Mueller Subpoenas Trump Organization, Demanding Documents About Russia

Every night Hannity’s hair is on fire with him crying,” THE MSM ISNT COVERING MY BULLSHIT.
well certainly they do. He wouldn't have had all the attention he's had if they didn't. you're just wrong as usual.
LOL.. Again, he'll find nothing, and he is basically prying and spying without just cause or actual due process.

After the Judiciary Committee, Congressional Intelligence Committee, and the Senate Committee all categorically stated that there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION, you think that this Clinton Butt Puppet would get the message that his gig is up.

I'd personally tell Mueller to STFU and sit down. He has been unable to list a single crime committed by The Trump Campaign, or even show one bit of evidence that there was any collusion. You can't just subpoena the entire world, when you have NO EVIDENCE of any Crimes. We have due process protections, and honestly, Mueller should have already wrapped this up several months ago.

We are going on two years now since the election and this buffoon has found absolutely nothing related to what he is supposed to be investigating.

But Never Fear Libtards, Mueller is bound to find Russian Collusion somewhere, even if he has to look in Hillary Clinton's Underwear.

Lastly, isn't this story recycled news and is already a year old.

Geez....some people just never will give up with their fantasies.
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Every night Hannity’s hair is on fire with him crying,” THE MSM ISNT COVERING MY BULLSHIT.
well certainly they do. He wouldn't have had all the attention he's had if they didn't. you're just wrong as usual.
No sane person takes Hannity seriously. That’s why you idiots have to run to your alt right media to push your imaginary nonsense..
LOL.. Again, he'll find nothing, and he is basically prying and spying without just cause or actual due process.

After the Judiciary Committee, Congressional Intelligence Committee, and the Senate Committee all categorically stated that there was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION, you think that this Clinton Butt Puppet would get the message that his gig is up.

I'd personally tell Mueller to STFU and sit down. He has been unable to list a single crime committed by The Trump Campaign, or even show one bit of evidence that there was any collusion. You can't just subpoena the entire world, when you have NO EVIDENCE of any Crimes. We have due process protections, and honestly, Mueller should have already wrapped this up several months ago.
Link that they ALL concluded No collusion. That will shut up this liar.
Trump will never do the honorable thing. He’d bring down the entire country if he felt it would help himself.
Every night Hannity’s hair is on fire with him crying,” THE MSM ISNT COVERING MY BULLSHIT.
well certainly they do. He wouldn't have had all the attention he's had if they didn't. you're just wrong as usual.
No sane person takes Hannity seriously. That’s why you idiots have to run to your alt right media to push your imaginary nonsense..
dude there isn't one conservative news outlet that you wouldn't say that to. don't make me laugh so much.

Mueller is trying to get Trump to fire him...because he ain't got shit on Trump...
Dump the worthless Sessions and get a new chief in there that will fire and prosecute Rosenstein and replace Mueller...
YES and then give Trump what we gave Nixon
what did Nixon get? you do know he resigned right?
Yes I know It was that or ,,,,,or else And wasn't he pardoned by his VP who became president
Mueller is trying to get Trump to fire him...because he ain't got shit on Trump...
Dump the worthless Sessions and get a new chief in there that will fire and prosecute Rosenstein and replace Mueller...
YES and then give Trump what we gave Nixon
what did Nixon get? you do know he resigned right?
Yes I know It was that or ,,,,,or else And wasn't he pardoned by his VP who became president
he would never have been voted out of office, just so you know. Hopefully you know that process right?

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