Mueller is stocking his staff with Democrat donors

The investigation is just a dog and pony show. Rosenstein needs to fire Mueller and get a true independent counsel.

Who would head this "true" independent counsel?

Lol, and you honestly think the current counsel is fair when he and comey are good buds and he is stacking his team with dem donors.

He's a veteran who has the trust of both democrats and republicans. Trump himself considered him for FBI director.

Mueller is "stacking his team" with veteran investigators...which is why Trumpbots are freaking out.
Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.
Mueller should be forced to recuse himself since he has close ties to Comey. Well that is if the GOP actually cared and wasn't allowing the DNC to form an OBVIOUS Kangaroo court.
Democrats don't recuse themselves.
You're right but they'd have to if the spineless GOP would fight back.

Now the call is to toss the entire GOP under the bus. Does this mean the GOP has become a RINO in the aggregate? Whose left on the right?
The investigation is just a dog and pony show. Rosenstein needs to fire Mueller and get a true independent counsel.

Who would head this "true" independent counsel?

Lol, and you honestly think the current counsel is fair when he and comey are good buds and he is stacking his team with dem donors.

He's a veteran who has the trust of both democrats and republicans. Trump himself considered him for FBI director.

Mueller is "stacking his team" with veteran investigators...which is why Trumpbots are freaking out.
Since this is a volatile politicasl issue, there should be NO hint of partisan backgrounds. I would guess that you would feel it was a political issue if the investigators were Trump donors as well.

There should be no reason for a special prosecutor when Sessions explains the "meetings" with the Russian ambassadors. Fire Mueller or put him on another investigation that does not reek of politics.
Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.
Mueller should be forced to recuse himself since he has close ties to Comey. Well that is if the GOP actually cared and wasn't allowing the DNC to form an OBVIOUS Kangaroo court.
Democrats don't recuse themselves.
You're right but they'd have to if the spineless GOP would fight back.

Now the call is to toss the entire GOP under the bus. Does this mean the GOP has become a RINO in the aggregate? Whose left on the right?
All quiet on the right. I don't see anyone stepping forward and asking for Mueller to recuse himself due to his connection to Comey. Looks to me like he's loading up a superstar panel to try and make something out of nothing other words a kangaroo court to frame Trump and his team. And this while the left and all their OBVIOUS crimes are allowed to go unchecked that there is ample evidence to support indictments. So I don't know at this point who I'm more disgusted with, the criminals on the left or the sheeple on the right.
Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.
Mueller should be forced to recuse himself since he has close ties to Comey. Well that is if the GOP actually cared and wasn't allowing the DNC to form an OBVIOUS Kangaroo court.
Democrats don't recuse themselves.
You're right but they'd have to if the spineless GOP would fight back.

Now the call is to toss the entire GOP under the bus. Does this mean the GOP has become a RINO in the aggregate? Whose left on the right?
All quiet on the right. I don't see anyone stepping forward and asking for Mueller to recuse himself due to his connection to Comey. Looks to me like he's loading up a superstar panel to try and make something out of nothing other words a kangaroo court to frame Trump and his team. And this while the left and all their OBVIOUS crimes are allowed to go unchecked that there is ample evidence to support indictments. So I don't know at this point who I'm more disgusted with, the criminals on the left or the sheeple on the right.

Posts like this ^^^ disgust me. It's obvious its author has no personal knowledge of "unchecked" crimes or has any evidence to support indictments. Echoes of memes and propaganda do not make a substantive post - they do prove a fool.
The investigation is just a dog and pony show. Rosenstein needs to fire Mueller and get a true independent counsel.

Who would head this "true" independent counsel?

Lol, and you honestly think the current counsel is fair when he and comey are good buds and he is stacking his team with dem donors.

He's a veteran who has the trust of both democrats and republicans. Trump himself considered him for FBI director.

Mueller is "stacking his team" with veteran investigators...which is why Trumpbots are freaking out.

No, they're all dem donors. You don't need to use quotes. Thats what middle school kids do.
Mueller should be forced to recuse himself since he has close ties to Comey. Well that is if the GOP actually cared and wasn't allowing the DNC to form an OBVIOUS Kangaroo court.
Democrats don't recuse themselves.
You're right but they'd have to if the spineless GOP would fight back.

Now the call is to toss the entire GOP under the bus. Does this mean the GOP has become a RINO in the aggregate? Whose left on the right?
All quiet on the right. I don't see anyone stepping forward and asking for Mueller to recuse himself due to his connection to Comey. Looks to me like he's loading up a superstar panel to try and make something out of nothing other words a kangaroo court to frame Trump and his team. And this while the left and all their OBVIOUS crimes are allowed to go unchecked that there is ample evidence to support indictments. So I don't know at this point who I'm more disgusted with, the criminals on the left or the sheeple on the right.

Posts like this ^^^ disgust me. It's obvious its author has no personal knowledge of "unchecked" crimes or has any evidence to support indictments. Echoes of memes and propaganda do not make a substantive post - they do prove a fool.
No poster has "personal knowledge" but we do know what has been reported in the only real news from which we have learned. Comey presented the proof of crimes Hillary was guilty of last year when he checked the boxes of what she did that was patently proof of breaking the law, but she didn't MEAN IT!
Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.

Written ^^^ by a biddable fool, and soon to be echoed around the country by the echo chamber of fools. As the enemies list grows, the credibility - if any still exists - of Trump & his minions lessens. They offer alternative facts (damn lies), while claiming the MSM is the problem.

the MSM was being listed as the problem before trump even said he was running.

now it's all trumps fault.

The MSM was a target of Rush Limbaugh's propaganda, years ago; it was not Trump's doing, all he did was to throw gas on a fire.

Only the Alt. Right, aka: the Crazy Right Wing (CRW) believe all Journalists who work in the Main Stream are dishonest partisan hacks, or paid to push a liberal agenda by the corporate ownership who employ them.

The idea that liberalism is evil or a "mental disorder" was the sthtick of Michael "Savage" Wiener, along with his claim that he was the original compassionate conservative an unproven concept (like ghosts and Big Foot) stolen by GWB.

Back to the point of the thread, the OP is noting but skulduggery and wishful thinking of the ignorant and extremists who whistle in the dark.*

*Fear that their vote was cast for a real crook and a man too unstable for the job of POTUS.

so if obama were under investigation and the party doing it was all republicans, you'd be ok with that.

my point is, and will forever be, if you're ok doing actions to someone you don't like, you damn well better be ready to take them on yourself. all this "do as i say not as i do" is crap and why we're in this mess. we all have 1 set of standards to go by and need to return to that or we will only marginalize yourselves more as a society and demand my thoughts get special consideration for a given event.

Keep in mind the partisan attacks which lead to the impeachment of President Clinton. Why should Trump receive a pass?

Our society is fine, our politics suck and we can point our middle finger of our right hand at Newt Gingrich and the same finger of the other hand at Tom Delay, for their unconscionable behavior in seeking absolute power.

They failed, but Trump and the 21st Century of Republicans have accomplished the goal of a single party in power, and have once again proved with machinations they can win elections, but once they do they cannot govern.
so why should we keep attacking each other blindly cause the kids before the current ones did it?

i know of no parent that would let that go on - but yet, here we are.
Not a bad idea considering Trump backers either collaborated with Russia or approve of the collaboration with Russia. This decreases the odds of investigators sabotaging the investigation.

The chickens are rooting for Col. Sanders. have NO CLUE what you're helping to usher in. But one day you'll regret it.
Most of white America is not racist.
But the corruption you're playing a fool to sure is.
What I'm helping to usher in? Republicans won an election on lies created by politicians. This investigation is a truth discovered by our own intelligence agencies. I don't trust congress to keep holding Trump at bay. He'll fuck this country as soon as he gets the chance. Republicans must NOT be allowed to sabotage the investigation to protect him.
Republicans won an election on lies created by politicians
when you wake up and realize democrats do basically the same thing,your view on those wonderful democrats may change some.....
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Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.

Well he wanted honest people. Republicans were usually disqualified right then and there.
when it comes to honesty democrats are not much better than republicans....yea i know,i was shocked too....
Robert Mueller Stocks Staff with Democrat Donors

Time to nip this shit in the bud. WHEN and IF they can get a LEGITIMATE independent counsel then go for it...this ain't it and NOTHING no matter the outcome will be accepted as legit when you have the enemy investigating the President.
Mueller should be forced to recuse himself since he has close ties to Comey. Well that is if the GOP actually cared and wasn't allowing the DNC to form an OBVIOUS Kangaroo court.
Democrats don't recuse themselves.
You're right but they'd have to if the spineless GOP would fight back.

Now the call is to toss the entire GOP under the bus. Does this mean the GOP has become a RINO in the aggregate? Whose left on the right?
All quiet on the right. I don't see anyone stepping forward and asking for Mueller to recuse himself due to his connection to Comey. Looks to me like he's loading up a superstar panel to try and make something out of nothing other words a kangaroo court to frame Trump and his team. And this while the left and all their OBVIOUS crimes are allowed to go unchecked that there is ample evidence to support indictments. So I don't know at this point who I'm more disgusted with, the criminals on the left or the sheeple on the right.
Yep. If it is to be believed that Mueller is loading his team up with left-wing partisan hacks, then the entire outcome of the investigative report will be suspect at best, worthless at worst.

However, since we cannot trust the left on this forum (or anywhere for that matter) to tell the truth, and I've not seen the GOP as a whole call for removing Mueller, the entire thread is just a waste of time.
Mueller should be forced to recuse himself since he has close ties to Comey. Well that is if the GOP actually cared and wasn't allowing the DNC to form an OBVIOUS Kangaroo court.
Democrats don't recuse themselves.
You're right but they'd have to if the spineless GOP would fight back.

Now the call is to toss the entire GOP under the bus. Does this mean the GOP has become a RINO in the aggregate? Whose left on the right?
All quiet on the right. I don't see anyone stepping forward and asking for Mueller to recuse himself due to his connection to Comey. Looks to me like he's loading up a superstar panel to try and make something out of nothing other words a kangaroo court to frame Trump and his team. And this while the left and all their OBVIOUS crimes are allowed to go unchecked that there is ample evidence to support indictments. So I don't know at this point who I'm more disgusted with, the criminals on the left or the sheeple on the right.

Posts like this ^^^ disgust me. It's obvious its author has no personal knowledge of "unchecked" crimes or has any evidence to support indictments. Echoes of memes and propaganda do not make a substantive post - they do prove a fool.
Um lol you can't really be serious, right? But let's recap:

Comey himself stated on camera many of the crimes. He admitted leaking evidence to the press via a friend. He implicated Loretta Lynch for obstruction of justice saying she wanted the language regarding Hillary's emails to be dumbed down and called a "MATTER" instead of an investigation. He claimed although Hillary committed several crimes, he didn't feel she should be indicted because for one, no one would ever take the case. And that was a very curious statement as if he was admitting she was above the law and untouchable.

Then there were all the times Hillary perjured herself before a congressional committee ON CAMERA when she lied about the emails she deleted saying they were just family conversations and that there was no classified material on them when in fact they contained over a hundred or so with various levels of classification, eight of which were TOP SECRET. Benghazi was even reportedly discussed on that wide open server that if the spineless GOP would ever investigate, they just might find the reason the compound was attacked in the first place which led to the deaths of four Americans was probably due to what she discussed over that server.

She lied in open sessions about how many blackberries she had claiming only one when in fact she had 13 ALL of which were bludgeoned by her crew which is, yep you guessed it, obstruction of justice. And the list goes on and on of her crimes that could easily bring an indictment.

So the real question is, do you ever do any research for yourself or do you just run with whatever liberal biased fake news media airs each day?

Did Hillary Commit Perjury By Lying to The FBI? Or to Congress?

"The bottom line? Clinton either lied to the FBI or she lied to Congress. Doing so in either case is a federal crime."
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Woke up this morning, to find that Trump resigned, and Nancy Pelosi was President, Schumer was Vice President and Sanders was Treasurer. The made Comey the Press Secretary. They gifted Chicago to Putin, and apologized to North Korea and gave them Disney World. Obama and Soros were having a beer in the rose garden, that Iran had just bought, while the band played Jail to the Chief....
:lol: Poor snowflakes. Never going to happen.
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The investigation is just a dog and pony show. Rosenstein needs to fire Mueller and get a true independent counsel.

Who would head this "true" independent counsel?

Lol, and you honestly think the current counsel is fair when he and comey are good buds and he is stacking his team with dem donors.

He's a veteran who has the trust of both democrats and republicans. Trump himself considered him for FBI director.

Mueller is "stacking his team" with veteran investigators...which is why Trumpbots are freaking out.

No, they're all dem donors. You don't need to use quotes. Thats what middle school kids do.

Name them, and how much they contributed, and if they "bribed" both R's and D's, a common approach by the power elite.
Democrats don't recuse themselves.
You're right but they'd have to if the spineless GOP would fight back.

Now the call is to toss the entire GOP under the bus. Does this mean the GOP has become a RINO in the aggregate? Whose left on the right?
All quiet on the right. I don't see anyone stepping forward and asking for Mueller to recuse himself due to his connection to Comey. Looks to me like he's loading up a superstar panel to try and make something out of nothing other words a kangaroo court to frame Trump and his team. And this while the left and all their OBVIOUS crimes are allowed to go unchecked that there is ample evidence to support indictments. So I don't know at this point who I'm more disgusted with, the criminals on the left or the sheeple on the right.

Posts like this ^^^ disgust me. It's obvious its author has no personal knowledge of "unchecked" crimes or has any evidence to support indictments. Echoes of memes and propaganda do not make a substantive post - they do prove a fool.

No poster has "personal knowledge" but we do know what has been reported in the only real news from which we have learned. Comey presented the proof of crimes Hillary was guilty of last year when he checked the boxes of what she did that was patently proof of breaking the law, but she didn't MEAN IT!

LOL, do you know your first sentence is a perplexity? You offer the premise that no poster has knowledge, then claim to have access to real news, and thus have personal knowledge. We won't go into your illogical proof, i.e., Comey is a liar and not a liar.
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Forget Donors - Mueller just picked one of the lawyers who worked for the woman whose Ass Trump beat in the 2016 election.

Yes, Mueller, Comey's pal, just picked one of Hillary's Lawyers to be part of his 'political Payback Inquisition' Team, the group that is supposed to be an 'INDEPENDENT Counsel'.


Democrats aren't even trying to hide what they are now trying to do, and this officially became a public political lynching attempt by the butt-hurt losing Democrats who can't accept the fact that they lost.

As this has now become an obvious, undeniable 'stacked deck, the Asst US AG and / or President needs to shut this shit down.

CNN Cuts Feed After Senator Objects to Clinton Foundation Atty Joining 'Independent' Counsel - Breitbart
Already lining up excuses???? Pretty early for that isn't it?
So you would want say Michael Flynn,Sessions etc investigating Hillary? I HIGHLY doubt that. Get TRULY independent people NOT democrat donors who are obviously already biased. Time for President Trump to shut it down.The Congress is doing a fine job of finding nothing because that's all there is NOTHING.

I'm sure Mueller will get fired at some point since the obstruction of justice charge looks pretty solid.
I'm sure the AG will back up the President tomorrow but since he lied to the Congress not more than 8 months ago, who would believe him outside of Trump's enablers like yourself?

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