Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law

He knew from day 1 it was “sound and fury signifying nothing” so he locked up a few tax evaders and stammered out some report about Trumps character not so great but no criminal activity.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.

Muelle'rs own report STATES that no American colluded with Russians in attempting to unlawfully influence the election. Not sure we can say the same for MI-6 agents involved. Democrats are trying for obstruction charges well after the investigation started. Of Course everyone knows Mueller couldn't indict if there was no crime.
And furthermore, The FBI had surveilance of Trump tower.... so if they had something besides partisan bullshit we would know about it.

On what page does his report state that no American colluded with Russians?

He couldn't indict because DOJ POLICY said he couldn't indict.

You already know about it, you are just the usual Trump Humper who is in denial.

Actually Mueller found 'no collusion by any American.'

"Mueller report finds 'no collusion by any American,' says William Barr"

Mueller report finds 'no collusion by any American,' says William Barr | DW | 18.04.2019

Indicting was NOT Mueller's job as a prosecutor. His job was to try to find EVIDENCE of criminal activity. He could not but, instead of saying that, yesterday he basically he could not find evidence that Trump did not obstruct. Now I ask you, how is that even close to American justice that one is innocent unless proven guilty? Mueller gave himself away as a 100% Trump hater and should be prosecuted himself for miscarriage of justice.

It is pretty obvious you haven't read one word of the report, you are one of these clowns that just listens to the talking points put out by ass clowns like Hannity and Limpbaugh and then you run with it.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.

Muelle'rs own report STATES that no American colluded with Russians in attempting to unlawfully influence the election. Not sure we can say the same for MI-6 agents involved. Democrats are trying for obstruction charges well after the investigation started. Of Course everyone knows Mueller couldn't indict if there was no crime.
And furthermore, The FBI had surveilance of Trump tower.... so if they had something besides partisan bullshit we would know about it.

On what page does his report state that no American colluded with Russians?

He couldn't indict because DOJ POLICY said he couldn't indict.

You already know about it, you are just the usual Trump Humper who is in denial.

On what page does it say that Americans Colluded with Russia? Thats the real question. Mueller and Democrats are going after Trump on obstruction, not Collusion. Problem for Dems is there was no crime.. even after they surveilled Trump Tower.. what did they come up with? nothing.
You are way to ignorant to have an intelligent debate.

So your saying Democrats want to impeach Trump for collusion? good luck.

Actually for obstruction among other things.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
He could be indicted, under the auspices of impeachment...."High crimes and misdemeanors".

The Mule couldn't even find sufficient evidence of that.

Suck it, loser.
That's a lie. There is evidence, and it is up to Congress. You folks are so damn ignorant.

Mueller didn’t recommend any charges because there is no evidence of a crime.

In fact the only crime we know that happened was that the Hussein administration spying on the Trump campaign.
He wasn't supposed to. He left that up to Congress. Keep circle jerking round and round Trump Toads. The answers will always be the same and you can't change them.

He left investigating up to Congress? No dolt, his team spent two years investigating and found no collusion. He has zero evidence to present, and made no recommendations for Congress to charge the President.

All he is doing now is trying to save face and throwing leftwing nutjobs a fantasy they can circle jerk around.

Only in the minds of a Trump Humper,
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
He could be indicted, under the auspices of impeachment...."High crimes and misdemeanors".

The Mule couldn't even find sufficient evidence of that.

Suck it, loser.
That's a lie. There is evidence, and it is up to Congress. You folks are so damn ignorant.

Mueller didn’t recommend any charges because there is no evidence of a crime.

In fact the only crime we know that happened was that the Hussein administration spying on the Trump campaign.
He wasn't supposed to. He left that up to Congress. Keep circle jerking round and round Trump Toads. The answers will always be the same and you can't change them.

He left investigating up to Congress? No dolt, his team spent two years investigating and found no collusion. He has zero evidence to present, and made no recommendations for Congress to charge the President.

All he is doing now is trying to save face and throwing leftwing nutjobs a fantasy they can circle jerk around.

Only in the minds of a Trump Humper, you guys are a fucking disgrace.
if they couldn't do anything with the results cause they knew it wouldn't happen - why did they do it?

That's a damn good question, since we know for a fact Trump was working hard to end it they probably never thought it would go this far.
so - you can't answer the question. you just lob more asinine speculation on top of your previous bullshit but can't answer questions of logic.

Was Trump working behind the scenes to end the investigation?
dunno. but if he was, was it to hide guilt or he knew he didn't do it and wanted to end the madness? if you were accused of a crime you didn't commit, would you defend yourself?

now - what specific actions did he do to obstruct?

Yes if I am innocent I put everything out in the open I don't try and hide it.

Trump turned over all the documentation Mueller requested, didn't prevent anyone from being interviewed by Mueller, and somehow he's illegally hiding something?
That's a damn good question, since we know for a fact Trump was working hard to end it they probably never thought it would go this far.
so - you can't answer the question. you just lob more asinine speculation on top of your previous bullshit but can't answer questions of logic.

Was Trump working behind the scenes to end the investigation?
dunno. but if he was, was it to hide guilt or he knew he didn't do it and wanted to end the madness? if you were accused of a crime you didn't commit, would you defend yourself?

now - what specific actions did he do to obstruct?

Yes if I am innocent I put everything out in the open I don't try and hide it.

Trump turned over all the documentation Mueller requested, didn't prevent anyone from being interviewed by Mueller, and somehow he's illegally hiding something?
well shit, he could have deleted a ton of personal information before turning anything over, that seems to be ok with the left.
Muelle'rs own report STATES that no American colluded with Russians in attempting to unlawfully influence the election. Not sure we can say the same for MI-6 agents involved. Democrats are trying for obstruction charges well after the investigation started. Of Course everyone knows Mueller couldn't indict if there was no crime.
And furthermore, The FBI had surveilance of Trump tower.... so if they had something besides partisan bullshit we would know about it.

On what page does his report state that no American colluded with Russians?

He couldn't indict because DOJ POLICY said he couldn't indict.

You already know about it, you are just the usual Trump Humper who is in denial.

On what page does it say that Americans Colluded with Russia? Thats the real question. Mueller and Democrats are going after Trump on obstruction, not Collusion. Problem for Dems is there was no crime.. even after they surveilled Trump Tower.. what did they come up with? nothing.
You are way to ignorant to have an intelligent debate.

So your saying Democrats want to impeach Trump for collusion? good luck.

Actually for obstruction among other things.
list the specific events you call obstruction, when they happened, and the outcome of said obstruction.

if you can't do that you're just shitting powerpoint bullets on the wall.
The Lefts wall is crumbling around them. Just going to get worse for them.

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How? Trump has been found guilty.

No he hasn't. Your fantasy world isn't reality. Mueller could find NO evidence of a crime. Now thinks he can just run away and avoid any tough questions. So show your link that proves Trump committed a crime and was found guilty or STFU.
It's in the Mueller report. There's at least eleven obstruction cases that have been confirmed for indictment if Mueller was allowed to do so. The fact that Trump toads are too lazy to read it is their fuck up. No one else's.

Can't obstruct a non-crime.

You wish there was a non-crime.

Then what was the crime?
Yes if I am innocent I put everything out in the open I don't try and hide it.
so - again - what specific actions did trump do?

i never seem to get good answers here, just return rage and sideshow bobs.
so - again - what specific actions did trump do?

i never seem to get good answers here, just return rage and sideshow bobs.
Have you bothered to read Mueller's report?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 113)

"In late January 2018, the media reported that in June 2017 the President had ordered McGahn to have the Special Counsel fired based on purported conflicts of interest but McGahn had refused, saying he would quit instead.

"After the story broke, the President, through his personal counsel and two aides, sought to have McGahn deny that he had been directed to remove the Special Counsel.

"Each time he was approached, McGahn responded that he would not refute the press accounts because they were accurate in reporting on the President’s effort to have the Special Counsel removed.

"The President later personally met with McGahn in the Oval Office with only the Chief of Staff present and tried to get McGahn to say that the President never ordered him to fire the Special Counsel.

"McGahn refused and insisted his memory of the President’s direction to remove the Special Counsel was accurate.

"In that same meeting, the President challenged McGahn for taking notes of his discussions with the President and asked why he had told Special Counsel investigators that he had been directed to have the Special Counsel removed."

Why do you suppose the RNC doesn't want McGahn to testify under oath with all Americans watching?
They're too friggin lazy, and they don't want to know the truth, because the truth has destroyed every talking point they've used to defend Trump since the beginning. The report reveals these Toads as total fools.
They're too friggin lazy, and they don't want to know the truth, because the truth has destroyed every talking point they've used to defend Trump since the beginning. The report reveals these Toads as total fools.
I don't think Trump ever expected to win the White House.
He wanted to launch Trump TV, and in order to make that happen he had to lure Roger Aisles. Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly away from Fox. Had he finished second in the Republican primaries he would have burnished his brand sufficiently to launch his network.

MSM never investigated his many business conflicts or his lifelong contacts with organized crime figures.

A Republican congress protected Trump during his first two years. Now that Democrats control the House, he realizes it is only a matter of time before his financials become part of a public record.

When that happens even corporate Democrats are going to have to impeach a gold plated con man who should never been allowed to set foot in the White House.
You are so way ahead of the rest of us on this board, and you are exactly right. Kudos! And try not to forget in the beginning of this investigation about the half a trillion dollar oil deal he probably had going on with Russia in the Kara sea. Russia needed sanctions lifted in order for them to get Exxon to move that oil for them.

"Probably". Good one, LOL.

No crime, no collusion, no conspiracy. 'insufficient evidence' is not grounds to impeach or go on another fishing expedition.

I suspect Nadler is a corrupt politician and since there is 'insufficient evidence' to indict him we still need to keep looking until we find something. Because we know he is guilty.
Keep following that yellow brick road to nowhere boss. In the mean time, the Democrats will be fighting for us over the criminality already established.

Keep the faith. You might need it.
so - again - what specific actions did trump do?

i never seem to get good answers here, just return rage and sideshow bobs.
so - again - what specific actions did trump do?

i never seem to get good answers here, just return rage and sideshow bobs.
Have you bothered to read Mueller's report?

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 113)

"In late January 2018, the media reported that in June 2017 the President had ordered McGahn to have the Special Counsel fired based on purported conflicts of interest but McGahn had refused, saying he would quit instead.

"After the story broke, the President, through his personal counsel and two aides, sought to have McGahn deny that he had been directed to remove the Special Counsel.

"Each time he was approached, McGahn responded that he would not refute the press accounts because they were accurate in reporting on the President’s effort to have the Special Counsel removed.

"The President later personally met with McGahn in the Oval Office with only the Chief of Staff present and tried to get McGahn to say that the President never ordered him to fire the Special Counsel.

"McGahn refused and insisted his memory of the President’s direction to remove the Special Counsel was accurate.

"In that same meeting, the President challenged McGahn for taking notes of his discussions with the President and asked why he had told Special Counsel investigators that he had been directed to have the Special Counsel removed."

Why do you suppose the RNC doesn't want McGahn to testify under oath with all Americans watching?
They're too friggin lazy, and they don't want to know the truth, because the truth has destroyed every talking point they've used to defend Trump since the beginning. The report reveals these Toads as total fools.
They're too friggin lazy, and they don't want to know the truth, because the truth has destroyed every talking point they've used to defend Trump since the beginning. The report reveals these Toads as total fools.
I don't think Trump ever expected to win the White House.
He wanted to launch Trump TV, and in order to make that happen he had to lure Roger Aisles. Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly away from Fox. Had he finished second in the Republican primaries he would have burnished his brand sufficiently to launch his network.

MSM never investigated his many business conflicts or his lifelong contacts with organized crime figures.

A Republican congress protected Trump during his first two years. Now that Democrats control the House, he realizes it is only a matter of time before his financials become part of a public record.

When that happens even corporate Democrats are going to have to impeach a gold plated con man who should never been allowed to set foot in the White House.
You are so way ahead of the rest of us on this board, and you are exactly right. Kudos! And try not to forget in the beginning of this investigation about the half a trillion dollar oil deal he probably had going on with Russia in the Kara sea. Russia needed sanctions lifted in order for them to get Exxon to move that oil for them.

"Probably". Good one, LOL.
yea, probably works here but deleting 33k mails after being told to turn them over - totally ok.
Whoever questions Trumps decision NOT to go under oath needs to google the definition of "perjury trap."
Oh btw.... a bit of information for the impeachment bozos. If the house impeaches the president on bogus charges it goes to the Supreme Court who would deliver a huge bumpy cucumber making the re-election of Trump in 2020 a certainty:113::113:
Not likely. I suspect Trump has some sealed indictments waiting on him.
Based on exactly what evidence? I got news for you, pal. You got nada.

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