Muhammad, the greatest man (peace be upon him and his family)

I speak of the traditional knowledge in Islam. Those who seek knowledge are required to combine 6 qualities, one of which of softness. To be soft, soft as a cat.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) talked extensively of the Anti-Christ, who is on earth in the end times. The Hadiths (the sayings of Muhammad) mentions the lying Christ on countless occasions. Muhammad taught that nothing in history in more serious than the affair of the Anti-Christ. There is one man whom Muhammad prophesized he would resist the Anti-Christ, and the Anti-Christ would have him tortured greatly and finally killed. As the Anti-Christ throws that man in what appear to be Hell, it will actually be Paradise, but the people will see it as Hell. Muhammad concluded by saying that this man would be the greatest martyr of all martyrs.

There is not one prophet who did not warn about the Anti-Christ, and there have been 124 000 prophets, peace on them all.

The Anti-Christ is all these things you see in the world today, which people think is good but which is in reality quite bad, quite evil, quite distressful. Take for instance, the mercilessness of big companies, or the prevalence of drugs and alcohol.
if you can look at this world and not need drugs to forget the crazy as bat shit it's become, then you are truly either blessed, uncaring or stupid. Just my opinion
I speak of the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

An Nas.png

This is Muhammad written in Arabic, but turned to the vertical. You see the human being. We have Arabic numbers on our hands, 18 in the right hand and 81 in the left hand. 81+18= 99 and there are the 99 names of God in Islam. 18 and 81 also have specific meanings. Arabic is the tongue of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the king of mankind and mankind belongs to him.

The oceans and the clouds lowered themselves in the name of the generosity of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

Note that the most common way of writing Muhammad is slightly different from the writing shown.
I speak of the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

View attachment 37346

This is Muhammad written in Arabic, but turned to the vertical. You see the human being. We have Arabic numbers on our hands, 18 in the right hand and 81 in the left hand. 81+18= 99 and there are the 99 names of God in Islam. 18 and 81 also have specific meanings. Arabic is the tongue of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the king of mankind and mankind belongs to him.

The oceans and the clouds lowered themselves in the name of the generosity of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

Note that the most common way of writing Muhammad is slightly different from the writing shown.
I speak from the true knowledge of Islamism and its idol worshipping adherents.

Worship of Muhammud (swish) is a theme in Islamism. Muhammud (swish) partnered himself with the gawds he stole from earlier religions in the formation of his new polytheistic politico-religious ideology. Thus the religion he invented was manufactured to place himself in a central position of authority and worship.
I speak of the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

View attachment 37346

This is Muhammad written in Arabic, but turned to the vertical. You see the human being. We have Arabic numbers on our hands, 18 in the right hand and 81 in the left hand. 81+18= 99 and there are the 99 names of God in Islam. 18 and 81 also have specific meanings. Arabic is the tongue of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the king of mankind and mankind belongs to him.

The oceans and the clouds lowered themselves in the name of the generosity of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

Note that the most common way of writing Muhammad is slightly different from the writing shown.
His penis is really really tiny.
I speak of the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

View attachment 37346

This is Muhammad written in Arabic, but turned to the vertical. You see the human being. We have Arabic numbers on our hands, 18 in the right hand and 81 in the left hand. 81+18= 99 and there are the 99 names of God in Islam. 18 and 81 also have specific meanings. Arabic is the tongue of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is the king of mankind and mankind belongs to him.

The oceans and the clouds lowered themselves in the name of the generosity of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family).

Note that the most common way of writing Muhammad is slightly different from the writing shown.
His penis is really really tiny.
Oh my. :)

I suppose if Mo' (swish) was hoping to impress a 9 year old.......
I am talking about the real Torah.

That real Torah is nowhere to be found. It is from the knowledge of the saints of Islam that we know that this is in the real Torah.
I speak of the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

After Adam (peace on him) sinned and was expelled from heaven, he sought forgiveness from God Almighty. He put his forehead on the ground, prostrating for 40 years. But it availed him nothing.

Then he asked God to forgive him in the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). God asked him how does he know Muhammad. Adam replied that he saw everywhere in Paradise and on the Throne of God the name of Muhammad. God told him that if it were not for Muhammad, He would not have created anyone or anything in creation.

God eventually forgave Adam.
I speak of the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

After Adam (peace on him) sinned and was expelled from heaven, he sought forgiveness from God Almighty. He put his forehead on the ground, prostrating for 40 years. But it availed him nothing.

Then he asked God to forgive him in the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). God asked him how does he know Muhammad. Adam replied that he saw everywhere in Paradise and on the Throne of God the name of Muhammad. God told him that if it were not for Muhammad, He would not have created anyone or anything in creation.

God eventually forgave Adam.
If it were not for Muhammad he wouldn't have created anyone.
Why do you post here? Do you really believe this idiotic nonsense you're spouting? Or are you simply a troll pretending to be an idiot muslim?
I speak of the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

After Adam (peace on him) sinned and was expelled from heaven, he sought forgiveness from God Almighty. He put his forehead on the ground, prostrating for 40 years. But it availed him nothing.

Then he asked God to forgive him in the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). God asked him how does he know Muhammad. Adam replied that he saw everywhere in Paradise and on the Throne of God the name of Muhammad. God told him that if it were not for Muhammad, He would not have created anyone or anything in creation.

God eventually forgave Adam.

Where did you get that from, It certainly is not in the bible.
I speak of the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

After Adam (peace on him) sinned and was expelled from heaven, he sought forgiveness from God Almighty. He put his forehead on the ground, prostrating for 40 years. But it availed him nothing.

Then he asked God to forgive him in the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). God asked him how does he know Muhammad. Adam replied that he saw everywhere in Paradise and on the Throne of God the name of Muhammad. God told him that if it were not for Muhammad, He would not have created anyone or anything in creation.

God eventually forgave Adam.

Where did you get that from, It certainly is not in the bible.

That is called shameless self promotion.

Look, if you are promoting your god to heights unbelievable, I would say "hey, that is normal for any theistic religion!!"

But when the messenger is wasting my time to tell me how great he is, then surely there is something wrong.
It is a fact that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is a true prophet of God Almighty, (who by the way is above any form of humanness). If you don't know this, then learn about the Night Journey (in Wikipedia for instance).

What do those who disbelive in Muhammad say ? That he was both a genius in military strategy and a genius in politics ? Why don't you save yourselves the trouble and know that Muhammad is more than a human being, he is a prophet of God Almighty.

Muhammad is the beloved of God Almighty, and it is for his sake only that God Almighty created the universe and the universes and everything in them. He is the king, peacce be upon him and his family.
It is a fact that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) is a true prophet of God Almighty, (who by the way is above any form of humanness). If you don't know this, then learn about the Night Journey (in Wikipedia for instance).

What do those who disbelive in Muhammad say ? That he was both a genius in military strategy and a genius in politics ? Why don't you save yourselves the trouble and know that Muhammad is more than a human being, he is a prophet of God Almighty.

Muhammad is the beloved of God Almighty, and it is for his sake only that God Almighty created the universe and the universes and everything in them. He is the king, peacce be upon him and his family.

Genghis khan and Josef Stalin and Adolf Hitler were geniuses in military strategy and just as vile and disgusting as was the filthy rapist pig------muhummad al kanzeer
Moooooslim7.5 said:
It is a fact that Muhammad (PISS be upon him . . . ) is a true prophet of God Almighty * * * *

Learn to distinguish between facts and fantasies.

Here's a fact for you.

Your belief in the life of the insane pedophile prophet Mohammud is based on the comic book sewer religion we call Islam.

Yes yes. An angel revealed the words of Allah (a/k/a God) to some dirty lunatic child molester and everybody is supposed to buy that blather.

I have some gold tablets to sell you. Joseph Smith shared them, but fuck. Then he lost them.
There is no god. Muhammad was a pedophile and a tyrant.

There is a unique Almighty God. Look up to the sky, to the vast pathways in it. Or look to the clouds pouring rain. Then look to the scientific process behind rain coming from the clouds. God Almighty uses that scientific process to hide Himself.

I don't know what you refer to by "tyrant". In America, people get jailed 40, 50, 60 years or for life. That is tyranny. Muslims thank Islam and Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) for his sublime guidance.

You say pedophile. Christians accept that Jesus spoke in the cradle, that John was a prophet at age 3, that Gabriel came to Joseph's rescue when the latter was yet a little boy. Atheists accept that half of the world lives with less than 1 US dollar a day, and there is nothing whatsoever after this life. But that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) married a girl aged 6, they can't accept it. They are extremely ridiculous. An unmarried girl after puberty in an outrage. Muslims don't believe that Muhammad consummated his marriage with Aisha when she was 9. They believe he "miraculously" consummated the marriage when she was 9. It's completely different. He probably turned the girl into an adult at the time of consummation, then made her back into a girl; just like he made rain to come from the skies, and just like he split the moon in two for the unbelievers to see.

In America, a man may marry up to 20 wives or more. Yet, this is a man who knows there are laws, that women vote, that physical violence on the wife is a crime, that no man is better than another on the sole ground of race, wealth, or so on.

Stop insulting Muhammad, the most noble and the greatest of the human beings. Is he insulting you ?

By the way, marrying a little girl in this day and age is a heinous and horrible act.
There is no god. Muhammad was a pedophile and a tyrant.

There is a unique Almighty God. Look up to the sky, to the vast pathways in it. Or look to the clouds pouring rain. Then look to the scientific process behind rain coming from the clouds. God Almighty uses that scientific process to hide Himself.

I don't know what you refer to by "tyrant". In America, people get jailed 40, 50, 60 years or for life. That is tyranny. Muslims thank Islam and Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) for his sublime guidance.

You say pedophile. Christians accept that Jesus spoke in the cradle, that John was a prophet at age 3, that Gabriel came to Joseph's rescue when the latter was yet a little boy. Atheists accept that half of the world lives with less than 1 US dollar a day, and there is nothing whatsoever after this life. But that Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) married a girl aged 6, they can't accept it. They are extremely ridiculous. An unmarried girl after puberty in an outrage. Muslims don't believe that Muhammad consummated his marriage with Aisha when she was 9. They believe he "miraculously" consummated the marriage when she was 9. It's completely different. He probably turned the girl into an adult at the time of consummation, then made her back into a girl; just like he made rain to come from the skies, and just like he split the moon in two for the unbelievers to see.

In America, a man may marry up to 20 wives or more. Yet, this is a man who knows there are laws, that women vote, that physical violence on the wife is a crime, that no man is better than another on the sole ground of race, wealth, or so on.

Stop insulting Muhammad, the most noble and the greatest of the human beings. Is he insulting you ?

By the way, marrying a little girl in this day and age is a heinous and horrible act.

Lets ignore the farcical idea that Muhammad miraculously turned his 9 year old wife into a woman, had sex with her then turned her back into a little girl. Because anyone who could believe that is out of their mind.

Lets just go with the claim that Christians accept Jesus spoke in the cradle. They do not accept that because it comes from a book of fables written over a hundred years after the bible stories. It is a known book of fiction.
It also contains the story of Jesus bringing clay birds to life when he was a boy, and both the Story of Jesus speaking from the cradle and his bringing clay birds to life appear in the Quran. Proving that not only did Muhammad steal stories from the bible, he also stole material from other sources to create his rotten book of lies about God.
Prophet Muhammad was chosen by God because of his perfect character and moral behavior.

His message has rapidly spread around the world and brought freedom and justice to mankind.

Only people enslaved by ignorance and demonic hate fight against his perfect teachings and laws. ....... :cool:
Prophet Muhammad was chosen by God because of his perfect character and moral behavior.

His message has rapidly spread around the world and brought freedom and justice to mankind.

Only people enslaved by ignorance and demonic hate fight against his perfect teachings and laws. ....... :cool:
They aint so perfect.

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