Mueller is still zeroing in on collusion

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They don't have dictionaries in Indiana? You know you're on the Internet and obviously have a browser. Try this: and type in "definition quid pro quo"
Wow, that's quite a brilliant, compelling argument! It's quid pro quo...because, mah dictionary told me it is. Son, I think you get a "D" on this project.

Sorry dude, but I think maybe you should fire your team of legal experts.

Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Please excuse KAZ, his opinions are all built on radio waves, the source of his epistemological notions. They should not be taken seriously and as the man might have said, Don't trust, they cannot be verified.

Kaz hears voices in his head....they are called FIX News. They Fix onto a lie and never let it go. Hannity is the King Liar there.

You don't grasp the idea of ignoring me, do you?

Obviously you think it means you continue to address me without responding to my points, but that isn't any different than your not ignoring me ...

Your points? Nothing you have posted reflects thinking on your part, you are a parrot who echoes BIG LIES as if they are original to you.
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.

Mueller is looking at Manafort, Foreign Agent Registration violations, changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia, Russian oligarchs, and any linkage among those people and events.
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.

Mueller is looking at Manafort, Foreign Agent Registration violations, changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia, Russian oligarchs, and any linkage among those people and events.

Mueller knows there was conspiracy to collude with Russia. He is in the process of making sure there is no escape for the Higher Ups.
Weekly Update: New Lawsuit on Clinton Pay-to-Play - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Files New Lawsuit on Clinton Pay-to-Play Issues
Judicial Watch meticulously documented Hillary Clinton’s use of the State Department to take care of donors to the Clinton Foundation. She and Bill are the poster children for pay-to-play.

Now we’re looking into a potential linchpin of that operation.

We just sued the State Department for emails, calendar entries and other information in the electronic file of Dennis Cheng, who was deputy chief of protocol for two years under former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Judicial Watch v U.S. Department of State (No. 1:18-cv-00221)).

Cheng was deputy chief of protocol of the United States from July 2009-July 2011. Following his tenure at the State Department, Cheng joined the Clinton Family Foundation as director of development, and then in April 2015 became finance director of the Hillary for America presidential campaign.

Prior to joining the Clinton State Department, Cheng was finance director in New York for Mrs. Clinton’s successful campaign for Senate.

Judicial Watch filed the complaint after the State Department failed to respond to a December 21, 2017, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for:

[T]he PST file of Dennis Cheng. Mr. Cheng served as Deputy Chief of Protocol of the United States from July 20, 2009 to July 2011. A PST file is a Personal Storage Table, an open proprietary file format used to store copies of messages, calendar events, and other items within Microsoft software such as Microsoft Exchange Client, Windows Messaging, and Microsoft Outlook.

While at the Clinton Foundation, Cheng raised $246 million in just over three-and-a-half years, July 2011-February 2015. A separate FOIA lawsuit by Citizens United found that Cheng communicated with Huma Abedin about a major Clinton Foundation dinner and other issues.

Our previous FOIA litigation uncovered the Clinton email scandal and ethics scandal, Bill Clinton’s conflicts of interest issues, and the pay-to-play scandal involving the Clinton State Department and donors to the Clinton Foundation and Clinton campaigns.

We have proved that the Clinton State Department became a corrupt arm of the Clinton Foundation. Outrageously, the Justice and State Departments seem to be still protecting Hillary Clinton. We’re stepping into the gap and, though this and other ongoing FOIA lawsuits, we aim to expose and hold the Clinton cash machine accountable to the rule of law.
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.

Mueller is looking at Manafort, Foreign Agent Registration violations, changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia, Russian oligarchs, and any linkage among those people and events.

Mueller knows there was conspiracy to collude with Russia. He is in the process of making sure there is no escape for the Higher Ups.

Rudy G. floated the possibility of Trump taking the 5th. Trumpkins should wonder if "no collusion" is just another Trump lie.
They don't have dictionaries in Indiana? You know you're on the Internet and obviously have a browser. Try this: and type in "definition quid pro quo"
Wow, that's quite a brilliant, compelling argument! It's quid pro quo...because, mah dictionary told me it is. Son, I think you get a "D" on this project.

Sorry dude, but I think maybe you should fire your team of legal experts.

Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Please excuse KAZ, his opinions are all built on radio waves, the source of his epistemological notions. They should not be taken seriously and as the man might have said, Don't trust, they cannot be verified.

Wow, you leftists morons are obsessed with how I feel. Why do you care so much? What is so fascinating to you to think constantly about how I feel?

It has nothing to do with you, the tactics of the BIG LIE are well known and all members of the echo chamber are culpable.

Yes, nine parties involved in the Russia deal gave Hillary $145 million. And you think the "echo chamber" are the ones who think that's connected, that NINE parties gave her $145 MILLION. Not you and your fuck buddies who don't see any connection, oh no, no echo chamber there.

That she was paid so much is something that made the deal look fishy. Had she had integrity and acted legally and disclosed all that money, then they may have taken a second look at the deal.

And yet, you still see Trump as guilty based on no evidence.

You're a leftist, Democrat shill with a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.

Mueller is looking at Manafort, Foreign Agent Registration violations, changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia, Russian oligarchs, and any linkage among those people and events.

changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia,

Reset buttons and added flexibility.................
Wow, that's quite a brilliant, compelling argument! It's quid pro quo...because, mah dictionary told me it is. Son, I think you get a "D" on this project.

Sorry dude, but I think maybe you should fire your team of legal experts.

Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Please excuse KAZ, his opinions are all built on radio waves, the source of his epistemological notions. They should not be taken seriously and as the man might have said, Don't trust, they cannot be verified.

Kaz hears voices in his head....they are called FIX News. They Fix onto a lie and never let it go. Hannity is the King Liar there.

You don't grasp the idea of ignoring me, do you?

Obviously you think it means you continue to address me without responding to my points, but that isn't any different than your not ignoring me ...

Your points? Nothing you have posted reflects thinking on your part, you are a parrot who echoes BIG LIES as if they are original to you.

You obviously aren't reading my posts. It's the Democrat way. Anything that isn't what Democrats told you to think isn't there.

I pointed out that nine parties in the Russia deal paid Hillary over $145 million, and you three keep pumping each other in your circle jerk and saying you don't see a connection. Then you call me a parrot. It's classic. Hold on a sec ...


Sorry about that, but that feels so much better ...
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.

Mueller is looking at Manafort, Foreign Agent Registration violations, changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia, Russian oligarchs, and any linkage among those people and events.

changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia,

Reset buttons and added flexibility.................

Does that mean the GOP didn't have a brief platform fight, and change its position making it more favorable to Russia?
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.

Mueller is looking at Manafort, Foreign Agent Registration violations, changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia, Russian oligarchs, and any linkage among those people and events.

changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia,

Reset buttons and added flexibility.................

Does that mean the GOP didn't have a brief platform fight, and change its position making it more favorable to Russia?

Did "making it more favorable to Russia" become a crime before or after Hillary and Obama did it?
Citizens United - EMAIL RELEASE: Citizens United Releases 275 Pages Of State Department Emails With Clinton Foundation

Today Citizens United is releasing 275 pages of State Department emails relating to the Clinton Foundation and other issues that were produced yesterday evening.

The emails included cover the following:

    • "Potential Commitment with Government of Russia..."
    • "...regarding the contract scandal."
    • "I'm abt to ask ariadne getty for her plane..."
    • "Doug, The following was sent to Secretary Clinton earlier today per your instructions to Andrew."
    • "Big cash problem @ USA Shanghai Expo Pavilion"
    • Several newly classified emails relating to Haiti
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.

Mueller is looking at Manafort, Foreign Agent Registration violations, changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia, Russian oligarchs, and any linkage among those people and events.

changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia,

Reset buttons and added flexibility.................

Does that mean the GOP didn't have a brief platform fight, and change its position making it more favorable to Russia?

Did "making it more favorable to Russia" become a crime before or after Hillary and Obama did it?

It's not a crime either way, abstractly, and you've offered no evidence that Hillary or Obama made policy more favorable to Russia. You do avoid acknowledging the GOP reversed a platform position abruptly, in Russia's favor. Why did the GOP do that?
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.

Mueller is looking at Manafort, Foreign Agent Registration violations, changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia, Russian oligarchs, and any linkage among those people and events.

changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia,

Reset buttons and added flexibility.................

Does that mean the GOP didn't have a brief platform fight, and change its position making it more favorable to Russia?

It's hilarious how you people constantly flip positions on Russia

What about on hacking US elections? Russia is insidiously evil and a threat to our fundamental existence

What about on Hillary approving the sale of uranium to Russia? Oh, that's fine, Russia's a paper tiger, no real threat

What about on hacking US elections? Russia is insidiously evil and a threat to our fundamental existence

What about on Hillary approving the sale of uranium to Russia? Oh, that's fine, Russia's a paper tiger, no real threat

What about on hacking US elections? Russia is insidiously evil and a threat to our fundamental existence

What about on Hillary approving the sale of uranium to Russia? Oh, that's fine, Russia's a paper tiger, no real threat

What about on hacking US elections? Russia is insidiously evil and a threat to our fundamental existence

What about on Hillary approving the sale of uranium to Russia? Oh, that's fine, Russia's a paper tiger, no real threat

What about on hacking US elections? Russia is insidiously evil and a threat to our fundamental existence

What about on Hillary approving the sale of uranium to Russia? Oh, that's fine, Russia's a paper tiger, no real threat

Wow, that's quite a brilliant, compelling argument! It's quid pro quo...because, mah dictionary told me it is. Son, I think you get a "D" on this project.

Sorry dude, but I think maybe you should fire your team of legal experts.

Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Please excuse KAZ, his opinions are all built on radio waves, the source of his epistemological notions. They should not be taken seriously and as the man might have said, Don't trust, they cannot be verified.

Wow, you leftists morons are obsessed with how I feel. Why do you care so much? What is so fascinating to you to think constantly about how I feel?

It has nothing to do with you, the tactics of the BIG LIE are well known and all members of the echo chamber are culpable.

Yes, nine parties involved in the Russia deal gave Hillary $145 million. And you think the "echo chamber" are the ones who think that's connected, that NINE parties gave her $145 MILLION. Not you and your fuck buddies who don't see any connection, oh no, no echo chamber there.

That she was paid so much is something that made the deal look fishy. Had she had integrity and acted legally and disclosed all that money, then they may have taken a second look at the deal.

And yet, you still see Trump as guilty based on no evidence.

You're a leftist, Democrat shill with a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome

Yada, yada, yada ... and the drone runs on. Your deflection from the Trump&Co's collusion with Russian's, and Trump's coziness with Putin is not rebutted by your conspiracy allegations. HRC has been investigated and maligned for decades, yet you piss and moan about Trump being called out for lying, being a bully, a hypocrite, his many flips and flops, and failure to release his long ago promise to release his taxes. Not too mention the women who have been bribed to not kiss and tell, and now are telling.
Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Please excuse KAZ, his opinions are all built on radio waves, the source of his epistemological notions. They should not be taken seriously and as the man might have said, Don't trust, they cannot be verified.

Wow, you leftists morons are obsessed with how I feel. Why do you care so much? What is so fascinating to you to think constantly about how I feel?

It has nothing to do with you, the tactics of the BIG LIE are well known and all members of the echo chamber are culpable.

Yes, nine parties involved in the Russia deal gave Hillary $145 million. And you think the "echo chamber" are the ones who think that's connected, that NINE parties gave her $145 MILLION. Not you and your fuck buddies who don't see any connection, oh no, no echo chamber there.

That she was paid so much is something that made the deal look fishy. Had she had integrity and acted legally and disclosed all that money, then they may have taken a second look at the deal.

And yet, you still see Trump as guilty based on no evidence.

You're a leftist, Democrat shill with a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome

Yada, yada, yada ... and the drone runs on. Your deflection from the Trump&Co's collusion with Russian's, and Trump's coziness with Putin is not rebutted by your conspiracy allegations. HRC has been investigated and maligned for decades, yet you piss and moan about Trump being called out for lying, being a bully, a hypocrite, his many flips and flops, and failure to release his long ago promise to release his taxes. Not too mention the women who have been bribed to not kiss and tell, and now are telling.

You voted for the couple who abused women three times and you're hung up on consensual sex. Yeah, that's an actual principle for you.

And sure, sport. If nine parties in a deal gave Trump $145 million and got 20% of US uranium reserves, you wouldn't see a connection. Yeah. What a terrible liar you are
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.

Mueller is looking at Manafort, Foreign Agent Registration violations, changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia, Russian oligarchs, and any linkage among those people and events.

changes in the GOP platform favorable to Russia,

Reset buttons and added flexibility.................

Does that mean the GOP didn't have a brief platform fight, and change its position making it more favorable to Russia?

Did "making it more favorable to Russia" become a crime before or after Hillary and Obama did it?

Oh, and when did the Democratic Party change their platform to appease Putin?
Please excuse KAZ, his opinions are all built on radio waves, the source of his epistemological notions. They should not be taken seriously and as the man might have said, Don't trust, they cannot be verified.

Wow, you leftists morons are obsessed with how I feel. Why do you care so much? What is so fascinating to you to think constantly about how I feel?

It has nothing to do with you, the tactics of the BIG LIE are well known and all members of the echo chamber are culpable.

Yes, nine parties involved in the Russia deal gave Hillary $145 million. And you think the "echo chamber" are the ones who think that's connected, that NINE parties gave her $145 MILLION. Not you and your fuck buddies who don't see any connection, oh no, no echo chamber there.

That she was paid so much is something that made the deal look fishy. Had she had integrity and acted legally and disclosed all that money, then they may have taken a second look at the deal.

And yet, you still see Trump as guilty based on no evidence.

You're a leftist, Democrat shill with a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome

Yada, yada, yada ... and the drone runs on. Your deflection from the Trump&Co's collusion with Russian's, and Trump's coziness with Putin is not rebutted by your conspiracy allegations. HRC has been investigated and maligned for decades, yet you piss and moan about Trump being called out for lying, being a bully, a hypocrite, his many flips and flops, and failure to release his long ago promise to release his taxes. Not too mention the women who have been bribed to not kiss and tell, and now are telling.

You voted for the couple who abused women three times and you're hung up on consensual sex. Yeah, that's an actual principle for you.

And sure, sport. If nine parties in a deal gave Trump $145 million and got 20% of US uranium reserves, you wouldn't see a connection. Yeah. What a terrible liar you are

As previously posted, the BIG LIE is one of your strongest skills, along with the character assassinations of past Democratic Presidents.
'It's all about collusion': Former Trump adviser details interview with Mueller team

While Rudy declares on FIX news that Mueller has given up on collusion.

I must admit...Manafort and trump have covered their tracks well. But Mueller's blood hounds are on their heels.
It was never about collusion. The TrumPutin conspiracy theory was fabricated to distract attention away from the fact that the DNC rigged the election for Clinton.

It is obviously not a good faith investigation. They raided the office, home and hotel room of his lawyer fer crissakes. Trump should raid the FBI and start tweeting a bunch of damning FBI memos.
Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Are you seriously THAT far behind?
Claims of Clinton-Russia Uranium Collusion Are A Real Empty Barrel
This simple chart debunks the conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Russia

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat these idiocies - It won't make them the slightest bit true.

Correct, but kaz may know this ^^^, but he knows the BIG LIE works in convincing the biddable to believe lies, half-truths, rumors and innuendos when repeated over and over and over and over again;. In fact it is possible he maybe one of the biddable and actually believe Bullshit is mentally nutritious.

So you think that nine parties in the Uranium One deal giving Hillary money is just "innuendo" she did something in return for the money. Or in your native tongue ... baa, baa, baa, baa ...

Baa-Baa-Baaaaaah indeed :)

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