Mueller is still zeroing in on collusion

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I'm not claiming anything more than you are, moron.

Get your head out of your ass.

Did Trump impose the sanctions you posted, or did he not?
Who really gives a flying FUCK if he did or didn't? Shit like this is ALWAYS a fluid situation.

But you PATHETIC leftards are GRASPING at straws?

You people are looking DUMBER by the day. Probably why more and more people are turning to the conservative party... they're sick of just the kind of MORONIC two bit bull shit you think is SOOOOO fucking important... :lol:

Damn... GET A LIFE.
Obama, well respected former President, all around good father, good husband…a bit naive as President in my book vs multiple divorcee Donald Trump who now is admitting to banging prostitutes, makes fun of the disabled, calls women pigs, says other women are on their period, tells 12 lies before breakfast?

Whatever you say idiot.

How many lies did your hero obummer tell the people of this country? Hmm? Trumps lies hurt trump so who gives a crap. obummers lies hurt US.

That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?

This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

The only lies about climate change are from the scumbags who wish to steal your money. Here is a test of your critical thinking skills....if climate change is so dangerous why are there no draconian laws in the works to actually control pollution? Hmm? No, the politicians and wealthy bankers pushing this fraud only require you to pay more to pollute. Do you understand that? You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay them for the privilege.

A thinking person would go huh....I hadn't thought about that.

Tens of millions of Americans had their hard earned money stolen from them thanks to your asshole....

You're doing a great job in proving the harm of Trump's lies.

1) flexibility with russia on NATO missile defense: It was Trump who called NATO obsolete.

2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan": the law could not anticipate insurers changing policies since then, or instances in which insurance providers canceled plans because of new requirements for minimal levels of coverage for policyholders

3) climate change: 97 percent consensus. Conservatives still clueless.
How many lies did your hero obummer tell the people of this country? Hmm? Trumps lies hurt trump so who gives a crap. obummers lies hurt US.

That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?

This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

The only lies about climate change are from the scumbags who wish to steal your money. Here is a test of your critical thinking skills....if climate change is so dangerous why are there no draconian laws in the works to actually control pollution? Hmm? No, the politicians and wealthy bankers pushing this fraud only require you to pay more to pollute. Do you understand that? You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay them for the privilege.

A thinking person would go huh....I hadn't thought about that.

Tens of millions of Americans had their hard earned money stolen from them thanks to your asshole....

You're doing a great job in proving the harm of Trump's lies.

1) flexibility with russia on NATO missile defense: It was Trump who called NATO obsolete.

2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan": the law could not anticipate insurers changing policies since then, or instances in which insurance providers canceled plans because of new requirements for minimal levels of coverage for policyholders

3) climate change: 97 percent consensus. Conservatives still clueless. are comparing Obama to a Serial Liar? REALLY?
How many lies did your hero obummer tell the people of this country? Hmm? Trumps lies hurt trump so who gives a crap. obummers lies hurt US.

That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?

This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

The only lies about climate change are from the scumbags who wish to steal your money. Here is a test of your critical thinking skills....if climate change is so dangerous why are there no draconian laws in the works to actually control pollution? Hmm? No, the politicians and wealthy bankers pushing this fraud only require you to pay more to pollute. Do you understand that? You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay them for the privilege.

A thinking person would go huh....I hadn't thought about that.

Tens of millions of Americans had their hard earned money stolen from them thanks to your asshole....

You're doing a great job in proving the harm of Trump's lies.

1) flexibility with russia on NATO missile defense: It was Trump who called NATO obsolete.

2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan": the law could not anticipate insurers changing policies since then, or instances in which insurance providers canceled plans because of new requirements for minimal levels of coverage for policyholders

3) climate change: 97 percent consensus. Conservatives still clueless.

I’m an Obama honk….I have an issue with #2. There was an episode of The West Wing where the staff was looking for 10 word answers. The reason is because the media and the public has little use for detailed answers and 10 word answers are about the max length that will appear on nightly news and fit into people’s attention spans. Obama did that with “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” Most knew what he meant by that—if the plan complies with the ACA. But the statement, on it’s face, was false. He shouldn’t have made it.
That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?

This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

The only lies about climate change are from the scumbags who wish to steal your money. Here is a test of your critical thinking skills....if climate change is so dangerous why are there no draconian laws in the works to actually control pollution? Hmm? No, the politicians and wealthy bankers pushing this fraud only require you to pay more to pollute. Do you understand that? You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay them for the privilege.

A thinking person would go huh....I hadn't thought about that.

Tens of millions of Americans had their hard earned money stolen from them thanks to your asshole....

You're doing a great job in proving the harm of Trump's lies.

1) flexibility with russia on NATO missile defense: It was Trump who called NATO obsolete.

2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan": the law could not anticipate insurers changing policies since then, or instances in which insurance providers canceled plans because of new requirements for minimal levels of coverage for policyholders

3) climate change: 97 percent consensus. Conservatives still clueless. are comparing Obama to a Serial Liar? REALLY?

Amazing that the best Trump PR move now is to admit paying off a prostitute
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.

And that is completely legal to do. As was the very obvious collusion we KNOW that the hillary campaign engaged in with the Ukraine. However, the illegal acts that the hillary campaign committed with the the Steele "dossier", that is an entirely different story.

Hacking is illegal.

Yeah? So? There has been ZERO evidence presented that the DNC was hacked. The fact that they refused to turn their server over to the FBI does nothing more than reinforce the theory that it was an inside act from a whistle blower.
Ya. A whistleblower who is now dead.
Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?

This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

The only lies about climate change are from the scumbags who wish to steal your money. Here is a test of your critical thinking skills....if climate change is so dangerous why are there no draconian laws in the works to actually control pollution? Hmm? No, the politicians and wealthy bankers pushing this fraud only require you to pay more to pollute. Do you understand that? You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay them for the privilege.

A thinking person would go huh....I hadn't thought about that.

Tens of millions of Americans had their hard earned money stolen from them thanks to your asshole....

You're doing a great job in proving the harm of Trump's lies.

1) flexibility with russia on NATO missile defense: It was Trump who called NATO obsolete.

2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan": the law could not anticipate insurers changing policies since then, or instances in which insurance providers canceled plans because of new requirements for minimal levels of coverage for policyholders

3) climate change: 97 percent consensus. Conservatives still clueless. are comparing Obama to a Serial Liar? REALLY?

Amazing that the best Trump PR move now is to admit paying off a prostitute

I think the Republican Party has sold their soul to a lying....pervert. They are no longer the Party of God.
Me too. He won't be anywhere near as dirty as your messiah, the obummer, turned out to be.

Obama, well respected former President, all around good father, good husband…a bit naive as President in my book vs multiple divorcee Donald Trump who now is admitting to banging prostitutes, makes fun of the disabled, calls women pigs, says other women are on their period, tells 12 lies before breakfast?

Whatever you say idiot.

How many lies did your hero obummer tell the people of this country? Hmm? Trumps lies hurt trump so who gives a crap. obummers lies hurt US.

That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?
Obama said Obama care would lower premiums by $2000 dollars a year. That one hurt everyone.
That's a pretty childish way to look at things even if it were true.

Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?

This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

The only lies about climate change are from the scumbags who wish to steal your money. Here is a test of your critical thinking skills....if climate change is so dangerous why are there no draconian laws in the works to actually control pollution? Hmm? No, the politicians and wealthy bankers pushing this fraud only require you to pay more to pollute. Do you understand that? You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay them for the privilege.

A thinking person would go huh....I hadn't thought about that.

Tens of millions of Americans had their hard earned money stolen from them thanks to your asshole....

You're doing a great job in proving the harm of Trump's lies.

1) flexibility with russia on NATO missile defense: It was Trump who called NATO obsolete.

2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan": the law could not anticipate insurers changing policies since then, or instances in which insurance providers canceled plans because of new requirements for minimal levels of coverage for policyholders

3) climate change: 97 percent consensus. Conservatives still clueless.

I’m an Obama honk….I have an issue with #2. There was an episode of The West Wing where the staff was looking for 10 word answers. The reason is because the media and the public has little use for detailed answers and 10 word answers are about the max length that will appear on nightly news and fit into people’s attention spans. Obama did that with “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” Most knew what he meant by that—if the plan complies with the ACA. But the statement, on it’s face, was false. He shouldn’t have made it.

So your trying to say he made a nice lie? Got it, lol.
The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower. Nobody forced them to take the meeting; they did so on their own volition. Obviously, they were willing to go to any length to try to win. Stone singing the praises of hackers and tweeting that he had foreknowledge of their next victim (Podesta) is jut another nail in the coffin.

The best evidence (that we know of) is the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians at Trump Tower.

Did they give Trump $145 million?
yeah, a CANADIAN businessman who shared a charity cause with Bill Clinton gave the Clinton Charity 145 million nearly10 YEARS before Hillary became secretary of state and 14 years before she ran for the presidency against Trump....

WOW! Man oh man oh man..... can you believe that?

:rofl::rofl::rofl: :cuckoo:

gave the Clinton Charity 145 million nearly10 YEARS before Hillary became secretary of state

You might want to check your dates.......DERP!
Not really. obummers lies harmed Americans. Trumps lies don't. They hurt him. Or do you have any evidence at all that a trump lie has hurt someone other than himself?
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?

This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

The only lies about climate change are from the scumbags who wish to steal your money. Here is a test of your critical thinking skills....if climate change is so dangerous why are there no draconian laws in the works to actually control pollution? Hmm? No, the politicians and wealthy bankers pushing this fraud only require you to pay more to pollute. Do you understand that? You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay them for the privilege.

A thinking person would go huh....I hadn't thought about that.

Tens of millions of Americans had their hard earned money stolen from them thanks to your asshole....

You're doing a great job in proving the harm of Trump's lies.

1) flexibility with russia on NATO missile defense: It was Trump who called NATO obsolete.

2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan": the law could not anticipate insurers changing policies since then, or instances in which insurance providers canceled plans because of new requirements for minimal levels of coverage for policyholders

3) climate change: 97 percent consensus. Conservatives still clueless.

I’m an Obama honk….I have an issue with #2. There was an episode of The West Wing where the staff was looking for 10 word answers. The reason is because the media and the public has little use for detailed answers and 10 word answers are about the max length that will appear on nightly news and fit into people’s attention spans. Obama did that with “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” Most knew what he meant by that—if the plan complies with the ACA. But the statement, on it’s face, was false. He shouldn’t have made it.

So your trying to say he made a nice lie? Got it, lol.

I guess that would be one way to put it.
Inaccurate but since when has that stopped you?
Mueller is just collecting a paycheck and milking it for everything he can.
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