Mueller is stocking his staff with Democrat donors

Mueller is stocking his staff with Democrat donors

Not a bad idea considering Trump backers either collaborated with Russia or approve of the collaboration with Russia. This decreases the odds of investigators sabotaging the investigation.
it's a horrible idea if you want to be viewed as independent. i would welcome valid people from both sides to get into this and get to the bottom so the bulk of us can move on. there will always be a few who will die thinking TRUMP N RUSSIA is a valid connection regardless of no evidence what so ever to this point.

we're all on edge expecting "the other side" to screw us over so to stack one side of nothing but one side - well would you feel good about it if a trump person were in charge of this and only put conservatives who liked trump on the staff?

my bet is no - but once again people want standards for others they'd never put on themselves.
Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.

Written ^^^ by a biddable fool, and soon to be echoed around the country by the echo chamber of fools. As the enemies list grows, the credibility - if any still exists - of Trump & his minions lessens. They offer alternative facts (damn lies), while claiming the MSM is the problem.
the MSM was being listed as the problem before trump even said he was running.

now it's all trumps fault.
Mueller and Comey are as thick as thieves. This latest move by Mueler is just more of an example of how this is yet another attack by the Libs.

There is no crime.
There is no collusion.
There is no obstruction.
The President was never under investigation.
There is thus no need for a special prosecutor.
Sessions needs to fire Mueller and shut the PROVEN empty Witch Hunt down.

Snowflakes, with all due respect - nice try, but you lose. Why don't you just heed the words of your ex-messiah:

'Elections have consequences'...'If you want change, WIN (not steal) some elections'...
Mueller and Comey are as thick as thieves. This latest move by Mueler is just more of an example of how this is yet another attack by the Libs.

There is no crime.
There is no collusion.
There is no obstruction.
The President was never under investigation.
There is thus no need for a special prosecutor.
Sessions needs to fire Mueller and shut the PROVEN empty Witch Hunt down.

Snowflakes, with all due respect - nice try, but you lose. Why don't you just heed the words of your ex-messiah:

'Elections have consequences'...'If you want change, WIN (not steal) some elections'...
the best criminal investigators in the country ,,,no wonder repubs are wetting their pants
the best criminal investigators in the country ,,,no wonder repubs are wetting their pants
10+ Months
No Crime
No Collusion
No Obstruction
No Evidence
Trump Not under Investigation
CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, House Intel Chair, Feinstein, Waters - all have declared 'nothing here'

...and the BEST the Dimocrat legal investigative 'Dream Team' could accomplish was expose the Obama administration as criminals who seditiously broke laws in an attempt to undermine the newly elected govt, that Obama Cabinet members obstructed an investigation, and the head of the FBI self-identified as a leaker.

:clap: Brilliant!

'Nuff said. :p
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Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.

Written ^^^ by a biddable fool, and soon to be echoed around the country by the echo chamber of fools. As the enemies list grows, the credibility - if any still exists - of Trump & his minions lessens. They offer alternative facts (damn lies), while claiming the MSM is the problem.

the MSM was being listed as the problem before trump even said he was running.

now it's all trumps fault.

The MSM was a target of Rush Limbaugh's propaganda, years ago; it was not Trump's doing, all he did was to throw gas on a fire.

Only the Alt. Right, aka: the Crazy Right Wing (CRW) believe all Journalists who work in the Main Stream are dishonest partisan hacks, or paid to push a liberal agenda by the corporate ownership who employ them.

The idea that liberalism is evil or a "mental disorder" was the sthtick of Michael "Savage" Wiener, along with his claim that he was the original compassionate conservative an unproven concept (like ghosts and Big Foot) stolen by GWB.

Back to the point of the thread, the OP is noting but skulduggery and wishful thinking of the ignorant and extremists who whistle in the dark.*

*Fear that their vote was cast for a real crook and a man too unstable for the job of POTUS.
the best criminal investigators in the country ,,,no wonder repubs are wetting their pants
10+ Months
No Crime
No Collusion
No Obstruction
No Evidence
Trump Not under Investigation
CIA, DIA, NSA, FBI, House Intel Chair, Feinstein, Waters - all have declared 'nothing here'

...and the BEST the Dimocrat legal investigative 'Dream Team' could accomplish was expose the Obama administration as criminals who seditiously broke laws in an attempt to undermine the newly elected govt, that Obama Cabinet members obstructed an investigation, and the head of the FBI self-identified as a leaker.

:clap: Brilliant!

'Nuff said. :p

I suggest you don a new model NFL helmet and remove the inflatable pads and replace it with leaded foil - double thick.
I suggest you don a new model NFL helmet and remove the inflatable pads and replace it with leaded foil - double thick.
Bringing childish insults to an adult are obviously looking for the 'kids' table' - it's TO THE LEFT.
The Left has the media and the Deep State on it's side. The people mean nothing.

The Left has been saying since November that Trump will be impeached.
Given the complacency of the right...the tenacity of the Left....I'm beginning to feel it's not so impossible after all.
All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
Do you have any idea how many people complained about Obama for 8 years - but did NOT vote in November?
If the left ends up corralling the right into an Auschwitz situation, the right will only have itself to blame.

The right (and the nation) will take a giant leap into dark and dangerous territory if the left is able to deny the Right Constitutional due process and that is exactly their goal. This is the Establishment telling the American people they can go fuck themselves. That The Establisment WILL have their way no matter what.
Most on the right are unwilling to get involved. And most on the right deny it could ever happen.
The left sees it as done...just details in the way.

Just think about it...if the Left can get rid of Trump, the Right has no say in American politics or governance.
If there was a deep state you'd all be dead.
DEPLORABLES don't like Mueller because he's a man of distinguished service, honesty and integrity.
They can't relate. No one like that in the Trump Administration.
Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.

Written ^^^ by a biddable fool, and soon to be echoed around the country by the echo chamber of fools. As the enemies list grows, the credibility - if any still exists - of Trump & his minions lessens. They offer alternative facts (damn lies), while claiming the MSM is the problem.

the MSM was being listed as the problem before trump even said he was running.

now it's all trumps fault.

The MSM was a target of Rush Limbaugh's propaganda, years ago; it was not Trump's doing, all he did was to throw gas on a fire.

Only the Alt. Right, aka: the Crazy Right Wing (CRW) believe all Journalists who work in the Main Stream are dishonest partisan hacks, or paid to push a liberal agenda by the corporate ownership who employ them.

The idea that liberalism is evil or a "mental disorder" was the sthtick of Michael "Savage" Wiener, along with his claim that he was the original compassionate conservative an unproven concept (like ghosts and Big Foot) stolen by GWB.

Back to the point of the thread, the OP is noting but skulduggery and wishful thinking of the ignorant and extremists who whistle in the dark.*

*Fear that their vote was cast for a real crook and a man too unstable for the job of POTUS.
so if obama were under investigation and the party doing it was all republicans, you'd be ok with that.

my point is, and will forever be, if you're ok doing actions to someone you don't like, you damn well better be ready to take them on yourself. all this "do as i say not as i do" is crap and why we're in this mess. we all have 1 set of standards to go by and need to return to that or we will only marginalize yourselves more as a society and demand my thoughts get special consideration for a given event.
DEPLORABLES don't like Mueller because he's a man of distinguished service, honesty and integrity.
They can't relate. No one like that in the Trump Administration.
So a HONEST man brings in donors to President Trumps opponent to investigate President Trump....oh yeah I can see how the LEFT thinks he has integrity and is honest...these are the same morons who think Clinton was honest.
The Left has the media and the Deep State on it's side. The people mean nothing.

The Left has been saying since November that Trump will be impeached.
Given the complacency of the right...the tenacity of the Left....I'm beginning to feel it's not so impossible after all.
All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
Do you have any idea how many people complained about Obama for 8 years - but did NOT vote in November?
If the left ends up corralling the right into an Auschwitz situation, the right will only have itself to blame.

The right (and the nation) will take a giant leap into dark and dangerous territory if the left is able to deny the Right Constitutional due process and that is exactly their goal. This is the Establishment telling the American people they can go fuck themselves. That The Establisment WILL have their way no matter what.
Most on the right are unwilling to get involved. And most on the right deny it could ever happen.
The left sees it as done...just details in the way.

Just think about it...if the Left can get rid of Trump, the Right has no say in American politics or governance.
If there was a deep state you'd all be dead.
wouldn't the fact that "mob rules" can get people fired on a "do we like you" basis - are we not headed in that direction?

all this demanding people's jobs for venting in a highly tense time of our country is bullshit and only causes more to come.
Mueller is a Republican.
Oops. Directly shoots down their bullshit.
Hardly. John McCain is a 'Republican'...and a biased, bat-shit crazy politician who prides himself on being a 'Maverick'. Doesn't mean anything.

More important than being a 'Republican' is that he and Comey are thick as thieves.

Even more important than that is the fact that there is no more need for Mueller:

No crime.
No collusion.
No obstruction.
Trump is not under investigation.

Shut 'er down.
So a HONEST man brings in donors to President Trumps opponent to investigate President Trump....

This move by Mueller should result in Sessions / Trump saying, "It's over. There is no more need for Mueller."
Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.

Written ^^^ by a biddable fool, and soon to be echoed around the country by the echo chamber of fools. As the enemies list grows, the credibility - if any still exists - of Trump & his minions lessens. They offer alternative facts (damn lies), while claiming the MSM is the problem.

the MSM was being listed as the problem before trump even said he was running.

now it's all trumps fault.

The MSM was a target of Rush Limbaugh's propaganda, years ago; it was not Trump's doing, all he did was to throw gas on a fire.

Only the Alt. Right, aka: the Crazy Right Wing (CRW) believe all Journalists who work in the Main Stream are dishonest partisan hacks, or paid to push a liberal agenda by the corporate ownership who employ them.

The idea that liberalism is evil or a "mental disorder" was the sthtick of Michael "Savage" Wiener, along with his claim that he was the original compassionate conservative an unproven concept (like ghosts and Big Foot) stolen by GWB.

Back to the point of the thread, the OP is noting but skulduggery and wishful thinking of the ignorant and extremists who whistle in the dark.*

*Fear that their vote was cast for a real crook and a man too unstable for the job of POTUS.

so if obama were under investigation and the party doing it was all republicans, you'd be ok with that.

my point is, and will forever be, if you're ok doing actions to someone you don't like, you damn well better be ready to take them on yourself. all this "do as i say not as i do" is crap and why we're in this mess. we all have 1 set of standards to go by and need to return to that or we will only marginalize yourselves more as a society and demand my thoughts get special consideration for a given event.

Keep in mind the partisan attacks which lead to the impeachment of President Clinton. Why should Trump receive a pass?

Our society is fine, our politics suck and we can point our middle finger of our right hand at Newt Gingrich and the same finger of the other hand at Tom Delay, for their unconscionable behavior in seeking absolute power.

They failed, but Trump and the 21st Century of Republicans have accomplished the goal of a single party in power, and have once again proved with machinations they can win elections, but once they do they cannot govern.
Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.
Mueller should be forced to recuse himself since he has close ties to Comey. Well that is if the GOP actually cared and wasn't allowing the DNC to form an OBVIOUS Kangaroo court.
Democrats don't recuse themselves.
You're right but they'd have to if the spineless GOP would fight back.

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