BLM objects to Harris....

You wasn't born yesterday. You know how this dirty game is played. BLM is waiting for about $20-$50 million or more before they get on her side. BLM is for hire just like they were during the pandemic.

They will hit the streets and terrorize homes and businesses with their crew, but only for millions of dollars. MONEY is the only bandwagon they jump on.
I hope they terrorize Kamala! COOL! She wants to be her what its REALLY like out there! :p
Well now this is an interesting twist. Is Kamala not black enough for them? Actually the issue they raised is legitimate.
For once in their miserable existence.

I don't believe they object to the Donkey (she reminds me of 'Donkey' from Shrek)

This is how the parasite fringe groups of the dimocrap FILTH sphere operate.

The Right Reverend Right-On Righteous Al Sharpton and The Right-On Right Righteous Reverend Jesse Jackson used to routinely blackmail Businesses and organizations with threat of violence if the didn't make contributions (in large amounts) to their Right-On Right Righteous Charities (aka; 501(c)3 ) That they just happened to be head of so they could use the (c)3's Jet and have all their expenses paid for by the (c)3.

So, what I'm saying is -- They're just Blackmailing her. It's what they do. It ain't personal, just dimocrap scum business-as-usual.

She either pays up or -- "That's a nice Convention you got there. Be a shame if somebody rioted at it"

Whenever it comes to dimocrap scum, think -- scum. It's the only way you can understand them. It's why Decent Americans like us can not. They're criminals. We're not.

And it's not just the high-ups, the elected ones. It's the whole enchilada including the voters. They ALL want something for nothing.

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