Mueller is still zeroing in on collusion

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Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.

Read your link....FALSE!
You and Kaz are liars.

You said you were ignoring me, you're the liar. This is your second post where you addressed me through someone else as if anyone is falling for that
Lol! I never said anything about ignoring you. I'm still waiting for that link that proves me wrong about Uranium one. You know, the $145 million that Clinton supposedly had gotten? You know, the 20% uranium approved by Clinton's state department that never happened. You know the part where Clinton voted for the deal but didn't. You're all mouth and no show boss.

All fact checking has proven that a lie. But these trumpette buffoons continue to spread garbage.

OK, so obviously you're not ignoring me. You're repeatedly responding to my posts. You're like a three year old hiding behind the sofa who thinks that people can't see him
Mueller still dragging on the Trump Russia Hoax?

Yes, and he's still ignoring the Hillary Russia collusion that actually happened
Haha...oh, the adorable things you Trumpkins say....

Well, you're the one who voted for Trump, not me, Holmes. I voted for Gary Johnson. No, voting for Trump didn't make sense at the time. Just own your mistake and and don't do it next time
Huh? Are you having a stroke? Do you smell eggs?
Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.
Snopes says you are, or you have no understanding of reading comprehension. Tell you what you need to do; copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars. Then we will find out who the "lying asshole" is. Sound fair?

copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars.

You think Hillary has no control over those bribes...err...contributions?
What are you, 12 years old? DERP!

He finally clarified his lie by claiming the money went to her foundation, not to her. What a stupid douche WTP is
The foundation and Clinton are not one and the same. And you were talking about "stupid douches". Lol! Why you keep stepping in your own pile is beyond me?

However, I will have to say, it takes a douche not to be able to figure that out.

So you don't know what the CLINTON foundation has to do with the Clintons??? OMG, you're so stupid it's hilarious
Mueller still dragging on the Trump Russia Hoax?

Yes, and he's still ignoring the Hillary Russia collusion that actually happened
Haha...oh, the adorable things you Trumpkins say....

Well, you're the one who voted for Trump, not me, Holmes. I voted for Gary Johnson. No, voting for Trump didn't make sense at the time. Just own your mistake and and don't do it next time
Huh? Are you having a stroke? Do you smell eggs?

Fort Fun Indiana - you voted for Trump (I voted for Gary Johnson)
kaz - you voted for Trump (you voted for the chick who is a predator to women who were sexually assaulted by her husband)

Fort Fun Indiana: Duh, dar, drool, I don't get it

You sir, are an idiot. Not a fake one, not one who plays dumb on message boards, the real thing

So just to be clear, according to your standard I can never agree with Democrats because I didn't vote for Hillary. That's what you're telling me.

You're such an idiot you don't get that question either, do you?
Fact: Legally that's called quid pro quo it isn't. Dude, you need to step outside the wingnut blogosphere for some fresh air. This is absurd.

They don't have dictionaries in Indiana? You know you're on the Internet and obviously have a browser. Try this: and type in "definition quid pro quo"
Wow, that's quite a brilliant, compelling argument! It's quid pro quo...because, mah dictionary told me it is. Son, I think you get a "D" on this project.

Sorry dude, but I think maybe you should fire your team of legal experts.
Mueller still dragging on the Trump Russia Hoax?

Yes, and he's still ignoring the Hillary Russia collusion that actually happened
Haha...oh, the adorable things you Trumpkins say....

Well, you're the one who voted for Trump, not me, Holmes. I voted for Gary Johnson. No, voting for Trump didn't make sense at the time. Just own your mistake and and don't do it next time
Huh? Are you having a stroke? Do you smell eggs?

Fort Fun Indiana - you voted for Trump (I voted for Gary Johnson)
kaz - you voted for Trump (you voted for the chick who is a predator to women who were sexually assaulted by her husband)

Fort Fun Indiana: Duh, dar, drool, I don't get it

You sir, are an idiot. Not a fake one, not one who plays dumb on message boards, the real thing

So just to be clear, according to your standard I can never agree with Democrats because I didn't vote for Hillary. That's what you're telling me.

You're such an idiot you don't get that question either, do you?
Wow, when you are done with your little tantrum,let us know.

I don't care who you voted for. At this time, you are being a surrogate Trump mommy, period. You have yet to regurgitate a wingnut blogosphere talking point that you didn't love at first sight . If harping on madeup bullshit that is never amounting to anything we're an Olynoic Sport, your forehead would be on the ground from the weight of all the medals.
'It's all about collusion': Former Trump adviser details interview with Mueller team

While Rudy declares on FIX news that Mueller has given up on collusion.

I must admit...Manafort and trump have covered their tracks well. But Mueller's blood hounds are on their heels.

Eighteen "Funnies" may be a record Jim.

And a clear sign of SOMETHING - but I can't quite put my finger on it :wink:

Fact: Legally that's called quid pro quo it isn't. Dude, you need to step outside the wingnut blogosphere for some fresh air. This is absurd.

They don't have dictionaries in Indiana? You know you're on the Internet and obviously have a browser. Try this: and type in "definition quid pro quo"
Wow, that's quite a brilliant, compelling argument! It's quid pro quo...because, mah dictionary told me it is. Son, I think you get a "D" on this project.

Sorry dude, but I think maybe you should fire your team of legal experts.

Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?
Yes, and he's still ignoring the Hillary Russia collusion that actually happened
Haha...oh, the adorable things you Trumpkins say....

Well, you're the one who voted for Trump, not me, Holmes. I voted for Gary Johnson. No, voting for Trump didn't make sense at the time. Just own your mistake and and don't do it next time
Huh? Are you having a stroke? Do you smell eggs?

Fort Fun Indiana - you voted for Trump (I voted for Gary Johnson)
kaz - you voted for Trump (you voted for the chick who is a predator to women who were sexually assaulted by her husband)

Fort Fun Indiana: Duh, dar, drool, I don't get it

You sir, are an idiot. Not a fake one, not one who plays dumb on message boards, the real thing

So just to be clear, according to your standard I can never agree with Democrats because I didn't vote for Hillary. That's what you're telling me.

You're such an idiot you don't get that question either, do you?
Wow, when you are done with your little tantrum,let us know.

I don't care who you voted for. At this time, you are being a surrogate Trump mommy, period. You have yet to regurgitate a wingnut blogosphere talking point that you didn't love at first sight . If harping on madeup bullshit that is never amounting to anything we're an Olynoic Sport, your forehead would be on the ground from the weight of all the medals.

You said you didn't grasp my post so I explained it to you. That's having a "tantrum?" First of all, chill and don't worry about how I feel, gay boy. Obviously you don't know. You are a moron wrapped in an idiot inside a stupid douche
Haha...oh, the adorable things you Trumpkins say....

Well, you're the one who voted for Trump, not me, Holmes. I voted for Gary Johnson. No, voting for Trump didn't make sense at the time. Just own your mistake and and don't do it next time
Huh? Are you having a stroke? Do you smell eggs?

Fort Fun Indiana - you voted for Trump (I voted for Gary Johnson)
kaz - you voted for Trump (you voted for the chick who is a predator to women who were sexually assaulted by her husband)

Fort Fun Indiana: Duh, dar, drool, I don't get it

You sir, are an idiot. Not a fake one, not one who plays dumb on message boards, the real thing

So just to be clear, according to your standard I can never agree with Democrats because I didn't vote for Hillary. That's what you're telling me.

You're such an idiot you don't get that question either, do you?
Wow, when you are done with your little tantrum,let us know.

I don't care who you voted for. At this time, you are being a surrogate Trump mommy, period. You have yet to regurgitate a wingnut blogosphere talking point that you didn't love at first sight . If harping on madeup bullshit that is never amounting to anything we're an Olynoic Sport, your forehead would be on the ground from the weight of all the medals.

You said you didn't grasp my post so I explained it to you. That's having a "tantrum?" First of all, chill and don't worry about how I feel, gay boy. Obviously you don't know. You are a moron wrapped in an idiot inside a stupid douche can always spot a self-loathing,closet homosexual by insults like this.

Get it all out of your system.
Well, you're the one who voted for Trump, not me, Holmes. I voted for Gary Johnson. No, voting for Trump didn't make sense at the time. Just own your mistake and and don't do it next time
Huh? Are you having a stroke? Do you smell eggs?

Fort Fun Indiana - you voted for Trump (I voted for Gary Johnson)
kaz - you voted for Trump (you voted for the chick who is a predator to women who were sexually assaulted by her husband)

Fort Fun Indiana: Duh, dar, drool, I don't get it

You sir, are an idiot. Not a fake one, not one who plays dumb on message boards, the real thing

So just to be clear, according to your standard I can never agree with Democrats because I didn't vote for Hillary. That's what you're telling me.

You're such an idiot you don't get that question either, do you?
Wow, when you are done with your little tantrum,let us know.

I don't care who you voted for. At this time, you are being a surrogate Trump mommy, period. You have yet to regurgitate a wingnut blogosphere talking point that you didn't love at first sight . If harping on madeup bullshit that is never amounting to anything we're an Olynoic Sport, your forehead would be on the ground from the weight of all the medals.

You said you didn't grasp my post so I explained it to you. That's having a "tantrum?" First of all, chill and don't worry about how I feel, gay boy. Obviously you don't know. You are a moron wrapped in an idiot inside a stupid douche can always spot a self-loathing,closet homosexual by insults like this.

Get it all out of your system.

Fort Fun Indiana: I have nothing, I'm just going to repeat back to you what you said to me ...

And you're the one who started talking about feelings, gay boy. Hey, try going up to naked guys in showers and start talking to them about how they feel. See where that takes you
Hillary got $145 million.
No she didn't. Ridiculous,shameless lie.

See, this is why you always fail. You believe dumb shit.

Again the brainiac who doesn't know what the Clinton Foundation has to do with Hillary.

The stupid is strong in this one, Luke Skywalker ...
That's nice, crybaby. But the fact remains that Hillary did not receive that money. When you say she did, you are lying. And the funniest part is that your entire pile of bullshit rests on this one lie by you.

A more intelligent person might pause to wonder if, oh just maybe, that is why the world is not agreeing with him. A more stupid person would just insist the false things are true, and that everyone is engaged in a vast conspiracy.
Fact: Legally that's called quid pro quo it isn't. Dude, you need to step outside the wingnut blogosphere for some fresh air. This is absurd.

They don't have dictionaries in Indiana? You know you're on the Internet and obviously have a browser. Try this: and type in "definition quid pro quo"
Wow, that's quite a brilliant, compelling argument! It's quid pro quo...because, mah dictionary told me it is. Son, I think you get a "D" on this project.

Sorry dude, but I think maybe you should fire your team of legal experts.

Hillary got $145 million.

The Russians got 20% of US uranium.

Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal.

You read the definition of quid pro quo and don't see how that applies? Seriously?

Please excuse KAZ, his opinions are all built on radio waves, the source of his epistemological notions. They should not be taken seriously and as the man might have said, Don't trust, they cannot be verified.
Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.
Snopes says you are, or you have no understanding of reading comprehension. Tell you what you need to do; copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars. Then we will find out who the "lying asshole" is. Sound fair?

copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars.

You think Hillary has no control over those bribes...err...contributions?
What are you, 12 years old? DERP!
Lets hypothetically say that clinton got a $145 million bribe.
So then what do you think of Trump selling a moldy mansion bought for $40, then sold 4 years later to russian oligarch for $95 million?
Or, what about trump property in panama involved in money laundering?

I could only imagine if Hillary or Obama sold a mansion to a foreigner for inflated prices. Or if Hillary/Obama had a property involved with drug money laundering.

Lets hypothetically say that clinton got a $145 million bribe.

Her bribes were much more than that, $145 million was just the money connected to Uranium One.

At least 85 of 154 people from private interests who met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton while she led the State Department donated to her family charity or pledged commitments to its international programs, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million.

Many who met with Clinton as secretary of state donated to foundation

So then what do you think of Trump selling a moldy mansion bought for $40, then sold 4 years later to russian oligarch for $95 million?

Sounds serious. Was the Russian guy buying it in order to influence a sitting Senator? Or maybe a sitting Secretary of State? Or was it a Presidential candidate? Buying influence with someone expected to be a future President?
I'm still waiting on Toddsterpatriot to copy and paste from Snopes about Clinton receiving the $145 million dollars. Lol! That'll be the day.
That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.
Snopes says you are, or you have no understanding of reading comprehension. Tell you what you need to do; copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars. Then we will find out who the "lying asshole" is. Sound fair?

copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars.

You think Hillary has no control over those bribes...err...contributions?
What are you, 12 years old? DERP!

He finally clarified his lie by claiming the money went to her foundation, not to her. What a stupid douche WTP is
The foundation and Clinton are not one and the same. And you were talking about "stupid douches". Lol! Why you keep stepping in your own pile is beyond me?

However, I will have to say, it takes a douche not to be able to figure that out.

So you don't know what the CLINTON foundation has to do with the Clintons??? OMG, you're so stupid it's hilarious
Lol! All you have left is to change the narrative to another conversation while you cowardly avoid proving me wrong, via the links I already posted, which destroyed all your arguments. You have no argument that you can back up, so you go and hide behind a narrative that has nothing to do with what we are talking about. No one is talking about "what the Clinton Foundation has to do with the Clinton's. We are talking about proving whether they received the money for their personal benefit. You are claiming they did. You lied, and I proved you were lying.
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