Mueller report: Expect immediate 7-10% boost in Trump’s approval

Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

So if you trust Mueller on no conspiracy why not trust him he could not exonerating Trump on obstruction??
I think Mueller had the throw a bone to the liberals to keep this going.....and you people just lap it up.

How is possible to obstruct justice against a stacked deck.
Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.

The left is letting this go. It is what it is, move on. You idiots are still going after the Clintons. 25 years and nothing, but Trump made threats again this morning.

When do they let it go? So far it hasn't happened.

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