Mueller report: Expect immediate 7-10% boost in Trump’s approval

Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

So you are saying that 7% - 10% of Americans were not voting Trump because they solely because they taught he was guilty of conspiring with Russians....

I hope you understand so far we know there isn't enough evidence, that does mean he is innocent. You know it is the guy who Trump appointed a few weeks ago who is making the decision... I say it will do hell all to the polls, Trump acts like and ass and Mueller can't help him on that...
. . . yeah, but that's the new American paradigm.

Americans have always known there politicians were jokes. It's just, now, the public is no longer having the pretense of hiding it. Hell, on the other side, you have AOC. It's the new trend!

Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.
Some times (most times) Trump is his own worst enemy
I just checked and debt still increasing rapidly. He gets no more approval from me.
52 percent of the public will never approve of Trump

At best, Trump could see a 3 percent jump

Don't need 52% of the public, only 270 electoral votes-)
Very true

Let’s see if Trump can take Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin again

Honestly Winger, I don't think he can. But I do think that the Democrats are helping him along, so in essence...….he might NOT be able to take them, but the Democrats could wrap them up in a nice package with a bow, and hand them to him.
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

The fact that Trump didn't knowlingly collude with Russian doesn't change his performance since being President. In many ways, it makes his behaviour look much, much worse. Why lie, if you've done nothing wrong? The fact that he has carried on like a loon over the Mueller Investigation makes him look ridiculous.

This exposes Trump as a coward and a total snowflake. "They're picking on me. It's so unfair." Instead of "Russia interfered in our elections and we needs to get to the bottom of this". Trump didn't care what it did to the country, he only cared about himself. That hasn't changed. And he labelled an investigation into the most egregious interference by a foreign power into an American election a "witch hunt", when he should be doing more to prevent it from happening again in the future.

But the real reason Trump's approval rating won't go up is because his approval rating is based on his actions and his policies as President. Policies like separating families. Like his trade war with China. His hate speech against non-whites and non-Christians is an embarassment to the majority of the American people. As is his treatment of others.

He cannot get staff to work for him. He publically abuses and humiliates those who give him the honor of accepting his job offers. And he coddles toadies and "yes men", emphasis on "men" because none of the advisors he listens to are women.

This past week, flooding in the mid-West, washed away and destroyed the crops farmers couldn't sell last year because of Trump's trade war, further undermining and undercutting mid-Western farmers who trusted Trump when he started his trade war with China, and for whom taking government handouts into the billions and billions of dollars will now be their only salvation, and no end in sight to this trade war.

Trump celebrating his "victory", while working Americans, farmers, and the middle class have little to celebrate because of his policies, won't go over well.
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

You don't think America will click onto Fox News and see who all was charged/confessed/convicted by the probe?

Who's been charged by Mueller in the Russia probe so far?

I dunno if 'merica will either lol.
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

The fact that Trump didn't knowlingly collude with Russian doesn't change his performance since being President. In many ways, it makes his behaviour look much, much worse. Why lie, if you've done nothing wrong? The fact that he has carried on like a loon over the Mueller Investigation makes him look ridiculous.

This exposes Trump as a coward and a total snowflake. "They're picking on me. It's so unfair." Instead of "Russia interfered in our elections and we needs to get to the bottom of this". Trump didn't care what it did to the country, he only cared about himself. That hasn't changed. And he labelled an investigation into the most egregious interference by a foreign power into an American election a "witch hunt", when he should be doing more to prevent it from happening again in the future.

But the real reason Trump's approval rating won't go up is because his approval rating is based on his actions and his policies as President. Policies like separating families. Like his trade war with China. His hate speech against non-whites and non-Christians is an embarassment to the majority of the American people. As is his treatment of others.

He cannot get staff to work for him. He publically abuses and humiliates those who give him the honor of accepting his job offers. And he coddles toadies and "yes men", emphasis on "men" because none of the advisors he listens to are women.

This past week, flooding in the mid-West, washed away and destroyed the crops farmers couldn't sell last year because of Trump's trade war, further undermining and undercutting mid-Western farmers who trusted Trump when he started his trade war with China, and for whom taking government handouts into the billions and billions of dollars will now be their only salvation, and no end in sight to this trade war.

Trump celebrating his "victory", while working Americans, farmers, and the middle class have little to celebrate because of his policies, won't go over well.
So, now being exonerated of colluding with Russia is WORSE than if he were guilty....

Do you honestly wonder why some think the dems have gone crazy?
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

So if you trust Mueller on no conspiracy why not trust him he could not exonerating Trump on obstruction??

So, you are suggesting that the Trump Administration obstructed an investigation into a crime that was never committed? Interesting, and laughable, but carry on-)
It is possible that a prosecutor couldn’t find evidence of a crime because the investigation was obstructed.
Don't you think a 'smart man' like Muller, who even has his own line of prayer candles, he's so fucking 'Holy' wouldn't be able to spot enough 'obstruction' to be able to charge Trump?
Any luck selling all those 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T shirts hiding under your bed yet?
How about all those hoodies with Trayvon Martin's photo from when he was ten years old screen printed on them?
Face it pal. You reflectively take the side of fucking LOSERS! Makes perfect sense though.
Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.

The left is letting this go. It is what it is, move on. You idiots are still going after the Clintons. 25 years and nothing, but Trump made threats again this morning.
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

So if you trust Mueller on no conspiracy why not trust him he could not exonerating Trump on obstruction??

So, you are suggesting that the Trump Administration obstructed an investigation into a crime that was never committed? Interesting, and laughable, but carry on-)
It is possible that a prosecutor couldn’t find evidence of a crime because the investigation was obstructed.
Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.

The left is letting this go. It is what it is, move on. You idiots are still going after the Clintons. 25 years and nothing, but Trump made threats again this morning.
You will be 'going after' Trump 25 years from now.
Get your fucking head examined!
Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.

The left is letting this go. It is what it is, move on. You idiots are still going after the Clintons. 25 years and nothing, but Trump made threats again this morning.

No, no! We have to find out EXACTLY how this happened, so it can never happen again!

Gee, your story has sure changed, lol. Now you want to hold hands and sing Kumbaya! Sure thing, as soon as we bring the hoaxers to justice-)
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

So if you trust Mueller on no conspiracy why not trust him he could not exonerating Trump on obstruction??

So, you are suggesting that the Trump Administration obstructed an investigation into a crime that was never committed? Interesting, and laughable, but carry on-)
It is possible that a prosecutor couldn’t find evidence of a crime because the investigation was obstructed.
View attachment 252123

Trump is already named as an "unindicted co-conspirator" in cases in the Southern District of New York, and there's investigations into every aspect of his businesses and finances going back years. There are 16 other active and ongoing investigations. And and half dozen co-operating witnesses from the Mueller Investigation, with evidence of Trump's criminal business activities BEFORE the election, and his ongoing pay for play schemes, influence peddaling, and emoluments since the election.

From the beginning, Trump was asked to trust the process and he didn't. When Comey advised Trump of the existence of the Dossier, Trump saw this as J. Edgar Hoover and his shakedown of generations of Presidents with his private "files", not as his FBI Director warning him of a report which was circulating and which may become public at some point.

But the thing that will provide left wing conspiracy theorists with decades of "Dale Smith-like" tales, is that Trump and his associates had these co-ordinated lies about their contacts with Russians. Why? And why was Paul Manafort giving voter data to Constantin Killimnik?

There are a lot of questions that really NEED to be anwered, and had Trump not acted like this was all about him, and the Dermocrats losing, some of those questions might have been answered in Comey's original Russia Investigation. So basically this whole $40 million dollar expense could have been spared, if Trump hadn't freaked out about the Dossier and fire Jim Comey.
Trump is already named as an "unindicted co-conspirator" in cases in the Southern District of New York, and there's investigations into every aspect of his businesses and finances going back years. There are 16 other active and ongoing investigations. And and half dozen co-operating witnesses from the Mueller Investigation, with evidence of Trump's criminal business activities BEFORE the election, and his ongoing pay for play schemes, influence peddaling, and emoluments since the election.

From the beginning, Trump was asked to trust the process and he didn't. When Comey advised Trump of the existence of the Dossier, Trump saw this as J. Edgar Hoover and his shakedown of generations of Presidents with his private "files", not as his FBI Director warning him of a report which was circulating and which may become public at some point.

But the thing that will provide left wing conspiracy theorists with decades of "Dale Smith-like" tales, is that Trump and his associates had these co-ordinated lies about their contacts with Russians. Why? And why was Paul Manafort giving voter data to Constantin Killimnik?

There are a lot of questions that really NEED to be anwered, and had Trump not acted like this was all about him, and the Dermocrats losing, some of those questions might have been answered in Comey's original Russia Investigation. So basically this whole $40 million dollar expense could have been spared, if Trump hadn't freaked out about the Dossier and fire Jim Comey.
There are a lot of questions that really NEED to be anwered, and had Trump not acted like this was all about him, and the Dermocrats losing, some of those questions might have been answered in Comey's original Russia Investigation. So basically this whole $40 million dollar expense could have been spared, if Trump hadn't freaked out about the Dossier and fire Jim Comey.

You're going to see questions asked about the dossier and Comey when the IG report comes out soon.
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

So if you trust Mueller on no conspiracy why not trust him he could not exonerating Trump on obstruction??

So, you are suggesting that the Trump Administration obstructed an investigation into a crime that was never committed? Interesting, and laughable, but carry on-)
It is possible that a prosecutor couldn’t find evidence of a crime because the investigation was obstructed.
View attachment 252123

Trump is already named as an "unindicted co-conspirator" in cases in the Southern District of New York, and there's investigations into every aspect of his businesses and finances going back years. There are 16 other active and ongoing investigations. And and half dozen co-operating witnesses from the Mueller Investigation, with evidence of Trump's criminal business activities BEFORE the election, and his ongoing pay for play schemes, influence peddaling, and emoluments since the election.

From the beginning, Trump was asked to trust the process and he didn't. When Comey advised Trump of the existence of the Dossier, Trump saw this as J. Edgar Hoover and his shakedown of generations of Presidents with his private "files", not as his FBI Director warning him of a report which was circulating and which may become public at some point.

But the thing that will provide left wing conspiracy theorists with decades of "Dale Smith-like" tales, is that Trump and his associates had these co-ordinated lies about their contacts with Russians. Why? And why was Paul Manafort giving voter data to Constantin Killimnik?

There are a lot of questions that really NEED to be anwered, and had Trump not acted like this was all about him, and the Dermocrats losing, some of those questions might have been answered in Comey's original Russia Investigation. So basically this whole $40 million dollar expense could have been spared, if Trump hadn't freaked out about the Dossier and fire Jim Comey.

You listen to MSNBC and CNN to much, you really do. If you read what prosecutors and lawyers say, including Dershowitz, you know your stupidity is just because you WANT to believe it, and regurgitate it cause it feels good to you! Donald Trump is not an unindicted coconspirator - The Boston Globe

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