Mueller is still zeroing in on collusion

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Time lines are for those desperate enough to be "on the run" from the law, or either from those who are complicit enough to be with the one's "on the run"? Which one are you?
lol...Mueller lives and breathes time lines a dates...really dude, I don't need your help...well the important thing is that you know for sure this is it for trump even if it means keeping the date a top secret, eyes only, need to know classified piece of information that just lumps you in with all the other faux thinkers
Time lines are for those desperate enough to be "on the run" from the law, or either from those who are complicit enough to be with the one's "on the run"? Which one are you?
lol...Mueller lives and breathes time lines a dates...really dude, I don't need your help...well the important thing is that you know for sure this is it for trump even if it means keeping the date a top secret, eyes only, need to know classified piece of information that just lumps you in with all the other faux thinkers
Time lines are for those desperate enough to be "on the run" from the law, or either from those who are complicit enough to be with the one's "on the run"? Which one are you?
lol...Mueller lives and breathes time lines a dates...really dude, I don't need your help...well the important thing is that you know for sure this is it for trump even if it means keeping the date a top secret, eyes only, need to know classified piece of information that just lumps you in with all the other faux thinkers
A "thinker" is at least lumped in with other "thinkers". Seeing that the information provided never accompanied any sort of intelligent rebuttal, those non-thinkers are dismissed.
Trump's lies about russian influence allow them to keep degrading our country.
Trump's lies about voter fraud degrade our democracy.
Trump lies about climate change hurt environment.
Trump lies about Charlottesville divides the country.

Who's been harmed by Obama's lies?

This is the asshole who sold us out to the rooskis dude. Your hero, the obummer, was pootins putz in the WH.

The only lies about climate change are from the scumbags who wish to steal your money. Here is a test of your critical thinking skills....if climate change is so dangerous why are there no draconian laws in the works to actually control pollution? Hmm? No, the politicians and wealthy bankers pushing this fraud only require you to pay more to pollute. Do you understand that? You can pollute all you want, you just have to pay them for the privilege.

A thinking person would go huh....I hadn't thought about that.

Tens of millions of Americans had their hard earned money stolen from them thanks to your asshole....

You're doing a great job in proving the harm of Trump's lies.

1) flexibility with russia on NATO missile defense: It was Trump who called NATO obsolete.

2) "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan": the law could not anticipate insurers changing policies since then, or instances in which insurance providers canceled plans because of new requirements for minimal levels of coverage for policyholders

3) climate change: 97 percent consensus. Conservatives still clueless. are comparing Obama to a Serial Liar? REALLY?

Amazing that the best Trump PR move now is to admit paying off a prostitute

I think the Republican Party has sold their soul to a lying....pervert. They are no longer the Party of God.

I'm thinking no one gives a shit what you tell them about what they think of God. In fact I'm pretty certain of that.

Tell me again how you voted twice for a sexual predator and then for his hoe who attacked his victims again and then about your moral compass, slimeball
Trump is thick as thieves with Putin.
I'll wait breathlessly for all your PROOF of that...

Robert Mueller. He has the proof. I can only cite examples.

Like Trump putting the congressional russian sanctions on hold.

You couldn't possibly be that damn dumb, or could you?

Remember when Trump took $145 million to sell Russia 20% of US uranium reserves? Now that was quid pro quo. Oh wait, that was Hillary ...
A "thinker" is at least lumped in with other "thinkers". Seeing that the information provided never accompanied any sort of intelligent rebuttal, those non-thinkers are dismissed.
A word of advice...never post while riding on a diesel powered merry-go-round
Quite the contrary. Absent of any sort of intelligent rebuttal, that "merry-go-round" slung diesel fuel all over those who happened to be standing by it. Maybe when they can clean up their act, and the diesel fuel, they'll be more prepared to lock horns with those who bring facts, versus those who just bring mouth to a debate?
Trump is thick as thieves with Putin.
I'll wait breathlessly for all your PROOF of that...

Robert Mueller. He has the proof. I can only cite examples.

Like Trump putting the congressional russian sanctions on hold.

You couldn't possibly be that damn dumb, or could you?

Remember when Trump took $145 million to sell Russia 20% of US uranium reserves? Now that was quid pro quo. Oh wait, that was Hillary ...
Except it wasn't. Hillary had nothing to do with it, and it was proven. Try again!
Trump is thick as thieves with Putin.
I'll wait breathlessly for all your PROOF of that...

Robert Mueller. He has the proof. I can only cite examples.

Like Trump putting the congressional russian sanctions on hold.

You couldn't possibly be that damn dumb, or could you?

Remember when Trump took $145 million to sell Russia 20% of US uranium reserves? Now that was quid pro quo. Oh wait, that was Hillary ...
Except it wasn't. Hillary had nothing to do with it, and it was proven. Try again!

You're full of shit. You just made that up
Quite the contrary. Absent of any sort of intelligent rebuttal, that "merry-go-round" slung diesel fuel all over those who happened to be standing by it. Maybe when they can clean up their act, and the diesel fuel, they'll be more prepared to lock horns with those who bring facts, versus those who just bring mouth to a debate?
The contrary? lol...the contrary would be to think it a good idea to post from a merry-go-round [geez], would also be the contrary of "to think"...but have it your way...
and is that "slung diesel fuel" faux- analogy suppose to come across as anything else other than desperation?...
and as far as claiming you are the one on the internet using facts by showing off your name calling abilities from college and then asking for a cracker, the next rung on that ladder is calling someones mother are now at the point in your argument where you may want to break out your "racist, misogynist, xenophobic" 'rolodex' material.
'It's all about collusion': Former Trump adviser details interview with Mueller team

While Rudy declares on FIX news that Mueller has given up on collusion.

I must admit...Manafort and trump have covered their tracks well. But Mueller's blood hounds are on their heels.

Actually, Muller and his hounds noses are firmly planted on Hillary’s asshole.

I'll wait breathlessly for all your PROOF of that...

Robert Mueller. He has the proof. I can only cite examples.

Like Trump putting the congressional russian sanctions on hold.

You couldn't possibly be that damn dumb, or could you?

Remember when Trump took $145 million to sell Russia 20% of US uranium reserves? Now that was quid pro quo. Oh wait, that was Hillary ...
Except it wasn't. Hillary had nothing to do with it, and it was proven. Try again!

You're full of shit. You just made that up
The Facts on Uranium One - Not exactly! The facts have a way of replacing your own.
Quite the contrary. Absent of any sort of intelligent rebuttal, that "merry-go-round" slung diesel fuel all over those who happened to be standing by it. Maybe when they can clean up their act, and the diesel fuel, they'll be more prepared to lock horns with those who bring facts, versus those who just bring mouth to a debate?
The contrary? lol...the contrary would be to think it a good idea to post from a merry-go-round [geez], would also be the contrary of "to think"...but have it your way...
and is that "slung diesel fuel" faux- analogy suppose to come across as anything else other than desperation?...
and as far as claiming you are the one on the internet using facts by showing off your name calling abilities from college and then asking for a cracker, the next rung on that ladder is calling someones mother are now at the point in your argument where you may want to break out your "racist, misogynist, xenophobic" 'rolodex' material.
We won't have to. You're here aren't you?
Let's narrow this down. The last to be interviewed will be ones Mueller is keying on...


That is the Mueller golden triangle.
'It's all about collusion': Former Trump adviser details interview with Mueller team

While Rudy declares on FIX news that Mueller has given up on collusion.

I must admit...Manafort and trump have covered their tracks well. But Mueller's blood hounds are on their heels.

Actually, Muller and his hounds noses are firmly planted on Hillary’s asshole.

Robert Mueller. He has the proof. I can only cite examples.

Like Trump putting the congressional russian sanctions on hold.

You couldn't possibly be that damn dumb, or could you?

Remember when Trump took $145 million to sell Russia 20% of US uranium reserves? Now that was quid pro quo. Oh wait, that was Hillary ...
Except it wasn't. Hillary had nothing to do with it, and it was proven. Try again!

You're full of shit. You just made that up
The Facts on Uranium One - Not exactly! The facts have a way of replacing your own.

Bill and Hillary got money from people in business with Russians?
Is your link supposed to make her look better?
That is the Mueller golden triangle.
whoa, the golden triangle! is that a real thing or did you make it up? cuz it is scaring me, dang, "the golden triangle" now we know for sure this is it for trump, do you have a time line or date as to when Mueller springs the "golden triangle" strategy on trump?, until now the thousands of previous "we got him this time" claims have all been proven false, but I'm sure yours is the real McCoy cuz, well you know, it's the "golden triangle".
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