Mueller is still zeroing in on collusion

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The question of which of the four points I asked you remains despite the monkey shit you're flinging.

Answer the question, dickless
Two things here: First, my links answer all questions for which you have no rebuttal for and are obviously to lazy to read about. Secondly, it's easy to be a coward as a substitute for a debate when you have nothing to counter. The two links I provided answered all possible questions that needed asking, as they related to Clinton and Uranium one. There never was any Clinton and Uranium one.

What about which of the four facts I listed are you disputing don't you understand? What is unclear about that question to you? I'm guessing overt stupidity. Am I right?

How many digits to the left of the decimal are on your bi-weekly paycheck? Three probably, am I right?
The $145 million was debunked, the 20% uranium sold to the Russians by way of Clinton was debunked. All one has to do is read the fact checked links and then wait for your fact checked link to rebut mine. That never happened and it never will. Why? Because none exist. Which is how you got caught lying, and then had to resort to being a coward by not debunking the claims I presented to you by replacing your argument with cowardly cheap shots. You are nothing more than a typical Republican who can't stand by his own bs for a lack of factual evidence. Like I said before, you lose. Get over it. It's like Trump trying to tell the country he knew nothing about payments to Stormy Daniels when everyone in the country knew it was a lie. What you are doing is nothing different.

The $145 million was debunked,

That's great. How much did she really get?
Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.
You're such an awful liar. Even your links don't claim that. They just say Hillary got $145 million, the Russians got the uranium, who knows if those were connected or not?
Oh, :113:, so now we finally get somewhere with you. Hooray! "Who knows if those were connected or not"? So you don't know. Got it. That's not what you said in your previous posts.

That's not what I said in this post either, moron. Try reading my post again. Let's try for two out of three ...
Lol! You again are saying nothing. Fools will be fools. There exists no link proving Hillary Clinton herself received $145 million dollars. Get over yourself and your madness.
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.
And that is completely legal to do. As was the very obvious collusion we KNOW that the hillary campaign engaged in with the Ukraine. However, the illegal acts that the hillary campaign committed with the the Steele "dossier", that is an entirely different story.
Hacking is illegal.

Yeah? So? There has been ZERO evidence presented that the DNC was hacked. The fact that they refused to turn their server over to the FBI does nothing more than reinforce the theory that it was an inside act from a whistle blower.

Gotta ask: Why does that work for the DNC but neither Manafort, Cohen or anyone else can't refuse to let the FBI see THEIR computers?
Gotta ask: Why does the FBI help Hillary destroy her devices yet break in at 4AM to take others?
Gotta ask: Why does Mueller look to Manafort's tax records for collusion but not to those behind the Steele Dossier?
Trump is NOT a politician, he is a pissed off American citizen who is tired of watching elites destroy our nation, We his voters get it!
Two things here: First, my links answer all questions for which you have no rebuttal for and are obviously to lazy to read about. Secondly, it's easy to be a coward as a substitute for a debate when you have nothing to counter. The two links I provided answered all possible questions that needed asking, as they related to Clinton and Uranium one. There never was any Clinton and Uranium one.

What about which of the four facts I listed are you disputing don't you understand? What is unclear about that question to you? I'm guessing overt stupidity. Am I right?

How many digits to the left of the decimal are on your bi-weekly paycheck? Three probably, am I right?
The $145 million was debunked, the 20% uranium sold to the Russians by way of Clinton was debunked. All one has to do is read the fact checked links and then wait for your fact checked link to rebut mine. That never happened and it never will. Why? Because none exist. Which is how you got caught lying, and then had to resort to being a coward by not debunking the claims I presented to you by replacing your argument with cowardly cheap shots. You are nothing more than a typical Republican who can't stand by his own bs for a lack of factual evidence. Like I said before, you lose. Get over it. It's like Trump trying to tell the country he knew nothing about payments to Stormy Daniels when everyone in the country knew it was a lie. What you are doing is nothing different.

The $145 million was debunked,

That's great. How much did she really get?
Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.
Snopes says you are, or you have no understanding of reading comprehension. Tell you what you need to do; copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars. Then we will find out who the "lying asshole" is. Sound fair?
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.
And that is completely legal to do. As was the very obvious collusion we KNOW that the hillary campaign engaged in with the Ukraine. However, the illegal acts that the hillary campaign committed with the the Steele "dossier", that is an entirely different story.
Hacking is illegal.

Yeah? So? There has been ZERO evidence presented that the DNC was hacked. The fact that they refused to turn their server over to the FBI does nothing more than reinforce the theory that it was an inside act from a whistle blower.

Gotta ask: Why does that work for the DNC but neither Manafort, Cohen or anyone else can't refuse to let the FBI see THEIR computers?
Gotta ask: Why does the FBI help Hillary destroy her devices yet break in at 4AM to take others?
Gotta ask: Why does Mueller look to Manafort's tax records for collusion but not to those behind the Steele Dossier?

Because the "investigators" don't care about DNC crimes. They only want to try and remove trump. That is their goal.
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.
And that is completely legal to do. As was the very obvious collusion we KNOW that the hillary campaign engaged in with the Ukraine. However, the illegal acts that the hillary campaign committed with the the Steele "dossier", that is an entirely different story.
Hacking is illegal.

Yeah? So? There has been ZERO evidence presented that the DNC was hacked. The fact that they refused to turn their server over to the FBI does nothing more than reinforce the theory that it was an inside act from a whistle blower.
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.
And that is completely legal to do. As was the very obvious collusion we KNOW that the hillary campaign engaged in with the Ukraine. However, the illegal acts that the hillary campaign committed with the the Steele "dossier", that is an entirely different story.
Hacking is illegal.

Yeah? So? There has been ZERO evidence presented that the DNC was hacked. The fact that they refused to turn their server over to the FBI does nothing more than reinforce the theory that it was an inside act from a whistle blower.

Gotta ask: Why does that work for the DNC but neither Manafort, Cohen or anyone else can't refuse to let the FBI see THEIR computers?
Gotta ask: Why does the FBI help Hillary destroy her devices yet break in at 4AM to take others?
Gotta ask: Why does Mueller look to Manafort's tax records for collusion but not to those behind the Steele Dossier?

Because the "investigators" don't care about DNC crimes. They only want to try and remove trump. That is their goal.
According to who? The judge who got burned once the prosecutors told him that the investigation is following the money into Manafort and Russia that could link Trump? Sounds to me like the investigators are following the facts and the evidence to find out how this election by the Russians was stolen. They could give two ..... about Trump. They are looking for truth and justice. That is what they are paid to do.

Gotta ask: Why does that work for the DNC but neither Manafort, Cohen or anyone else can't refuse to let the FBI see THEIR computers?
Gotta ask: Why does the FBI help Hillary destroy her devices yet break in at 4AM to take others?
Gotta ask: Why does Mueller look to Manafort's tax records for collusion but not to those behind the Steele Dossier?

Because the "investigators" don't care about DNC crimes. They only want to try and remove trump. That is their goal.
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.
And that is completely legal to do. As was the very obvious collusion we KNOW that the hillary campaign engaged in with the Ukraine. However, the illegal acts that the hillary campaign committed with the the Steele "dossier", that is an entirely different story.
Hacking is illegal.

Yeah? So? There has been ZERO evidence presented that the DNC was hacked. The fact that they refused to turn their server over to the FBI does nothing more than reinforce the theory that it was an inside act from a whistle blower.

Gotta ask: Why does that work for the DNC but neither Manafort, Cohen or anyone else can't refuse to let the FBI see THEIR computers?
Gotta ask: Why does the FBI help Hillary destroy her devices yet break in at 4AM to take others?
Gotta ask: Why does Mueller look to Manafort's tax records for collusion but not to those behind the Steele Dossier?

Because the "investigators" don't care about DNC crimes. They only want to try and remove trump. That is their goal.

But, but, if I remember my history, THAT is called a political coup d'état. That historically happens under the violent overthrow of a leader by any means so that usually, it is most often replaced by a repressive autocracy-- -- -- the very thing the 'Resistance' and 'Never-Trumpers' claim they are fighting.
What about which of the four facts I listed are you disputing don't you understand? What is unclear about that question to you? I'm guessing overt stupidity. Am I right?

How many digits to the left of the decimal are on your bi-weekly paycheck? Three probably, am I right?
The $145 million was debunked, the 20% uranium sold to the Russians by way of Clinton was debunked. All one has to do is read the fact checked links and then wait for your fact checked link to rebut mine. That never happened and it never will. Why? Because none exist. Which is how you got caught lying, and then had to resort to being a coward by not debunking the claims I presented to you by replacing your argument with cowardly cheap shots. You are nothing more than a typical Republican who can't stand by his own bs for a lack of factual evidence. Like I said before, you lose. Get over it. It's like Trump trying to tell the country he knew nothing about payments to Stormy Daniels when everyone in the country knew it was a lie. What you are doing is nothing different.

The $145 million was debunked,

That's great. How much did she really get?
Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.
Snopes says you are, or you have no understanding of reading comprehension. Tell you what you need to do; copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars. Then we will find out who the "lying asshole" is. Sound fair?

copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars.

You think Hillary has no control over those bribes...err...contributions?
What are you, 12 years old? DERP!
The $145 million was debunked,

That's great. How much did she really get?
Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

Nothing? So the Russians didn't pay Bill twice his normal speaking fee of $500K even?
Lol! When at first
you don't succeed, change the narrative. See how easy it is to prove who the cowards are on this forum. If one can't debunk the first argument, maybe one can throw spaghetti up against the wall and try another. Folks like you are too easy boss. Give it a rest. With each passing post you look more like a fool than the one before.
Millions weren't donated by parties in the deal to the Clinton foundation?
Like all Republican Sheep, it is a necessary requirement that they be lead around by leashes with bells attached. Get this in your head once and for all. There exists no evidence on this earth that the Clinton family profited off the Clinton Foundation. You are driven by hatred with a topping of madness. Hatred can only get you more hatred, which turns into madness. Obviously you have already reached that point. Gather yourself together for your own good.

You're such an awful liar. Even your links don't claim that. They just say Hillary got $145 million, the Russians got the uranium, who knows if those were connected or not?
Oh, :113:, so now we finally get somewhere with you. Hooray! "Who knows if those were connected or not"? So you don't know. Got it. That's not what you said in your previous posts.
Fake news is pathetic.
If only you could prove it right?
Lawyers call it quit pro quo. When Democrats are talking about Democrats you call it unrelated. When you're talking about Republicans, it's proof
You know, I could literally come back to this post this time next year, and you still would have only proved one thing; that you proved nothing at all with Uranium one and Clinton. Get out of here. It's embarrassing.
The question of wTch of the four points I asked you remains despite the monkey shit you're flinging.

Answer the question, dickless
Two things here: First, my links answer all questions for which you have no rebuttal for and are obviously to lazy to read about. Secondly, it's easy to be a coward as a substitute for a debate when you have nothing to counter. The two links I provided answered all possible questions that needed asking, as they related to Clinton and Uranium one. There never was any Clinton and Uranium one.

The Repub line now is to repeat a lie over and over until someone finally thinks it is true. The orange king trump does it all the time. can't argue with idiots....
And that is literally all they have. We have seen at least five different stories unfold about Stormy Daniels for example.

I'm waiting for the next one. They could at least make the next one a little more interesting. Maybe they'll tell us the hush money was necessary because Trump got Stormy pregnant, and an Orangutan popped out?

Hillary literally got $145 million and you literally don't know what the word literally means
You continue to make an idiot of yourself. That's on you boss. There is no evidence or link that exists that proves Hillary Clinton herself got $145 million dollars as a result of Uranium one. If she had, you would have already presented that proof. Instead, you are letting your own madness control you and the lies you tell.

Go wash your face and clean up your act. The days of you not getting called out for lies on this forum are over.

Gotcha. The guy who sold his business in the Uranium One deal to Russia could have just coincidentally given Hillary all that money. You're not a rocket scientist, are you. You do serve Rocket Pops out of your truck ...

Your standard for Democrats is no proof is enough. For Republicans it's no proof is required
What about which of the four facts I listed are you disputing don't you understand? What is unclear about that question to you? I'm guessing overt stupidity. Am I right?

How many digits to the left of the decimal are on your bi-weekly paycheck? Three probably, am I right?
The $145 million was debunked, the 20% uranium sold to the Russians by way of Clinton was debunked. All one has to do is read the fact checked links and then wait for your fact checked link to rebut mine. That never happened and it never will. Why? Because none exist. Which is how you got caught lying, and then had to resort to being a coward by not debunking the claims I presented to you by replacing your argument with cowardly cheap shots. You are nothing more than a typical Republican who can't stand by his own bs for a lack of factual evidence. Like I said before, you lose. Get over it. It's like Trump trying to tell the country he knew nothing about payments to Stormy Daniels when everyone in the country knew it was a lie. What you are doing is nothing different.

The $145 million was debunked,

That's great. How much did she really get?
Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.
Snopes says you are, or you have no understanding of reading comprehension. Tell you what you need to do; copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars. Then we will find out who the "lying asshole" is. Sound fair?

You're the lying asshole. She got at least $500K in her personal bank account and the rest went to her Foundation
The $145 million was debunked, the 20% uranium sold to the Russians by way of Clinton was debunked. All one has to do is read the fact checked links and then wait for your fact checked link to rebut mine. That never happened and it never will. Why? Because none exist. Which is how you got caught lying, and then had to resort to being a coward by not debunking the claims I presented to you by replacing your argument with cowardly cheap shots. You are nothing more than a typical Republican who can't stand by his own bs for a lack of factual evidence. Like I said before, you lose. Get over it. It's like Trump trying to tell the country he knew nothing about payments to Stormy Daniels when everyone in the country knew it was a lie. What you are doing is nothing different.

The $145 million was debunked,

That's great. How much did she really get?
Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.
Snopes says you are, or you have no understanding of reading comprehension. Tell you what you need to do; copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars. Then we will find out who the "lying asshole" is. Sound fair?

copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars.

You think Hillary has no control over those bribes...err...contributions?
What are you, 12 years old? DERP!

He finally clarified his lie by claiming the money went to her foundation, not to her. What a stupid douche WTP is
Any Day now.........

Acting silly with non-existent debatable material is the kind of things that get us closer to the truth. Thanks!

What do you have on got some tax evasion and money laundering charges...........nothing on what they were after.........

NOTHING.............Truth.........The FBI is dirty and some there or used to be there are gonna get fragged for their lies and leaks......

There is you Russian Collusion............paid for by the DNC.
Two things here: First, my links answer all questions for which you have no rebuttal for and are obviously to lazy to read about. Secondly, it's easy to be a coward as a substitute for a debate when you have nothing to counter. The two links I provided answered all possible questions that needed asking, as they related to Clinton and Uranium one. There never was any Clinton and Uranium one.

What about which of the four facts I listed are you disputing don't you understand? What is unclear about that question to you? I'm guessing overt stupidity. Am I right?

How many digits to the left of the decimal are on your bi-weekly paycheck? Three probably, am I right?
The $145 million was debunked, the 20% uranium sold to the Russians by way of Clinton was debunked. All one has to do is read the fact checked links and then wait for your fact checked link to rebut mine. That never happened and it never will. Why? Because none exist. Which is how you got caught lying, and then had to resort to being a coward by not debunking the claims I presented to you by replacing your argument with cowardly cheap shots. You are nothing more than a typical Republican who can't stand by his own bs for a lack of factual evidence. Like I said before, you lose. Get over it. It's like Trump trying to tell the country he knew nothing about payments to Stormy Daniels when everyone in the country knew it was a lie. What you are doing is nothing different.

The $145 million was debunked,

That's great. How much did she really get?
Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.

Read your link....FALSE!
You and Kaz are liars.
The $145 million was debunked, the 20% uranium sold to the Russians by way of Clinton was debunked. All one has to do is read the fact checked links and then wait for your fact checked link to rebut mine. That never happened and it never will. Why? Because none exist. Which is how you got caught lying, and then had to resort to being a coward by not debunking the claims I presented to you by replacing your argument with cowardly cheap shots. You are nothing more than a typical Republican who can't stand by his own bs for a lack of factual evidence. Like I said before, you lose. Get over it. It's like Trump trying to tell the country he knew nothing about payments to Stormy Daniels when everyone in the country knew it was a lie. What you are doing is nothing different.

The $145 million was debunked,

That's great. How much did she really get?
Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.
Snopes says you are, or you have no understanding of reading comprehension. Tell you what you need to do; copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars. Then we will find out who the "lying asshole" is. Sound fair?

copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars.

You think Hillary has no control over those bribes...err...contributions?
What are you, 12 years old? DERP!

I deplore Liars....Ignored
What about which of the four facts I listed are you disputing don't you understand? What is unclear about that question to you? I'm guessing overt stupidity. Am I right?

How many digits to the left of the decimal are on your bi-weekly paycheck? Three probably, am I right?
The $145 million was debunked, the 20% uranium sold to the Russians by way of Clinton was debunked. All one has to do is read the fact checked links and then wait for your fact checked link to rebut mine. That never happened and it never will. Why? Because none exist. Which is how you got caught lying, and then had to resort to being a coward by not debunking the claims I presented to you by replacing your argument with cowardly cheap shots. You are nothing more than a typical Republican who can't stand by his own bs for a lack of factual evidence. Like I said before, you lose. Get over it. It's like Trump trying to tell the country he knew nothing about payments to Stormy Daniels when everyone in the country knew it was a lie. What you are doing is nothing different.

The $145 million was debunked,

That's great. How much did she really get?
Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.

Read your link....FALSE!
You and Kaz are liars.

Foundation Admits to Disclosure Mistakes

One fault investigations into the Clinton Foundation’s practices did find was that not all of the donations were properly disclosed — specifically, those of Uranium One Chairman Ian Telfer between 2009 and 2012. The foundation admitted this shortcoming and pledged to correct it, but as the Guardian pointed out in its May 2015 discussion of Clinton Cash, the fact that it happened is reason enough to sound alarm bells:

The $145 million was debunked,

That's great. How much did she really get?
Nothing! She must have given it all to you, seeing that your non-existent argument about her getting it doesn't exist.

That's great. How much did she really get?


Of the $145 million allegedly contributed to the Clinton Foundation by Uranium One investors, the lion’s share — $131.3 million — came from a single donor, Frank Giustra, the company’s Canadian founder. But Giustra sold off his entire stake in the company in 2007, three years before the Russia deal and at least 18 months before Clinton became secretary of state.

Snopes says you're a lying asshole.
Snopes says you are, or you have no understanding of reading comprehension. Tell you what you need to do; copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars. Then we will find out who the "lying asshole" is. Sound fair?

copy and paste from Snopes where it says Clinton received herself, $145 million dollars.

You think Hillary has no control over those bribes...err...contributions?
What are you, 12 years old? DERP!

I deplore Liars....Ignored

Be sure to come back when you get over your PMS.
The Clintons NEVER get convicted.....The Trumps never get convicted....Major players NEVER take the fall....Lynch, Holder, players Left & Right....pawns possibly paid off to be scapegoats...all an illusion?

Seems like ALL of this is a Dog & Pony show......cleverly designed to keep average Americans at each others throats while the Deep State, Elitists DC party rages on....all at your expense.

Could be wrong....but it "feels" like a round and round but going nowhere illusion.

Dunno...I say it's possible we are ALL being played BIG time. Where's the wall? Where's the Hope & Change? Like taking candy from 320 million babies.

I'll think otherwise when I see Trump or Hillary convicted.
I agree with much of what you said sir!
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