Mueller report: Expect immediate 7-10% boost in Trump’s approval

Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.
Some times (most times) Trump is his own worst enemy
Oh he most certainly can be. I wish someone would make him a fake Twitter to no where...but the left is even more their own worst enemy. This was such an incredibly short sighted play to cry foul with such extreme conviction, and all they had was a to go on was a dossier they knew was bogus from the get go. Any independent or on the fence voter sees this, and is saying “WTF, there was no collusion and this all really was a witch hunt?” Y’all just turned the orange man into a victim. This just justified all of his previous jackassery, not only that, you also handed him a loaded gun going into 2020.

I honestly thought surely the left cannot be this stupid and call for this investigation based on nothing but a dossier they knew was bogus. They must’ve known something, even though it might be murky collusion wise, and even inconsequential. At least something to rally the troops with against trump. But he was completely exonerated. I recently learned about the law of institutions that basically states people in institutions will act in their own interest against the interest of the institutions, even though those actions appear to be bat shit crazy from an outside observer. That’s exactly what’s happening with the left now. This investigation brought in a bunch a viewers, readers, crowds, and applause from the ideological base...but is probably going to lead to another 4 years of trump. All y’all had to do was not be as crazy as trump. Instead y’all are embracing AOC, who the right looovves because normal people know she’s crazy, who brings in the blindly ideological crowds...but scares away anyone not that...which is a lot of independent that might’ve voted democratic, but will probably stay home
Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.

The left is letting this go. It is what it is, move on. You idiots are still going after the Clintons. 25 years and nothing, but Trump made threats again this morning.
You will be 'going after' Trump 25 years from now.
Get your fucking head examined!

First off, Trump is no tiger. Trump is a frightened old man who just spent $40 million dollars of taxpayers' money to fire the Director of the FBI because he thought Comey was "out to get him". And then proceeded to block, lie, obfuscate and generally act guilty as hell at every turn. That's no tiger. That's an idiot.

Secondly, so far as being "unleashed", Trump has lost Congress, and for all intents and purposes the Senate because McConnell can no longer control his caucus or get them to vote for Trump's poisonous policies any longer, so we finally have leashed this President.

The vast majority of the American people continue to oppose this President's agenda, and that opposition grows daily. The Democrats didn't win the House because of the Mueller Investigation, they won the House because of health care, which Trump wants to cut, because 4 million Americans have lost health care insurance under this President, and because trade wars are harming jobs in America, and farmers are now being bankrupted, in part, because they trusted Trump and his trade war. Crops that didn't sell because of the China boycott, which farmers had stored, were just destroyed in the flooding. Now they have nothing to sell, even if they had markets. If not for trusting in Trump, those crops would have been money in the bank by now.

Trump has done nothing about the opioid crisis or the violence and deaths surrounding it, other than to blame the southern border. No restraints have been put on Big Pharma who have addicted 24 million Americans to their poison. Rural American has become increasingly more violent and crime is rising as the effects of a generation of joblessness and poverty are destroying the social fabric of once-safe communities, and thousands continue to die every month. Grandparents are raising their grandchildren as opioids kills their children, and their grandchildren are orphaned, just as crack did for a generation of inner city black kids years ago.

Trump has ignored real America's problems while he focused on the Southern Border.
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

So if you trust Mueller on no conspiracy why not trust him he could not exonerating Trump on obstruction??

So, you are suggesting that the Trump Administration obstructed an investigation into a crime that was never committed? Interesting, and laughable, but carry on-)
It is possible that a prosecutor couldn’t find evidence of a crime because the investigation was obstructed.

500 witnesses? Truckloads of documents? How can you possibly think any obstruction occurred when no crime was committed?
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Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.

The left is letting this go. It is what it is, move on. You idiots are still going after the Clintons. 25 years and nothing, but Trump made threats again this morning.
You will be 'going after' Trump 25 years from now.
Get your fucking head examined!

First off, Trump is no tiger. Trump is a frightened old man who just spent $40 million dollars of taxpayers' money to fire the Director of the FBI because he thought Comey was "out to get him". And then proceeded to block, lie, obfuscate and generally act guilty as hell at every turn. That's no tiger. That's an idiot.

Secondly, so far as being "unleashed", Trump has lost Congress, and for all intents and purposes the Senate because McConnell can no longer control his caucus or get them to vote for Trump's poisonous policies any longer, so we finally have leashed this President.

The vast majority of the American people continue to oppose this President's agenda, and that opposition grows daily. The Democrats didn't win the House because of the Mueller Investigation, they won the House because of health care, which Trump wants to cut, because 4 million Americans have lost health care insurance under this President, and because trade wars are harming jobs in America, and farmers are now being bankrupted, in part, because they trusted Trump and his trade war. Crops that didn't sell because of the China boycott, which farmers had stored, were just destroyed in the flooding. Now they have nothing to sell, even if they had markets. If not for trusting in Trump, those crops would have been money in the bank by now.

Trump has done nothing about the opioid crisis or the violence and deaths surrounding it, other than to blame the southern border. No restraints have been put on Big Pharma who have addicted 24 million Americans to their poison. Rural American has become increasingly more violent and crime is rising as the effects of a generation of joblessness and poverty are destroying the social fabric of once-safe communities, and thousands continue to die every month. Grandparents are raising their grandchildren as opioids kills their children, and their grandchildren are orphaned, just as crack did for a generation of inner city black kids years ago.

Trump has ignored real America's problems while he focused on the Southern Border.

Cryin' Chuckie Schumer wanted Comey fired long before Trump actually did it. Did you forget that little tidbit?

Of course you didn't! Your liberalism won't allow you to admit you are wrong!
Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.

The left is letting this go. It is what it is, move on. You idiots are still going after the Clintons. 25 years and nothing, but Trump made threats again this morning.
You will be 'going after' Trump 25 years from now.
Get your fucking head examined!

First off, Trump is no tiger. Trump is a frightened old man who just spent $40 million dollars of taxpayers' money to fire the Director of the FBI because he thought Comey was "out to get him". And then proceeded to block, lie, obfuscate and generally act guilty as hell at every turn. That's no tiger. That's an idiot.

Secondly, so far as being "unleashed", Trump has lost Congress, and for all intents and purposes the Senate because McConnell can no longer control his caucus or get them to vote for Trump's poisonous policies any longer, so we finally have leashed this President.

The vast majority of the American people continue to oppose this President's agenda, and that opposition grows daily. The Democrats didn't win the House because of the Mueller Investigation, they won the House because of health care, which Trump wants to cut, because 4 million Americans have lost health care insurance under this President, and because trade wars are harming jobs in America, and farmers are now being bankrupted, in part, because they trusted Trump and his trade war. Crops that didn't sell because of the China boycott, which farmers had stored, were just destroyed in the flooding. Now they have nothing to sell, even if they had markets. If not for trusting in Trump, those crops would have been money in the bank by now.

Trump has done nothing about the opioid crisis or the violence and deaths surrounding it, other than to blame the southern border. No restraints have been put on Big Pharma who have addicted 24 million Americans to their poison. Rural American has become increasingly more violent and crime is rising as the effects of a generation of joblessness and poverty are destroying the social fabric of once-safe communities, and thousands continue to die every month. Grandparents are raising their grandchildren as opioids kills their children, and their grandchildren are orphaned, just as crack did for a generation of inner city black kids years ago.

Trump has ignored real America's problems while he focused on the Southern Border.

He has done nothing regarding the opioid crisis?

"President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed a package of bills to confront the nation’s opioid epidemic, following bipartisan approval for the measures in the House and Senate."

Trump just signed a bipartisan bill to confront the opioid epidemic

Why are you a lying sack of shit?
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

The fact that Trump didn't knowlingly collude with Russian doesn't change his performance since being President. In many ways, it makes his behaviour look much, much worse. Why lie, if you've done nothing wrong? The fact that he has carried on like a loon over the Mueller Investigation makes him look ridiculous.

This exposes Trump as a coward and a total snowflake. "They're picking on me. It's so unfair." Instead of "Russia interfered in our elections and we needs to get to the bottom of this". Trump didn't care what it did to the country, he only cared about himself. That hasn't changed. And he labelled an investigation into the most egregious interference by a foreign power into an American election a "witch hunt", when he should be doing more to prevent it from happening again in the future.

But the real reason Trump's approval rating won't go up is because his approval rating is based on his actions and his policies as President. Policies like separating families. Like his trade war with China. His hate speech against non-whites and non-Christians is an embarassment to the majority of the American people. As is his treatment of others.

He cannot get staff to work for him. He publically abuses and humiliates those who give him the honor of accepting his job offers. And he coddles toadies and "yes men", emphasis on "men" because none of the advisors he listens to are women.

This past week, flooding in the mid-West, washed away and destroyed the crops farmers couldn't sell last year because of Trump's trade war, further undermining and undercutting mid-Western farmers who trusted Trump when he started his trade war with China, and for whom taking government handouts into the billions and billions of dollars will now be their only salvation, and no end in sight to this trade war.

Trump celebrating his "victory", while working Americans, farmers, and the middle class have little to celebrate because of his policies, won't go over well.

You truly are a complete and utter idiot!

The crops haven't even been planted yet!

Go back to school and learn something rather than wasting your life proving you are a moron!
Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.

The left is letting this go. It is what it is, move on. You idiots are still going after the Clintons. 25 years and nothing, but Trump made threats again this morning.

Letting it go? Can you read or watch the media circus going on with the leftists moving the goalposts AGAIN?

There is stupid and yet you take it to a whole new level!
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

So if you trust Mueller on no conspiracy why not trust him he could not exonerating Trump on obstruction??

So, you are suggesting that the Trump Administration obstructed an investigation into a crime that was never committed? Interesting, and laughable, but carry on-)
It is possible that a prosecutor couldn’t find evidence of a crime because the investigation was obstructed.
So who obstructed him in this pipe dream? Was it the DOJ, the FBI, the Democrates that were part of the investigation? Maybe it was te new AG Barr. Oh of course I know now it was Mueller somehow being to stupid to not only know when someone was obstructing his investigation but was too stupid to know he was doing it to himself.
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

So if you trust Mueller on no conspiracy why not trust him he could not exonerating Trump on obstruction??

So, you are suggesting that the Trump Administration obstructed an investigation into a crime that was never committed? Interesting, and laughable, but carry on-)
It is possible that a prosecutor couldn’t find evidence of a crime because the investigation was obstructed.

500 witnesses? Truckloads of documents? How can you possibly think any obstruction occurred when no crime wqaas committed?

That is the million dollar question that Leftists run from.

Who obstructs an investigation, into a crime that didn't happen? By logic, you WANT the investigation to move asap, so as you are exonerated quickly, lol.

The Left is so full of spin, it is ridiculous. You have to suspend logic and thinking processes, to have it make any sense whatsoever!
It’s time for Trump to apologize to Robert Mueller and the FBI. And tell the American public whether he still believes Russia over US Intel agencies. And if he still believes Russia over Americans, he needs to tell us why.

This reminds me of “if it doesn’t fit you should aquit”.
It’s time for Trump to apologize to Robert Mueller and the FBI. And tell the American public whether he still believes Russia over US Intel agencies. And if he still believes Russia over Americans, he needs to tell us why.

This reminds me of “if it doesn’t fit you should aquit”.
And yet I see none of the left apologizing to him. Has Comey apologized? Has Clinton apologized? Have any of the celebrities apologized? I could continue on. My point is you loon is you want someone to apologize for defending themselves but you want to give those who attacked a pass.

Kind of like having someone shoot at you, you take the gun away and you expect somone to apologize for taking your gun away.
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

The fact that Trump didn't knowlingly collude with Russian doesn't change his performance since being President. In many ways, it makes his behaviour look much, much worse. Why lie, if you've done nothing wrong? The fact that he has carried on like a loon over the Mueller Investigation makes him look ridiculous.

This exposes Trump as a coward and a total snowflake. "They're picking on me. It's so unfair." Instead of "Russia interfered in our elections and we needs to get to the bottom of this". Trump didn't care what it did to the country, he only cared about himself. That hasn't changed. And he labelled an investigation into the most egregious interference by a foreign power into an American election a "witch hunt", when he should be doing more to prevent it from happening again in the future.

But the real reason Trump's approval rating won't go up is because his approval rating is based on his actions and his policies as President. Policies like separating families. Like his trade war with China. His hate speech against non-whites and non-Christians is an embarassment to the majority of the American people. As is his treatment of others.

He cannot get staff to work for him. He publically abuses and humiliates those who give him the honor of accepting his job offers. And he coddles toadies and "yes men", emphasis on "men" because none of the advisors he listens to are women.

This past week, flooding in the mid-West, washed away and destroyed the crops farmers couldn't sell last year because of Trump's trade war, further undermining and undercutting mid-Western farmers who trusted Trump when he started his trade war with China, and for whom taking government handouts into the billions and billions of dollars will now be their only salvation, and no end in sight to this trade war.

Trump celebrating his "victory", while working Americans, farmers, and the middle class have little to celebrate because of his policies, won't go over well.

Says the foreign troll with a political agenda. Keep the lies going, it's about all you have. You sure try to use social media to keep your prey in line.
It’s time for Trump to apologize to Robert Mueller and the FBI. And tell the American public whether he still believes Russia over US Intel agencies. And if he still believes Russia over Americans, he needs to tell us why.

This reminds me of “if it doesn’t fit you should aquit”.

I was all for the Mueller investigation, but it is over and you nuts need to get over it, from here on out, your crying is going to look as silly as the right nuts attacking Clinton on Benghazi after that investigation closed.

FYI: No big deal to me just to let you know acquit is the way you spell acquit.
The silver lining is CNN/MSNBC/WAPO/NYT has handed the 2020 election to President Trump.
Many thanks!
Think how much classroom supplies 25 million bucks could have bought.
Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.

The left is letting this go. It is what it is, move on. You idiots are still going after the Clintons. 25 years and nothing, but Trump made threats again this morning.
Of course you want to let this go, y’all look like the biggest jackasses ever. Here’s the thing, you riled up the entire left wing over completely unfounded accusations of treasonous actions committed by the president, for 2 fucking years. You completely ignored the principles of our justice system specifically designed to guard us against this type of thing. You tried to convince the country the president committed high treason...this isn’t a situation you can say “whoops, our bad,” and move on from. There were many violent riots over this, and had the entire country yelling at one another. This isn’t inconsequential shit. It’s laughable that now you want to drop it right as it blows up in your face. This is terrible optics for the left and the media, and it’s not gonna go away.
Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.

The left is letting this go. It is what it is, move on. You idiots are still going after the Clintons. 25 years and nothing, but Trump made threats again this morning.
You will be 'going after' Trump 25 years from now.
Get your fucking head examined!

First off, Trump is no tiger. Trump is a frightened old man who just spent $40 million dollars of taxpayers' money to fire the Director of the FBI because he thought Comey was "out to get him". And then proceeded to block, lie, obfuscate and generally act guilty as hell at every turn. That's no tiger. That's an idiot.

Secondly, so far as being "unleashed", Trump has lost Congress, and for all intents and purposes the Senate because McConnell can no longer control his caucus or get them to vote for Trump's poisonous policies any longer, so we finally have leashed this President.

The vast majority of the American people continue to oppose this President's agenda, and that opposition grows daily. The Democrats didn't win the House because of the Mueller Investigation, they won the House because of health care, which Trump wants to cut, because 4 million Americans have lost health care insurance under this President, and because trade wars are harming jobs in America, and farmers are now being bankrupted, in part, because they trusted Trump and his trade war. Crops that didn't sell because of the China boycott, which farmers had stored, were just destroyed in the flooding. Now they have nothing to sell, even if they had markets. If not for trusting in Trump, those crops would have been money in the bank by now.

Trump has done nothing about the opioid crisis or the violence and deaths surrounding it, other than to blame the southern border. No restraints have been put on Big Pharma who have addicted 24 million Americans to their poison. Rural American has become increasingly more violent and crime is rising as the effects of a generation of joblessness and poverty are destroying the social fabric of once-safe communities, and thousands continue to die every month. Grandparents are raising their grandchildren as opioids kills their children, and their grandchildren are orphaned, just as crack did for a generation of inner city black kids years ago.

Trump has ignored real America's problems while he focused on the Southern Border.
Someone needs to look up what a metaphor is in the dictionary. Someone also needs to re-review the history of the last 2 years. The Trump Russia collusion accustations have been going on since he was elected. Way before the mueller investigation. They all stemed from a bogus dossier that everyone knew was bogus, including comey. It later came out that there was surveillance of the trump campaign that was solely based on the dossier that was known to be bogus, even though the people who ordered surveillance lied and said that they had multiple sources. Trump fires Comey because trump knows comey knows all the accustations are based on this dossier and are bogus, yet this type of collusion talk is allowed to fester. Then claims of obstruction come after that, then the mueller investigation, which again is all based on a dossier that we knew from the get go was bogus. All of this shit was solely fomented by the Democrats and the Media that carries the water for them. It was a shortsighted strategy and now they’re gonna have to reap what the sow.

Again this wasn’t an inconsequential bogus investigation either. Your post just reminded me that yes, the dems took back the house WHO ALL RAN ON BRINGING DOWN TRUMP FOR COLLUDING WITH THE RUSSIANS. Hmm maybe we should have a redo election, wonder who’d win now. Congrats, you got a short term win, but lost all credibility going into 2020.
Depends on how Trump acts in response to the report

If he acts like an ass, his numbers will stay the same
You basically starved, teased, and abused a you’re opening up its cage, you’re trying to say “hey, we’re cool right? You’re not gonna eat me face are you? That’d be morally wrong so you shouldn’t, people won’t like that.”

I haven’t laughed at so many stupid comments like this in a long time. I literally cannot put my phone down. The shamelessness of the lefts self serving advice knows no bounds.

The left is letting this go. It is what it is, move on. You idiots are still going after the Clintons. 25 years and nothing, but Trump made threats again this morning.

Letting it go? Can you read or watch the media circus going on with the leftists moving the goalposts AGAIN?

There is stupid and yet you take it to a whole new level!
They are moving the goal posts at the speed of light. It’ll work for the ideologues like dragon lady, but their credibility just took a yuuuuuge hit with independents. You can just see the Democrat enthusiasm in the suburbs evaporate. When Liz Warren did her epic self own, at least she only blew off her own feet. The titanic has just hit the iceberg, watching these guys still pretend like everything is okay makes for some good entertainment.
Sorry, I'm still of the opinion, that while Trump will be reelected, It will not be because of anything he has done that is positive. But all of the negative stuff the Ds have pulled are pulling and will pull is a gift beyond belief. Hell RW or rdean could get elected governor of TX If the Rs there were engaged in D light attack.
Trump approval in polls currently showing Trump at say, 43% will probably increase to 50-53% in the following days due to the favorable Mueller report finding no collusion
I will provide updates as the polls come out.

So if you trust Mueller on no conspiracy why not trust him he could not exonerating Trump on obstruction??
I think Mueller had to throw a bone to the liberals to keep this going.....and you people just lap it up.
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