Mueller is still zeroing in on collusion

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This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

Sold us out? Are you stupid? Did Obama try to set up 4 secret back channels to russia?
Did Obama change the DNC platform to throw the Ukraine under the bus?

Trump is thick as thieves with Putin.

No, he had a direct deal with pootin so he didn't need one you putz. Wake the hell up.
Same day news from two different sources... is there a law being broken here?

You claimed Trump imposed sanctions, and posted it as if it actually happened.

Now you're suffering butt hurt from having to reverse so fast.
Same day news from two different sources... is there a law being broken here?

You claimed Trump imposed sanctions, and posted it as if it actually happened.

Now you're suffering butt hurt from having to reverse so fast.

How many Russian Mercs were killed under obummer? We know of at least 100 under trump.
How many Russian Mercs were killed under obummer? We know of at least 100 under trump.

You're straying completely off the forum OP.

Keep it up, and i'll have a moderator delete your posts.

That is what is known as an epic fail. The fact that trump allowed US soldiers to kill at least 100 Russian mercs, when your hero the obummer refused to honor a treaty that we had with the Ukraine when his boss, pootin, invaded the Crimea tells me all i need to know about who is colluding with russia. And it ain't trump, very much on point with the OP so blow your little snivel out your keester, cupcake...
That is what is known as an epic fail. The fact that trump allowed US soldiers to kill at least 100 Russian mercs, when your hero the obummer refused to honor a treaty that we had with the Ukraine when his boss, pootin, invaded the Crimea tells me all i need to know about who is colluding with russia. And it ain't trump, very much on point with the OP so blow your little snivel out your keester, cupcake...

Trump attacked Russians, after giving them 1-2 hours notice. That's the kind of fight they stage on WWE.
That is what is known as an epic fail. The fact that trump allowed US soldiers to kill at least 100 Russian mercs, when your hero the obummer refused to honor a treaty that we had with the Ukraine when his boss, pootin, invaded the Crimea tells me all i need to know about who is colluding with russia. And it ain't trump, very much on point with the OP so blow your little snivel out your keester, cupcake...

Trump attacked Russians, after giving them 1-2 hours notice. That's the kind of fight they stage on WWE.

Yeah? So? He is trying to not get us into a war with Russia while actually making them stop what they are doing. Your hero, the obummer didn't do shit even though we had a binding treaty with the Ukraine. Game. Set. And Match, dude.
That is what is known as an epic fail. The fact that trump allowed US soldiers to kill at least 100 Russian mercs, .
Russian mercenaries are reported to be in the thick of the fighting in Syria, helping President Bashar al-Assad's forces. One shadowy group in particular, called Wagner PMC (Private Military Company), hit the headlines because of a clash on 7 February that resulted in dozens of Russian casualties.
That is what is known as an epic fail. The fact that trump allowed US soldiers to kill at least 100 Russian mercs, .
Russian mercenaries are reported to be in the thick of the fighting in Syria, helping President Bashar al-Assad's forces. One shadowy group in particular, called Wagner PMC (Private Military Company), hit the headlines because of a clash on 7 February that resulted in dozens of Russian casualties.

Yes, trump allowed our soldiers to blow a bunch of them up. Something that your hero, the obummer,never did. You're not helping your case dude. You're digging yourself a deeper hole.
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.

The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower.

Did they give Trump $145 million?
yeah, a CANADIAN businessman who shared a charity cause with Bill Clinton gave the Clinton Charity 145 million nearly10 YEARS before Hillary became secretary of state and 14 years before she ran for the presidency against Trump....

WOW! Man oh man oh man..... can you believe that?

:rofl::rofl::rofl: :cuckoo:
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