Mueller Subpoenas Trump Organization, Demanding Documents About Russia

Nixon was asked why he didn’t try to pardon himself. He said, “ It’s not the honorable thing to do.”

Trump has repeatedly inquired about pardoning himself. We all know he has no honor.
Nixon was asked why he didn’t try to pardon himself. He said, “ It’s not the honorable thing to do.”

Trump has repeatedly inquired about pardoning himself. We all know he has no honor.
again, do you know the process to remove a president from office?
Old news. The Trump organization has been co operating from the beginning of the probe. I guess Mueller needed to leak something to try to appear like he's getting somewhere this week. This is grandstanding at its finest.

What a fucking asshole Mueller is.

The Real News is that the IG is about to release his report. And McCabe is about to be fired. I have a hard time seeing him get his pension after this IG report comes out.

IG could soon release explosive report on FBI's Clinton probe, as Sessions weighs firing McCabe
One consistent thing in this administration is that they’re all dicks and horrible people. That’s why so many people DONT want to work in this cesspool
they don't want them either.
Mueller is trying to get Trump to fire him...because he ain't got shit on Trump...
Dump the worthless Sessions and get a new chief in there that will fire and prosecute Rosenstein and replace Mueller...
YES and then give Trump what we gave Nixon
what did Nixon get? you do know he resigned right?
Yes I know It was that or ,,,,,or else And wasn't he pardoned by his VP who became president
he would never have been voted out of office, just so you know. Hopefully you know that process right?
Dems ran the Congress. Nixon knew he was going to be impeached so he resigned.
The Real News is that the IG is about to release his report. And McCabe is about to be fired. I have a hard time seeing him get his pension after this IG report comes out.

IG could soon release explosive report on FBI's Clinton probe, as Sessions weighs firing McCabe
One consistent thing in this administration is that they’re all dicks and horrible people. That’s why so many people DONT want to work in this cesspool
they don't want them either.
Stupid answer. Trump hired them all then they keep telling WH correspondents he’s so incompetent and volatile it’s a nightmare working there. Bet Fox doesn’t tell you that.
A bridge just collapsed in Florida.
But what’s most important is the rich got their huge tax cuts.
No money for infrastructure repair.
More incompetence by Trump.
Mueller is trying to get Trump to fire him...because he ain't got shit on Trump...
Dump the worthless Sessions and get a new chief in there that will fire and prosecute Rosenstein and replace Mueller...
YES and then give Trump what we gave Nixon
what did Nixon get? you do know he resigned right?
Yes I know It was that or ,,,,,or else And wasn't he pardoned by his VP who became president
he would never have been voted out of office, just so you know. Hopefully you know that process right?
he had no choice ,some of his own party were against him ,,,,that was when republicans weren't all ball less sheep
Mueller is trying to get Trump to fire him...because he ain't got shit on Trump...
Dump the worthless Sessions and get a new chief in there that will fire and prosecute Rosenstein and replace Mueller...
YES and then give Trump what we gave Nixon
what did Nixon get? you do know he resigned right?
Yes I know It was that or ,,,,,or else And wasn't he pardoned by his VP who became president
he would never have been voted out of office, just so you know. Hopefully you know that process right?
Dems ran the Congress. Nixon knew he was going to be impeached so he resigned.
that isn't how one is removed from office though. how does a sitting president get removed? dude, it's on the internet why don't you take a moment and google it.
Buckle your seat belts.

Mueller Subpoenas Trump Organization, Demanding Documents About Russia

The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, has subpoenaed the Trump Organization to turn over documents, including some related to Russia, according to two people briefed on the matter. The order is the first known time that the special counsel demanded documents directly related to President Trump’s businesses, bringing the investigation closer to the president.
Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock.

Time's running out for Comrade Gropes A Lot.
Mueller is trying to get Trump to fire him...because he ain't got shit on Trump...
Dump the worthless Sessions and get a new chief in there that will fire and prosecute Rosenstein and replace Mueller...
YES and then give Trump what we gave Nixon
what did Nixon get? you do know he resigned right?
Yes I know It was that or ,,,,,or else And wasn't he pardoned by his VP who became president
he would never have been voted out of office, just so you know. Hopefully you know that process right?
he had no choice ,some of his own party were against him ,,,,that was when republicans weren't all ball less sheep
never would have been removed. again, you should look it up.educate yourself once.
MikeTX is shitting bricks.
but not as big as the ones trumps shitting
trump's enjoying tweeting to set off the media. he loves it, so you're wrong again, dude you sure have been wrong a lot lately.
He's got people moving around like chess pieces Here today gone tomorrow is all well and good in his crooked business but not with leading America the man is half on his way now ,,,another year it'll be mattress city
MikeTX is shitting bricks.
but not as big as the ones trumps shitting
trump's enjoying tweeting to set off the media. he loves it, so you're wrong again, dude you sure have been wrong a lot lately.
He's got people moving around like chess pieces Here today gone tomorrow is all well and good in his crooked business but not with leading America the man is half on his way now ,,,another year it'll be mattress city
why do you care? :ack-1:
YES and then give Trump what we gave Nixon
what did Nixon get? you do know he resigned right?
Yes I know It was that or ,,,,,or else And wasn't he pardoned by his VP who became president
he would never have been voted out of office, just so you know. Hopefully you know that process right?
he had no choice ,some of his own party were against him ,,,,that was when republicans weren't all ball less sheep
never would have been removed. again, you should look it up.educate yourself once.
HERE JC He's a goner
At the federal level, Article Two of the United States Constitution states in Section 4 that "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall beremoved from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
what did Nixon get? you do know he resigned right?
Yes I know It was that or ,,,,,or else And wasn't he pardoned by his VP who became president
he would never have been voted out of office, just so you know. Hopefully you know that process right?
he had no choice ,some of his own party were against him ,,,,that was when republicans weren't all ball less sheep
never would have been removed. again, you should look it up.educate yourself once.
HERE JC He's a goner
At the federal level, Article Two of the United States Constitution states in Section 4 that "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall beremoved from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors."
Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
I don't think he'll be convicted even if impeached, and if the dems take the House, he will be.

But, odds continue to get better that he'll be a one termer .... assuming the dems don't screw this up like they did 16

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