Mueller Report Partisan Garbage

The moonbats don't care...They're the political version of Shoichi Yokoi

Shoichi Yokoi - Wikipedia

My uncle got as far as Saipan before he was wounded. I remember him saying invading mainland Japan would have gotten them all killed by knives, sharpened sticks, rocks, anything the Japanese people could get their hands on. He said Truman's A-bombs saved a million GIs.
My Dad said the same. He was a fighter pilot training for the invasion of Mainland Japan when Truman dropped the bombs.

'But the cries of vindication do not survive even the most cursory examination of the document itself.'

What Mueller Found on Russia and on Obstruction: A First Analysis

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
Did not read any of the hit-piece but heard this fact NOT mentioned......

May 16, 2018 · Fusion GPS' Glenn Simpson Dined With Russian Lawyer Before & After Her Meeting at Trump Tower ... dinner which, you know, when you work on a legal case you get invited to dinner ..

How do you leave that out?

Exactly....their entire "collusion" narrative was based on that meeting with Junior....a meeting he stayed in for maybe five minutes and left...and he proved he left by emailing a staffer that the woman and her handler had misrepresented what she was there for. The time-stamp on that email probably saved him from being charged. If they had charged the President's son, the fur would have really flown which is probably what Mueller's goons wanted to happen so they could charge the President with "obstruction".

What would they have charged Don Jr. with?

Meeting with someone isn't a crime.

Emailing Russians isn't a crime.

Talking to WikiLeaks isn't a crime.
Did not read any of the hit-piece but heard this fact NOT mentioned......

May 16, 2018 · Fusion GPS' Glenn Simpson Dined With Russian Lawyer Before & After Her Meeting at Trump Tower ... dinner which, you know, when you work on a legal case you get invited to dinner ..

How do you leave that out?

Exactly....their entire "collusion" narrative was based on that meeting with Junior....a meeting he stayed in for maybe five minutes and left...and he proved he left by emailing a staffer that the woman and her handler had misrepresented what she was there for. The time-stamp on that email probably saved him from being charged. If they had charged the President's son, the fur would have really flown which is probably what Mueller's goons wanted to happen so they could charge the President with "obstruction".

What would they have charged Don Jr. with?

Meeting with someone isn't a crime.

Emailing Russians isn't a crime.

Talking to WikiLeaks isn't a crime.
isn't a crime.
They are still trying to invent a crime. Searching for some law Trump broke in his 70 or something years. They will come up empty. The Mueller report is trash talk.
What would they have charged Don Jr. with?

Meeting with someone isn't a crime.

Emailing Russians isn't a crime.

Talking to WikiLeaks isn't a crime.

"Collusion" isn't mentioned anywhere as a crime either. But "conspiracy" is, can mean whatever the prosecutor says it means, and can convince a jury of. So by meeting with the Russian woman who claimed there was information on Clinton malfeasance, the reasoning was Junior was "conspiring" with Russians for that information. Hillary actually paid Russians for fake information on Trump if anybody is looking for a real conspiracy.....hopefully Barr will reopen that can of worms.
I don't read fiction so I haven't read the fool's collection of fables. Those I follow who have and digested what they saw are sickened by it. For instance, in over 400 pages, Fusion GPS's "dossier" is never mentioned. How is that possible? Because Mueller's intent was nothing more than a lame attempt to protect Comey, his beloved FBI, and pals like Brennan and Clapper. The report is obviously written by various team members and it was up to Barr to figure out how to form it into something even legible. Why should we believe anything they said? Where are the 302 tapes to prove the answers they got from intimidated subjects are remotely close to what they claim? Who says WH aides really said what the report claims they said? But it's "part two" that's truly bizarre. Since when does the DOJ "exonerate" anybody for anything? They either charge or they don't charge, which is the bedrock of our judicial system. But like Comey, Mueller and Team Clinton felt they could smear somebody they couldn't charge with anything.

Last time I looked M was a repub, war hero, just like our deferment don the con.
And where did you get your PhD from?
Info wars?
Gateway Pundit?
Cartoon site?
He was illegally appointed as there was no crime. Mueller himself knew he had no justification for being appointed. This is why he stacked his staff with political zealots who supported Clinton and Obama.

The entire investigation was a fraud and was nothing but a coverup operation for Obama and Clinton’s crimes. It was nothing but a political hit job on The President.

DemNAZIS are gullible people. It’s why they believe in idiotic ideas like Global Warming, Globalism, and Russian Collusion. But they’ll Always believe.

I don't read fiction so I haven't read the fool's collection of fables. Those I follow who have and digested what they saw are sickened by it. For instance, in over 400 pages, Fusion GPS's "dossier" is never mentioned. How is that possible? Because Mueller's intent was nothing more than a lame attempt to protect Comey, his beloved FBI, and pals like Brennan and Clapper. The report is obviously written by various team members and it was up to Barr to figure out how to form it into something even legible. Why should we believe anything they said? Where are the 302 tapes to prove the answers they got from intimidated subjects are remotely close to what they claim? Who says WH aides really said what the report claims they said? But it's "part two" that's truly bizarre. Since when does the DOJ "exonerate" anybody for anything? They either charge or they don't charge, which is the bedrock of our judicial system. But like Comey, Mueller and Team Clinton felt they could smear somebody they couldn't charge with anything.

Last time I looked M was a repub, war hero, just like our deferment don the con.
And where did you get your PhD from?
Info wars?
Gateway Pundit?
Cartoon site?
People keep saying that when Republicans like Romney, McCain, and Ryan are Republicans. RINO'S like Mueller are a dime a dozen.
What would they have charged Don Jr. with?

Meeting with someone isn't a crime.

Emailing Russians isn't a crime.

Talking to WikiLeaks isn't a crime.

"Collusion" isn't mentioned anywhere as a crime either. But "conspiracy" is, can mean whatever the prosecutor says it means, and can convince a jury of. So by meeting with the Russian woman who claimed there was information on Clinton malfeasance, the reasoning was Junior was "conspiring" with Russians for that information. Hillary actually paid Russians for fake information on Trump if anybody is looking for a real conspiracy.....hopefully Barr will reopen that can of worms.

Gawd, the Hillary preoccupation.
Isn't don the con the Pres
How about Vince Foster and the 6% uranium she and 8 other depts sold?
12 hours of sweaty trey panel wasn't enough?
Remind me, has Hillary ever been convicted of anything?
Where did you get your advanced old white fart legal degree from again?
Do tell
Did not read any of the hit-piece but heard this fact NOT mentioned......

May 16, 2018 · Fusion GPS' Glenn Simpson Dined With Russian Lawyer Before & After Her Meeting at Trump Tower ... dinner which, you know, when you work on a legal case you get invited to dinner ..

How do you leave that out?

Exactly....their entire "collusion" narrative was based on that meeting with Junior....a meeting he stayed in for maybe five minutes and left...and he proved he left by emailing a staffer that the woman and her handler had misrepresented what she was there for. The time-stamp on that email probably saved him from being charged. If they had charged the President's son, the fur would have really flown which is probably what Mueller's goons wanted to happen so they could charge the President with "obstruction".

What would they have charged Don Jr. with?

Meeting with someone isn't a crime.

Emailing Russians isn't a crime.

Talking to WikiLeaks isn't a crime.
isn't a crime.
They are still trying to invent a crime. Searching for some law Trump broke in his 70 or something years. They will come up empty. The Mueller report is trash talk.
I assume you have read it all?
In your small zero college white boy made up mind.
I assume you love the con dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
Creating fewer jobs than Obama?
Record trade deficits?
Is chanting MAGA, our WWII Nazi group name enough?
Whoops, maybe.
Got your brown shirt iron in the closet?
Did not read any of the hit-piece but heard this fact NOT mentioned......

May 16, 2018 · Fusion GPS' Glenn Simpson Dined With Russian Lawyer Before & After Her Meeting at Trump Tower ... dinner which, you know, when you work on a legal case you get invited to dinner ..

How do you leave that out?

Exactly....their entire "collusion" narrative was based on that meeting with Junior....a meeting he stayed in for maybe five minutes and left...and he proved he left by emailing a staffer that the woman and her handler had misrepresented what she was there for. The time-stamp on that email probably saved him from being charged. If they had charged the President's son, the fur would have really flown which is probably what Mueller's goons wanted to happen so they could charge the President with "obstruction".

What would they have charged Don Jr. with?

Meeting with someone isn't a crime.

Emailing Russians isn't a crime.

Talking to WikiLeaks isn't a crime.
isn't a crime.
They are still trying to invent a crime. Searching for some law Trump broke in his 70 or something years. They will come up empty. The Mueller report is trash talk.
I assume you have read it all?
In your small zero college white boy made up mind.
I assume you love the con dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
Creating fewer jobs than Obama?
Record trade deficits?
Is chanting MAGA, our WWII Nazi group name enough?
Whoops, maybe.
Got your brown shirt iron in the closet?
Got your brown shirt iron in the closet?
I might have to borrow yours. The Left is censoring speech and uses violence. Nazi's do that.
I assume you have read it all?
In your small zero college white boy made up mind.
I assume you love the con dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
Creating fewer jobs than Obama?
Record trade deficits?
Is chanting MAGA, our WWII Nazi group name enough?
Whoops, maybe.
Got your brown shirt iron in the closet?

Angry little turd, ain't ya? Can't get a white fatty to sodomize, Jamal? :badgrin:
I don't read fiction so I haven't read the fool's collection of fables. Those I follow who have and digested what they saw are sickened by it. For instance, in over 400 pages, Fusion GPS's "dossier" is never mentioned. How is that possible? Because Mueller's intent was nothing more than a lame attempt to protect Comey, his beloved FBI, and pals like Brennan and Clapper. The report is obviously written by various team members and it was up to Barr to figure out how to form it into something even legible. Why should we believe anything they said? Where are the 302 tapes to prove the answers they got from intimidated subjects are remotely close to what they claim? Who says WH aides really said what the report claims they said? But it's "part two" that's truly bizarre. Since when does the DOJ "exonerate" anybody for anything? They either charge or they don't charge, which is the bedrock of our judicial system. But like Comey, Mueller and Team Clinton felt they could smear somebody they couldn't charge with anything.

I don't read fiction so I haven't read the fool's collection of fables. Those I follow who have and digested what they saw are sickened by it. For instance, in over 400 pages, Fusion GPS's "dossier" is never mentioned.
I don't read fiction either, but while Mueller's report reads like a novel (with footnotes), it reveals information every American should know before November, 2020:

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P. 23)

"Several days later, BuzzFeed published unverified allegations compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele during the campaign about candidate Trump’s Russia connections under the headline 'These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia.'72 In a press conference the next day, the President-Elect called the release 'an absolute disgrace' and said, 'I have no dealings with Russia. I have no deals that could happen in Russia, because we’ve stayed away. ... So I have no deals, I have no loans and I have no dealings. We could make deals in Russia very easily if we wanted to, I just don’t want to because I think that would be a conflict.'"
The Japanese had no navy, air power or island possessions. The war was over but we nuked them to get a signature on a piece of paper and because we could.

Garbage.....just another leftist fantasy to smear the US for winning a suck.
Wrong asshole. I gave the U.S. credit for winning the war and my father was a participant in the Pacific theater in that war.
The moonbats don't care...They're the political version of Shoichi Yokoi

Shoichi Yokoi - Wikipedia

My uncle got as far as Saipan before he was wounded. I remember him saying invading mainland Japan would have gotten them all killed by knives, sharpened sticks, rocks, anything the Japanese people could get their hands on. He said Truman's A-bombs saved a million GIs.
The Japanese had no navy, air power or island possessions. The war was over but we nuked them to get a signature on a piece of paper and because we could.
I guess you never saw all those planes at Pearl Harbor.

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