Mullen: Obama Not As Supportive As He SHould Have Been To Iranians


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
( - Former Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen -- no fan of Donald Trump -- nevertheless agrees with President Trump's support for the Iranian people who are protesting against their hardline rulers.

Mullen, who served under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, told ABC's "This Week" on Sunday that President Obama was not as supportive as he could have been in 2009, when the Iranian people waged similar anti-government protests.

"Well, I think that the 2009 timeframe is very instructive," Mullen said. "I think we chose to not be as supportive as we could have been then. And I hope we can be right now, so that Iran can continue to evolve.

"They have an incredibly young population," Mullen continued. "They look to a future that they cannot see. They've been promised change and a healthier economy by the current government. And I think the protests represent the inability to deliver that so far.

"So, I think support of them and their people is absolutely the right thing to do."

Mullen said the Iranian people are struggling because the economic growth they were promised when the U.S. lifted sanctions on Iran has not materialized.

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