Mueller is still zeroing in on collusion

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Fact: Legally that's called quid pro quo it isn't. Dude, you need to step outside the wingnut blogosphere for some fresh air. This is absurd.

They don't have dictionaries in Indiana? You know you're on the Internet and obviously have a browser. Try this: and type in "definition quid pro quo"
Wow, that's quite a brilliant, compelling argument! It's quid pro quo...because, mah dictionary told me it is. Son, I think you get a "D" on this project.

Sorry dude, but I think maybe you should fire your team of legal experts.

Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Please excuse KAZ, his opinions are all built on radio waves, the source of his epistemological notions. They should not be taken seriously and as the man might have said, Don't trust, they cannot be verified.
I've been on this forum only a few days and he has yet to present an intelligent argument.
In regards to their globe trotting debuacheries , there's really little difference bewtiz the Clintons and Trump.

Fact is , most are off on lavish junkets while serving , and let's not forget the majority of ex- congresscritters are granted lucrative lobbysist positions

It's mighty hard to point the 'collusion' finger, while we're azz deep in foreign influences and $$$

Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.

Read your link....FALSE!
You and Kaz are liars.

You said you were ignoring me, you're the liar. This is your second post where you addressed me through someone else as if anyone is falling for that
Lol! I never said anything about ignoring you

Read the quote, that reply was to Jimbo, not you, moron. He said he's going to ignore me then kept replying to me through other people's posts

I'm still waiting for that link that proves me wrong about Uranium one. You know, the $145 million that Clinton supposedly had gotten? You know, the 20% uranium approved by Clinton's state department that never happened. You know the part where Clinton voted for the deal but didn't. You're all mouth and no show boss.

Actually, I repeatedly said that if you don't answer my question about which facts I listed you are disputing, then I won't answer your questions. You don't get to ask questions if you don't answer them.

Fact: The Russians received 20% of US uranium reserves

Fact: Hillary signed off on the deal

Fact: Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal

Fact: Legally that's called quid pro quo

If you don't answer the question clearly I asked you first, I am not going to answer yours no matter how much you bitch and moan and whine that you don't need to answer my questions but I do have to answer yours. You implied several answers in your last post, but I want a clear answer. Which of those facts are you denying?
You know boss, you are really having a hard time here aren't you? "As PolitiFact has laid out in great detail, there is no direct evidence of a quid pro quo among Clinton, the State Department, Rosatom and the Clinton Foundation donors with ties to Uranium One. Clinton has repeatedly denied any involvement in the State Department’s approval of the Uranium One sale, insisting that such approval was granted at lower levels of the department and would not have crossed the secretary’s desk." What is it about proof, evidence, and the truth in reporting that you cannot decipher? It isn't that hard. Your denial and willful stupidity are on display for all to see.
Hillary got $145 million.
No she didn't. Ridiculous,shameless lie.

See, this is why you always fail. You believe dumb shit.

Again the brainiac who doesn't know what the Clinton Foundation has to do with Hillary.

The stupid is strong in this one, Luke Skywalker ...
That's nice, crybaby. But the fact remains that Hillary did not receive that money. When you say she did, you are lying. And the funniest part is that your entire pile of bullshit rests on this one lie by you.

A more intelligent person might pause to wonder if, oh just maybe, that is why the world is not agreeing with him. A more stupid person would just insist the false things are true, and that everyone is engaged in a vast conspiracy.

Wow, you're really into my feelings. Frankly it's pretty creepy. You have a thing for me, huh? Just FYI, I'm not gay, and even if I were, eew

The foundation belongs to Hillary. You're truly a Democrat sheep. They tell you what to think and like a good little boy, you think it.

And legally, giving the money to her foundation is 100% quid pro quo. They don't give a shit that it's a foundation she owns rather than her personally.

Also, the Russians directly paid $500K into Hillary's bank account by doubling her sexual predator husband's speaking fee.

You're just a mindless drone
Fact: Legally that's called quid pro quo it isn't. Dude, you need to step outside the wingnut blogosphere for some fresh air. This is absurd.

They don't have dictionaries in Indiana? You know you're on the Internet and obviously have a browser. Try this: and type in "definition quid pro quo"
Wow, that's quite a brilliant, compelling argument! It's quid pro quo...because, mah dictionary told me it is. Son, I think you get a "D" on this project.

Sorry dude, but I think maybe you should fire your team of legal experts.

Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Please excuse KAZ, his opinions are all built on radio waves, the source of his epistemological notions. They should not be taken seriously and as the man might have said, Don't trust, they cannot be verified.

Wow, you leftists morons are obsessed with how I feel. Why do you care so much? What is so fascinating to you to think constantly about how I feel?
Hillary got $145 million.
No she didn't. Ridiculous,shameless lie.

See, this is why you always fail. You believe dumb shit.

Again the brainiac who doesn't know what the Clinton Foundation has to do with Hillary.

The stupid is strong in this one, Luke Skywalker ...
That's nice, crybaby. But the fact remains that Hillary did not receive that money. When you say she did, you are lying. And the funniest part is that your entire pile of bullshit rests on this one lie by you.

A more intelligent person might pause to wonder if, oh just maybe, that is why the world is not agreeing with him. A more stupid person would just insist the false things are true, and that everyone is engaged in a vast conspiracy.

Wow, you're really into my feelings. Frankly it's pretty creepy. You have a thing for me, huh? Just FYI, I'm not gay, and even if I were, eew

The foundation belongs to Hillary. You're truly a Democrat sheep. They tell you what to think and like a good little boy, you think it ...
The "Foundation belonging to Hillary" has absolutely nothing to do with the truth I put in your lap.

And by the way, you can save the homophobic rhetoric. Just another distraction while you cowardly walk away from the facts I put in your face. Boss, you have nothing intelligent to debate. Go outside and pick up sticks. You are a constant reminder of the embarrassment of your party.
Snopes says you are, or you have no understanding of reading comprehension. Tell you what you need to do; copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars. Then we will find out who the "lying asshole" is. Sound fair?

copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars.

You think Hillary has no control over those bribes...err...contributions?
What are you, 12 years old? DERP!

He finally clarified his lie by claiming the money went to her foundation, not to her. What a stupid douche WTP is
The foundation and Clinton are not one and the same. And you were talking about "stupid douches". Lol! Why you keep stepping in your own pile is beyond me?

However, I will have to say, it takes a douche not to be able to figure that out.

So you don't know what the CLINTON foundation has to do with the Clintons??? OMG, you're so stupid it's hilarious
Lol! All you have left is to change the narrative to another conversation while you cowardly avoid proving me wrong, via the links I already posted, which destroyed all your arguments. You have no argument that you can back up, so you go and hide behind a narrative that has nothing to do with what we are talking about. No one is talking about "what the Clinton Foundation has to do with the Clinton's. We are talking about proving whether they received the money for their personal benefit. You are claiming they did. You lied, and I proved you were lying.

You just said the money went to the Clinton foundation, not Hillary. That was amazingly your defense of her. So I addressed that. You don't pay attention to what you argued?

Not to mention $500K went straight from Russia to her bank account and the law doesn't recognize your view that her trading uranium for money and the money going to her foundation, not her personal account isn't quid pro quo. Legally, it is. It also is to anyone who's not a complete and utter idiot like you are it isn't. Dude, you need to step outside the wingnut blogosphere for some fresh air. This is absurd.

They don't have dictionaries in Indiana? You know you're on the Internet and obviously have a browser. Try this: and type in "definition quid pro quo"
Wow, that's quite a brilliant, compelling argument! It's quid pro quo...because, mah dictionary told me it is. Son, I think you get a "D" on this project.

Sorry dude, but I think maybe you should fire your team of legal experts.

Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Please excuse KAZ, his opinions are all built on radio waves, the source of his epistemological notions. They should not be taken seriously and as the man might have said, Don't trust, they cannot be verified.
I've been on this forum only a few days and he has yet to present an intelligent argument.

Hey guys, get a room
That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.

Read your link....FALSE!
You and Kaz are liars.

You said you were ignoring me, you're the liar. This is your second post where you addressed me through someone else as if anyone is falling for that
Lol! I never said anything about ignoring you

Read the quote, that reply was to Jimbo, not you, moron. He said he's going to ignore me then kept replying to me through other people's posts

I'm still waiting for that link that proves me wrong about Uranium one. You know, the $145 million that Clinton supposedly had gotten? You know, the 20% uranium approved by Clinton's state department that never happened. You know the part where Clinton voted for the deal but didn't. You're all mouth and no show boss.

Actually, I repeatedly said that if you don't answer my question about which facts I listed you are disputing, then I won't answer your questions. You don't get to ask questions if you don't answer them.

Fact: The Russians received 20% of US uranium reserves

Fact: Hillary signed off on the deal

Fact: Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal

Fact: Legally that's called quid pro quo

If you don't answer the question clearly I asked you first, I am not going to answer yours no matter how much you bitch and moan and whine that you don't need to answer my questions but I do have to answer yours. You implied several answers in your last post, but I want a clear answer. Which of those facts are you denying?
You know boss, you are really having a hard time here aren't you? "As PolitiFact has laid out in great detail, there is no direct evidence of a quid pro quo among Clinton, the State Department, Rosatom and the Clinton Foundation donors with ties to Uranium One. Clinton has repeatedly denied any involvement in the State Department’s approval of the Uranium One sale, insisting that such approval was granted at lower levels of the department and would not have crossed the secretary’s desk." What is it about proof, evidence, and the truth in reporting that you cannot decipher? It isn't that hard. Your denial and willful stupidity are on display for all to see.

Right. People always give other people $145 million then get 20% of US uranium reserves as pure coincidence. Happens all the time. If I had a nickle for every time someone walked up to me and gave me $145 million for doing nothing. Man. I'd be rich. You're all over this like a homeless person is all over mouth wash
Hillary got $145 million.
No she didn't. Ridiculous,shameless lie.

See, this is why you always fail. You believe dumb shit.

Again the brainiac who doesn't know what the Clinton Foundation has to do with Hillary.

The stupid is strong in this one, Luke Skywalker ...
That's nice, crybaby. But the fact remains that Hillary did not receive that money. When you say she did, you are lying. And the funniest part is that your entire pile of bullshit rests on this one lie by you.

A more intelligent person might pause to wonder if, oh just maybe, that is why the world is not agreeing with him. A more stupid person would just insist the false things are true, and that everyone is engaged in a vast conspiracy.

Wow, you're really into my feelings. Frankly it's pretty creepy. You have a thing for me, huh? Just FYI, I'm not gay, and even if I were, eew

The foundation belongs to Hillary. You're truly a Democrat sheep. They tell you what to think and like a good little boy, you think it ...
The "Foundation belonging to Hillary" has absolutely nothing to do with the truth I put in your lap.

And by the way, you can save the homophobic rhetoric. Just another distraction while you cowardly walk away from the facts I put in your face. Boss, you have nothing intelligent to debate. Go outside and pick up sticks. You are a constant reminder of the embarrassment of your party.

Dude, stop making excuses for why you voted for Trump. Voting for the orange clown was a stupid idea then and it is now. Just admit you made a mistake and don't do it again. It's not that hard
Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Are you seriously THAT far behind?
Claims of Clinton-Russia Uranium Collusion Are A Real Empty Barrel
This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat these idiocies - It won't make them the slightest bit true.

Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Are you seriously THAT far behind?
Claims of Clinton-Russia Uranium Collusion Are A Real Empty Barrel
This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat these idiocies - It won't make them the slightest bit true.

The Forbes article was interesting in that it stated clearly why the Russians paid Hillary so much in exchange for a small percent of the US's uranium needs. The US could veto the deal and they wanted the uranium mines in Kazakhstan.

Sam Shepard has all the leftist spin down. But here's the thing. Parties in the deal paid $145 million to Hillary. Her department voted yes. And she was the most senior person on the panel.

If a justice (ironically again there are 9) has a conflict of interest in a SCOTUS case, it is their job to recuse themselves. As the most senior member of that panel, it's like the chief justice voting with the rest of the justices in a blatant conflict of interest case and saying it's not a problem because the other eight justices voted the same way.

Yes, a blatant conflict of interest to the tune of getting $145 million from parties involved in the deal is a CLEAR conflict of interest regardless of what anyone else did. And again, $500K of that went straight into her bank account.

And while you don't see the dead elephant on the table, you hold to that Trump is guilty with no evidence at all
Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Are you seriously THAT far behind?
Claims of Clinton-Russia Uranium Collusion Are A Real Empty Barrel
This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat these idiocies - It won't make them the slightest bit true.

We keep presenting him with multiple links proving Clinton had nothing to do with Uranium one.

It is obvious this person lacks critical thinking skills.
Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Are you seriously THAT far behind?
Claims of Clinton-Russia Uranium Collusion Are A Real Empty Barrel
This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat these idiocies - It won't make them the slightest bit true.

We keep presenting him with multiple links proving Clinton had nothing to do with Uranium one.

It is obvious this person lacks critical thinking skills.

Another leftist joins the circle jerk.

Your argument as you clarified is that giving money to Hillary's foundation isn't giving her money. Oh, and you have to ignore the $500K that went straight into her bank account
Please excuse KAZ, his opinions are all built on radio waves, the source of his epistemological notions. They should not be taken seriously and as the man might have said: The man doth protest too much, excessively and compulsively!
copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars.

You think Hillary has no control over those bribes...err...contributions?
What are you, 12 years old? DERP!

He finally clarified his lie by claiming the money went to her foundation, not to her. What a stupid douche WTP is
The foundation and Clinton are not one and the same. And you were talking about "stupid douches". Lol! Why you keep stepping in your own pile is beyond me?

However, I will have to say, it takes a douche not to be able to figure that out.

So you don't know what the CLINTON foundation has to do with the Clintons??? OMG, you're so stupid it's hilarious
Lol! All you have left is to change the narrative to another conversation while you cowardly avoid proving me wrong, via the links I already posted, which destroyed all your arguments. You have no argument that you can back up, so you go and hide behind a narrative that has nothing to do with what we are talking about. No one is talking about "what the Clinton Foundation has to do with the Clinton's. We are talking about proving whether they received the money for their personal benefit. You are claiming they did. You lied, and I proved you were lying.

You just said the money went to the Clinton foundation, not Hillary. That was amazingly your defense of her. So I addressed that. You don't pay attention to what you argued?

Not to mention $500K went straight from Russia to her bank account and the law doesn't recognize your view that her trading uranium for money and the money going to her foundation, not her personal account isn't quid pro quo. Legally, it is. It also is to anyone who's not a complete and utter idiot like you are
If only you had a link proving your point. Too bad for you you don't, right? Can you imagine, you wouldn't look like the idiot that you proved to us all that you are, if you had proof. You see for these Trump Sheep that is the main underlying problem. They use conjecture, hyperbolic hate, and splattered spaghetti up against the wall to do their bidding for them. The word used for people like that are called "idiots".
Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Are you seriously THAT far behind?
Claims of Clinton-Russia Uranium Collusion Are A Real Empty Barrel
This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat these idiocies - It won't make them the slightest bit true.

Correct, but kaz may know this ^^^, but he knows the BIG LIE works in convincing the biddable to believe lies, half-truths, rumors and innuendos when repeated over and over and over and over again;. In fact it is possible he maybe one of the biddable and actually believe Bullshit is mentally nutritious.
Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Are you seriously THAT far behind?
Claims of Clinton-Russia Uranium Collusion Are A Real Empty Barrel
This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat these idiocies - It won't make them the slightest bit true.

We keep presenting him with multiple links proving Clinton had nothing to do with Uranium one.

It is obvious this person lacks critical thinking skills.

Another leftist joins the circle jerk.

Your argument as you clarified is that giving money to Hillary's foundation isn't giving her money. Oh, and you have to ignore the $500K that went straight into her bank account

You have to be incredibly stupid to think otherwise, unless you have proof to the contrary, which you don't. Beyond that, you are left looking like a fool.
Another leftist joins the circle jerk.

Your argument as you clarified is that giving money to Hillary's foundation isn't giving her money. Oh, and you have to ignore the $500K that went straight into her bank account

Yes we know how it works in LoonyLand - Actual news is Fake News and "Real" news consists of hunches and speculation from the echo chamber.
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