Mueller is stocking his staff with Democrat donors

Mueller is stocking his staff with Democrat donors

Not a bad idea considering Trump backers either collaborated with Russia or approve of the collaboration with Russia. This decreases the odds of investigators sabotaging the investigation.

It's time to stop running with the Soros backed "Resist, insinuate, divide, obstruct, and assassinate." Because that is where this is headed....

You stated a fact. That Trump backers are guilty of collaboration, and approve of such.
I want your proof of that statement. I think you are a liar. I think you made it up. Prove me wrong. Then I want to hear your opinion on the flexibility issue and money and uranium collaboration of the previous administration and Russia.

This phony Russian bullshit needs to come to an end. And planting the assassination seed, is going to have dire consequences. That goes beyond party lines into the realm of evil. And half of this nation would approve. That is deplorable.
Proof? You see it every day when Trump supporters attack the integrity of this investigation. And you have no room to talk about evil, as you voted for it, elected it, and are willing to lie for it at all costs.

You wouldn't last 2 minutes in a court of law.
So you think that me, for instance, who call this whole Russian farce obstructionist garbage, makes Trump guilty of collusion. Sorry, no. That does not qualify as proof. Use this as a guideline for collusion. > Collusion would be a bunch of rubles in the Clinton Fund Me account, and ownership of American land into Putin's Go Fund Me account. That takes real flexibilty... And there is proof!
Your tantrum is boring :itsok:

Call the FBI and tell them to stop picking on poor widdle Dump if you want to, snowflake.
Mueller is stocking his staff with Democrat donors

Not a bad idea considering Trump backers either collaborated with Russia or approve of the collaboration with Russia. This decreases the odds of investigators sabotaging the investigation.

It's time to stop running with the Soros backed "Resist, insinuate, divide, obstruct, and assassinate." Because that is where this is headed....

You stated a fact. That Trump backers are guilty of collaboration, and approve of such.
I want your proof of that statement. I think you are a liar. I think you made it up. Prove me wrong. Then I want to hear your opinion on the flexibility issue and money and uranium collaboration of the previous administration and Russia.

This phony Russian bullshit needs to come to an end. And planting the assassination seed, is going to have dire consequences. That goes beyond party lines into the realm of evil. And half of this nation would approve. That is deplorable.
Proof? You see it every day when Trump supporters attack the integrity of this investigation. And you have no room to talk about evil, as you voted for it, elected it, and are willing to lie for it at all costs.

You wouldn't last 2 minutes in a court of law.
So you think that me, for instance, who call this whole Russian farce obstructionist garbage, makes Trump guilty of collusion. Sorry, no. That does not qualify as proof. Use this as a guideline for collusion. > Collusion would be a bunch of rubles in the Clinton Fund Me account, and ownership of American land into Putin's Go Fund Me account. That takes real flexibilty... And there is proof!
Your tantrum is boring :itsok:

Call the FBI and tell them to stop picking on poor widdle Dump if you want to, snowflake.

In other words. You can't argue with the truth so you go personal.
Call me what ever you want and then tell me how you reacted to this chilling encounter,

and did you ask yourself what Obama was up to that required him to wait until he had secured an election? :eusa_think:
Not a bad idea considering Trump backers either collaborated with Russia or approve of the collaboration with Russia. This decreases the odds of investigators sabotaging the investigation.

It's time to stop running with the Soros backed "Resist, insinuate, divide, obstruct, and assassinate." Because that is where this is headed....

You stated a fact. That Trump backers are guilty of collaboration, and approve of such.
I want your proof of that statement. I think you are a liar. I think you made it up. Prove me wrong. Then I want to hear your opinion on the flexibility issue and money and uranium collaboration of the previous administration and Russia.

This phony Russian bullshit needs to come to an end. And planting the assassination seed, is going to have dire consequences. That goes beyond party lines into the realm of evil. And half of this nation would approve. That is deplorable.
Proof? You see it every day when Trump supporters attack the integrity of this investigation. And you have no room to talk about evil, as you voted for it, elected it, and are willing to lie for it at all costs.

You wouldn't last 2 minutes in a court of law.
So you think that me, for instance, who call this whole Russian farce obstructionist garbage, makes Trump guilty of collusion. Sorry, no. That does not qualify as proof. Use this as a guideline for collusion. > Collusion would be a bunch of rubles in the Clinton Fund Me account, and ownership of American land into Putin's Go Fund Me account. That takes real flexibilty... And there is proof!
Your tantrum is boring :itsok:

Call the FBI and tell them to stop picking on poor widdle Dump if you want to, snowflake.

In other words. You can't argue with the truth so you go personal.
Call me what ever you want and then tell me how you reacted to this chilling encounter,

and did you ask yourself what Obama was up to that required him to wait until he had secured an election?

I can't get personal since I don't know anything about you other than that you'll fall on your sword immediately if Trump asks you to. Actually, I gave you great advice. Since you have important information that would negate the entire FBI criminal investigation into Trump's collaboration with Russia, you should contact them and let them know. :thup:
Because it was a complete set up? Rosenstein, Mueller, and Comey concocted the farce so they could try and entrap Trump and his team? I'm telling you that bunch on the left are beyond corrupt. I wouldn't put anything past them. I think if Trump was smart he would probably pull the plug because this really stinks of a set up. Given the power the right has which is obvious hence none of them are in jail for numerous crimes for which there is sufficient evidence, no way will that Mueller investigation be on the level. If they can't find something, I have little doubt they'd make something up to frame Trump. And those spineless a-holes on the right will no doubt just look away and allow that Kangaroo Court to happen.
Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.
You scared, bro?

It's only fair a big Democratic donor like Trump be investigated by fellow Democrats.

And I have to wonder about the veracity of a "news" source which use the grammatically incorrect "Democrat donors".

Already lining up excuses???? Pretty early for that isn't it?
So you would want say Michael Flynn,Sessions etc investigating Hillary? I HIGHLY doubt that. Get TRULY independent people NOT democrat donors who are obviously already biased. Time for President Trump to shut it down.The Congress is doing a fine job of finding nothing because that's all there is NOTHING.

I'm sure Mueller will get fired at some point since the obstruction of justice charge looks pretty solid.
I'm sure the AG will back up the President tomorrow but since he lied to the Congress not more than 8 months ago, who would believe him outside of Trump's enablers like yourself?
Well you're right about one thing for which I agree, there has definitely been obstruction of justice by James Comey who covered for Hillary and Loretta Lynch. Obstruction of justice when Loretta Lynch covered for Hillary and met with Bill Clinton secretively on the tarmac. Obstruction of justice when Hillary deleted 33,000 emails and then used bleachbit to try and complete the process and also smashed 13 blackberries for which she perjured herself claiming she only had one. But yeah by all means let's go after Trump even though to this date nothing's been found after 11 months. Sounds about right.
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Already lining up excuses???? Pretty early for that isn't it?
So you would want say Michael Flynn,Sessions etc investigating Hillary? I HIGHLY doubt that. Get TRULY independent people NOT democrat donors who are obviously already biased. Time for President Trump to shut it down.The Congress is doing a fine job of finding nothing because that's all there is NOTHING.

I'm sure Mueller will get fired at some point since the obstruction of justice charge looks pretty solid.
I'm sure the AG will back up the President tomorrow but since he lied to the Congress not more than 8 months ago, who would believe him outside of Trump's enablers like yourself?
Well you're right about one thing for which I agree, there has definitely been obstruction of justice by James Comey who covered for Hillary and Loretta Lynch. Obstruction of justice when Loretta Lynch covered for Hillary and met with Bill Clinton secretively on the tarmac. Obstruction of justice when Hillary deleted 33,000 emails and then used bleachbit to try and complete the process and also smashed 13 blackberries for which she perjured herself claiming she only had one.

Quite the imagination you have there.

Meanwhile, the investigations into Trump's scandals continue.

The first round of subpoenas should be coming out soon.
Already lining up excuses???? Pretty early for that isn't it?
So you would want say Michael Flynn,Sessions etc investigating Hillary? I HIGHLY doubt that. Get TRULY independent people NOT democrat donors who are obviously already biased. Time for President Trump to shut it down.The Congress is doing a fine job of finding nothing because that's all there is NOTHING.

I'm sure Mueller will get fired at some point since the obstruction of justice charge looks pretty solid.
I'm sure the AG will back up the President tomorrow but since he lied to the Congress not more than 8 months ago, who would believe him outside of Trump's enablers like yourself?
Well you're right about one thing for which I agree, there has definitely been obstruction of justice by James Comey who covered for Hillary and Loretta Lynch. Obstruction of justice when Loretta Lynch covered for Hillary and met with Bill Clinton secretively on the tarmac. Obstruction of justice when Hillary deleted 33,000 emails and then used bleachbit to try and complete the process and also smashed 13 blackberries for which she perjured herself claiming she only had one.
The huckster Donald Trump made a lot of noise and political hay about Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch's little meeting on the tarmac. He invented all kinds of manufactured bullshit about the conversation which they had, and tards like you drank that piss.

But oh lookee now! The apprentice has been caught throwing everyone out of the room so he could be alone with the person investigating his team! And we know for a FACT he tried to get the investigator to back off and fired him when he didn't.

Where's your outrage over that, you stank hypocrite?
That's some of the reasons Trump won't release his tax returns. Donations to left wing causes and Democrats. Plus his income from Russia.
Most of Donald Trump's Political Money Went To Democrats — Until 5 Years Ago

The hypocrite even donated to the Clinton Foundation!

You poor dumb rubes have been so hoaxed. Sad.
That was when he was buying politicians. Of course he's gonna go to the Democrats, they're the ones who are for sale, stupid.
I guess you didn't look at the link. He started buying Republicans 5 years before he began running for President. Bigly.
Establishment Republicans are pretty much the same as Democrats. The only difference is the letter than precedes their title.
Already lining up excuses???? Pretty early for that isn't it?
So you would want say Michael Flynn,Sessions etc investigating Hillary? I HIGHLY doubt that. Get TRULY independent people NOT democrat donors who are obviously already biased. Time for President Trump to shut it down.The Congress is doing a fine job of finding nothing because that's all there is NOTHING.

I'm sure Mueller will get fired at some point since the obstruction of justice charge looks pretty solid.
I'm sure the AG will back up the President tomorrow but since he lied to the Congress not more than 8 months ago, who would believe him outside of Trump's enablers like yourself?
Well you're right about one thing for which I agree, there has definitely been obstruction of justice by James Comey who covered for Hillary and Loretta Lynch. Obstruction of justice when Loretta Lynch covered for Hillary and met with Bill Clinton secretively on the tarmac. Obstruction of justice when Hillary deleted 33,000 emails and then used bleachbit to try and complete the process and also smashed 13 blackberries for which she perjured herself claiming she only had one.

Quite the imagination you have there.

Meanwhile, the investigations into Trump's scandals continue.

The first round of subpoenas should be coming out soon.
Let me give you a little history about myself....I used to be a democrat and voted for Obama but only his first term. After about his first six months in office it became crystal clear to me what he was all about. Since then I started really researching all politicians and educated myself because I am a staunch patriot so no way did I want to give my vote to rotten treasonous dirt bag criminals like I found most on the left to be. And all throughout Obama's entire presidency, the hits just kept on coming. I mean I could literally write a book about not only his criminality, but the Clinton's, and pretty much everyone associated with them. So my point is, if I was intelligent enough to cut to the chase and see through all the BS, why weren't you? No offense but I already had all of their numbers even before these last couple of years when their crimes became so hotly televised, I like so many others found myself sitting on the edge of my chair expecting to see them hauled off in handcuffs knowing there was more than enough sufficient evidence to convict them. The fact nothing happened didn't show they weren't guilty but rather that the corruption of DC runs very deep.

At any rate what I'm driving at is that I find it mind boggling how gullible liberal supporters are who still defend them even knowing everything that's happened. And this while skewering Trump even though being told there is ZERO evidence to support collusion, obstruction, or anything else for that matter. I mean how is that even possible?
It's time to stop running with the Soros backed "Resist, insinuate, divide, obstruct, and assassinate." Because that is where this is headed....

You stated a fact. That Trump backers are guilty of collaboration, and approve of such.
I want your proof of that statement. I think you are a liar. I think you made it up. Prove me wrong. Then I want to hear your opinion on the flexibility issue and money and uranium collaboration of the previous administration and Russia.

This phony Russian bullshit needs to come to an end. And planting the assassination seed, is going to have dire consequences. That goes beyond party lines into the realm of evil. And half of this nation would approve. That is deplorable.
Proof? You see it every day when Trump supporters attack the integrity of this investigation. And you have no room to talk about evil, as you voted for it, elected it, and are willing to lie for it at all costs.

You wouldn't last 2 minutes in a court of law.
So you think that me, for instance, who call this whole Russian farce obstructionist garbage, makes Trump guilty of collusion. Sorry, no. That does not qualify as proof. Use this as a guideline for collusion. > Collusion would be a bunch of rubles in the Clinton Fund Me account, and ownership of American land into Putin's Go Fund Me account. That takes real flexibilty... And there is proof!
Your tantrum is boring :itsok:

Call the FBI and tell them to stop picking on poor widdle Dump if you want to, snowflake.

In other words. You can't argue with the truth so you go personal.
Call me what ever you want and then tell me how you reacted to this chilling encounter,

and did you ask yourself what Obama was up to that required him to wait until he had secured an election?

I can't get personal since I don't know anything about you other than that you'll fall on your sword immediately if Trump asks you to. Actually, I gave you great advice. Since you have important information that would negate the entire FBI criminal investigation into Trump's collaboration with Russia, you should contact them and let them know. :thup:

1 year and nothing to tie Trump to Putin.
The FBI has nothing. According to Comey Trump wasn't even being investigated.
No Thing.
Time to shut the whole fake Russian collusion garbage down.

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