Mueller is still zeroing in on collusion

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Fact: Hillary received $145 million directly from parties in the Uranium One deal, including a $500K going straight into her own bank account

Fact: The Russians received 20% of US uranium reserves

Fact: Hillary signed off on the deal

Fact: Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal

Fact: Legally that's called quid pro quo

Have you had enough facts yet?

This has all been debunked....but thanks for sharing....again.
It looks like Kaz has been lying.

It looks like WTP and Jimbo are worshiping fake news again

Please take your lies somewhere else.

You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.
The Facts on Uranium One - Not exactly! The facts have a way of replacing your own.

Fact: Hillary received $145 million directly from parties in the Uranium One deal, including a $500K going straight into her own bank account

Fact: The Russians received 20% of US uranium reserves

Fact: Hillary signed off on the deal

Fact: Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal

Fact: Legally that's called quid pro quo

Have you had enough facts yet?

This has all been debunked....but thanks for sharing....again.
It looks like Kaz has been lying.

It looks like WTP and Jimbo are worshiping fake news again

Please take your lies somewhere else.
The Facts on Uranium One -

Let us know when you are able to debate this argument intelligently with your own rebuttal, about the fake Clinton Uranium one scandal. If you cannot, then you are just lying. Have a great day.
That has nothing to do with what I said, Ivanka stalker. Try again. You said you don't read so called news you disagree with. I said this:

kaz: Really? I go to leftist sites. One reason I know a whole hell of a lot more than you do. You only go to sites that tell you what you already think. You know, Fake News sites.

Kinda stretching there, aren't you? Most right wing sites are RWNJ sites. I don't bother with them. except for a laugh occasionally. I really do believe you know lots of stuff. Stuff like Bigfoot, green shape shifting space aliens, Jade Helm attacking Texas, Hillary selling Uranium, and killing people. Lots of stuff. Lots of crazy stuff.

I hear you. Fake News tells you all the news you want to believe. Why bother with anything that might contradict that.

BTW, you have good taste in Ivanka. You're right that she's a hottie. Has the FBI contacted you yet on your fetish?

I can tell how much you really want to make a big deal out of my AVI. I almost wish it could have worked out for you at least a little. I hate to see you trying so hard for no results at all.

Maybe it's just my puter, your Avi doesn't show.

It's just Ivanka flopping her titty around in public.

Yep. And you just ran out of soft soap ...
This has all been debunked....but thanks for sharing....again.
It looks like Kaz has been lying.

It looks like WTP and Jimbo are worshiping fake news again

Please take your lies somewhere else.

You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.

So you ignored my points and want me to address yours anyway. That ever work out for you?
Fact: Hillary received $145 million directly from parties in the Uranium One deal, including a $500K going straight into her own bank account

Fact: The Russians received 20% of US uranium reserves

Fact: Hillary signed off on the deal

Fact: Hillary was the most senior administration official to sign off on the deal

Fact: Legally that's called quid pro quo

Have you had enough facts yet?

This has all been debunked....but thanks for sharing....again.
It looks like Kaz has been lying.

It looks like WTP and Jimbo are worshiping fake news again

Please take your lies somewhere else.
The Facts on Uranium One -

Let us know when you are able to debate this argument intelligently with your own rebuttal, about the fake Clinton Uranium one scandal. If you cannot, then you are just lying. Have a great day.

Who is this "us" you are speaking for? Suffering from insecurity about your Johnson that your opinion isn't worth anything on it's own so you need it validated by others? You're probably right about that.

Which of my four facts are you disputing? We're not skipping over the part where you didn't answer my questions and you want me to answer yours
This has all been debunked....but thanks for sharing....again.
It looks like Kaz has been lying.

It looks like WTP and Jimbo are worshiping fake news again

Please take your lies somewhere else.

You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.
lookie lookie a brand new sock puppet --LOL see ya turd breath
It looks like Kaz has been lying.

It looks like WTP and Jimbo are worshiping fake news again

Please take your lies somewhere else.

You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.

So you ignored my points and want me to address yours anyway. That ever work out for you?
No, I addressed yours about Clinton approving the 20% uranium. That was/is a lie by you. And that's just getting started. My link proved that, while your non-existent link did not counter mine. You have nothing because you cannot offer nothing other than cowardly insults. You have two choices in this debate the way I see it. You can either try and debunk the links I provided, or you can continue down the path of a coward. I'm putting my money on the latter.
It looks like Kaz has been lying.

It looks like WTP and Jimbo are worshiping fake news again

Please take your lies somewhere else.

You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.
lookie lookie a brand new sock puppet --LOL see ya turd breath
All these right-wing cowards running from the truth and accurate facts as good little Trump Sheep would do. Lol! This is what I call the ultimate right-wing fail.
It looks like Kaz has been lying.

It looks like WTP and Jimbo are worshiping fake news again

Please take your lies somewhere else.

You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.

So you ignored my points and want me to address yours anyway. That ever work out for you?

All of your points have been debunked by multiple fact check sites. Nothing more to prove.
It looks like Kaz has been lying.

It looks like WTP and Jimbo are worshiping fake news again

Please take your lies somewhere else.

You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.
lookie lookie a brand new sock puppet --LOL see ya turd breath

It looks like WTP and Jimbo are worshiping fake news again

Please take your lies somewhere else.

You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.

So you ignored my points and want me to address yours anyway. That ever work out for you?
No, I addressed yours about Clinton approving the 20% uranium. That was/is a lie by you. And that's just getting started. My link proved that, while your non-existent link did not counter mine. You have nothing because you cannot offer nothing other than cowardly insults. You have two choices in this debate the way I see it. You can either try and debunk the links I provided, or you can continue down the path of a coward. I'm putting my money on the latter.

The question of which of the four points I asked you remains despite the monkey shit you're flinging.

Answer the question, dickless
It looks like WTP and Jimbo are worshiping fake news again

Please take your lies somewhere else.

You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.
lookie lookie a brand new sock puppet --LOL see ya turd breath
All these right-wing cowards running from the truth and accurate facts as good little Trump Sheep would do. Lol! This is what I call the ultimate right-wing fail.

So then why did you vote for Trump, moron?
It looks like WTP and Jimbo are worshiping fake news again

Please take your lies somewhere else.

You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.

So you ignored my points and want me to address yours anyway. That ever work out for you?

All of your points have been debunked by multiple fact check sites. Nothing more to prove.

Yes, fake news looked at Hillary getting $145 million and approving selling 20% of our uranium to Russia and didn't see a connection, LOL. You idiots are dumber than I could make up.

That's why I stated the four facts that clearly prove Hillary's guilt. You see that, which is why you and your fuck buddy won't address them and rely on fake news links
Please take your lies somewhere else.

You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.

So you ignored my points and want me to address yours anyway. That ever work out for you?

All of your points have been debunked by multiple fact check sites. Nothing more to prove.

Yes, fake news looked at Hillary getting $145 million and approving selling 20% of our uranium to Russia and didn't see a connection, LOL. You idiots are dumber than I could make up.

That's why I stated the four facts that clearly prove Hillary's guilt. You see that, which is why you and your fuck buddy won't address them and rely on fake news links

I just cleaned up my ignore list. I took everyone off. But Liars that continue to spread their venom and continue to vomit falsehoods....make me sick.

So YOU will be the only one on my Ignore list. Liars are a damnation.

Have a Nice Life!
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.

So you ignored my points and want me to address yours anyway. That ever work out for you?

All of your points have been debunked by multiple fact check sites. Nothing more to prove.

Yes, fake news looked at Hillary getting $145 million and approving selling 20% of our uranium to Russia and didn't see a connection, LOL. You idiots are dumber than I could make up.

That's why I stated the four facts that clearly prove Hillary's guilt. You see that, which is why you and your fuck buddy won't address them and rely on fake news links

I just cleaned up my ignore list. I took everyone off. But Liars that continue to spread their venom and continue to vomit falsehoods....make me sick.

So YOU will be the only one on my Ignore list. Liars are a damnation.

Have a Nice Life!

You'll go to any length to run away from answering the question of which four of my facts you're challenging, huh?

There are plenty of other leftists to bitch slap. You bring nothing special to the table
That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?
Obama said Obama care would lower premiums by $2000 dollars a year. That one hurt everyone.

It didn't lower my premiums.

Obamacare does save me thousands of dollars a year.

I no longer have copayments. I no longer have to pay for preventative care.

I no longer have to pay any part of my mammograms that I have to have every 6 months to see if the cancer has returned. Before Obamacare I had to pay a co payment then an extra charge on the MRI mammogram. I no longer have to pay for a colonoscopy which before Obamacare the only way my insurance would pay for it is if there was any symptoms. But as we know, by then the cancer has advanced and will be much harder and much more costly to treat. So I no longer have to save up 3 thousand dollars for a colonoscopy. It's 100% covered.

My cancer medication went down to zero. I no longer have a co payment and believe me, even the co payment on cancer medication is extremely expensive.

I no longer have to pay for a yearly flu shot.

I can go on and on with all the medical expenses I no longer have because of Obamacare. And I don't even have Obamacare. I have private employer provided insurance.

All Obamacare did was make my existing employer provided insurance better.

Good for you, it raised mine by 44%, made my deductible increase, and all of my meds went up. You see dana, you're what we would call "poor" obummercare helped those who were truly poor. That was a good thing. The problem is it was written so badly, and benefited the insurance companies so greatly, that 80 million Americans had to suffer, so that you 4 million could benefit.

It's always a good idea to read the whole post before you reply.

I'm not on Obamacare. I have private employer provided insurance.

I'm not poor. In fact I could probably buy and sell you.

So those who actually work for a living and contribute to our society got benefits from Obamacare. It set minimum levels of insurance that most employers didn't provide. The union did a very good job of making sure we had good insurance but as with a lot of employer provided insurance before Obamacare, didn't cover a lot of things that we all need. Boeing is self insured so only federal ERISA laws applied to us and not state insurance laws. I will give Boeing the credit that their old insurance was much better than most offered by employers but only because the union made sure of it.

I will say that while the premiums didn't increase in the Obama years. Premiums increased this year in the trump years. Which is what happens every time a republican becomes president. The premiums have never increased in democratic presidential years.

So you might want to stop the stupid and childish assumptions to insult me.

You can't be more wrong if you tried.
Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?
Obama said Obama care would lower premiums by $2000 dollars a year. That one hurt everyone.

It didn't lower my premiums.

Obamacare does save me thousands of dollars a year.

I no longer have copayments. I no longer have to pay for preventative care.

I no longer have to pay any part of my mammograms that I have to have every 6 months to see if the cancer has returned. Before Obamacare I had to pay a co payment then an extra charge on the MRI mammogram. I no longer have to pay for a colonoscopy which before Obamacare the only way my insurance would pay for it is if there was any symptoms. But as we know, by then the cancer has advanced and will be much harder and much more costly to treat. So I no longer have to save up 3 thousand dollars for a colonoscopy. It's 100% covered.

My cancer medication went down to zero. I no longer have a co payment and believe me, even the co payment on cancer medication is extremely expensive.

I no longer have to pay for a yearly flu shot.

I can go on and on with all the medical expenses I no longer have because of Obamacare. And I don't even have Obamacare. I have private employer provided insurance.

All Obamacare did was make my existing employer provided insurance better.

Good for you, it raised mine by 44%, made my deductible increase, and all of my meds went up. You see dana, you're what we would call "poor" obummercare helped those who were truly poor. That was a good thing. The problem is it was written so badly, and benefited the insurance companies so greatly, that 80 million Americans had to suffer, so that you 4 million could benefit.

It's always a good idea to read the whole post before you reply.

I'm not on Obamacare. I have private employer provided insurance.

I'm not poor. In fact I could probably buy and sell you.

So those who actually work for a living and contribute to our society got benefits from Obamacare. It set minimum levels of insurance that most employers didn't provide. The union did a very good job of making sure we had good insurance but as with a lot of employer provided insurance before Obamacare, didn't cover a lot of things that we all need. Boeing is self insured so only federal ERISA laws applied to us and not state insurance laws. I will give Boeing the credit that their old insurance was much better than most offered by employers but only because the union made sure of it.

I will say that while the premiums didn't increase in the Obama years. Premiums increased this year in the trump years. Which is what happens every time a republican becomes president. The premiums have never increased in democratic presidential years.

So you might want to stop the stupid and childish assumptions to insult me.

You can't be more wrong if you tried.

You retard didn't any one educate you about the Obama care 40% tax on union Cadillac healt care plans in 2020???

Trump Will Repeal Obamacare 40% Cadillac Tax, Other Taxes Too
Please take your lies somewhere else.

You're a parrot. Now that's a good Democrat ...
The question remains, can you debunk the "fact links" provided? Answer, no! You lose. See you later.

So you ignored my points and want me to address yours anyway. That ever work out for you?
No, I addressed yours about Clinton approving the 20% uranium. That was/is a lie by you. And that's just getting started. My link proved that, while your non-existent link did not counter mine. You have nothing because you cannot offer nothing other than cowardly insults. You have two choices in this debate the way I see it. You can either try and debunk the links I provided, or you can continue down the path of a coward. I'm putting my money on the latter.

The question of which of the four points I asked you remains despite the monkey shit you're flinging.

Answer the question, dickless
Two things here: First, my links answer all questions for which you have no rebuttal for and are obviously to lazy to read about. Secondly, it's easy to be a coward as a substitute for a debate when you have nothing to counter. The two links I provided answered all possible questions that needed asking, as they related to Clinton and Uranium one. There never was any Clinton and Uranium one.
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