Mueller is stocking his staff with Democrat donors

The Left has the media and the Deep State on it's side. The people mean nothing.

The Left has been saying since November that Trump will be impeached.
Given the complacency of the right...the tenacity of the Left....I'm beginning to feel it's not so impossible after all.
All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
Do you have any idea how many people complained about Obama for 8 years - but did NOT vote in November?
If the left ends up corralling the right into an Auschwitz situation, the right will only have itself to blame.

The right (and the nation) will take a giant leap into dark and dangerous territory if the left is able to deny the Right Constitutional due process and that is exactly their goal. This is the Establishment telling the American people they can go fuck themselves. That The Establisment WILL have their way no matter what.
Most on the right are unwilling to get involved. And most on the right deny it could ever happen.
The left sees it as done...just details in the way.

Just think about it...if the Left can get rid of Trump, the Right has no say in American politics or governance.
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Mueller is stocking his staff with Democrat donors

Not a bad idea considering Trump backers either collaborated with Russia or approve of the collaboration with Russia. This decreases the odds of investigators sabotaging the investigation.
Not a bad idea considering Trump backers either collaborated with Russia or approve of the collaboration with Russia. This decreases the odds of investigators sabotaging the investigation.

The chickens are rooting for Col. Sanders. have NO CLUE what you're helping to usher in. But one day you'll regret it.
Most of white America is not racist.
But the corruption you're playing a fool to sure is.
Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.
Mueller should be forced to recuse himself since he has close ties to Comey. Well that is if the GOP actually cared and wasn't allowing the DNC to form an OBVIOUS Kangaroo court.
The question about this appoint is, why would Rosenstein appoint him knowing he is close friends with Comey? When I heard that very early in the selection I immediately thought it appeared suspect and a conflict of interest.

There is one person Trump should trust in all of this, his lawyer. Someone he knows well and has used many times. I have to say everyone else in regards to this matter has to be a distant second. If his lawyer advises him that something smells rotten, he should act accordingly, if not, then let it be.
Already lining up excuses???? Pretty early for that isn't it?
So you would want say Michael Flynn,Sessions etc investigating Hillary? I HIGHLY doubt that. Get TRULY independent people NOT democrat donors who are obviously already biased. Time for President Trump to shut it down.The Congress is doing a fine job of finding nothing because that's all there is NOTHING.
Already lining up excuses???? Pretty early for that isn't it?
So you would want say Michael Flynn,Sessions etc investigating Hillary? I HIGHLY doubt that. Get TRULY independent people NOT democrat donors who are obviously already biased. Time for President Trump to shut it down.The Congress is doing a fine job of finding nothing because that's all there is NOTHING.

I'm sure Mueller will get fired at some point since the obstruction of justice charge looks pretty solid.
I'm sure the AG will back up the President tomorrow but since he lied to the Congress not more than 8 months ago, who would believe him outside of Trump's enablers like yourself?
Not a bad idea considering Trump backers either collaborated with Russia or approve of the collaboration with Russia. This decreases the odds of investigators sabotaging the investigation.

The chickens are rooting for Col. Sanders. have NO CLUE what you're helping to usher in. But one day you'll regret it.
Most of white America is not racist.
But the corruption you're playing a fool to sure is.
What I'm helping to usher in? Republicans won an election on lies created by politicians. This investigation is a truth discovered by our own intelligence agencies. I don't trust congress to keep holding Trump at bay. He'll fuck this country as soon as he gets the chance. Republicans must NOT be allowed to sabotage the investigation to protect him.
Already lining up excuses???? Pretty early for that isn't it?
So you would want say Michael Flynn,Sessions etc investigating Hillary? I HIGHLY doubt that. Get TRULY independent people NOT democrat donors who are obviously already biased. Time for President Trump to shut it down.The Congress is doing a fine job of finding nothing because that's all there is NOTHING.

I'm sure Mueller will get fired at some point since the obstruction of justice charge looks pretty solid.
I'm sure the AG will back up the President tomorrow but since he lied to the Congress not more than 8 months ago, who would believe him outside of Trump's enablers like yourself?
Deflection noted snowflake. I love the fact we can rub you whiny little bitches nose in the election loss for the next 8 years.
Already lining up excuses???? Pretty early for that isn't it?
So you would want say Michael Flynn,Sessions etc investigating Hillary? I HIGHLY doubt that. Get TRULY independent people NOT democrat donors who are obviously already biased. Time for President Trump to shut it down.The Congress is doing a fine job of finding nothing because that's all there is NOTHING.

I'm sure Mueller will get fired at some point since the obstruction of justice charge looks pretty solid.
I'm sure the AG will back up the President tomorrow but since he lied to the Congress not more than 8 months ago, who would believe him outside of Trump's enablers like yourself?
Deflection noted snowflake. I love the fact we can rub you whiny little bitches nose in the election loss for the next 8 years.

*chuckle*'re the one bitching pussy boy.
Mueller is stocking his staff with Democrat donors

Not a bad idea considering Trump backers either collaborated with Russia or approve of the collaboration with Russia. This decreases the odds of investigators sabotaging the investigation.

It's time to stop running with the Soros backed "Resist, insinuate, divide, obstruct, and assassinate." Because that is where this is headed....

You stated a fact. That Trump backers are guilty of collaboration, and approve of such.
I want your proof of that statement. I think you are a liar. I think you made it up. Prove me wrong. Then I want to hear your opinion on the flexibility issue and money and uranium collaboration of the previous administration and Russia.

This phony Russian bullshit needs to come to an end. It has been going on for a year, come this July. Enough.
And planting the assassination seed, is going to have dire consequences. That goes beyond party lines into the realm of evil. And half of this nation would approve. That is deplorable. We are ripping this country apart at the seams.
Here is a play that allows people to "live out their fantasies" and kill President Trump.
Trump 'Assassination' Play Still Funded by Time Warner, Taxpayers

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Mueller is stocking his staff with Democrat donors

Not a bad idea considering Trump backers either collaborated with Russia or approve of the collaboration with Russia. This decreases the odds of investigators sabotaging the investigation.

It's time to stop running with the Soros backed "Resist, insinuate, divide, obstruct, and assassinate." Because that is where this is headed....

You stated a fact. That Trump backers are guilty of collaboration, and approve of such.
I want your proof of that statement. I think you are a liar. I think you made it up. Prove me wrong. Then I want to hear your opinion on the flexibility issue and money and uranium collaboration of the previous administration and Russia.

This phony Russian bullshit needs to come to an end. And planting the assassination seed, is going to have dire consequences. That goes beyond party lines into the realm of evil. And half of this nation would approve. That is deplorable.
Proof? You see it every day when Trump supporters attack the integrity of this investigation. And you have no room to talk about evil, as you voted for it, elected it, and are willing to lie for it at all costs.
Trump needs to start listening to Newt. He's the best friend he has.
Already lining up excuses???? Pretty early for that isn't it?
So you would want say Michael Flynn,Sessions etc investigating Hillary? I HIGHLY doubt that. Get TRULY independent people NOT democrat donors who are obviously already biased. Time for President Trump to shut it down.The Congress is doing a fine job of finding nothing because that's all there is NOTHING.

I'm sure Mueller will get fired at some point since the obstruction of justice charge looks pretty solid.
I'm sure the AG will back up the President tomorrow but since he lied to the Congress not more than 8 months ago, who would believe him outside of Trump's enablers like yourself?

Who lied to Congress 8 months ago?
Already lining up excuses???? Pretty early for that isn't it?
So you would want say Michael Flynn,Sessions etc investigating Hillary? I HIGHLY doubt that. Get TRULY independent people NOT democrat donors who are obviously already biased. Time for President Trump to shut it down.The Congress is doing a fine job of finding nothing because that's all there is NOTHING.

I'm sure Mueller will get fired at some point since the obstruction of justice charge looks pretty solid.
I'm sure the AG will back up the President tomorrow but since he lied to the Congress not more than 8 months ago, who would believe him outside of Trump's enablers like yourself?

Who lied to Congress 8 months ago?

Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Mueller is stocking his staff with Democrat donors

Not a bad idea considering Trump backers either collaborated with Russia or approve of the collaboration with Russia. This decreases the odds of investigators sabotaging the investigation.

It's time to stop running with the Soros backed "Resist, insinuate, divide, obstruct, and assassinate." Because that is where this is headed....

You stated a fact. That Trump backers are guilty of collaboration, and approve of such.
I want your proof of that statement. I think you are a liar. I think you made it up. Prove me wrong. Then I want to hear your opinion on the flexibility issue and money and uranium collaboration of the previous administration and Russia.

This phony Russian bullshit needs to come to an end. And planting the assassination seed, is going to have dire consequences. That goes beyond party lines into the realm of evil. And half of this nation would approve. That is deplorable.
Proof? You see it every day when Trump supporters attack the integrity of this investigation. And you have no room to talk about evil, as you voted for it, elected it, and are willing to lie for it at all costs.

You wouldn't last 2 minutes in a court of law.
So you think that me, for instance, who calls this whole Russian farce obstructionist garbage, makes Trump guilty of collusion? Sorry, no. That does not qualify as proof.

Use this as a guideline for collusion. > Collusion would be something like a bunch of rubles in the Clinton Fund Me account, and ownership of American land into Putin's Go Fund Me account. That takes real flexibility... I want proof that Trump did that. Put up or shut up.
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