Mueller’s Team Is Finding Just How Widespread The Trump Stench Is


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Every new discovery by the Mueller Team leads them to several more layers of the widespread stench of the Big Orange Idiot and his cronies.

Denial and remaining carefully cloistered in their alternate reality keeps the truth from invading the lives of the conservatives. But, in the real world, Big Orange’s days in the White House are numbered.

Perhaps this is why Big Orange and the fools who voted for him are eager to start a nuclear holocaust. In their delusional state of mind, they believe they will survive and go about day-to-day lives unaffected.

Conservatives continually prove, ignorance truly is bliss.

With Bank Subpoenas, Mueller Is Said to Squeeze Manafort



Mueller is tightening the noose each day that passes.

Every new discovery by the Mueller Team leads them to several more layers of the widespread stench of the Big Orange Idiot and his cronies.

Denial and remaining carefully cloistered in their alternate reality keeps the truth from invading the lives of the conservatives. But, in the real world, Big Orange’s days in the White House are numbered.

Perhaps this is why Big Orange and the fools who voted for him are eager to start a nuclear holocaust. In their delusional state of mind, they believe they will survive and go about day-to-day lives unaffected.

Conservatives continually prove, ignorance truly is bliss.

With Bank Subpoenas, Mueller Is Said to Squeeze Manafort


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Mueller is tightening the noose each day that passes.


Ahhh yes! Robert Mueller, the Deep State operative that covered up the crimes of the Bush admin and the false flag event that was 9/11/01. It seems like only yesterday when the leftard clown posse was calling Mueller "the fixer" shortly before the 2004 elections and the joke of a 9/11/01 hearings back in May and June of 2004. But now? The leftard clown posse has embraced Mueller because they believe that he will prove that the ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to reveal the conspiracy of the DNC to not only steal the nomination of the DNC from Sanders but the national election as well.

Leftards are not concerned with the revelations of Wikileaks as it pertains to the criminality and corruption of the DNC that goes from usurping the election system to child trafficking and Deep State cover-up of the crimes of the Hildebeast...OH HELL NO! They are simply pissed that it was revealed thus someone must pay..........and that is very revealing to me as to how leftards really work. The ends justifies the means. There is no line that they will not cross....nothing that they do is "wrong" just so long as the commie agenda is served.

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