Mueller Subpoenas Trump Organization, Demanding Documents About Russia

He didn't ask to come in for a chat. It's a subpoena. Wonder if he asked 'politely' and they weren't forthcoming?

Stay tuned!

Mueller subpoenas Trump Organization for documents about Russia: NYT
  • Special counsel Robert Mueller subpoenaed the Trump Organization for documents, some of which are related to Russia, The New York Times reported.
  • Mueller is looking into Russian involvement in the 2016 election.
Jacob Pramuk | @jacobpramuk
Published 23 Mins Ago Updated 1 Min

Mueller subpoenas Trump Organization for documents on Russia, other topics: NYT 5 Mins Ago | 01:08

Special counsel Robert Mueller subpoenaed President Donald Trump's businesses "in recent weeks" for documents, some of which relate to Russia, The New York Times reported, citing two people briefed on the matter.

The newspaper says it marks the first time Mueller, who is probing Russian involvement in the 2016 election, has asked for information directly related to the Trump Organization. The action comes as the former FBI director appears to be looking into the role foreign money could have played in the president's political activities, the newspaper reported.

Trump has previously said he believes the special counsel investigating his finances would cross a red line. The Trump Organization has denied holding real estate in Moscow. His company considered developing a Trump Tower in Moscow in late 2015 and early 2016 before abandoning the plan, The Washington Post reported.

/---- /The Deep State will not give up. When this comes up goose eggs, they will subpoena Trump's driving records.
i think the " Deep $tate" ought to ask to see Trump's birth certificate. I suspect Trump is one of those Lebensborn babies concieved in Germany. Could Nazi sympathizers have forged his birth documents. Ha ha ha...don't laugh...that theory is hust as plausible as the birther campaign.
When Bob Mueller was hired every republican and Democrat in Congress said he was the perfect person for the job because of his experience and he’d be fair.
That’s why it’s such a joke listening to these petrified Trumpsters calling him all kind of ridiculous names.
Will there be a mass suicide on this forum when Trump is indicted?
Alot will happen, just like it did when the memo that alleges abuse of the government's surveillance program.The damning evidence that the FBI and Department of Justice used an anti-Trump dossier funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign as the basis for spying on the Trump campaign.
I’m sure you’ll be screaming BUT WHAT ABOUT HILLARY, when Trump is arrested.
He didn't ask to come in for a chat. It's a subpoena. Wonder if he asked 'politely' and they weren't forthcoming?

Stay tuned!

Mueller subpoenas Trump Organization for documents about Russia: NYT
  • Special counsel Robert Mueller subpoenaed the Trump Organization for documents, some of which are related to Russia, The New York Times reported.
  • Mueller is looking into Russian involvement in the 2016 election.
Jacob Pramuk | @jacobpramuk
Published 23 Mins Ago Updated 1 Min

Mueller subpoenas Trump Organization for documents on Russia, other topics: NYT 5 Mins Ago | 01:08

Special counsel Robert Mueller subpoenaed President Donald Trump's businesses "in recent weeks" for documents, some of which relate to Russia, The New York Times reported, citing two people briefed on the matter.

The newspaper says it marks the first time Mueller, who is probing Russian involvement in the 2016 election, has asked for information directly related to the Trump Organization. The action comes as the former FBI director appears to be looking into the role foreign money could have played in the president's political activities, the newspaper reported.

Trump has previously said he believes the special counsel investigating his finances would cross a red line. The Trump Organization has denied holding real estate in Moscow. His company considered developing a Trump Tower in Moscow in late 2015 and early 2016 before abandoning the plan, The Washington Post reported.

/---- /The Deep State will not give up. When this comes up goose eggs, they will subpoena Trump's driving records.
i think the " Deep $tate" ought to ask to see Trump's birth certificate. I suspect Trump is one of those Lebensborn babies concieved in Germany. Could Nazi sympathizers have forged his birth documents. Ha ha ha...don't laugh...that theory is hust as plausible as the birther campaign.
he gave it up already.
Will there be a mass suicide on this forum when Trump is indicted?
Alot will happen, just like it did when the memo that alleges abuse of the government's surveillance program.The damning evidence that the FBI and Department of Justice used an anti-Trump dossier funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign as the basis for spying on the Trump campaign.
Much of that dossier is true but you wouldn’t learn that fact watching Hannity.
Will there be a mass suicide on this forum when Trump is indicted?
Alot will happen, just like it did when the memo that alleges abuse of the government's surveillance program.The damning evidence that the FBI and Department of Justice used an anti-Trump dossier funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign as the basis for spying on the Trump campaign.
Much of that dossier is true but you wouldn’t learn that fact watching Hannity.
oh bull shit. stop already, it's already been debunked. let it go.
Because he has the authority to do so
they are already cooperating, have been since January. this is recycled news. fk, look shit up would you. here, you can at least say thank you,

Trump Org. gave Russia-related docs to Mueller and Hill - CNNPolitics
No, thanks
figures ungrateful.
One of your best posts. Maybe you can ask a third grader how to post a picture.
Will there be a mass suicide on this forum when Trump is indicted?
Alot will happen, just like it did when the memo that alleges abuse of the government's surveillance program.The damning evidence that the FBI and Department of Justice used an anti-Trump dossier funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign as the basis for spying on the Trump campaign.
Much of that dossier is true but you wouldn’t learn that fact watching Hannity.
oh bull shit. stop already, it's already been debunked. let it go.
Not on your life it hasn’t.
But you wouldn’t know that watching Faux News..
A coup attempt is treason no matter how much lipstick you put on the pig.

Where in Hell is Dr. Guillotine when American needs him most?
DRUMPH howls like a stuck pig

Washington (CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization for documents, including some related to Russia, The New York Times reported Thursday.

The Times, citing two people briefed on the matter, said the subpoena was delivered "in recent weeks" and is a request for President Donald Trump's business to turn over documents related to Russia and other topics of the special counsel investigation.
The report is the first publicly known time that Mueller has demanded documents related to Trump's businesses.
Neither White House officials nor a lawyer representing the Trump Organization immediately responded to the Times' request for comment.

Trump has repeatedly railed against the investigation and denied any wrongdoing. Last year, Trump said he would view any investigation of his or his family's personal finances as a "violation" by Mueller that crosses a red line.

That’s probably why McCarthy is is doing it
For antagination purposes
Just think how great this board will get when trump goes bonkers all the way
they are already cooperating, have been since January. this is recycled news. fk, look shit up would you. here, you can at least say thank you,

Trump Org. gave Russia-related docs to Mueller and Hill - CNNPolitics
No, thanks
figures ungrateful.
One of your best posts. Maybe you can ask a third grader how to post a picture.
It isn't a picture, it's a gif.

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