Mueller Wants Manafort to Die Behind Bars – Seeks 20 to 24 Years in Prison

Ha, social justice warrior.

You have no other mode than 'everyone who disagrees with you is a democrat.'
They voted for Hillary or that other leftwing whackadoodle, Jill Stein.

What does that have to do with me?

I am not they and I certainly did not vote for Stein or Hillary.
I don't remember all your posts, but in this exchange you come off as a leftwinger.
Because you assume so.

There is nothing 'left wing' about recognizing what happens when you renig on a cooperation agreement. This was a known from the get go.
if the agreement is off, then why aren't the guilty pleas off. They were part of the agreement. Obviously, Manafort is still be held to his part of the agreement, while Mueller isn't. That's your conception of justice.
That is not how plea deals work. You cant unplead. He pleaded guilty and the prosecutor offered lighter sentencing for his assistance in other crimes. He then failed to provide that help (by lying) so his lighter sentence is gone. The guilty plea is already a done deal.

This is how law works.
We are all familiar with the light sentences that white collar criminals get. You can get far longer sentences for robbing $10,000 from a bank than embezzling 10,000,000 from a bank. If you would send a poor man to jail for the rest of his life you must be willing to send rich men away for life as well or justice is nothing more than a commodity.
"Robbing a bank" means you used a deadly weapon and endangered people's lives. Only an idiot doesn't believe the former deserves a stiffer sentence.
They voted for Hillary or that other leftwing whackadoodle, Jill Stein.

What does that have to do with me?

I am not they and I certainly did not vote for Stein or Hillary.
I don't remember all your posts, but in this exchange you come off as a leftwinger.
Because you assume so.

There is nothing 'left wing' about recognizing what happens when you renig on a cooperation agreement. This was a known from the get go.
if the agreement is off, then why aren't the guilty pleas off. They were part of the agreement. Obviously, Manafort is still be held to his part of the agreement, while Mueller isn't. That's your conception of justice.
That is not how plea deals work. You cant unplead. He pleaded guilty and the prosecutor offered lighter sentencing for his assistance in other crimes. He then failed to provide that help (by lying) so his lighter sentence is gone. The guilty plea is already a done deal.

This is how law works.
You're just admitting that plea deals are inherently unjust. If the deal is gone, then his guilty plea should be gone, and they should go back to square one.

What you're saying is that the deal is gone, only it isn't. Mueller part is gone, but Manafort's guilty plea still remains.
Incredible! Sammy ‘The Bull’ Gravano killed 26 people and only did around seven years.

Still think Muller isn’t running a political persecution squad? President Trump must commute his sentence. Andrew Weissman has tainted this entire case

Paul Manafort Sentencing Memo: Dirty Cop Mueller Wants Manafort to Die Behind Bars - Seeks 20 to 24 Years in Prison
So what our govt. treats ordinary citizens just as bad and you never say a word for their restitution into society.
Incredible! Sammy ‘The Bull’ Gravano killed 26 people and only did around seven years.

Still think Muller isn’t running a political persecution squad? President Trump must commute his sentence. Andrew Weissman has tainted this entire case

Paul Manafort Sentencing Memo: Dirty Cop Mueller Wants Manafort to Die Behind Bars - Seeks 20 to 24 Years in Prison
Here is the thing folks. Prosecuters go after big freeking sentances. All of them. Those sentances were voted on and passed by our elected officials. Over the years a certain party campaigned on tougher sentances and more prisons. Now we can do six months for driving with an expired lisence. This seems like total over kill. I talked to a prosecuter about this and he replied that no one is ever given that much time over it. Yet this six months can be held over your head. No one is going to risk six months time over driving with an expired lisence when offered a large fine instead. So even if the charge is bull shit you will not fight it do to possibility of severe punishment. Think maybe we sould start attacking the possible sentances instead of the prosecuter. Our sentencing guidlines have gotten way out of wack and it needs to be changed.
Funny how these 5 black men served over a decade in jail for a crime they DIDN'T commit and Trump and his idiot voters still believe those men are guilty...

Don't tell Donald Trump the Central Park 5 aren't guilty

But get their panties in a bunch when one of their "elitist establishment types" gets himself in his OWN mess by having the audacity to lie WHILE in a cooperation agreement...

If this was Hillary being sentenced to 19 yrs for only half of what Manafort did, you dick sucking trump voters would be mad she didn't get the death penalty, so fuck what you yapping about...

Manafort will be pardoned anyway just like the new AG convinced Daddy Bush to pardon all of those folks in the Iran-Contra scandal -- republicans love being above the law while complaining to be about Law and and order only applies to those "other lesser people" in the minds of republicans
Incredible! Sammy ‘The Bull’ Gravano killed 26 people and only did around seven years.

Still think Muller isn’t running a political persecution squad? President Trump must commute his sentence. Andrew Weissman has tainted this entire case

Paul Manafort Sentencing Memo: Dirty Cop Mueller Wants Manafort to Die Behind Bars - Seeks 20 to 24 Years in Prison

Paul Manafort did the crime, got convicted for it, and then doubled down on crime by lying more.

You MAGA dupes want to cry rivers for this unrepenting fellon? Thats fine, no one else will as he wraps up his life behind bars.
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Whatever he gets, he gets.

He should not have broken and complied with Muller... then start lying to Muller against that agreement.

I mean, really? That is nonsensical. If he was not going to cooperate then just do not cooperate.
That's hardly a justification for 24 years in prison, douchebag.
The justification is that he can receive the max and has already plead guilty. Don't know what you expect but I could have told you exactly what would happen if he lied to Muller. That is why no one anywhere even understands what he was thinking. This is not a surprise - it is exactly what he knew would happen if he got caught. I cant fathom why he lied a second time.
They same thing would have happened had he told the truth to Mueller

Bullshit - see Gates and Flynn.
If ya can't do the time...don't do the crime.

Isn't that how it works?
Whatever he gets, he gets.

He should not have broken and complied with Muller... then start lying to Muller against that agreement.

I mean, really? That is nonsensical. If he was not going to cooperate then just do not cooperate.
That's hardly a justification for 24 years in prison, douchebag.
The prosecution always asks for the moon. It is up to the judge to determine the sentence. Honestly. You would think some people never watched Law and Order.
If ya can't do the time...don't do the crime.

Isn't that how it works?

No, it's more like 'If ya can't do the time...make sure you don't pi$$ off the deep state and don't give them an excuse to punish you if you do it anyway..'

Whatever he gets, he gets.

He should not have broken and complied with Muller... then start lying to Muller against that agreement.

I mean, really? That is nonsensical. If he was not going to cooperate then just do not cooperate.
Yes it was foolish of Manafort to expect fair treatment from Gestapo Officer Heir Mueller.
Robert Mueller does not want Manifort to die in prison. Mueller wanted to cut a deal. Manifort, not Mueller reneged on the deal. Does nobody watch any of the gazillion Law & Order shows?
Whatever he gets, he gets.

He should not have broken and complied with Muller... then start lying to Muller against that agreement.

I mean, really? That is nonsensical. If he was not going to cooperate then just do not cooperate.
Yes it was foolish of Manafort to expect fair treatment from Gestapo Officer Heir Mueller.
Manafort breached HIS OWN plea deal.

He fucked himself
Robert Mueller does not want Manifort to die in prison. Mueller wanted to cut a deal. Manifort, not Mueller reneged on the deal. Does nobody watch any of the gazillion Law & Order shows?
If anyone belongs in prison, it's Mueller.
Could have been a big smash with the Stasi....

Whatever he gets, he gets.

He should not have broken and complied with Muller... then start lying to Muller against that agreement.

I mean, really? That is nonsensical. If he was not going to cooperate then just do not cooperate.
That's hardly a justification for 24 years in prison, douchebag.
The justification is that he can receive the max and has already plead guilty. Don't know what you expect but I could have told you exactly what would happen if he lied to Muller. That is why no one anywhere even understands what he was thinking. This is not a surprise - it is exactly what he knew would happen if he got caught. I cant fathom why he lied a second time.
He plead guilty as part of a plea. Now that plea is no longer valid, so why is the guilty plea still valid?

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