out? That actually IS collusion! Knowing some people from Russia isn't!

I'll be here in 2018 and 2020...I hope you liberals have something real to run on next time instead of bullshit like a mythical "war on women", Sealy! You'll need it if the economy keeps growing! Did you notice that the Fed is getting ready to do the third interest rate increase this year? That's because the economy IS getting stronger! As Bill Clinton's handlers told him all those years ago..."It's the economy, stupid!". That hasn't changed.

Whatever. Stop trying to change the subject especially when your fake news is only half truths. No, the Democrats had the chance to work with the Russians and they didn't bite.

Why don't you guys investigate like you did Benghazi? Then 8 years from now you'll have nothing and we will have half the trump team locked up behind bars.

Economy keeps growing? How fast is it growing?
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable
Fact is guys right underneath Trump are guilty of colluding with the Russian government. That's illegal. Question is can we pin it on Trump? I don't know. Meuller has uncovered a lot so far. Lets see where this goes. Lets see who else flips. This is why Trump nervously fired Comey after asking him "am i under investigation" over and over and over again.

If we can't we will use it against the Republicans as we try to drain the swamp in 2018 and 2020.


If this is Trumps organizational chart then how is anyone going to say Trump didn't know what was going on?

You amuse me, Sealy...
You actually seem to think that having someone who works for a President taking money is the same thing as the President taking money! It's not...especially when 90% of the elected officials in Washington are getting money from foreign sources and the other 10% would like to but they don't have enough influence yet to peddle for cash!
Spin spin spin, deflect, deny, lie, stonewall, change the subject rinse and repeat.
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable
Fact is guys right underneath Trump are guilty of colluding with the Russian government. That's illegal. Question is can we pin it on Trump? I don't know. Meuller has uncovered a lot so far. Lets see where this goes. Lets see who else flips. This is why Trump nervously fired Comey after asking him "am i under investigation" over and over and over again.

If we can't we will use it against the Republicans as we try to drain the swamp in 2018 and 2020.


If this is Trumps organizational chart then how is anyone going to say Trump didn't know what was going on?
Mostly, those in Trumps position maintain plausible deniability

Unless Trump is a total moron, it should be hard to pin something on him

Obstruction, improper finances and perjury is where they usually fail
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable

Lying to Congress under oath is impeachable...getting a blowjob is not! Duh?

He didn't lie
He did not have sex with that woman

Even Lewinsky testified they never had sex
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable

Lying to Congress under oath is impeachable...getting a blowjob is not! Duh?

He didn't lie
He did not have sex with that woman

Even Lewinsky testified they never had sex

'Trump is at 33 per cent [approval rating] in Gallup. You can’t go any lower. He’s f*****,' says former campaign aide

Donald Trump is 'turning on Jared Kushner'

Donald Trump 'turning on Jared Kushner' as Russia probe intensifies

Donald Trump is reportedly turning on White House adviser Jared Kushner as the prospect of his impeachment becomes a real possibility

President is reported to be blaming his son-in-law for certain decisions that led to Robert Mueller being appointed to investigate claims of Russian collusion in the 2016 election campaign.

Specifically, he questioned his role in the firings of Michael Flynn and James Comey

Former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg told the publication Mr Kushner was the "worst political adviser in the White House in modern history", claiming: "I’m only saying publicly what everyone says behind the scenes at Fox News, in conservative media, and the Senate and Congress."

"The walls are closing in," one senior Republican close to the White House told the New York Post. "Everyone is freaking out."

The indictments included charges against Mr Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and former adviser George Papadopoulos.

Mr Nunberg said: "Here’s what Manafort’s indictment tells me: Mueller is going to go over every financial dealing of Jared Kushner and the Trump Organization.

Donald Trump is 'turning on Jared Kushner'

Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!

I stopped taking you seriously after I read something about a fake dossier. See you in 2018 and 2020 douchbag. Why don't you go tell your fake news to someone who's stupid enough to buy it.

Yes, Don Jr. and Paul Manafort or whatever the fuck his name is flat out lied about having connections with Russia. Manafort even laughed at the suggestion. So you can see why we aren't buying it. We know why you are buying it. Trump could shoot someone and not lose your support. He knows it. I know it. you just don't idiot.

So now you're denying that there was a fake dossier that the Clinton campaign paid some Russians to put out? That actually IS collusion! Knowing some people from Russia isn't!

I'll be here in 2018 and 2020...I hope you liberals have something real to run on next time instead of bullshit like a mythical "war on women", Sealy! You'll need it if the economy keeps growing! Did you notice that the Fed is getting ready to do the third interest rate increase this year? That's because the economy IS getting stronger! As Bill Clinton's handlers told him all those years ago..."It's the economy, stupid!". That hasn't changed.

Whatever. Stop trying to change the subject especially when your fake news is only half truths. No, the Democrats had the chance to work with the Russians and they didn't bite.

Why don't you guys investigate like you did Benghazi? Then 8 years from now you'll have nothing and we will have half the trump team locked up behind bars.

Economy keeps growing? How fast is it growing?

It's growing fast enough that the Fed feels like it can increase interest rates for the third time THIS YEAR! Gee, how many times did the Fed increase interest rates in the EIGHT YEARS that Barry was in office?

The fact that you don't KNOW that the economy is doing well is indicative of the anti Trump bias of the main stream media!
As for who "bit" on working with the Russians? Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually DID work with the Russians on the fake dossier! Saying the Democrats didn' an outright lie!
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!

I stopped taking you seriously after I read something about a fake dossier. See you in 2018 and 2020 douchbag. Why don't you go tell your fake news to someone who's stupid enough to buy it.

Yes, Don Jr. and Paul Manafort or whatever the fuck his name is flat out lied about having connections with Russia. Manafort even laughed at the suggestion. So you can see why we aren't buying it. We know why you are buying it. Trump could shoot someone and not lose your support. He knows it. I know it. you just don't idiot.

So now you're denying that there was a fake dossier that the Clinton campaign paid some Russians to put out? That actually IS collusion! Knowing some people from Russia isn't!

I'll be here in 2018 and 2020...I hope you liberals have something real to run on next time instead of bullshit like a mythical "war on women", Sealy! You'll need it if the economy keeps growing! Did you notice that the Fed is getting ready to do the third interest rate increase this year? That's because the economy IS getting stronger! As Bill Clinton's handlers told him all those years ago..."It's the economy, stupid!". That hasn't changed.

Whatever. Stop trying to change the subject especially when your fake news is only half truths. No, the Democrats had the chance to work with the Russians and they didn't bite.

Why don't you guys investigate like you did Benghazi? Then 8 years from now you'll have nothing and we will have half the trump team locked up behind bars.

Economy keeps growing? How fast is it growing?

It's growing fast enough that the Fed feels like it can increase interest rates for the third time THIS YEAR! Gee, how many times did the Fed increase interest rates in the EIGHT YEARS that Barry was in office?

The fact that you don't KNOW that the economy is doing well is indicative of the anti Trump bias of the main stream media!

I know the economy is doing well. I also knew it was doing well last year. The Feds could have just as easily raised interest last year but for whatever reasons they didn't.

Last year the stock market and unemployment numbers weren't acceptable to you. You were worried about the REAL unemployment numbers. YOU were worried about those blue collar workers.

How are those blue collar workers doing? Can you show us?

And you weren't impressed when Obama added 30,000 jobs but he had 75 straight months of growth. Trump just lose 30,000 jobs last month. First time in like 80 months we've been in the red. Is that a sign of what's to come?

And I'm killing it this year. I know the economy is better. It was you guys who wouldn't admit it in 2016. Now you want to pretend it is but only because of Trump? Whatever happened to the lie that the president doesn't have anything to do with the economy? Now you're trying to heap credit onto Trump.

No my friend it is you who doesn't see how flip floppy you are depending on what party is in charge. YOu are intellectually dishonest.
As for who "bit" on working with the Russians? Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually DID work with the Russians on the fake dossier! Saying the Democrats didn' an outright lie!

They didn't work WITH RUSSIA. There is no law against hiring foreign nationals.
Mueller and his group of hand picked Hillary minions have done exactly as I expected...providing cover for her by leaking news of secret Grand Jury indictments out at the very moment that she and the DNC have been exposed in the fake dossier scandal!

This "opening salvo" as you've described nothing more than an attempt to manage the news...something that the Clinton camp has been doing all along.
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable

Lying to Congress under oath is impeachable...getting a blowjob is not! Duh?

He didn't lie
He did not have sex with that woman

Even Lewinsky testified they never had sex

Try telling your wife that the blow job you got from your secretary at work doesn't count as "sex", Winger! Or better yet...try telling her divorce lawyer or the divorce court judge that! I'm sure they'll be just as amused as I am by that claim!
I love how the left is putting all their hopes, dreams, desires, and their reputations behind this.

Realty will bitch slap them again. The only question is which bitch-slapping will be worse? The one they got last November, or this new one?
As for who "bit" on working with the Russians? Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually DID work with the Russians on the fake dossier! Saying the Democrats didn' an outright lie!

They didn't work WITH RUSSIA. There is no law against hiring foreign nationals.

So you admit that the Clinton campaign hired "foreign nationals" (who just happened to be Russians!) to put out a fake dossier on Trump shortly before the election? The very same campaign who then accused Trump of doing what they themselves HAD done?
Where do you get your talking points? Time to impeach Trump.

Impeach him? LOL...for WHAT exactly? Do you idiots even understand what constitutes an impeachable offense? I'll give you a isn't because someone doesn't like your personality! Donald Trump was elected President of the United States DESPITE Hillary Clinton's sleazy attempt at smearing him with a fake "dossier" that her campaign paid some Russians to put out and as much as you'd LIKE to impeach him...he's done nothing that even remotely approaches an impeachable offense!

Get a grip, snowflakes! Find yourself an electable candidate and run him or her in the next election. Until yourselves a favor and stop embarrassing yourself with this "impeachment" nonsense!
Blowjobs are impeachable

Lying to Congress under oath is impeachable...getting a blowjob is not! Duh?

He didn't lie
He did not have sex with that woman

Even Lewinsky testified they never had sex

'Trump is at 33 per cent [approval rating] in Gallup. You can’t go any lower. He’s f*****,' says former campaign aide

Donald Trump is 'turning on Jared Kushner'

Donald Trump 'turning on Jared Kushner' as Russia probe intensifies

Donald Trump is reportedly turning on White House adviser Jared Kushner as the prospect of his impeachment becomes a real possibility

President is reported to be blaming his son-in-law for certain decisions that led to Robert Mueller being appointed to investigate claims of Russian collusion in the 2016 election campaign.

Specifically, he questioned his role in the firings of Michael Flynn and James Comey

Former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg told the publication Mr Kushner was the "worst political adviser in the White House in modern history", claiming: "I’m only saying publicly what everyone says behind the scenes at Fox News, in conservative media, and the Senate and Congress."

"The walls are closing in," one senior Republican close to the White House told the New York Post. "Everyone is freaking out."

The indictments included charges against Mr Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and former adviser George Papadopoulos.

Mr Nunberg said: "Here’s what Manafort’s indictment tells me: Mueller is going to go over every financial dealing of Jared Kushner and the Trump Organization.

Donald Trump is 'turning on Jared Kushner'
Trump is starting to panic

It is not pretty

If he can't blame Hillary or the media......Kushner is a logical choice

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