Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law

No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
So what stopped Mueller from indicting others? Nothing. But since no crimes were committed, Mueller's team could not find even one scape-goat to indict, in hopes they'd roll over on Trump.

You see, this was what we have been told for two years. This is how it was supposed to work out:

1) Mueller was supposed to indict low level Trumpsters for collusion and/or obstruction.

2) They'd cop plea deals to stay out of prison, and work with Mueller to get Trump.

3) Then we'd see these indicted Trumpsters on TV, testifying before the grand jury, where they would indict Trump for collusion and obstruction.

Mueller isn't be able to indict Trump, but... he was supposed to indict Trump's people, and get them to roll over, on the stand, and indict Trump with their testimony.

The news media, the Trump-haters and the Democrats in Congress have been living off lies from deep state leakers, their own false assumptions and wild conspiracy theories, for three years. They have been predicting all that time, that Mueller was going to hand out indictments for Trump-Russia collusion, and obstruction of justice indictments. Promising everyone, that Trump and his admin will be frog marched for treason, yadda, yadda

Didn't happen. Why? Because "there is no there, there."
That's a damn good question, since we know for a fact Trump was working hard to end it they probably never thought it would go this far.
so - you can't answer the question. you just lob more asinine speculation on top of your previous bullshit but can't answer questions of logic.

Was Trump working behind the scenes to end the investigation?
dunno. but if he was, was it to hide guilt or he knew he didn't do it and wanted to end the madness? if you were accused of a crime you didn't commit, would you defend yourself?

now - what specific actions did he do to obstruct?

Yes if I am innocent I put everything out in the open I don't try and hide it.

Trump turned over all the documentation Mueller requested, didn't prevent anyone from being interviewed by Mueller, and somehow he's illegally hiding something?

Everyone but himself, why wasn't Mr Transparency interviewed and he didn't answer any of the questions Mueller sent to him. As usual a Trump Humper listening to the idiots like Hannity and Limpbaugh.
Yea what happened to Mueller was supposed to uncover all kinds of shit about Trump and Russia? When it turned out that they had nothing other than Manafort avoiding paying taxes 15 years go, suddenly Mueller is no good.

Dems only like you if you play the game they want you to play. If you don't, they'll throw you to the wolves.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
Yeah, bad news for you guys. You lost, again.

The bad news is for the country, the country lost in Nov 2016.
maybe yours did. stop pretending your country is what everyone should have and lets get back to making a country for everyone.

even you.

That coming from a Trump Humper is a flat out joke, you don't want America for everyone. Remember the Trump Humpers slogan. MAWA.
On what page does his report state that no American colluded with Russians?

He couldn't indict because DOJ POLICY said he couldn't indict.

You already know about it, you are just the usual Trump Humper who is in denial.

On what page does it say that Americans Colluded with Russia? Thats the real question. Mueller and Democrats are going after Trump on obstruction, not Collusion. Problem for Dems is there was no crime.. even after they surveilled Trump Tower.. what did they come up with? nothing.
You are way to ignorant to have an intelligent debate.

So your saying Democrats want to impeach Trump for collusion? good luck.

Actually for obstruction among other things.
list the specific events you call obstruction, when they happened, and the outcome of said obstruction.

if you can't do that you're just shitting powerpoint bullets on the wall.

I don't need to Mueller did it in his report, if you would actually read it you might learn something.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
Yeah, bad news for you guys. You lost, again.

The bad news is for the country, the country lost in Nov 2016.
maybe yours did. stop pretending your country is what everyone should have and lets get back to making a country for everyone.

even you.

That coming from a Trump Humper is a flat out joke, you don't want America for everyone. Remember the Trump Humpers slogan. MAWA.

By putting all the blacks back to work?
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
Yeah, bad news for you guys. You lost, again.

The bad news is for the country, the country lost in Nov 2016.
maybe yours did. stop pretending your country is what everyone should have and lets get back to making a country for everyone.

even you.

That coming from a Trump Humper is a flat out joke, you don't want America for everyone. Remember the Trump Humpers slogan. MAWA.

Oh boo fucking hoo. Get the fuck over it
Yea Trump hates blacks so much he put them back to work at a record rate, more than the racist half-black Oreo negro Obama.
BOB Mueller needs to be put under how fast he changes his mind

Funny how Trump didn't want to go under oath, why is that?

Why would he need to?

Funny how Mueller didn’t force him to, why is that?

Force him to, this guy defies the law on a daily basis and fools like you cheer him on.
Evidence, please.

:huh1: You're kidding, right.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
Yeah, bad news for you guys. You lost, again.

The bad news is for the country, the country lost in Nov 2016.
maybe yours did. stop pretending your country is what everyone should have and lets get back to making a country for everyone.

even you.

That coming from a Trump Humper is a flat out joke, you don't want America for everyone. Remember the Trump Humpers slogan. MAWA.
well you seem to think that since i disagree with you, i'm a "trump humper" and honestly, that's about the most intellectually lazy asinine shit you can come back with? slide me to an extreme and pretend what i am saying is a lie?

i *do* want an america for everyone. we've had it before. it wasn't until liberals started doing all the PC shit that we started fragmenting. you want it YOUR way and everyone should realize the greatness that you behold.

yea, not going to happen.

now if you're going to only talk in stereotypes, just let me know and i'll slide you to ignore. i got no time for children who just want to scream and scream.
BOB Mueller needs to be put under how fast he changes his mind

Funny how Trump didn't want to go under oath, why is that?

Because no one in their right mind goes under oath when they don't have to.

And there was no crime / predicate being investigated to justify putting Trump under oath. The questioning would have been just a fishing expedition.

Another weak ass excuse.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
Yeah, bad news for you guys. You lost, again.

The bad news is for the country, the country lost in Nov 2016.
maybe yours did. stop pretending your country is what everyone should have and lets get back to making a country for everyone.

even you.

That coming from a Trump Humper is a flat out joke, you don't want America for everyone. Remember the Trump Humpers slogan. MAWA.

By putting all the blacks back to work?

When did he do that?
BOB Mueller needs to be put under how fast he changes his mind

Funny how Trump didn't want to go under oath, why is that?

Because no one in their right mind goes under oath when they don't have to.

And there was no crime / predicate being investigated to justify putting Trump under oath. The questioning would have been just a fishing expedition.

Another weak ass excuse.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

Clearly, you failed Civics in high school.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
Yeah, bad news for you guys. You lost, again.

The bad news is for the country, the country lost in Nov 2016.
maybe yours did. stop pretending your country is what everyone should have and lets get back to making a country for everyone.

even you.

That coming from a Trump Humper is a flat out joke, you don't want America for everyone. Remember the Trump Humpers slogan. MAWA.

Oh boo fucking hoo. Get the fuck over it

You just go get fuc........nevermind.

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