Muhammad Ali says all you need to know about Islam and Trump


Because it's not the truth. It's libtard bullshit like everything else this bed wetter posts.


Because it's not the truth. It's libtard bullshit like everything else this bed wetter posts.

You people never cease to amaze me. Is Trump sending you daily checks or what?
right-----there are a few people among the billion and one half muslims who reject the filth of general Islamic teachings-----the teachings to which young muslims like
SYED FAROOK and TACHFEEN MALIK were subjected in mosques and muslim schools. It is good of Muhummad Ali to make note of that fact
"Speaking as someone who has never been accused of political correctness, I believe that our political leaders should use their position to bring understanding about the religion of Islam and clarify that these misguided murderers have perverted people’s views on what Islam really is."

Having heard Cassius Clay speak in public many more times that I wanted to, I can say with absolute certainty that he never uttered the words attributed to him in this quote. It may reflect his thoughts in a general way, but OBVIOUSLY, someone else composed and issued this statement in Clay's chosen name.

It is a fairly unremarkable opinion, but it is nevertheless stupid. Political leaders have no logical reason to "bring understanding about the religion of Islam," unless the individual politician is extremely knowledgeable on the subject, which leaves out, basically, everyone. It is the task of the LEADERS OF DOMESTIC ISLAM to make that case, not politicians, and there is plenty of evidence that they are doing so, but with little success thus far. I wish them luck.

Which is not to mention the rather unpleasant and embarrassing fact that Muhammad Ali was (and maybe is) an ardent follower of the fraudulent and flaky sideshow freak called, "The Honorable Elijah Muhammad," who professed a preposterous joke of an imitation of Islam, and sold tens of thousands of American "Blacks" (conspicuously including Clay) on its authenticity. It's connection with real Islam was transitory and shallow, at best.

Nor is it particularly sensitive to mention the fact that Ali's own life was, aside from being a marvelous boxer, a cornucopia of chaos, with paramours and illegitimate children strewn far and wide on the fruited plain. One might also recall that he won his anti-draft case before the USSC on the ridiculous claims that he was a "minister" and a pacifist. Think about that. His greatest "victory" was based on two ridiculous lies.

O, what a great cultural icon he is! And what terrific irony that he remains trapped in that useless body, unable to shoot his mouth off any longer, and relying on a wife and posse to speak in his stead, and make him seem coherent.
"Speaking as someone who has never been accused of political correctness, I believe that our political leaders should use their position to bring understanding about the religion of Islam and clarify that these misguided murderers have perverted people’s views on what Islam really is."

Having heard Cassius Clay speak in public many more times that I wanted to, I can say with absolute certainty that he never uttered the words attributed to him in this quote. It may reflect his thoughts in a general way, but OBVIOUSLY, someone else composed and issued this statement in Clay's chosen name.

It is a fairly unremarkable opinion, but it is nevertheless stupid. Political leaders have no logical reason to "bring understanding about the religion of Islam," unless the individual politician is extremely knowledgeable on the subject, which leaves out, basically, everyone. It is the task of the LEADERS OF DOMESTIC ISLAM to make that case, not politicians, and there is plenty of evidence that they are doing so, but with little success thus far. I wish them luck.

Which is not to mention the rather unpleasant and embarrassing fact that Muhammad Ali was (and maybe is) an ardent follower of the fraudulent and flaky sideshow freak called, "The Honorable Elijah Muhammad," who professed a preposterous joke of an imitation of Islam, and sold tens of thousands of American "Blacks" (conspicuously including Clay) on its authenticity. It's connection with real Islam was transitory and shallow, at best.

Nor is it particularly sensitive to mention the fact that Ali's own life was, aside from being a marvelous boxer, a cornucopia of chaos, with paramours and illegitimate children strewn far and wide on the fruited plain. One might also recall that he won his anti-draft case before the USSC on the ridiculous claims that he was a "minister" and a pacifist. Think about that. His greatest "victory" was based on two ridiculous lies.

O, what a great cultural icon he is! And what terrific irony that he remains trapped in that useless body, unable to shoot his mouth off any longer, and relying on a wife and posse to speak in his stead, and make him seem coherent.

you make all good points-----kinda ACCURATE-----but muhummad cassius ali clay
is ------a beloved son of the USA------he was never a mental giant-----he said something-----so it is kinda almost quoted
Well considering Ali is a Muslim I'm sure he had nothing but good thoughts about Trump.

Given what just happened in San Bernardino, and given that multiple surveys have found that at least 10% of Muslims sympathize with jihad, what exactly is so outrageous about halting Muslim immigration until we are able to properly screen Muslim immigrants?

Farook's wife passed two screenings, one done by the State Department and the other done by Homeland Security, and both of which included a personal interview and a background check. So, again, given this fact, use reason and logic to explain why it's "outrageous" to suggest that we halt Muslim immigration until our screening processes are much more effective.

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