Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law

Mueller is part of the deep state....I'm not surprised at all....
His job was to find evidence and present it to congress, nitwit.
And he did. Congress has it don't they?
No he didn't....He said that he couldn't prove a negative, which nobody can.

Damn, you're one stupid muthafucka.
He wasn't trying to prove a negative. He provided evidence that proved guilt. 1000 prosecutors agree. That's not a negative.
The Mule saying "I can't prove he didn't do X" is the essence of people trying to prove a negative, nitwit.

Mueller stated at least 10 examples of what he did do, you just choose to ignore it.
And Republicans don't have the balls to stand up for this country and admit what has happened should never happen again. What happened to the Watergate Republicans who stood for their country? Now they stand with a criminal dictator. They are beyond disgusting. Traitors the whole bunch of them.
Basically he said he knew from the start that his work could not unseat Trump.
I think his and the libs agenda may have been farther apart than thought.

There was no collusion thus he was fighting a losing battle...I think he would loved to have been able to dig up some evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians.
He did. Do you know the difference between colluding with the Russians and colluding with the Russians to form a conspiracy? Obviously not.
There is zero evidence to back you up. President Trump did not collude, and because this monumentally stupid Steel dossier was rigged up from the imagination of two of Hillary's old Clinton Spin Room losers, the pee story with female prostitutes was made up by them when Hillary told them to get Trump. When she heard the story they had made up, it was noticed that the woman was giddy, because she didn't think anyone could be left standing with a hyped-up false scenario as that one. She believed it would solidify her base who needed raw meat and would make Republicans mad at Trump. McCain took the bait, and they used him his last year of life to add weight to their lies. Hillary and Obama used a hero of the VietNam era to destroy Trump. Fortunately, the American people saw through this calumnious setup and voted for Trump. You can't fool the people in some states. I'm proud of the American people not succumbing to the Obama Administration's attempt to take out President Trump.
Mueller and 1000 prosecutors back me up, and what do you have? Nothing! Just words that mean absolutely nothing. And, on top of that failure, you didn't answer my question. You lose.
Oh btw.... a bit of information for the impeachment bozos. If the house impeaches the president on bogus charges it goes to the Supreme Court who would deliver a huge bumpy cucumber making the re-election of Trump in 2020 a certainty:113::113:
And he did. Congress has it don't they?
No he didn't....He said that he couldn't prove a negative, which nobody can.

Damn, you're one stupid muthafucka.
He wasn't trying to prove a negative. He provided evidence that proved guilt. 1000 prosecutors agree. That's not a negative.
The Mule saying "I can't prove he didn't do X" is the essence of people trying to prove a negative, nitwit.

Mueller stated at least 10 examples of what he did do, you just choose to ignore it.
And Republicans don't have the balls to stand up for this country and admit what has happened should never happen again. What happened to the Watergate Republicans who stood for their country? Now they stand with a criminal dictator. They are beyond disgusting. Traitors the whole bunch of them.

Give it some time, it took those republicans a minute to pull their heads out of their asses also.
Oh btw.... a bit of information for the impeachment bozos. If the house impeaches the president on bogus charges it goes to the Supreme Court who would deliver a huge bumpy cucumber making the re-election of Trump in 2020 a certainty:113::113:
Not likely. I suspect Trump has some sealed indictments waiting on him.
No, the evidence against Trump is. So says Mueller and a thousand prosecutors.
No they don’t but you keep living that fantasy it was bullshit yesterday it’s bullshit today and it will be bullshit tomorrow. As the old meme goes I don’t understand your specific type of stupid but I do admire your total commitment to it.
No, the evidence against Trump is. So says Mueller and a thousand prosecutors.

The democrats are full of hot hair....why are they not impeaching Trump? They moan and they groan about how evil Trump is but take no action.

The leadership of the democrats know that even if they impeach Trump he will not be convicted in the Senate....which is what the impeachment process requires to remove a President.

He will not leave office through the impeachment process. The math does not work.

Say The House impeaches him...... Passing articles of impeachment only requires a simple majority in the House, and that only takes 218 votes, and Democrats hold a 35 or 37 seat advantage in the 116th Congress. So, even if 34 Democrats vote against impeachment, the articles will pass and Trump will face a trial in the Senate.

In the 116th Congress, Senate Republicans enjoy a advantage. Conviction requires 67 votes, so, assuming that all Democrats vote for conviction, 20 Republicans must also vote for conviction. It will be impossible to find 20 Republicans willing to challenge the Trump base, so Trump will not be convicted, and, like Bill Clinton in 1998 will continue in office and, perhaps with more loyalty from his base.

Thus all this b.s. about impeaching Trump is just a dream for the democrats...a stupid dream...and Peolosi knows it....thus no impeachment.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.

Muelle'rs own report STATES that no American colluded with Russians in attempting to unlawfully influence the election. Not sure we can say the same for MI-6 agents involved. Democrats are trying for obstruction charges well after the investigation started. Of Course everyone knows Mueller couldn't indict if there was no crime.
And furthermore, The FBI had surveilance of Trump tower.... so if they had something besides partisan bullshit we would know about it.

On what page does his report state that no American colluded with Russians?

He couldn't indict because DOJ POLICY said he couldn't indict.

You already know about it, you are just the usual Trump Humper who is in denial.

Actually Mueller found 'no collusion by any American.'

"Mueller report finds 'no collusion by any American,' says William Barr"

Mueller report finds 'no collusion by any American,' says William Barr | DW | 18.04.2019

Indicting was NOT Mueller's job as a prosecutor. His job was to try to find EVIDENCE of criminal activity. He could not but, instead of saying that, yesterday he basically he could not find evidence that Trump did not obstruct. Now I ask you, how is that even close to American justice that one is innocent unless proven guilty? Mueller gave himself away as a 100% Trump hater and should be prosecuted himself for miscarriage of justice.
Mueller’s commentary didn’t sit particularly well with a lot of people, especially a former federal prosecutor named Fred Tecce, who decried Mueller’s statement as “absolutely reprehensible” in an interview with Fox Business anchor Neil Cavuto on Wednesday afternoon.

Tecce didn’t hold back.

“Quite frankly, I find Mr. Mueller’s comments to be absolutely reprehensible, and the part that bothers me the most is that the bedrock of our system of justice is that people are presumed innocent unless proven otherwise by a — beyond a reasonable doubt,” he said.
No, the evidence against Trump is. So says Mueller and a thousand prosecutors.

You dunderhead.....Since when is American justice meted out by a jury of a thousand prosecutors? Would you want that as YOUR jury!!! What is it you don't understand about 'innocent unless proven guilty?' OR is that only for people you haven't already personally indicted, convicted and prosecuted? Get outta here.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.

Muelle'rs own report STATES that no American colluded with Russians in attempting to unlawfully influence the election. Not sure we can say the same for MI-6 agents involved. Democrats are trying for obstruction charges well after the investigation started. Of Course everyone knows Mueller couldn't indict if there was no crime.
And furthermore, The FBI had surveilance of Trump tower.... so if they had something besides partisan bullshit we would know about it.

On what page does his report state that no American colluded with Russians?

He couldn't indict because DOJ POLICY said he couldn't indict.

You already know about it, you are just the usual Trump Humper who is in denial.

On what page does it say that Americans Colluded with Russia? Thats the real question. Mueller and Democrats are going after Trump on obstruction, not Collusion. Problem for Dems is there was no crime.. even after they surveilled Trump Tower.. what did they come up with? nothing.
You are way to ignorant to have an intelligent debate.

So your saying Democrats want to impeach Trump for collusion? good luck.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
He could be indicted, under the auspices of impeachment...."High crimes and misdemeanors".

The Mule couldn't even find sufficient evidence of that.

Suck it, loser.
That's a lie. There is evidence, and it is up to Congress. You folks are so damn ignorant.

Mueller didn’t recommend any charges because there is no evidence of a crime.

In fact the only crime we know that happened was that the Hussein administration spying on the Trump campaign.
He wasn't supposed to. He left that up to Congress. Keep circle jerking round and round Trump Toads. The answers will always be the same and you can't change them.

He left investigating up to Congress? No dolt, his team spent two years investigating and found no collusion. He has zero evidence to present, and made no recommendations for Congress to charge the President.

All he is doing now is trying to save face and throwing leftwing nutjobs a fantasy they can circle jerk around.

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