Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law

Oh boo fucking hoo. Get the fuck over it

You just go get fuc........nevermind.

Grow up boy. You

If you see a boy, do what you do best.

Spank it like I do you everytime you respond?

Yer an angry lil nuthin....boy

Nobody has to do that when you're around.

I repeat...yer a nuthin. A comical ignorant clown. Ill informed and angry you lost.

Work on that entitlement thingy. Nobody owes ya a damn thing
Everyone but himself, why wasn't Mr Transparency interviewed and he didn't answer any of the questions Mueller sent to him. As usual a Trump Humper listening to the idiots like Hannity and Limpbaugh.

We know why, because it was just going to be a waste of the president's time. Trump's advisors would have told him not to set a precedent for future presidents.

I think by that time that Mueller had determined no crimes of collusion existed. He should have closed the investigation, and handed off the Cohen and Manafort stuff off the the DOJ. But Mueller wanted to affect the mid terms, and hang a cloud of suspicion over Trump, to try and influence the mid term elections to hopefully flip both houses of the Congress to the dems.

The investigation Mueller was appointed to perform, was over, by the time he was asking the president to be interviewed. It had been over for almost a year. The only reason the special counsel was still active after the mid terms, was because Mueller was not done playing around with unrelated distractions.
Negative! The people Mueller wanted to interview never testified.
Btw black unemployment is still at twice the rate of white unemployment.
So what are we supposed to do with that? Walk around town moaning like the flagellants? We have historic lows in unemployment, view it as a positive and strive for even better days ahead, instead of throwing rocks of divisiveness.
You just go get fuc........nevermind.

Grow up boy. You

If you see a boy, do what you do best.

Spank it like I do you everytime you respond?

Yer an angry lil nuthin....boy

Nobody has to do that when you're around.

I repeat...yer a nuthin. A comical ignorant clown. Ill informed and angry you lost.

Work on that entitlement thingy. Nobody owes ya a damn thing
In the mean time, your illegal president was exposed to Congress for the very crimes he was suspected of committing. Eleven obstruction charges go to Congress and the unethical, immoral, collusion with Russia was proven. And let's not forget the unsealed indictments about campaign finance violations after doofus is gone.

By the way, no one owes you shit either.
No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
So did Mueller (if you want to play that game). What was the point of Mueller's inquisition, then?

It was entirely a long expensive exercise in keeping Trump's name buried in media mud
and muck. There was NEVER any evidence linking Trump to Russia in collusion with Vlad Putin.

And the "evidence" that was used as an excuse for Comey and the coup to investigate and smear
was a phony fabricated made up dossier composed by a discredited British intelligence
operative using Russian sources which he himself has refused to give any credence to.

Sorry to blow the minds of leftist fools but those are the facts and they pretend otherwise no matter what anyway.
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No he just proved that Trump and his minions knew that Mueller couldn't indict him before his investigation even started.
So did Mueller (if you want to play that game). What was the point of Mueller's inquisition, then?
To find evidence, then send it to Congress. You do know that is one of Congress's Constitutional duties right? To make sure the President doesn't act like a king, a dictator, and a criminal.
You just go get fuc........nevermind.

Grow up boy. You

If you see a boy, do what you do best.

Spank it like I do you everytime you respond?

Yer an angry lil nuthin....boy

Nobody has to do that when you're around.

I repeat...yer a nuthin. A comical ignorant clown. Ill informed and angry you lost.

Work on that entitlement thingy. Nobody owes ya a damn thing

Get back on your knees or back, instead of running that DS.
Grow up boy. You

If you see a boy, do what you do best.

Spank it like I do you everytime you respond?

Yer an angry lil nuthin....boy

Nobody has to do that when you're around.

I repeat...yer a nuthin. A comical ignorant clown. Ill informed and angry you lost.

Work on that entitlement thingy. Nobody owes ya a damn thing
In the mean time, your illegal president was exposed to Congress for the very crimes he was suspected of committing. Eleven obstruction charges go to Congress and the unethical, immoral, collusion with Russia was proven. And let's not forget the unsealed indictments about campaign finance violations after doofus is gone.

By the way, no one owes you shit either.


maybe yours did. stop pretending your country is what everyone should have and lets get back to making a country for everyone.

even you.

That coming from a Trump Humper is a flat out joke, you don't want America for everyone. Remember the Trump Humpers slogan. MAWA.
well you seem to think that since i disagree with you, i'm a "trump humper" and honestly, that's about the most intellectually lazy asinine shit you can come back with? slide me to an extreme and pretend what i am saying is a lie?

i *do* want an america for everyone. we've had it before. it wasn't until liberals started doing all the PC shit that we started fragmenting. you want it YOUR way and everyone should realize the greatness that you behold.

yea, not going to happen.

now if you're going to only talk in stereotypes, just let me know and i'll slide you to ignore. i got no time for children who just want to scream and scream.

Oh you must be talking about the Good Ole Days before 1964. Yea that was when America was great and for everyone. When you could call black folks the Nword and all your buddies would laugh and all black folks could was get pissed off about it. Slide me to ignore, because this bullshit you are posting isn't really worth even replying to.
We werent alive in 64 you fucking moron. What are you whining about now?

I was alive in 64 fucking moron, as well as alot of other folks still living today.
Old racist like you are the problem then. When youre dead, things will get better.
Negative! The people Mueller wanted to interview never testified.
Like which "people?" McGahn, Jared Kushner?

Mueller ended his collusion investigation. He would not have ended it if some key witness that could blow the lid off was refusing to testify.

It's really silly to still be hoping for Russian collusion. This entire investigation was based upon lies, innuendo, false assumptions, and probably politically motivated abuses of power to take out Trump, by a cabal of a select few Obama administration personnel. There never was any there, there.

Mueller had access to all the counter-intel documentation, and all the information gathered by all the FISA surveillance. The first few months of the Mueller investigation, they would have poured thru all of this. We already know what they found - nothing, no collusion.

How do we know there was no collusion found during the counter-intel investigation? Because there were no charges of collusion brought to anyone in the final special counsel report. Which means, there was never any justification for Comey to advance the intel investigation past the preliminary stage. No justification for FISA. Which is why AG Barr and the DOJ OIG are investigating all of this now.
Grow up boy. You

If you see a boy, do what you do best.

Spank it like I do you everytime you respond?

Yer an angry lil nuthin....boy

Nobody has to do that when you're around.

I repeat...yer a nuthin. A comical ignorant clown. Ill informed and angry you lost.

Work on that entitlement thingy. Nobody owes ya a damn thing

Get back on your knees or back, instead of running that DS.

Yer a nuthin...learn it.
The bad news is for the country, the country lost in Nov 2016.
maybe yours did. stop pretending your country is what everyone should have and lets get back to making a country for everyone.

even you.

That coming from a Trump Humper is a flat out joke, you don't want America for everyone. Remember the Trump Humpers slogan. MAWA.

Oh boo fucking hoo. Get the fuck over it

You just go get fuc........nevermind.

Grow up boy. You
"Grow up?" You have an illegal president, and you want people to "grow up?" Are you out of your mind? We are dealing with a criminal, and a party that has self imploded on criminality. Change impeachment to 'criminal activity': Donny Deutsch

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Negative! The people Mueller wanted to interview never testified.
Like which "people?" McGahn, Jared Kushner?

Mueller ended his collusion investigation. He would not have ended it if some key witness that could blow the lid off was refusing to testify.

It's really silly to still be hoping for Russian collusion. This entire investigation was based upon lies, innuendo, false assumptions, and probably politically motivated abuses of power to take out Trump, by a cabal of a select few Obama administration personnel. There never was any there, there.

Mueller had access to all the counter-intel documentation, and all the information gathered by all the FISA surveillance. The first few months of the Mueller investigation, they would have poured thru all of this. We already know what they found - nothing, no collusion.

How do we know there was no collusion found during the counter-intel investigation? Because there were no charges of collusion brought to anyone in the final special counsel report. Which means, there was never any justification for Comey to advance the intel investigation past the preliminary stage. No justification for FISA. Which is why AG Barr and the DOJ OIG are investigating all of this now.
Trump, to answer your question. The coward wouldn't testify, because there were too many lies for him to hide. And while you hide behind Trump, it amazes me that folks like you can look at yourself in the mirror every day and call yourself an American. Supporting a criminal and a traitor? Seriously? Where is your self respect?
If you see a boy, do what you do best.

Spank it like I do you everytime you respond?

Yer an angry lil nuthin....boy

Nobody has to do that when you're around.

I repeat...yer a nuthin. A comical ignorant clown. Ill informed and angry you lost.

Work on that entitlement thingy. Nobody owes ya a damn thing
In the mean time, your illegal president was exposed to Congress for the very crimes he was suspected of committing. Eleven obstruction charges go to Congress and the unethical, immoral, collusion with Russia was proven. And let's not forget the unsealed indictments about campaign finance violations after doofus is gone.

By the way, no one owes you shit either.


If it was wrong, then debate it. Don't post up retarded videos. It just makes you look retarded.
That coming from a Trump Humper is a flat out joke, you don't want America for everyone. Remember the Trump Humpers slogan. MAWA.
well you seem to think that since i disagree with you, i'm a "trump humper" and honestly, that's about the most intellectually lazy asinine shit you can come back with? slide me to an extreme and pretend what i am saying is a lie?

i *do* want an america for everyone. we've had it before. it wasn't until liberals started doing all the PC shit that we started fragmenting. you want it YOUR way and everyone should realize the greatness that you behold.

yea, not going to happen.

now if you're going to only talk in stereotypes, just let me know and i'll slide you to ignore. i got no time for children who just want to scream and scream.

Oh you must be talking about the Good Ole Days before 1964. Yea that was when America was great and for everyone. When you could call black folks the Nword and all your buddies would laugh and all black folks could was get pissed off about it. Slide me to ignore, because this bullshit you are posting isn't really worth even replying to.
We werent alive in 64 you fucking moron. What are you whining about now?

I was alive in 64 fucking moron, as well as alot of other folks still living today.
Old racist like you are the problem then. When youre dead, things will get better.
Things were even worse before he was born, then they got a little better, and now they are bad again, especially with Trump. How is his death going to change a racist being racist in Charlottesville?. They were racists before he was born, and they will be there after he is dead. You either hate or you don't. How does his death change anything?
well you seem to think that since i disagree with you, i'm a "trump humper" and honestly, that's about the most intellectually lazy asinine shit you can come back with? slide me to an extreme and pretend what i am saying is a lie?

i *do* want an america for everyone. we've had it before. it wasn't until liberals started doing all the PC shit that we started fragmenting. you want it YOUR way and everyone should realize the greatness that you behold.

yea, not going to happen.

now if you're going to only talk in stereotypes, just let me know and i'll slide you to ignore. i got no time for children who just want to scream and scream.

Oh you must be talking about the Good Ole Days before 1964. Yea that was when America was great and for everyone. When you could call black folks the Nword and all your buddies would laugh and all black folks could was get pissed off about it. Slide me to ignore, because this bullshit you are posting isn't really worth even replying to.
We werent alive in 64 you fucking moron. What are you whining about now?

I was alive in 64 fucking moron, as well as alot of other folks still living today.
Old racist like you are the problem then. When youre dead, things will get better.
Things were even worse before he was born, then they got a little better, and now they are bad again, especially with Trump. How is his death going to change a racist being racist in Charlottesville?. They were racists before he was born, and they will be there after he is dead. You either hate or you don't. How does his death change anything?
Old racists need to die.
Oh you must be talking about the Good Ole Days before 1964. Yea that was when America was great and for everyone. When you could call black folks the Nword and all your buddies would laugh and all black folks could was get pissed off about it. Slide me to ignore, because this bullshit you are posting isn't really worth even replying to.
We werent alive in 64 you fucking moron. What are you whining about now?

I was alive in 64 fucking moron, as well as alot of other folks still living today.
Old racist like you are the problem then. When youre dead, things will get better.
Things were even worse before he was born, then they got a little better, and now they are bad again, especially with Trump. How is his death going to change a racist being racist in Charlottesville?. They were racists before he was born, and they will be there after he is dead. You either hate or you don't. How does his death change anything?
Old racists need to die.
Hate is a behavior that is controlled or not controlled. Without that, racism never dies.
Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law
At a hastily arranged Wednesday press conference, Special Counsel Robert Mueller proved that he was never interested in justice or the rule of law.

Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Lawless Political Hit Job
May 29, 2019 ~ By Sean Davis
If there were any doubts about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s political intentions, his unprecedented press conference on Wednesday should put them all to rest. As he made abundantly clear during his doddering reading of a prepared statement that repeatedly contradicted itself, Mueller had no interest in the equal application of the rule of law. He gave the game, and his nakedly political intentions, away repeatedly throughout his statement.
“It is important that the office’s written work speak for itself,” Mueller said, referring to his office’s 448-page report. Mueller’s report was released to the public by Attorney General William Barr nearly six weeks ago. The entire report, minus limited redactions required by law, has been publicly available, pored through, and dissected. Its contents have been discussed ad nauseum in print and on television. The report has been speaking for itself since April 18, when it was released.
There’s no longer any doubt about who Robert Mueller is or why he conducted himself the way he did. As abominable as his press conference was, we should in many ways be thankful that Mueller so willingly displayed for all to see his disdain for basic rules of prosecutorial conduct, his total lack of self-awareness, and his naked desire to stick it to Trump.

Mueller's stuttering on-the-verge-of-mental-breakdown performance today would actually make one feel sorry for the gramps if it wasn't for his repeated and intentional - in the service of furthering the insane Democrat Party "Collusion" narrative - waffling about the very fundamentals of American Justice System, what he says about "exonerating" is not the standard of a prosecutor, prosecutors exist to determine whether someone committed a chargeable offense, not whether they are exonerated of charges, people are presumed innocent, and the fact that he does this proves that Dirty Robert is taking an explicitly anti-Constitutional anti-American stand,
The old hound dog faced prosecutor was nothing but the face they put on Weissman's partisan investigation. Oh yes if the PMS/DSA Dems press this, the old dog should be put before the senate Judiciary committees Republicans for intense questioning. It would be popcorn time to see Lee, and Cruz both constitutional experts cross examine this guy.
Dottering off into the sunset…not so fast Mr. Mueller we have $35 million dollars worth of questions to ask. Mueller's stuttering on-the-verge-of-mental-breakdown performance today would actually make one feel sorry for the gramps if it wasn't for his repeated and intentional - in the service of furthering the insane Democrat Party "Collusion" narrative - waffling about the very fundamentals of American Justice System, what he says about "exonerating" is not the standard of a prosecutor, prosecutors exist to determine whether someone committed a chargeable offense, not whether they are exonerated of charges, people are presumed innocent, and the fact that he does this proves that Dirty Robert is taking an explicitly anti-Constitutional anti-American stand, questions.
Innocent until proven guilty Russians, but guilty until proven guilty The President of the USA.
Mueller could not have done his investigation if Trump obstructed.
Your OP is an entire lie; Rob Reiner: Mueller report 'biggest pile of criminality'
If you see a boy, do what you do best.

Spank it like I do you everytime you respond?

Yer an angry lil nuthin....boy

Nobody has to do that when you're around.

I repeat...yer a nuthin. A comical ignorant clown. Ill informed and angry you lost.

Work on that entitlement thingy. Nobody owes ya a damn thing

Get back on your knees or back, instead of running that DS.

Yer a nuthin...learn it.

Thxs Sassy, Willie D said let a ho be a ho so.

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