Mueller is still zeroing in on collusion

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How many lies did your hero obummer tell the people of this country? Hmm? Trumps lies hurt trump so who gives a crap. obummers lies hurt US.

That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?

This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

The only lies about climate change are from the scumbags who wish to steal your money. Here is a test of your critical thinking skills....if climate change is so dangerous why are there no draconian laws in the works to actually control pollution? Hmm? No, the politicians and wealthy bankers pushing this fraud only require you to pay more to pollute. Do you understand that? You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay them for the privilege.

A thinking person would go huh....I hadn't thought about that.

Tens of millions of Americans had their hard earned money stolen from them thanks to your asshole....

You're doing a great job in proving the harm of Trump's lies.

1) flexibility with russia on NATO missile defense: It was Trump who called NATO obsolete.

2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan": the law could not anticipate insurers changing policies since then, or instances in which insurance providers canceled plans because of new requirements for minimal levels of coverage for policyholders

3) climate change: 97 percent consensus. Conservatives still clueless.

Gruber was apparently right on target.....
That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?

This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

The only lies about climate change are from the scumbags who wish to steal your money. Here is a test of your critical thinking skills....if climate change is so dangerous why are there no draconian laws in the works to actually control pollution? Hmm? No, the politicians and wealthy bankers pushing this fraud only require you to pay more to pollute. Do you understand that? You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay them for the privilege.

A thinking person would go huh....I hadn't thought about that.

Tens of millions of Americans had their hard earned money stolen from them thanks to your asshole....

You're doing a great job in proving the harm of Trump's lies.

1) flexibility with russia on NATO missile defense: It was Trump who called NATO obsolete.

2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan": the law could not anticipate insurers changing policies since then, or instances in which insurance providers canceled plans because of new requirements for minimal levels of coverage for policyholders

3) climate change: 97 percent consensus. Conservatives still clueless.

I’m an Obama honk….I have an issue with #2. There was an episode of The West Wing where the staff was looking for 10 word answers. The reason is because the media and the public has little use for detailed answers and 10 word answers are about the max length that will appear on nightly news and fit into people’s attention spans. Obama did that with “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” Most knew what he meant by that—if the plan complies with the ACA. But the statement, on it’s face, was false. He shouldn’t have made it.

The statement was an over-simplification of the situation. Changes in minimum requirements will cause non-compliant plans to be dropped: people "like" crappy health insurance.
The key concept is that prior to Obamacare, 14 percent of population switched plans, so 4 million people changing plans out of 250 million isnt so bad considering setting minimum standards.

Back to the subject of Mueller: seeking 70 blank subpoenas in Manafort case, meaning Manafort is either flipping on trump or will die in jail.
I think I heard trump say outside Marine 1 this morning that Giuliani was wrong. trump cannot be taken as someone who tells the truth.

I also heard that Cohen has a different story. The lesson that should be learned by trump from all of this is....don't throw friends that know stuff under the bus....they might flip on you.

Cohen is becoming annoyed by trump's lies. He should have thought long and hard before he started fixing things for a serial liar....cause sooner or later he will lie on you.
Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?

This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

The only lies about climate change are from the scumbags who wish to steal your money. Here is a test of your critical thinking skills....if climate change is so dangerous why are there no draconian laws in the works to actually control pollution? Hmm? No, the politicians and wealthy bankers pushing this fraud only require you to pay more to pollute. Do you understand that? You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay them for the privilege.

A thinking person would go huh....I hadn't thought about that.

Tens of millions of Americans had their hard earned money stolen from them thanks to your asshole....

You're doing a great job in proving the harm of Trump's lies.

1) flexibility with russia on NATO missile defense: It was Trump who called NATO obsolete.

2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan": the law could not anticipate insurers changing policies since then, or instances in which insurance providers canceled plans because of new requirements for minimal levels of coverage for policyholders

3) climate change: 97 percent consensus. Conservatives still clueless.

I’m an Obama honk….I have an issue with #2. There was an episode of The West Wing where the staff was looking for 10 word answers. The reason is because the media and the public has little use for detailed answers and 10 word answers are about the max length that will appear on nightly news and fit into people’s attention spans. Obama did that with “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” Most knew what he meant by that—if the plan complies with the ACA. But the statement, on it’s face, was false. He shouldn’t have made it.

The statement was an over-simplification of the situation. Changes in minimum requirements will cause non-compliant plans to be dropped: people "like" crappy health insurance.
The key concept is that prior to Obamacare, 14 percent of population switched plans, so 4 million people changing plans out of 250 million isnt so bad considering setting minimum standards.

Back to the subject of Mueller: seeking 70 blank subpoenas in Manafort case, meaning Manafort is either flipping on trump or will die in jail.

Right…anyone who knew the context knows what Obama meant. But if you’re going to apply the contextual standard to every Presidential gaffe…we would have almost no gaffes. Also, not to belabor the point but Obama knew what he was doing….when you play at that level, you know what the soundbite will be on the 11PM news that night.
This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

Sold us out? Are you stupid? Did Obama try to set up 4 secret back channels to russia?
Did Obama change the DNC platform to throw the Ukraine under the bus?

Trump is thick as thieves with Putin.

I'll wait breathlessly for all your PROOF of that...

Here's a search on trump setting up back channels with russia. Or at least trying to. We know about some of them. We don't know about all and we don't know about what happens and is discussed in those secret back channels with putin. You have your pick of any of the over 3 million articles about it.

trump tried to set up four backdoor channels with russia

Here's a search on the gop changing their platform sacrificing the Ukraine to russia. You have your pick of 415 thousand articles.

gop platform change ukraine

Both of those subjects have been in the news for over a year. The change on the gop platform has been in the news since 2016 when the change was made.

If you don't know about any of it you seriously need to find much more honest news sources that you have now.
Obama, well respected former President, all around good father, good husband…a bit naive as President in my book vs multiple divorcee Donald Trump who now is admitting to banging prostitutes, makes fun of the disabled, calls women pigs, says other women are on their period, tells 12 lies before breakfast?

Whatever you say idiot.

How many lies did your hero obummer tell the people of this country? Hmm? Trumps lies hurt trump so who gives a crap. obummers lies hurt US.

That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?
Obama said Obama care would lower premiums by $2000 dollars a year. That one hurt everyone.

It didn't lower my premiums.

Obamacare does save me thousands of dollars a year.

I no longer have copayments. I no longer have to pay for preventative care.

I no longer have to pay any part of my mammograms that I have to have every 6 months to see if the cancer has returned. Before Obamacare I had to pay a co payment then an extra charge on the MRI mammogram. I no longer have to pay for a colonoscopy which before Obamacare the only way my insurance would pay for it is if there was any symptoms. But as we know, by then the cancer has advanced and will be much harder and much more costly to treat. So I no longer have to save up 3 thousand dollars for a colonoscopy. It's 100% covered.

My cancer medication went down to zero. I no longer have a co payment and believe me, even the co payment on cancer medication is extremely expensive.

I no longer have to pay for a yearly flu shot.

I can go on and on with all the medical expenses I no longer have because of Obamacare. And I don't even have Obamacare. I have private employer provided insurance.

All Obamacare did was make my existing employer provided insurance better.
Obama, well respected former President, all around good father, good husband…a bit naive as President in my book vs multiple divorcee Donald Trump who now is admitting to banging prostitutes, makes fun of the disabled, calls women pigs, says other women are on their period, tells 12 lies before breakfast?

Whatever you say idiot.

How many lies did your hero obummer tell the people of this country? Hmm? Trumps lies hurt trump so who gives a crap. obummers lies hurt US.

That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?
Obama said Obama care would lower premiums by $2000 dollars a year. That one hurt everyone.
That was a campaign promise made under the assumption there would be a public option choice for health insurance provider. You can thank "blue dog" democrats and Joe Lieberman for killing any chance of that.

Nobody sufficiently foresaw the level of obstruction from republicans, nor the lobbyist influence on blue dog democrats.
How many lies did your hero obummer tell the people of this country? Hmm? Trumps lies hurt trump so who gives a crap. obummers lies hurt US.

That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?
Obama said Obama care would lower premiums by $2000 dollars a year. That one hurt everyone.
That was a campaign promise made under the assumption there would be a public option choice for health insurance provider. You can thank "blue dog" democrats and Joe Lieberman for killing any chance of that.

Nobody sufficiently foresaw the level of obstruction from republicans, nor the lobbyist influence on blue dog democrats.
By liberal standards on Trump, that's still a lie.
Same day news from two different sources... is there a law being broken here?

You claimed Trump imposed sanctions, and posted it as if it actually happened.

Now you're suffering butt hurt from having to reverse so fast.

How many Russian Mercs were killed under obummer? We know of at least 100 under trump.

Off topic.

Which you claim only because you are losing so bad. The fact is that ANY thing that shows trump didn't collude with russia....and killing a whole bunch of them supports that, is very much ON topic, which blows your pissant excuses and claims out of the water.
How many lies did your hero obummer tell the people of this country? Hmm? Trumps lies hurt trump so who gives a crap. obummers lies hurt US.

That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?
Obama said Obama care would lower premiums by $2000 dollars a year. That one hurt everyone.

It didn't lower my premiums.

Obamacare does save me thousands of dollars a year.

I no longer have copayments. I no longer have to pay for preventative care.

I no longer have to pay any part of my mammograms that I have to have every 6 months to see if the cancer has returned. Before Obamacare I had to pay a co payment then an extra charge on the MRI mammogram. I no longer have to pay for a colonoscopy which before Obamacare the only way my insurance would pay for it is if there was any symptoms. But as we know, by then the cancer has advanced and will be much harder and much more costly to treat. So I no longer have to save up 3 thousand dollars for a colonoscopy. It's 100% covered.

My cancer medication went down to zero. I no longer have a co payment and believe me, even the co payment on cancer medication is extremely expensive.

I no longer have to pay for a yearly flu shot.

I can go on and on with all the medical expenses I no longer have because of Obamacare. And I don't even have Obamacare. I have private employer provided insurance.

All Obamacare did was make my existing employer provided insurance better.

Good for you, it raised mine by 44%, made my deductible increase, and all of my meds went up. You see dana, you're what we would call "poor" obummercare helped those who were truly poor. That was a good thing. The problem is it was written so badly, and benefited the insurance companies so greatly, that 80 million Americans had to suffer, so that you 4 million could benefit.
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?

This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

The only lies about climate change are from the scumbags who wish to steal your money. Here is a test of your critical thinking skills....if climate change is so dangerous why are there no draconian laws in the works to actually control pollution? Hmm? No, the politicians and wealthy bankers pushing this fraud only require you to pay more to pollute. Do you understand that? You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay them for the privilege.

A thinking person would go huh....I hadn't thought about that.

Tens of millions of Americans had their hard earned money stolen from them thanks to your asshole....

You're doing a great job in proving the harm of Trump's lies.

1) flexibility with russia on NATO missile defense: It was Trump who called NATO obsolete.

2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan": the law could not anticipate insurers changing policies since then, or instances in which insurance providers canceled plans because of new requirements for minimal levels of coverage for policyholders

3) climate change: 97 percent consensus. Conservatives still clueless.

I’m an Obama honk….I have an issue with #2. There was an episode of The West Wing where the staff was looking for 10 word answers. The reason is because the media and the public has little use for detailed answers and 10 word answers are about the max length that will appear on nightly news and fit into people’s attention spans. Obama did that with “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” Most knew what he meant by that—if the plan complies with the ACA. But the statement, on it’s face, was false. He shouldn’t have made it.

The statement was an over-simplification of the situation. Changes in minimum requirements will cause non-compliant plans to be dropped: people "like" crappy health insurance.
The key concept is that prior to Obamacare, 14 percent of population switched plans, so 4 million people changing plans out of 250 million isnt so bad considering setting minimum standards.

Back to the subject of Mueller: seeking 70 blank subpoenas in Manafort case, meaning Manafort is either flipping on trump or will die in jail.

Right…anyone who knew the context knows what Obama meant. But if you’re going to apply the contextual standard to every Presidential gaffe…we would have almost no gaffes. Also, not to belabor the point but Obama knew what he was doing….when you play at that level, you know what the soundbite will be on the 11PM news that night.

But if you’re going to apply the contextual standard to every Presidential gaffe…we would have almost no gaffes.

:an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder.
That sounds like a mistake you'd make once, and then correct.
He made the $2500 claim dozens of times.
Same day news from two different sources... is there a law being broken here?

You claimed Trump imposed sanctions, and posted it as if it actually happened.

Now you're suffering butt hurt from having to reverse so fast.

How many Russian Mercs were killed under obummer? We know of at least 100 under trump.

Off topic.

Which you claim only because you are losing so bad. The fact is that ANY thing that shows trump didn't collude with russia....and killing a whole bunch of them supports that, is very much ON topic, which blows your pissant excuses and claims out of the water.

If you say so.
Mueller has proven he can't even find his own a$$ with both hands.

Rosenstein is on the verge of Impeachment, trying to protect Mueller and his witch hunt, by illegally refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena ordering him to turn over Witch Hunt documents showing there was ever a crime committed warranting a Special Counsel investigation.

Rosenstein has not refused to because he is a 'rebel' - the truth is He, Mueller, and the democrats simply don't have any evidence of any illegal Russian Collusion INVOLVING DONALD TRUMP.

Oh they have lots of evidence of 'illegal Russian Collusion' involving Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and even Barak Obama , but the Special Counsel Lead refuses to acknowledge it or look into any of it.
I must admit...Manafort and trump have covered their tracks well. But Mueller's blood hounds are on their heels.
After multiple investigations and going on 2 years 'the blood hounds' are no closer to presenting evidence a crime was ever committed, warranting an investigation to begin with, than they were nearly 2 years ago...because there is none.
I must admit...Manafort and trump have covered their tracks well. But Mueller's blood hounds are on their heels.
After multiple investigations and going on 2 years 'the blood hounds' are no closer to presenting evidence a crime was ever committed, warranting an investigation to begin with, than they were nearly 2 years ago...because there is none.

Remind me again how long the Whitewater investigation took and remind me what finally got Clinton impeached.
'It's all about collusion': Former Trump adviser details interview with Mueller team

While Rudy declares on FIX news that Mueller has given up on collusion.

I must admit...Manafort and trump have covered their tracks well. But Mueller's blood hounds are on their heels.

About friggen time! The guy must be paid by the hour, cuz someone on a flat fee basis would have done that months ago!

The trump crime family is very good at burying their crimes. Mueller is a seasoned professional and will eventually find the truth...unless the orange king fires him first.
Remind me again how long the Whitewater investigation took and remind me what finally got Clinton impeached.
What I will remind you of is in the Whitewater scandal there was evidence of a crime having been committed that warranted an investigation. The same can not be said for the butt-hurt, hate-driven Liberal / Mueller witch hunt.
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