Mueller's Counsel Un-Ravelling, Exposed As 1 Big Pro-Hillary/Anti-Trump Club


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
More Clinton ties on Mueller team: One deputy attended Clinton party, another rep'd top aide

'More Clinton connections have emerged for members of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team, amid growing Republican complaints about potential bias inside the office created to lead an independent probe.

On Friday, The Wall Street Journal reportedthat Mueller investigator Andrew Weissmann, a former partner at WilmerHale, attended Hillary Clinton’s election night party last November at the Javits Center in New York City. Fox News reported earlier this week that Weissmann in January also praised outgoing acting Attorney General Sally Yates, after she was fired for refusing to defend President Trump’s travel ban.

Meanwhile, at least two Mueller investigators' past legal work for Clinton-tied figures is getting a second look as Republicans hunt for signs of bias

Gee...file all of this under 'SH!T WE ALREADY KNEW'....
None of this will stop Mueller, he's too much of a professional to be distracted by Trumptards.
Professional WHAT?

Evidence presented shows Weissmann and Mueller have already hidden evidence and created fake crimes to jail innocent people in unprecedented prosecutorial misconduct in previous cases ... and now this 'unravelling disaster'...
Fox News? Damn, it must be true.

More Clinton ties on Mueller team: One deputy attended Clinton party, another rep'd top aide

'More Clinton connections have emerged for members of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigative team, amid growing Republican complaints about potential bias inside the office created to lead an independent probe.

On Friday, The Wall Street Journal reportedthat Mueller investigator Andrew Weissmann, a former partner at WilmerHale, attended Hillary Clinton’s election night party last November at the Javits Center in New York City. Fox News reported earlier this week that Weissmann in January also praised outgoing acting Attorney General Sally Yates, after she was fired for refusing to defend President Trump’s travel ban.

Meanwhile, at least two Mueller investigators' past legal work for Clinton-tied figures is getting a second look as Republicans hunt for signs of bias

Gee...file all of this under 'SH!T WE ALREADY KNEW'....

The FOX NEWS propoganda machine never STOPS-:bang3:

When FOX NEWS puts the placement of cheese on a cheesburger has being more important than 3 Federal grand Jury indictments and 1 guilty plea, it kind of indicates where their bias is.

oreo decides to no post homosexual Shep Smith all of a sudden!
poor ol easy, Mueller collected 400,000 emails, financial records and other documents as evidence- seems like his investigation is coming unwound in Trumps fat ass to me.
oreo decides to no post homosexual Shep Smith all of a sudden!

Fox viewers have been wanting rid of Shep. We will take him, seems like one of the few honest joes at Fox.

Stupider had to interject something fitting his IQ, pay no attention.

Shep is pretty unbiased for a Faux reporter, his sexuality only disturbs idiots.
Pelelope, if that is your real name, nobody likes fake news except MSNBC and CNN numskulls like Siete. Homo Shep is very good at narrating a car chase, he is absolutely CLUELESS in regards to current events.
Pelelope, if that is your real name, nobody likes fake news except MSNBC and CNN numskulls like Siete. Homo Shep is very good at narrating a car chase, he is absolutely CLUELESS in regards to current events.

Penelope not pelelope. The Fox views had another hissy fit when Shep told the truth about the non issue of Uranium One. They can't have a non bias news anchor or commentator on that faux cable news? (entertainment) channel. They have to attack anything liberal, democratic and or against their views of Christianity (which are fundamental), yet they sell sex with females dressing like street walkers.
poor ol easy, Mueller collected 400,000 emails, financial records and other documents as evidence- seems like his investigation is coming unwound in Trumps fat ass to me.
Using emails as evidence seems to be a selective thing for lefties.
poor ol easy, Mueller collected 400,000 emails, financial records and other documents as evidence- seems like his investigation is coming unwound in Trumps fat ass to me.
Using emails as evidence seems to be a selective thing for lefties.

On the flip side seems to be selective rage for Right.
Not really it comes down to what is more damaging to the country a campaign trying to get dirt on an opponent our sending classified material over an unsecured server. For those who know something about the Intel community its a no brainer for people with a brain.
poor ol easy, Mueller collected 400,000 emails, financial records and other documents as evidence- seems like his investigation is coming unwound in Trumps fat ass to me.
Using emails as evidence seems to be a selective thing for lefties.

On the flip side seems to be selective rage for Right.
Not really it comes down to what is more damaging to the country a campaign trying to get dirt on an opponent our sending classified material over an unsecured server. For those who know something about the Intel community its a no brainer for people with a brain.
Which iz why listening to liberal idiots who know nothing about it defending Hillary is so funny.
Trump Haters, DNC / Hillary donors, Clinton Foundation Lawyers, prosecutors known / proven to have hidden evidence that would have exonersted innocent people and who made up fake crimes to send innocent people to jail...

This is Mueller's team. Mone of this is new information - it is just being brought to light.

Zero credibility is what the Special Counsel has ... except among butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflakes still pissed the criminal who jeopardized national security was beaten last November.
How much longer before the witch hunt is shutdown and Mueller is perp-walked?
poor ol easy, Mueller collected 400,000 emails, financial records and other documents as evidence- seems like his investigation is coming unwound in Trumps fat ass to me.


Those 400,000 documents...not that the number of pages matter....but they are from Manafort and Mueller has used them to charge Manafort with financial crimes occurring years before Trump decided to run for President...which means, unless you are a really serious Dumb-Ass...years before the Russians could have started colluding with Trump: or as the real evidence tends to show---before the Russians started colluding with Hillary Clinton (See Bogus Russian Dossier paid for by the Lucerfarian Bitch.)

Rationally derived probability at this point is that these documents, 400,000 or one million, have nothing to do with Don Trump at all.

But keep dreaming Bolsheviks. Keep believing what you want to believe. Go buy a lottery ticket and dream about yachts and high priced women until the drawing.

Keep in mind, the FBI under obama used the fake Steele dossier to lie to a federal judge to get a FISA warrant against the opposition party....with the full knowledge of obama, lynch, comey, mccabe, rosenstein and their hand picked judge.....this is a major problem for them.

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