Multiple law enforcement sources confirmed that they were going to storm the stage

RW keeps saying Move on like that means people really don't have a problem with Trump. As if the protesters and the protests are "fake".

What's different? They do that with every protest that has ever happened ever in history. They shit on it and claim it's phoney. So they don't change their rhetoric and the problem continues.

They're leftists, which means they are fake. Everything leftists say is a lie. The proof is all the lies they have said about Trump. Not a single episode has been reported honestly by the leftist media.

Yeah, and that old dude didn't sucker punch that guy and you didn't say he deserved it. It was all the media making it seem as though the people on this board defend violence.
It appears the entire case against Trump rests on one guy at one of his numerous rallies who punched a protester.

It only seems that way because you don't want to count all the other violent events at Trump rallies.

The other "violent events" involved protesters who refused to leave when asked. They got what they deserved.

So you knew about the other violent events and lied. For what? Why are we playing these games?
Considering the current insanity, that's correct.
The only insane people are violent fascist Leftards who hate the the US Constitution. I hate Trump, but you freaks make it easier to vote for him.
I'm a liberal, I hate fascists. They aren't big on me either.
a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocraticgovernment headed by a dictatorialleader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Fits like a glove.
Some, not me. All pretty fucked up nonsense but as you can see from Trump's Blame the Beaners tour, it's easy to tap into.
Democrats put race above individuals- try saying all lives matter at a Dem rally.
Democrats dictatorial - Can't spell dictatorial without O.
Democrats and autocratic government - check.
Democrats and severe economic and social regimentation - check.
Democrats and forcible suppression of opposition - check.

Democrats = Fascism
Fascists are much better organized...

According to many sources, it was the white pride boys who were holding the black boys down and having sex with them. They were all wearing red Trump hats and seemed to love touching and fondling the black boys at the rally.

The ones not wearing Trump hats were gingers, but all white pride types from Will County KKK clubs. They sure do love having sex with young black men. Women, not so much.

They're leftists, which means they are fake. Everything leftists say is a lie. The proof is all the lies they have said about Trump. Not a single episode has been reported honestly by the leftist media.

Yeah, and that old dude didn't sucker punch that guy and you didn't say he deserved it. It was all the media making it seem as though the people on this board defend violence.
It appears the entire case against Trump rests on one guy at one of his numerous rallies who punched a protester.

It only seems that way because you don't want to count all the other violent events at Trump rallies.

The other "violent events" involved protesters who refused to leave when asked. They got what they deserved.

So you knew about the other violent events and lied. For what? Why are we playing these games?

They were "violent" only because the trespassers refused to leave when asked. They justified the use of force against them. They instigated the violence. In most cases where there is politically related violence, Democrats are responsible.

According to many sources, it was the white pride boys who were holding the black boys down and having sex with them. They were all wearing red Trump hats and seemed to love touching and fondling the black boys at the rally.

The ones not wearing Trump hats were gingers, but all white pride types from Will County KKK clubs. They sure do love having sex with young black men. Women, not so much.


Yeah, and that old dude didn't sucker punch that guy and you didn't say he deserved it. It was all the media making it seem as though the people on this board defend violence.
It appears the entire case against Trump rests on one guy at one of his numerous rallies who punched a protester.

It only seems that way because you don't want to count all the other violent events at Trump rallies.

The other "violent events" involved protesters who refused to leave when asked. They got what they deserved.

So you knew about the other violent events and lied. For what? Why are we playing these games?

They were "violent" only because the trespassers refused to leave when asked. They justified the use of force against them. They instigated the violence. In most cases where there is politically related violence, Democrats are responsible.

So that lady who was leaving and was shoved around while leaving really wasn't leaving and deserved it?
The Breitbart reporter who was abused by Trump's campaign manager refused to leave and therefore deserved it too?

According to many sources, it was the white pride boys who were holding the black boys down and having sex with them. They were all wearing red Trump hats and seemed to love touching and fondling the black boys at the rally.

The ones not wearing Trump hats were gingers, but all white pride types from Will County KKK clubs. They sure do love having sex with young black men. Women, not so much.

"According to many sources"
The guy who spit in the other guys face who was holding a camera was told to leave? And didn't? Therefore he deserved it too?

How many of these incidents can you excuse before your game becomes apparent?
It appears the entire case against Trump rests on one guy at one of his numerous rallies who punched a protester.

It only seems that way because you don't want to count all the other violent events at Trump rallies.

The other "violent events" involved protesters who refused to leave when asked. They got what they deserved.

So you knew about the other violent events and lied. For what? Why are we playing these games?

They were "violent" only because the trespassers refused to leave when asked. They justified the use of force against them. They instigated the violence. In most cases where there is politically related violence, Democrats are responsible.

So that lady who was leaving and was shoved around while leaving really wasn't leaving and deserved it?

She was shoved? Wow, I've never been shoved before. It's a crime against humanity!

You left wing douche nozzles are getting so desperate. Next you'll be crying that a Trump supporter left the toilet seat up.
The guy who spit in the other guys face who was holding a camera was told to leave? And didn't? Therefore he deserved it too?

How many of these incidents can you excuse before your game becomes apparent?

If a "protester" refuses to leave a private event when asked, he justifies the use of force against him. That's the law.
It's bad enough that far left wing lolberals are allowed to vote for a candidate in a party they don't belong to, but when they then try to interfere with free speech and the right of assembly and the related voting rights of others by organized violence, you have to recognize them for what they are. Pieces of shit.
Just keep in mind that not all liberals fall under that umbrella. These protestors are a small, deeply disturbed bunch of goobers who don't know any better. Getting too much airtime, if you ask me, and anyone who doesn't like Trump is jumping all over it so they can blame his imaginary "Nazi" agenda. Even Cruz and Kasich. It's sick.

Here's where I part company with you. They are not a "small, deeply disturbed bunch of goobers". They are a large group of nazis called "" and they have threatened to do this repeatedly across the country. They are a clear and present danger to free speech.

It's time to stop it now. If busting a few heads will accomplish it - so be it. They brought it on themselves.
Busting a few heads is exactly what they want, Randall. To prove you're all a bunch of violent brown shirts. Think about it.

Spot On. It's an awful Democrat setup. They're inciting and provoking violent confrontation. They're gonna use it to blame Trump. It's very evil stuff.

I don't agree. America is a different country from, say, Europe. This country was built on violent confrontation. We are a nation of fighters - or at least we used to be. Then we entered into the "baby boomer" generation (of which I was at the beginning) where parents started allowing kids to "speak up" rather than shut up.

These kids eventually made it to college, where communist professors primed them for dissent. Fast forward a generation or two and this country is reaping what it has sewn.

Now? These kids believe that they - and only they - have rights that are "worthy". Anyone else's "rights" mean nothing because they - and only they - are "educated" enough to interpret the "truth".

The problem? The rest of America understands that these kids are classless, clueless, spoiled rotten little jerks that need their asses spanked; and there are those Americans who are determined to do just that.
The guy who spit in the other guys face who was holding a camera was told to leave? And didn't? Therefore he deserved it too?

How many of these incidents can you excuse before your game becomes apparent?

If a "protester" refuses to leave a private event when asked, he justifies the use of force against him. That's the law.

Let's suppose for a moment that this happened to Barry Obama. The "protester" would be handcuffed, charged with disorderly conduct and spend a night in jail. Somehow, however, when someone does this at a Trump event - it is celebrated by the MSM
It only seems that way because you don't want to count all the other violent events at Trump rallies.

The other "violent events" involved protesters who refused to leave when asked. They got what they deserved.

So you knew about the other violent events and lied. For what? Why are we playing these games?

They were "violent" only because the trespassers refused to leave when asked. They justified the use of force against them. They instigated the violence. In most cases where there is politically related violence, Democrats are responsible.

So that lady who was leaving and was shoved around while leaving really wasn't leaving and deserved it?

She was shoved? Wow, I've never been shoved before. It's a crime against humanity!

You left wing douche nozzles are getting so desperate. Next you'll be crying that a Trump supporter left the toilet seat up.

First yiu said it was only one incident.

Then you said others was because they didn't leave.

Now you're saying that while they are leaving they still deserved it because it was just a shove (by a group of people calling her a n**ger) but that's not a big deal.

How many more excuses and reversals will you do?
The guy who spit in the other guys face who was holding a camera was told to leave? And didn't? Therefore he deserved it too?

How many of these incidents can you excuse before your game becomes apparent?

If a "protester" refuses to leave a private event when asked, he justifies the use of force against him. That's the law.

He wasn't asked to leave. Spitting is not use of force.

What's your excuse now? He looked like he was going to be trouble and it was a preemptive spit?
The guy who spit in the other guys face who was holding a camera was told to leave? And didn't? Therefore he deserved it too?

How many of these incidents can you excuse before your game becomes apparent?

If a "protester" refuses to leave a private event when asked, he justifies the use of force against him. That's the law.

Let's suppose for a moment that this happened to Barry Obama. The "protester" would be handcuffed, charged with disorderly conduct and spend a night in jail. Somehow, however, when someone does this at a Trump event - it is celebrated by the MSM

Why would anyone be arrested? The guy was holding a camera talking with a Trump supporter who then spit in his face. Why would the person who got spit on would face arrest?

Oh, because you don't know the incident but you do have excuses tho?
The guy who spit in the other guys face who was holding a camera was told to leave? And didn't? Therefore he deserved it too?

How many of these incidents can you excuse before your game becomes apparent?

If a "protester" refuses to leave a private event when asked, he justifies the use of force against him. That's the law.

Let's suppose for a moment that this happened to Barry Obama. The "protester" would be handcuffed, charged with disorderly conduct and spend a night in jail. Somehow, however, when someone does this at a Trump event - it is celebrated by the MSM

But, but, but, liberals have the right to disrupt Republican events. That's freedom of speech!
The other "violent events" involved protesters who refused to leave when asked. They got what they deserved.

So you knew about the other violent events and lied. For what? Why are we playing these games?

They were "violent" only because the trespassers refused to leave when asked. They justified the use of force against them. They instigated the violence. In most cases where there is politically related violence, Democrats are responsible.

So that lady who was leaving and was shoved around while leaving really wasn't leaving and deserved it?

She was shoved? Wow, I've never been shoved before. It's a crime against humanity!

You left wing douche nozzles are getting so desperate. Next you'll be crying that a Trump supporter left the toilet seat up.

First yiu said it was only one incident.

Then you said others was because they didn't leave.

Now you're saying that while they are leaving they still deserved it because it was just a shove (by a group of people calling her a n**ger) but that's not a big deal.

How many more excuses and reversals will you do?

There has only been one incident where a Trump supporter broke the law. Every other "incident" was an example of "protesters" refusing to leave when asked.
The guy who spit in the other guys face who was holding a camera was told to leave? And didn't? Therefore he deserved it too?

How many of these incidents can you excuse before your game becomes apparent?

If a "protester" refuses to leave a private event when asked, he justifies the use of force against him. That's the law.

Let's suppose for a moment that this happened to Barry Obama. The "protester" would be handcuffed, charged with disorderly conduct and spend a night in jail. Somehow, however, when someone does this at a Trump event - it is celebrated by the MSM

But, but, but, liberals have the right to disrupt Republican events. That's freedom of speech!

Like I said before - only leftists have rights in this country.
The guy who spit in the other guys face who was holding a camera was told to leave? And didn't? Therefore he deserved it too?

How many of these incidents can you excuse before your game becomes apparent?

If a "protester" refuses to leave a private event when asked, he justifies the use of force against him. That's the law.

He wasn't asked to leave. Spitting is not use of force.

What's your excuse now? He looked like he was going to be trouble and it was a preemptive spit?

I don't know what incident you're talking about, so you'll have to provide a link.

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