Mueller Losing a Key Team Member:

One of the most prominent members of special counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating Russia's attack on the 2016 presidential election will soon leave the office and the Justice Department, two sources close to the matter tell NPR.

It is theorized that this may be a sign that the investigation is winding down.

Top Mueller Prosecutor Stepping Down In Latest Clue Russia Inquiry May Be Ending

A listing of the skins Mueller has on his wall:

Indicted: Roger Stone
Convicted: Paul Manafort
Pleaded guilty: Michael Cohen
Pleaded guilty: W. Samuel Patten
Pleaded guilty: Rick Gates
Pleaded guilty: Alex van der Zwaan
Pleaded guilty: Richard Pinedo
Pleaded guilty: Michael Flynn
Pleaded guilty: George Papadopoulos
In addition to the numerous Russian operatives.

The final report should be good.
you neglected to post what they plead guilty to.

That she did and you can bet none of it had anything to do with Trump/Russian collusion which is what the investigation was supposed to be about.

It is good that these felons were brought to justice, right bitch?

Of course. But none of that has anything to do with Russian/Trump collusion which is what the investigation was supposed to be about and some of those crimes were ten years old bitch.
There is a better than not chance we will never see the report. I am thinking Trump and Barr will not release it.
They can't possibly not tell us what the bottom line is, though, can they?
Sure "they" can.

If "they" can knock down the twin towers and have you believe it is some filthy dessert rats with box cutters and get you to believe it?

"They" can do anything.

Oh brother...a 9/11 truther trying to sit at the grownups table

Usually I respect you and you are very intelligent and non-insulting. I wouldn't expect you to present such a juvenlie throw away argument.



For the First Time Since 9/11, Federal Gov't Takes Steps to Prosecute the Use of Explosives to Destroy WTCs
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One of the most prominent members of special counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating Russia's attack on the 2016 presidential election will soon leave the office and the Justice Department, two sources close to the matter tell NPR.

It is theorized that this may be a sign that the investigation is winding down.

Top Mueller Prosecutor Stepping Down In Latest Clue Russia Inquiry May Be Ending

A listing of the skins Mueller has on his wall:

Indicted: Roger Stone
Convicted: Paul Manafort
Pleaded guilty: Michael Cohen
Pleaded guilty: W. Samuel Patten
Pleaded guilty: Rick Gates
Pleaded guilty: Alex van der Zwaan
Pleaded guilty: Richard Pinedo
Pleaded guilty: Michael Flynn
Pleaded guilty: George Papadopoulos
In addition to the numerous Russian operatives.

The final report should be good.
you neglected to post what they plead guilty to.

That she did and you can bet none of it had anything to do with Trump/Russian collusion which is what the investigation was supposed to be about.

It is good that these felons were brought to justice, right bitch?

Of course. But none of that has anything to do with Russian/Trump collusion which is what the investigation was supposed to be about and some of those crimes were ten years old bitch.
The Whitewater investigation was supposed to find out what the Clintons did illegally to enable themselves to lose 30K in a real estate deal. Do you know what he was impeached for? In other words, shut up and go sit in a corner until we need to hear another idiotic comment. We`ll ring a bell or something.
One of the most prominent members of special counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating Russia's attack on the 2016 presidential election will soon leave the office and the Justice Department, two sources close to the matter tell NPR.

It is theorized that this may be a sign that the investigation is winding down.

Top Mueller Prosecutor Stepping Down In Latest Clue Russia Inquiry May Be Ending

A listing of the skins Mueller has on his wall:

Indicted: Roger Stone
Convicted: Paul Manafort
Pleaded guilty: Michael Cohen
Pleaded guilty: W. Samuel Patten
Pleaded guilty: Rick Gates
Pleaded guilty: Alex van der Zwaan
Pleaded guilty: Richard Pinedo
Pleaded guilty: Michael Flynn
Pleaded guilty: George Papadopoulos
In addition to the numerous Russian operatives.

The final report should be good.
nothing related to Trump. why?
One of the most prominent members of special counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating Russia's attack on the 2016 presidential election will soon leave the office and the Justice Department, two sources close to the matter tell NPR.

It is theorized that this may be a sign that the investigation is winding down.

Top Mueller Prosecutor Stepping Down In Latest Clue Russia Inquiry May Be Ending

A listing of the skins Mueller has on his wall:

Indicted: Roger Stone
Convicted: Paul Manafort
Pleaded guilty: Michael Cohen
Pleaded guilty: W. Samuel Patten
Pleaded guilty: Rick Gates
Pleaded guilty: Alex van der Zwaan
Pleaded guilty: Richard Pinedo
Pleaded guilty: Michael Flynn
Pleaded guilty: George Papadopoulos
In addition to the numerous Russian operatives.

The final report should be good.
you neglected to post what they plead guilty to.

That she did and you can bet none of it had anything to do with Trump/Russian collusion which is what the investigation was supposed to be about.

It is good that these felons were brought to justice, right bitch?

Of course. But none of that has anything to do with Russian/Trump collusion which is what the investigation was supposed to be about and some of those crimes were ten years old bitch.
The Whitewater investigation was supposed to find out what the Clintons did illegally to enable themselves to lose 30K in a real estate deal. Do you know what he was impeached for? In other words, shut up and go sit in a corner until we need to hear another idiotic comment. We`ll ring a bell or something.

Do you know what he was impeached for because I sure do. Its wasn't for a blow job or Whitewater.

Go sit in a corner until we need to hear another idiotic comment. We'll ring a bell or whistle for your stupid ass.
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Thank gawd Mewler's charade and witch hunt will soon be over

when Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Judges issue warrants for the FBI to monitor foreign spies, it's "a witch hunt" ? :cuckoo:

remember when trumptards pretended to care about foreign spies stealing intel from the U.S. State Department...

...a la "lock her up" just cuz spies MIGHT have had access to compromise the U.S. State Department..??

<<<<<insert appropriate pepperidge farm meme>>> :uhoh3:

yeah, that was right before don the con INVITED foreign spies to compromise the U.S. State Department.

followed by a systematic undermining of the U.S. State Department as BOOGEYMEN on a "witch hunt" ...

Seems like I have heard from diffrent news agencies etc. that it would be out by Tuesday, it would be out this week. Each time we seem to have the same nitwits yelling that this will take down Trump. They will hide the report. Anyone know if Mueller has paid of his house yet?
It`s not easy to end an investigation when every rock that`s turned over has more snakes under it. It could take decades to unravel the doings of the Trump family.
I guess you must know more then Mueller since he has yet to indict anyone of the Trumps. Does it hurthaving so much air between your ears?
"Nobody" knows what will be in the Mueller report. But we do know many things, and apparently the correspondents contributing to this thread are unaware, so....we DO know that:

  • The Mueller Report will be a CONFIDENTIAL report to the Attorney General. This is what the statute demands.
  • No new indictments will be announced in conjunction with the Report.
  • The Report will be nothing more than an explanation of why certain indictments were brought, and why the decision was made not to indict others, even where there may have been some indications of wrongdoing (insufficient evidence, contradictory evidence, whatever).
  • The Report will criticize the Trump campaign for various contacts with questionable persons, giving the appearance of impropriety, but confirming that no real impropriety was uncovered.
  • The Mueller Report will NOT be made public by either the AG or the people in Congress with whom it will be shared...reason being that there is no point in publicizing negative rumors or speculations where the subject has no real forum to defend himself.
  • The Leftists in Congress, while knowing all of the above, will loudly and publicly claim that the "failure" to release the full report is PROOF of WRONGDOING by the President and all his minions.
  • The Media will report those ridiculous assertions as "news," and the President will tweet his ass off in protest.
Now you know it all. Remember, you read it here first.
One of the most prominent members of special counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating Russia's attack on the 2016 presidential election will soon leave the office and the Justice Department, two sources close to the matter tell NPR.

It is theorized that this may be a sign that the investigation is winding down.

Top Mueller Prosecutor Stepping Down In Latest Clue Russia Inquiry May Be Ending

A listing of the skins Mueller has on his wall:

Indicted: Roger Stone
Convicted: Paul Manafort
Pleaded guilty: Michael Cohen
Pleaded guilty: W. Samuel Patten
Pleaded guilty: Rick Gates
Pleaded guilty: Alex van der Zwaan
Pleaded guilty: Richard Pinedo
Pleaded guilty: Michael Flynn
Pleaded guilty: George Papadopoulos
In addition to the numerous Russian operatives.

The final report should be good.
nothing related to Trump. why?
Except He hired all of them.

It’s a good thing these felons have been brought to justice, right?
Deep State Leader Weissmann Steps Down from Mueller Probe -- Two Days Before AG Barr's Report on Weissmann Is Due Out ...Update: Pushed Out by Barr?

The democrat party is now toast and New York leaders will be locked up for murdering us citizens with their abortion

You got a time frame on that? You're full of shit, but I want to give you ample time for your goofy claim to come true before I remind you that you're full of shit.

The dominoes are falling to make this certain result

The rats are running and hiding

The dam is breaking

The murdering of us citizens will have New York leaders all locked up.

The real jury is the men and the men has judged this to be true

So the democrats and RINOS will now be destroyed
Deep State Leader Weissmann Steps Down from Mueller Probe -- Two Days Before AG Barr's Report on Weissmann Is Due Out ...Update: Pushed Out by Barr?

The democrat party is now toast and New York leaders will be locked up for murdering us citizens with their abortion

You got a time frame on that? You're full of shit, but I want to give you ample time for your goofy claim to come true before I remind you that you're full of shit.

History repeats because of universal laws

Now the crooks will be chased and locked up
Deep State Leader Weissmann Steps Down from Mueller Probe -- Two Days Before AG Barr's Report on Weissmann Is Due Out ...Update: Pushed Out by Barr?

The democrat party is now toast and New York leaders will be locked up for murdering us citizens with their abortion

You got a time frame on that? You're full of shit, but I want to give you ample time for your goofy claim to come true before I remind you that you're full of shit.

History repeats because of universal laws

Now the crooks will be chased and locked up

if you knew anything about history you would know that the crooks in the government never get locked up.
The dominoes are falling to make this certain result

The rats are running and hiding

The dam is breaking

The murdering of us citizens will have New York leaders all locked up.

The real jury is the men and the men has judged this to be true

So the democrats and RINOS will now be destroyed

Is that what your russian handlers are saying this week?
Deep State Leader Weissmann Steps Down from Mueller Probe -- Two Days Before AG Barr's Report on Weissmann Is Due Out ...Update: Pushed Out by Barr?

The democrat party is now toast and New York leaders will be locked up for murdering us citizens with their abortion

You got a time frame on that? You're full of shit, but I want to give you ample time for your goofy claim to come true before I remind you that you're full of shit.

The dominoes are falling to make this certain result

The rats are running and hiding

The dam is breaking

The murdering of us citizens will have New York leaders all locked up.

The real jury is the men and the men has judged this to be true

So the democrats and RINOS will now be destroyed
"The real jury is the men and the men has judged this to be true"

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