Mueller Subpoenas Trump Organization, Demanding Documents About Russia

When Bob Mueller was hired every republican and Democrat in Congress said he was the perfect person for the job because of his experience and he’d be fair.
That’s why it’s such a joke listening to these petrified Trumpsters calling him all kind of ridiculous names.
Behind his professional demeanor he must have a big smile after all of the nasty shit Trump and the Trumpettes have said about him and his colleagues
A coup attempt is treason no matter how much lipstick you put on the pig.

Where in Hell is Dr. Guillotine when American needs him most?
DRUMPH howls like a stuck pig

Washington (CNN)Special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization for documents, including some related to Russia, The New York Times reported Thursday.

The Times, citing two people briefed on the matter, said the subpoena was delivered "in recent weeks" and is a request for President Donald Trump's business to turn over documents related to Russia and other topics of the special counsel investigation.
The report is the first publicly known time that Mueller has demanded documents related to Trump's businesses.
Neither White House officials nor a lawyer representing the Trump Organization immediately responded to the Times' request for comment.

Trump has repeatedly railed against the investigation and denied any wrongdoing. Last year, Trump said he would view any investigation of his or his family's personal finances as a "violation" by Mueller that crosses a red line.
That’s probably why McCarthy is is doing it
For antagination purposes
Just think how great this board will get when trump goes bonkers all the way
you're confused, the left is already there. I'm eating popcorn watching it.

Mueller is trying to get Trump to fire him...because he ain't got shit on Trump...
Dump the worthless Sessions and get a new chief in there that will fire and prosecute Rosenstein and replace Mueller...
When Bob Mueller was hired every republican and Democrat in Congress said he was the perfect person for the job because of his experience and he’d be fair.
That’s why it’s such a joke listening to these petrified Trumpsters calling him all kind of ridiculous names.
Behind his professional demeanor he must have a big smile after all of the nasty shit Trump and the Trumpettes have said about him and his colleagues
Mueller KNOWS he’ll have the last laugh.
When Bob Mueller was hired every republican and Democrat in Congress said he was the perfect person for the job because of his experience and he’d be fair.
That’s why it’s such a joke listening to these petrified Trumpsters calling him all kind of ridiculous names.
Behind his professional demeanor he must have a big smile after all of the nasty shit Trump and the Trumpettes have said about him and his colleagues
Mueller KNOWS he’ll have the last laugh.
Buckle your seat belts.

Yea, buckle our seat-belts for the next nonstarter ride to nowhere, by a group of idiots who see a leaf land on an iceberg in Greenland and see it as the ice cracking, falling into the ocean, sending a tsunami across the ocean, the sea level rising, then report it as people due to drown in New York Harbor any minute now. Yawn. :sleep: :bigbed:
When Bob Mueller was hired every republican and Democrat in Congress said he was the perfect person for the job because of his experience and he’d be fair.
That’s why it’s such a joke listening to these petrified Trumpsters calling him all kind of ridiculous names.
Behind his professional demeanor he must have a big smile after all of the nasty shit Trump and the Trumpettes have said about him and his colleagues
Mueller KNOWS he’ll have the last laugh.
what does he know?
When Mueller releases his report It might take days to roll out all the crimes and unethical behavior by the Trump Crime family.
Mueller is trying to get Trump to fire him...because he ain't got shit on Trump...
Dump the worthless Sessions and get a new chief in there that will fire and prosecute Rosenstein and replace Mueller...
I hope Trump does fire him. It’s telling that you want the DOJ, not Trump, to fire him. I know why you’d say that. Let’s see if you’re honest enough to admit it
Buckle your seat belts.

Yea, buckle our seat-belts for the next nonstarter ride to nowhere, by a group of idiots who see a leaf land on an iceberg in Greenland and see it as the ice cracking, falling into the ocean, sending a tsunami across the ocean, the sea level rising, then report it as people due to drown in New York Harbor any minute now. Yawn. :sleep: :bigbed:
Dope has never read a science journal in his life and proud of it.
When Mueller releases his report It might take days to roll out all the crimes and unethical behavior by the Trump Crime family.
first off, if you've been actually following this, which it's now obvious you haven't been, he won't be releasing anything you will see. It goes to the Congress. You should actually pay attention.
Every day Trump acts more and more guilty.

Trumpsters: We don’t see a thing with these blindfolds on.
Mueller is trying to get Trump to fire him...because he ain't got shit on Trump...
Dump the worthless Sessions and get a new chief in there that will fire and prosecute Rosenstein and replace Mueller...
I hope Trump does fire him. It’s telling that you want the DOJ, not Trump, to fire him. I know why you’d say that. Let’s see if you’re honest enough to admit it
dude, no one cares about mueller anymore. you should actually pay attention. when a guy has nothing, there is no reason to eat popcorn waiting for nothing.
When Mueller releases his report It might take days to roll out all the crimes and unethical behavior by the Trump Crime family.
first off, if you've been actually following this, which it's now obvious you haven't been, he won't be releasing anything you will see. It goes to the Congress. You should actually pay attention.
Where do you get your info on the Russian investigation?
Bet you’ll be afraid to answer.

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